How September 2023’s New Moon in Virgo will affect each zodiac sign


The New Moon will rise in Virgo on September 14th, ushering in a phase imbued with intense and stable energies conducive to new beginnings. Virgo, ruled by Mercury, is a sign deeply connected with practicality, organization, and detail-oriented tasks. As such, this lunar phase amplifies the energies surrounding meticulous planning, critical thinking, and a heightened sense of responsibility.

The beauty of Virgo 

The beauty of Virgo, a sign that is intelligent, perceptive, and far more sensitive than one might assume, lies in its innate ability to discover the extraordinary within the ordinary. It has the unique knack for noticing those little things that elude most people, recognising the splendor in a single grain of sand found in the desert. That grain of sand, after all, makes all the difference. Only those with the patience and observational prowess can truly grasp its significance. Grain by grain, the vastness takes form; grain by grain, a world of endless possibilities is born.

The ability to perceive the finer details comes with qualities like patience, consistency, organization, and even fear. The fear of missing an important detail along the way, of not capturing all the beauty that exists, of losing the thread of knowledge. This is the true essence of Virgo. It’s not just about obsession and precision, it’s not just about cleanliness and organization. It’s also about beauty – the kind of beauty that you have to stop for, to zoom in on, to hold in your hand.

What will the September 2023 New Moon in Virgo bring?

This is the hue of the light that this Moon shades, a phase that speaks of beginnings, new possibilities, and revolutions. It’s a phase that can be represented by the Major Arcana The Tower: a storm that comes in, tearing down old foundations to make way for the new. Not everything old goes away, only that which no longer serves us.

So What should you do during this period? First and foremost, take care of your mental and physical health. Virgo is also about the body, about what isn’t visible but keeps us alive. Taking care of oneself is the first step toward being connected to the present and having a clear vision that allows us to see more and perceive more deeply.

Secondly, step out of your comfort zone and embrace new beginnings. There’s no need to go overboard; changes don’t have to be radical or dramatically huge. Even placing the first grain of sand in a space that could eventually become an immense desert is a small yet significant start.

Remember that Virgo governs the sixth house of the zodiacal circle, which is the sector of everyday life, health, and all the things we serve with love and devotion (in fact it’s also the house of pets!). This means that stepping out of your comfort zone doesn’t equate to diving into the extraordinary; it implies enacting change from within. From within our body, our mind, our garden, our home, and our work.

Now let’s discover how the energies of the New Moon will impact each zodiac sign!

Historical birth chart representing the New Moon in Virgo Horoscope.

Horoscope for the New Moon in Virgo

This celestial event provides a unique influence tailored to each sign’s inherent characteristics and challenges. Whether you’re an introspective Scorpio or a daring Aries, the New Moon offers an opportunity to reset, recalibrate, and commence anew on your life’s journey.

ARIES (March 20-April 19)

This New Moon asks you to focus on the small things in your everyday life. Small gestures that make a difference, healthy habits that can rejuvenate your energies and help you concentrate on the present. Replace an old habit that no longer serves you well with new actions, even small ones, that help you intensely perceive the present moment.

This New Moon encourages you to zero in on the fine details of your daily life those modest yet impactful actions and beneficial routines that can recharge your spirit and anchor you in the now. Replace an outworn habit that’s no longer in your best interest with new, even if minor, behaviors that enhance your awareness of the present. The importance of slowing down cannot be overstated.

Even for Aries, a fire sign for whom speed is a hallmark, focusing on the present moment can offer substantial benefits. Open your eyes, become aware of your surroundings, and you may find that this shift in focus gives you an advantage in understanding your world and yourself. Small details you might have previously overlooked will now illuminate the path for new achievements.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20)

This New Moon shines light in your realm of creativity and expression, serving as a celestial invitation for you to lay the groundwork for your most heartfelt projects. You’ll feel ready to build and organize a precise plan to manifest ideas that have been dwelling in your subconscious.

