How October 2023’s Venus in Virgo will affect each zodiac sign


The planet of love and beauty will transition from a prolonged sojourn in Leo to Virgo on the 8th of October 2023. This palpable shift in energy is particularly notable due to the extended duration that Venus, a fast-moving planet, has resided in Leo.  

As Venus transitions into Virgo, our attention and concerns subtly shift from external preoccupations to a more inward focus. Virgo’s mercurial qualities – introspective, analytical, and meticulous – will be imbued with the passion of Venus, eliciting within us a compelling need for self-discovery, a renewed affection for our physical selves, and a heightened focus on our well-being. Consequently, our attention will gravitate toward the nuanced details, the subtle mechanisms that form the larger dynamics, and the whispered words and overlooked scents that usually escape our notice.

Venus in Virgo energies

Venus in Virgo manifests an energy that we might describe as “practical love“. The planet of love and beauty, when positioned in this Mercury-ruled Earth sign, becomes more selective, detail-oriented, and inclined towards analysis. Love is less a matter of impulsive emotion and more a question of compatibility, service, and meticulous attention to detail.

During this period, the inclination will be to focus on the more tangible aspects of relationships and life in general. You may notice an increased desire to organize and enhance your romantic and domestic life. Aesthetics and pleasure will also be influenced: instead of seeking the “grand gesture” or big proclamation, you’ll find beauty and satisfaction in the small acts, the details, and the daily routines.

On an emotional level, Venus in Virgo can sometimes appear a bit reserved. This is not because love or affection is any less intense, but rather because there is a desire to express these feelings in useful and tangible ways. So, expect a form of love that is less about “how you make me feel” and more about “what can I do for you”.

The most challenging aspect of this transit is that Venus in Virgo does not fully express its potentialities and passionate energies, as the flow is slowed down by Mercurial systemization and the need to label everything. Whereas Venus experiences emotions for what they are, without getting lost in the need to define them, Virgo, on the other hand, demands an organized structure, asking us to pause for a moment before diving into the experience to understand and decode it. We may find ourselves highly critical and reluctant to let go. We may crave tangible, practical gestures rather than grandiose and idealized ones.

Venus in Virgo represents a practical love, sparing in words but attentive to the smallest details.

"Venus and Cupid" by Lucas Cranach the Elder (German, Kronach 1472–1553 Weimar). Date: ca. 1525–27. Cranach often treated the theme of Venus and Cupid, but this excellently preserved panel is the only version in a round format. Playing coquettishly with her veil and glancing at the viewer, Venus ignores Cupid, who is agitated by the situation. His arrow is missing, suggesting that he has been disarmed and is powerless against his mother.

What will Venus in Virgo bring?

So what should one do during this transit? First and foremost, it’s crucial not to be overwhelmed by self-criticism and the quest for perfection. After coming out of an extended Venus in Leo period, which may have propelled us toward impulsive and dynamic expressions, a bit of self-reflection and slowing down could indeed be beneficial. However, it’s equally important not to be hindered by perfectionist thoughts.

While it’s natural to aim for the best, especially when Venus shifts from the flamboyant Leo to the meticulous Virgo, it’s vital to remember that not everything needs to be perfect all the time. If you find yourself consumed with details and overly critical, take this period to strike a balance. Allow yourself to appreciate practicality and details without becoming entangled in a web of unrealistic standards. Learn to embrace imperfection as a part of the whole experience; after all, it’s often the tiny quirks and flaws that make love, and life itself, genuinely enriching.

Horoscope for the Venus in Virgo phase

Here’s the horoscope: Discover the unique influence that the Venus in Virgo phase will have on each zodiac sign.

ARIES (March 21-April 19)

Venus in Virgo asks you to take care of the smaller corners of the temple that is your body, first and foremost, as well as your daily routines. This celestial placement nudges you to set aside some time to appreciate the small gestures you can do for yourself. Moreover, it encourages you to engage in constructive, albeit critical, self-evaluation to discern what no longer serves your well-being and has, instead, become toxic.

