Wondering about Scorpio Season 2023? Discover what is about and your horoscope


From October 23rd, the Sun shifts from the harmonious and elegant Libra to the transformative and profound Scorpio. If Libra is a season that sees the sunlight waning in favor of initial rest, in Scorpio the darkness becomes more intense and opens up to introspection. Let’s discover what Scorpio Season 2023 is all about.

What is Scorpio Season 2023 all about?

The influence of Mars and Pluto as Scorpio’s ruling planets further amplifies this transformative energy. Mars brings intensity, drive, and a raw, primal energy that can be both destructive and creative. Pluto, often associated with the Underworld, embodies themes of rebirth, regeneration, and evolutionary change. Together, they fuel Scorpio’s inherent alchemical power, imbuing it with the capability to confront the darker aspects of existence and emerge renewed.

Scorpio’s natural dominion over the 8th house in astrology – often associated with birth, death, transformation, and shared resources – strengthens its tie to the cycles of creation and dissolution. The 8th house is a realm that many fear to tread, but for Scorpio, it serves as both a sanctuary and a playground. It is the space where they exercise their transformative abilities, further reinforcing their role as the zodiac’s natural alchemist or shaman, skilled in the sacred arts of metamorphosis.

During this transition, the focus shifts from the pursuit of harmony and reflection to a more active transformation that passes through death and rebirth. If with Libra’s Venus we felt the need to sincerely approach the external world horizontally, with Scorpio’s Pluto we feel the need to proceed vertically, delving deep into matters.

The mythological image of Pluto as the guardian of hidden riches serves as a poignant metaphor for the human experience. This rich symbolism suggests that to truly reach the treasures we seek – whether they be knowledge, emotional richness, or even material wealth – we must be willing to enter the depths of our own existence and confront its complexities and ambiguities. Just as Pluto reigns over the deep and shadowy abyss, Scorpio too has an affinity for the obscure and mysterious elements of life. In navigating through these unexplored territories, both literal and metaphorical, we come closer to realizing the complexities of our individual existence and, ultimately, closer to the treasures that Pluto so closely guards.

Title: Neptune standing in a niche holding a trident in his left hand, foliage in his right. Artists: Cherubino Alberti (Zaccaria Mattia), after Polidoro da Caravaggio. Date: 1570-1615

Embracing transformation and exploration in the season of Scorpio

To harness the full potential of this season’s energies, we need to courageously and wholeheartedly welcome both the light and the dark aspects of ourselves. This entails embracing not just our surface-level qualities but also our hidden depths, complexities, and the very notion of transformation. We have the opportunity to open our personal Pandora’s box, confront what we’ve long repressed or concealed out of fear, and release it into the open rather than keeping it hidden away.

If certain facets of our lives feel stagnant or overlooked, now is the opportune moment to welcome transformation. This period encourages us to not only explore but also deeply understand and connect with our innermost selves. It’s a call to reassess the frameworks and paradigms that have held us captive, and to willingly dismantle the constraining superstructures that have long limited our growth and freedom. In doing so, we unlock a deeper understanding of ourselves, and in turn, facilitate the changes necessary for meaningful and lasting transformation.

The intimate connection between Scorpio and its associated symbols with sex and passion serves as an allegorical tale about the lengths one might go to fulfill deep desires and life objectives. Pluto’s abduction of Persephone in mythology can be viewed as a symbol of the overpowering drive to achieve our aims, regardless of the obstacles and difficulties that may stand in our way. This is the kind of raw, focused energy represented by Scorpio’s ruling planets, Pluto and Mars.

This mythological narrative serves as a reminder that Scorpio energy isn’t merely about darkness and depth, but also about the intense drive and passion that propel us toward transformation. This transformative power manifests not only in our personal goals but also in our emotional and sexual experiences, reminding us that the energies of Scorpio, as governed by Mars and Pluto, are indeed forces that can help us transcend the everyday and venture into the profound.