Eager to share your creations, you’ll navigate this period with patience, granting each of your sentiments the weight and respect they deserve. Following your passions is not just a pursuit; it’s an act of self-respect. In aligning with your desires, you’ll find that many doors begin to swing open for you. And remember, indulging in the sheer joy of the creative process doesn’t mean losing sight of your goals. Rather, the courage to let go and have fun will enhance your focus and make the journey towards your objectives all the more fulfilling.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20)

This New Moon urges you to reevaluate your notions of home and security, offering a unique opportunity for introspection and change. Even within the bounds of the familiar and the routine, there exists room for innovation and growth. You have the space to remove old roadblocks, reconfigure worn-out patterns, and commit wholeheartedly to new, enriching endeavors. Security doesn’t have to be synonymous with monotony; you can indeed inject both joy and new experiences into your domestic life, creating a home environment that serves as both a sanctuary and a catalyst for transformation.

Allow the light of this moon to illuminate the areas of your daily routine and familial relationships that may need revisiting or revitalizing. As you explore these domains, consider embarking on a journey of new understanding one that values and integrates your roots.

Realize that embracing the future doesn’t require erasing the past. Both can coexist, enriching your life in profound ways. Your past experiences and relationships have shaped you, and acknowledging that history can bring a sense of grounding that bolsters your courage to forge ahead into new territories. Take this lunar phase as a chance to harmonize where you come from with where you aspire to go, knowing that the balance of both creates the most sustainable path forward.

The New Moon in Virgo in September 2023 is represented by a yellow Moon in a dark sky.

CANCER (June 21-July 22)

This New Moon beckons you to embark on a fresh journey in matters of self-expression and communication. It may well be the time to open new doors between your innermost self and the external world. Don’t be afraid of feeling overly exposed; exercise discernment in choosing the people to whom you extend yourself. Know that revealing your true essence is a gift – a form of trust and intimacy that you bestow upon someone.

As you navigate this lunar phase, think about the ways you can refine your communication, be it through words, art, or other mediums. By sharpening your skills, you’re not just conveying messages more clearly; you’re also allowing your inner world to manifest more authentically in your outer reality. This is a chance to delve deep, reassess your communication style, and emerge with a more nuanced way of relating to the world and the people in it.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22)

This New Moon offers you clarity on what truly holds value in your life, as opposed to what merely drains your energy. From finances to commitments, now is the time to shed the superfluous, making room for the new and meaningful. Your time is a valuable currency that should not be squandered. Don’t let others’ perceptions of what you should possess sway you; instead, listen to your own intuition and embrace a new lifestyle that focuses on the true essence of things.
By doing so, you’re not just minimizing clutter—whether material or emotional—but also maximizing potential for growth and fulfillment. This is the moment to align your resources and efforts with what genuinely enriches your life. It’s a call to step back, reassess, and reorient yourself toward what really matters. Redefining your values can be a liberating experience, enabling you to live with greater intention and purpose.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

This is your Moon and this is your new beginning. Its light illuminates any new path you’re ready to take, as long as it helps you feel like your most authentic self. You need to recognize yourself, to allow yourself to be as you wish to be without judgment. You need to choose your own path, even if it turns out to be the ‘wrong’ one; you need to do it if you desire to.

The invitation here is clear: be bold in claiming your right to be you. You don’t need external validation to take the steps you’ve been contemplating. Mistakes can be stepping stones, and the very act of making a choice — of taking the reins of your life — can be liberating. Your road may be uncertain, or even winding, but it’s yours to take. And in that act of sovereign choice, you come closer to understanding and expressing who you really are.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct 22)

This New Moon will encourage you to spend time alone, in the silence of your mind and the noise of your thoughts. It is a Moon that urges you to take time for yourself, in the sanctuary of your own thoughts and the chatter of your inner dialogue. It marks a fresh start, equipping you with the readiness to improve outdated conditions, break through past obstacles, and delve into concealed desires.

Allow yourself the luxury of dreaming – of reimagining who you are – free from the constraints of outdated patterns. Even your smallest dreams deserve a designated space in the tapestry of your life. Now is the moment to open a new window, one that enables your inner self to express itself to the fullest.