If Venus in Leo was about grand displays of affection and dynamism, Venus in Virgo is a call to pay homage to the subtler aspects of life. It’s a time to redefine what health and love mean to you on an essential level. By taking care of the smaller details, you’re not minimizing love or self-care but enhancing them through a refined lens. This period serves as a reminder that sometimes love is found not in the grand gestures, but in the intricacies and smaller acts of kindness that we often overlook.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20)

Venus in Virgo propels you to focus on your sphere of desires, as well as how you articulate your need for creativity and creation. During this transit, you might experience feelings of frustration related to your capabilities. However, there’s also a heightened inclination to zoom in on the finer details and mechanisms of romantic relationships and passionate dynamics.

In the world of Venus in Virgo, emotions and desires are often navigated through a meticulous lens. While you may feel a drive to understand the nuances of your relationships, it can also lead to a kind of paralysis by analysis. But herein lies the subtle magic of Venus in Virgo: it compels you to become an emotional craftsman of sorts, carefully shaping your relationships and passions one intricate detail at a time. It asks you to perfect the art of love not by grand overtures but by understanding the subtleties, the unspoken, and the minutiae that make each connection unique.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20)

Venus in Virgo urges you to be objective and realistic concerning all matters that touch upon your familial sphere, your roots, and anyone who forms part of what you consider to be your intimate circle. During this transit, you may find yourself compelled to delineate boundaries, possibly taking a firmer stance than you’d like, especially if you feel that certain individuals are no longer respecting your personal space.

Here, the Virgo influence intertwines with Venusian energies to create a protective yet evaluative aura. You are driven to scrutinize emotional dynamics with the same rigorous attention that you might apply to other analytical tasks. This isn’t a moment for wishful thinking but a time for pragmatic action. Your love and familial relationships become, in a sense, a project that requires the same level of detail-oriented focus that Virgo is so known for. It’s about preserving the sanctity of your emotional and personal spaces, meticulously ensuring that each interaction serves to uphold, rather than erode, your well-being.

Venus in Virgo October 2023 represented by a painting.

CANCER (June 21-July 22)

Venus in Virgo will illuminate your desire for communication marked by clarity and authentic brilliance. During this transit, you might feel the need to enhance your communications with additional words and details. The Virgo influence asks for a more meticulous approach to the way you express yourself, urging you to be comprehensive and exact in your language.

This isn’t just about saying what comes to mind but about really thinking it through – weighing each word for its value and impact. It’s a time to refine your communicative skills, to add a layer of sophistication and precision to your interactions. You may find that the more thoughtfully you express yourself, the more meaningful and productive your conversations become. This period beckons you to aspire to a kind of linguistic alchemy, turning ordinary exchanges into insightful dialogues.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22)

Venus in Virgo casts its light on that sector of your zodiac circle that is currently welcoming some impassioned attention. However, during this transit, you may find yourself bordering on an obsession with control over your surroundings, possessions, and projects. The emphasis here should not be on quantity but rather on quality, whether you’re dealing with personal or financial endeavors.

Virgo’s influence urges you to scrutinize, to curate, and to refine. You’ll be drawn to the finer details that can make or break a project or financial strategy. It’s a time for thoughtful planning rather than impulsive actions. You’ll want to consider not just what you’re accumulating, but also the intrinsic value of what you’re devoting your time and energy to. This transit offers an excellent period for reevaluation and recalibration, steering you towards what truly matters in the grand scheme of things.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

This Full Moon stirs up that part of you craving transformation, or that part of you that may not even realise it needs change but feels something shifting in that direction. Inside you, something is brewing, moving, demanding attention. Give voice to this need for revolution. Perhaps it’s a neglected dream or an untapped skill begging for expression.

The lunar energy now provides you the platform to acknowledge and act upon these inner rumblings. Don’t suppress them; instead, let them guide you toward new ventures or ways of thinking that could be profoundly life-changing. Ignoring them is no longer an option; the Full Moon’s pull is too strong to resist. Step into your own transformative power and let yourself evolve.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct 22)

The Aries Full Moon provides you with the strength to integrate your shadow side – that part of you that acts without overthinking, that expresses without the fear of rejection, and that presents itself in its pure authenticity. Just as it is, without artifice or masks.