Be cautious not to be clouded by paranoia and mistrust. When the fear of having something we consider ours taken away leads us to anticipate negative scenarios or doubt others’ truthfulness, let’s try to probe and accept our vulnerabilities, viewing them as fears rather than negative indications.

Your Scorpio season horoscope for your Sun and rising sign

Read on to know the effects Scorpio season in 2023 will have on every zodiac sign.

ARIES (March 20-April 19)

Scorpio season acts as your personal chrysalis, marking the most transformative time of the year for you. During this period, you’re compelled to dig deeper than surface-level interactions and fleeting thoughts. It’s a call to embark on an internal expedition, a chance to explore the shadowy corridors of your own soul. As you navigate this introspective journey, it’s not just about finding what lurks in the darkness, but also about gathering the tools you need for your own transformation. Remember, this transformation doesn’t have to be a complete overhaul of who you are. Sometimes, even subtle but insightful shifts in the way you view the world and yourself can produce profound changes. Seize this opportunity to metamorphose into a more enlightened version of yourself, one who is acutely aware of their own depths and complexities.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20)

The transformative potency of Scorpio season serves as a spotlight, revealing the intricacies and underlying tones of your relationships and what you’re passionate about. As you navigate these illuminated spaces, consider this period an invitation – a call to courageously express your thoughts and ideals, not just for yourself but for the collective good. If you’ve ever felt the pull to shift social dynamics or engage in grander conversations, your voice has never been more crucial than now. Don’t hesitate. This is also a time to scrutinize relationships that no longer serve your greater purpose. As the sun resides in Scorpio – your astrological opposite and symbolic shadow – take this midpoint in your solar year to pause, reflect, and ascertain whether the path you’re walking aligns with your deepest self.

Scorpio season 2023: sand sculpture of a Scorpio symbol on a beach.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20)

Scorpio season comes with an intense, Plutonic energy that urges you to reevaluate the very core of your everyday existence – your routines, work engagements, and the ways you navigate daily life. If ever there was a time to place your mental and physical well-being front and center, this is it. Consider crafting a checklist, detailing all the things you engage in that, upon honest reflection, aren’t serving your highest good. The transformational undertow of Scorpio season doesn’t just highlight these issues; it empowers you to eradicate them. Let the energy of Pluto guide you in sweeping away all that is toxic, clearing the stage for new, balanced, and harmonious elements to come into play.

CANCER (June 21-July 22)

The magnetic allure of Scorpio season casts a spotlight on your innate need for emotional validation – to be seen, to be loved, and yes, even to be adored. This period serves as a potent reminder that you wield the power to shape your world, whether through your creative endeavors, the words you choose to speak, or the thoughts you allow to dominate your mind. As you navigate this intense astrological period, consider shedding societal expectations and other superfluous layers that mask your true essence. It’s time to unleash your most untamed and authentic self, embracing the raw emotional energy that makes you uniquely you.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22)

Scorpio season brings with it transformative energies that are particularly potent for you, Leo. So potent, in fact, that they might feel invasive or unsettling at times. During this period, you’ll be confronted with an unshakeable urge to dig deep, to unearth the root causes of your current state – whether that’s connected to your past experiences or your family background. If unresolved issues or traumas have been lurking in the shadows, consider this the cosmic push you need to tackle them head-on. While the healing process may be arduous and even painful, the reward is a more peaceful, centered you, emerging from the struggle like a phoenix from the ashes.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

The Plutonic undertow of Scorpio season beckons you to shed your well-crafted veneer of formality and conventionality. It’s as if the cosmos is nudging you toward a new frontier of self-expression. This could manifest in myriad ways – from embracing avant-garde modes of communication to relinquishing the persistent need to be polite and agreeable at the expense of your own truth. Now may be the time to assertively say ‘no,’ to distance yourself from situations or people that drain your energy. It’s also a fertile ground for standing in your truth, unapologetically revealing your authentic self, even if that entails parting ways with those who no longer resonate with your core values.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct 22)

The shamanic potency of Scorpio season acts like a high-beam spotlight, bringing into focus your desires to possess, control, and influence your material world. This is an opportune time to rethink and possibly revolutionize the way you approach your finances or how you curate your public image. Transformation is the keyword here; it’s an invitation to jettison all that’s become irrelevant or unproductive in your life. While you, as a Libra, often find it challenging to embrace rapid changes, the cosmic energies are urging you to make those tough calls, but always with your own well-being as the primary goal.