The way we communicate with ourselves can have a transformative impact on our lives. How we see ourselves, how we judge ourselves, and how we forgive ourselves all carry weight. This New Moon provides an excellent opportunity to rewrite the script of your inner dialogue. It encourages you to replace harsh judgments with compassionate self-talk, and self-doubt with affirming beliefs.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

You’ll feel ready to set out, think big, and embrace projects that involve not just you, but the greater collective good. You might feel the desire to change the world for the better, and it doesn’t matter if it seems like an impossible feat; you know that every small step can alter the bigger picture.

This Moon will push you to drop the rigid mask you wear every time you fear getting hurt and withdraw. Trusting others, allowing yourself to be drawn into the collective will reveal new sides of you that you weren’t aware of.

Stepping out of your emotional comfort zone is challenging but immensely rewarding. The collective experience can act as a mirror, reflecting the parts of you that often remain hidden even to yourself. Trust can be a transformative force, allowing you to grow in ways you didn’t think possible. In opening up to others, you’re not just sharing your vulnerabilities; you’re embracing them, and by doing so, granting yourself the permission to be a fuller, more complex human being.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

This New Moon nudges you to organize your career and projects. While you might be eager to make the next big leap, this moon encourages you to take things step by step. Even if you usually prefer to go big from the start, embracing a more incremental approach allows you to see the details within the larger picture. This mindful strategy could be instrumental in your success, helping you avoid potential pitfalls and make more informed decisions. It’s a reminder that even in grand plans, the small details matter.

This lunar phase also highlights the virtue of patience. Even for expansive projects where the end goal may not yet be in sight, there’s much to be said for relishing the journey itself. Taking time to appreciate each step offers not just a chance for deeper understanding but also for personal growth. It’s often in these incremental advancements that you find unexpected joys and learn valuable lessons. So, as you embark on or continue your endeavors, remember that while the destination is important, the road getting there is where much of the real magic happens.

Desert and big moon.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Step down from the mountain peak where you take refuge to reflect and rest with your thoughts; the time for new projects has come.Leaving your sanctuary of solitude can be a daunting task, but the world below is teeming with opportunities and experiences that await your unique touch.

Don’t underestimate the energy and innovation that new projects can bring into your life. They offer not just a chance for external growth but for internal exploration as well. The journey from the summit to the base is symbolic of your transition from contemplation to action, and each step you take brings a new layer of understanding and adaptability. It’s time to bring your wisdom and insights down to where they can make a tangible difference.

This New Moon shines a light on your desire for expansion.There’s no need to act immediately; planning will help you shed fears and uncertainties. Venturing into the unknown can also be done with gentleness and caution.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

This New Moon urges you to lay the groundwork for a new beginning. Before diving into any project or direction, take a moment to reflect on where you are now and where you aspire to be. Amidst the whirlwind of your ambitions and dreams, it might be useful to organize your thoughts and establish a more authentic and deep dialogue with yourself.

Your shadows, those parts of you that you might consider weaknesses or imperfections, are not something to fear. On the contrary, embrace them, accept them, and find out how they can serve you constructively. Your shadows can become your greatest teachers, showing you what you need to face in order to grow and prosper.

Following such introspection, new desires and paths may emerge. By embracing these newly revealed aspirations, you open the door to fresh opportunities and directions. This is your moment to recalibrate, and in doing so, unlock the potential for transformative experiences.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20)

This New Moon casts its light into your realm of relationships. Now is the perfect time to open up and trust in new synergies, to share a piece of your life with another person. It’s also the right moment to review existing relationships and decide who is good for you and who, on the other hand, is no longer suitable to be by your side.

This New Moon illuminates your realm of relationships, offering an opportune moment for self-exploration and growth within your interpersonal connections. It’s not just about evaluating who should remain in your life; it’s also an introspective time to delve into your vulnerabilities. Embracing your insecurities and trust issues is key. Instead of merely fighting these feelings, strive to understand their roots. Often, the fears we carry in relationships – be it the fear of loss, abandonment, or inadequacy – stem from deeper issues within ourselves.
Recognizing it gives you the power to address the origin of your fears rather than just battling the symptoms.

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