This Full Moon warms and invigorates that part of you that wishes to express what you feel deep in your heart. Just as Aries would leap into the void without a parachute if it helps reach the object of their desire, so will you with the person you love or who is close to you. If you’ve been holding back your feelings, now is the time to let them flow. The fire of Aries fuels you with the courage and zeal to open up, even if it makes you vulnerable. But remember, vulnerability can also be a source of strength – it shows you’re willing to risk for what truly matters to you. Harness this lunar energy to make meaningful emotional investments and communicate your feelings boldly and passionately.

Illustration of Libra: A feminine woman in a pink dress representing Venus in Virgo.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Venus in Virgo ignites a passionate desire within you to be of service and contribute to the greater good. You’ll pursue this not through grandiose actions, but through small gestures that can catalyze significant change. You’ll do it with dedication and meticulous analysis.

This planetary influence beckons you to find the sublime in the mundane and the revolutionary in the everyday. Your ability to pinpoint where small shifts can have a lasting impact will be heightened. Venus in Virgo equips you with the analytical acumen to understand the complexities of social dynamics, encouraging you to enact changes that are both subtle and transformative. In essence, it nurtures a form of service that is as thoughtful as it is impactful, allowing you to contribute to the well-being of others in a manner that’s deeply aligned with your own core values.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Venus in Virgo lends a helping hand in the pursuit of your personal goals and projects. The Mercurial passion of this celestial placement assists you in focusing on each minute detail, discouraging superficiality or haste. Even if your natural inclination is to move swiftly, this is a time to pause and immerse yourself in the finer points.

The energy of Venus in Virgo may slow your pace, but it also elevates your capacity for scrutiny and discernment. It beckons you to take stock of the smaller elements that make up the whole, to regard them not as trifles, but as essential components of your larger aspirations. By affording each aspect the attention it deserves, you’re more likely to manifest a result that is both fulfilling and nuanced. So even though you may be itching to dash ahead, recognize the wisdom in a slower, more deliberate approach.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Venus in Virgo will guide you along the path of expansion, reminding you that wisdom and discovery are not solely found in grand gestures but also in the smaller things. The celestial influence encourages you to appreciate the micro as much as the macro, recognizing that profound insights can often be gleaned from seemingly mundane details.

This planetary placement prompts a deeper dive into both your internal world and the environment around you, urging you to perceive the richness contained within the everyday. Venus in Virgo tells you that enlightenment isn’t just the product of broad strokes, but can also be stitched together through a tapestry of minute observations and attentiveness. So, as you venture forth in your journey of expansion, remember to also look closely; the key to greater understanding may well be hidden in plain sight.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

Venus in Virgo nudges you to initiate transformation in your life, starting with the seemingly insignificant details that are, in truth, the essence of your passion. This planetary influence encourages you to look inward, particularly concerning matters of love and desire, and pinpoint what you wish to change from within.

Under the scrutinizing yet compassionate gaze of Venus in Virgo, you’ll find that it’s often the finer points that hold the key to larger shifts. The planet asks you to be introspective, to review the nitty-gritty aspects of your emotional and passionate life, and to recognize that the journey to meaningful change begins with self-awareness. So take this as a moment to pause, assess, and recalibrate from a place of authentic introspection. In doing so, you pave the way for a more aligned, passionate, and purposeful existence.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20)

Venus in Virgo bestows upon you the energy and focus to hone in on the dynamics of love, relationships that call for your objectivity, and all those situations that need resolving, concluding, or exploring. This celestial influence encourages a meticulous, yet compassionate examination of the heart’s matters, urging you to look at things through a lens of both critical thinking and emotional intelligence.

Whether you find yourself in a complicated relationship or standing at the crossroads of an emotional decision, Venus in Virgo guides you to address these issues with both care and discernment. The planet invites you to sift through the layers of your emotions and relationships, seeking out the nuanced details that often hold the key to resolution and understanding.

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