Close-up photograph of a celestial body, representing Scorpio season in 2023.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Scorpio, the wheel has turned, and it’s finally your season – a pivotal moment that marks both an end and a new beginning. Nobody understands the complex interplay of death and rebirth better than you do. Your ability to navigate these transformative periods is nothing short of remarkable, often executed with a sense of conscious intention that leaves others in awe.
As you move into this new cycle, consider it a spiritual mandate to shed the old layers, to make room for the new facets of yourself that are yearning to emerge. Just as a snake sheds its skin, you too must leave behind all that no longer serves your highest good. This is no time for nostalgia or holding onto the past merely for the sake of familiarity. You understand better than anyone that change is the only constant, and who you are today may not align with yesterday’s version of you. As your ruling planet, Pluto, brings transformative energy to the fore, dare to close old chapters without regret. In doing so, you make space for the new narrative of your life to unfold, one that’s more aligned with the evolving mosaic of who you are becoming.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

As you approach the closing chapter of your solar year, you find yourself in a unique space within the zodiac – a sanctuary of calm and solitude that allows you to be introspective. Scorpio season propels you toward transformation, urging you to investigate the less luminous corners of your being. For someone who thrives in the light, this may feel somewhat suffocating, even oppressive.
However, this is the perfect opportunity to flex your philosophical muscles, to use your innate gift for deep thought. Don’t shy away from the darker recesses of your mind or soul; explore them bravely. If this introspective expedition leads you through arduous terrains of difficulty or pain, endure. Your aim should not merely be to wander but to reach a newfound depth of self-acceptance. By facing these darker aspects head-on, you enrich your experience and broaden your understanding of who you are, making you not just a seeker of external landscapes, but a true explorer of your inner world as well.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Scorpio season ushers in an atmosphere that resonates with you on many levels – resilience, martial strength, and the ability to embrace change, even when it’s unanticipated. These transformative energies cast a light on the sector of you that is poised to make meaningful contributions to the world at large. For you, change is not a disruption but a call to action. It’s a summons that you answer with unparalleled courage and grit.
This is a period where your natural altruism gets magnified. If making a lasting impact means sacrificing a piece of yourself for the greater good, rest assured you’ll not shy away from such a commitment. You’ll step up to the plate with the same tenacity and unflinching resolve that have always been your trademarks.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

In the transformative season of Scorpio, the waters of your ambitions experience a kind of turbulence, mixing the clear with the murky. This is a time of compelling introspection that nudges you to not only reevaluate but also to revolutionize the way you present yourself in your career and social circles. Scorpio’s penetrating energy leaves no room for superficiality; it demands a deeper dive into your aspirations and societal roles.
Is it possible that you’ve been coasting along, holding onto goals that no longer serve your higher purpose? This season offers a clear invitation to reassess. Furthermore, it’s a catalyst for you to confront the barriers you’ve sidestepped in the past, perhaps out of fear or complacency. Scorpio energy is all about transformation, and for you, it could mean the reshaping of your ambitions into something far more aligned with your true self.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20)

Scorpio season beckons you to venture into uncharted depths, and it doesn’t offer the luxury of a safety net or a spare life jacket. This is a season that nudges, even jolts you out of your comfort zone. It holds up a mirror to your face, revealing a reality that might be harsher or more complex than you ever anticipated. The thing about stepping out of your comfort zone, however, is that it provides fertile ground for growth and revelation.
As you grapple with these challenging truths, know that an array of surprises awaits you. They might not all be pleasant, but they will be enlightening, serving as stepping stones toward a more profound understanding of yourself and the world around you. It’s as if the universe is saying, “Look closer, delve deeper.” Scorpio’s transformative energies offer you a chance to evolve, to transform your view of the world and yourself within it.

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