How November 2023’s New Moon in Scorpio will affect each zodiac sign


On November 13th at 4:26 a.m. EST, the New Moon will rise in the sign of Scorpio. Scorpio, a water sign, occupies that part of the zodiac which speaks to us of transformations, revolutions, and journeys into the darkness of our inner self, our unconscious, and our conscious mind. It is a sign that expresses the martial vigor, one of the ruling planets in the sign, with a Plutonic energy – thus implosive, transformative, ready to delve into the darkness to find the source of light.

Our Inner Garden 

This New Moon in Scorpio offers a powerful opportunity for introspection and profound change. It invites us to dive deep into our psyche, to explore and understand the more enigmatic aspects of our being. This lunar phase can act as a catalyst for personal revolutions, urging us to shed old skins and emerge renewed. Scorpio’s energy, intense and profound, pushes us to confront what we usually avoid, encouraging us to face our fears and hidden truths. This period is ideal for psychological healing, for uncovering secrets, and for embracing the transformative process that leads to growth and rebirth. It’s a time to harness our inner strength and resilience, to navigate through the complexities of our emotions and emerge with a clearer sense of purpose and self-awareness.

The New Moon is that lunar phase in which the Moon is in conjunction with the Sun, which is indeed currently in Scorpio. It’s a moment where our light meets our darkness, where the day, for a moment, meets the night and its secrets. If the New Moon invites us to plant new seeds that will find their way to grow in the best context, Scorpio will help us in the process of discovering what we really need to plant in our inner garden.

This special time offers a unique opportunity for profound introspection and renewal. It’s a time to turn inward, to explore the depths of our soul and unearth what lies beneath the surface. As we tend to our inner garden, Scorpio’s energy guides us to identify the seeds of transformation that are waiting to be sown. These seeds might be new habits, perspectives, or dreams that align more authentically with our true self.

What will the November 2023 New Moon in Scorpio bring?

During this phase, we are encouraged to embrace Scorpio’s transformative powers, to let go of what no longer serves us, and to make room for new growth. This process may involve confronting uncomfortable truths and shedding old patterns, much like preparing the soil for new planting. As we clear away the debris of our past experiences and misconceptions, we create a fertile ground for new beginnings.

Scorpio, with its deep and penetrating energy, assists us in this journey, ensuring that what we plant in our inner garden is rooted in our deepest desires and needs. This New Moon phase is a reminder that every ending is a prelude to a beginning, and every dark night is followed by the dawn of new possibilities. By nurturing our inner garden with care and intention, we pave the way for a future that blossoms with authenticity and purpose.

Now let’s discover how the energies of the New Moon will impact each zodiac sign!

The Unicorn Rests in a Garden (from the Unicorn Tapestries) by French (cartoon)/South Netherlandish (woven), 1495–1505

Horoscope for the New Moon in Scorpio 

This celestial event provides a unique influence tailored to each sign’s inherent characteristics and challenges. Whether you’re an introspective Scorpio or a daring Aries, the New Moon offers an opportunity to reset, recalibrate, and commence anew on your life’s journey. 

ARIES (March 20-April 19)

Aries, the New Moon in Scorpio urges you to look inward and break the chains you have self-imposed—biases, limits, anything that is withering the plants in your inner garden.

This lunar phase for you, Aries, is about confronting the deeper, perhaps darker aspects of yourself that you might typically overlook. Scorpio’s intense and transformative energy encourages you to dig deep into your psyche and identify the subconscious obstacles hindering your growth. It’s a time to challenge your self-imposed restrictions and outdated beliefs that have been quietly stunting the development of your true potential.

Think of this New Moon as a cosmic invitation to undertake some spiritual gardening. It’s an opportunity to uproot the weeds of doubt and fear, to aerate the soil of your soul with newfound understanding and acceptance. This period is ideal for introspection, for recognizing and releasing those internal barriers that you’ve built over time, which now only serve to confine your spirited nature.

As you shed these limitations, you create space for new seeds of thought and action to be planted. Scorpio’s energy is not just about destruction but also about rebirth. By letting go of what no longer serves you, you allow for a regeneration of your inner self, fostering a more authentic and empowered version of you. Use this time to nourish your inner garden with courage and honesty, setting the stage for a flourishing and vibrant inner landscape that reflects your true Aries spirit.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20)

Taurus, the New Moon in Scorpio accompanies you as you nurture your inner garden with love and courage in accepting and expressing your feelings. It’s a time when love demands to be confronted, knocking on your door and asking you to be open to change and the vulnerability that it brings.

During this phase, Taurus, you are encouraged to delve deeper into your emotional world. Scorpio’s intense energy may stir things up in your heart, urging you to face aspects of your relationships or feelings that you usually keep buried. This lunar event is a powerful moment for emotional honesty and transformation.

It’s an opportunity to reevaluate what you truly value in love and relationships. As a sign that often craves stability and comfort, this New Moon challenges you to step out of your comfort zone and embrace the unknown aspects of your emotions. It’s about breaking down the walls you’ve built around your heart and allowing yourself to be more open and vulnerable.

This time is also about acknowledging and expressing your deeper desires and needs. You might find yourself exploring new depths of intimacy and connection, shedding the layers that have previously held you back. The New Moon in Scorpio offers a chance to rejuvenate your emotional life, making room for more authentic and fulfilling relationships.By welcoming change and allowing yourself to be vulnerable, you’re not just watering the plants in your inner garden; you’re preparing the soil for new seeds of love and connection to take root and flourish. Embrace this period as a journey towards a more open and heartfelt way of living and loving. A new, special, meeting might be just around the corner.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20)

Gemini, the New Moon in Scorpio urges you to bring order to the plants in your inner garden. It’s time to pause from the hectic pace of external life and make positive changes to your daily routine, organizing your time more effectively. You might need to eliminate bad habits that are only holding you back, or cut away the wild plants that are sapping the life from the beneficial ones.

For you, Gemini, this New Moon is an invitation to introspect and streamline your life. The penetrating energy of Scorpio encourages you to look beyond the surface, to identify and address the underlying issues that may disrupt your mental clarity and focus. It’s about acknowledging the mental clutter and distractions that hinder your progress and finding ways to minimize them.

This lunar phase is an ideal moment for Gemini to reassess their priorities and habits. It’s about determining what truly nurtures your growth and what needs to be pruned away. By decluttering your mind and environment, you can create space for new ideas and projects that resonate more deeply with your true self.This period is also about enhancing your efficiency and productivity. Look into your daily routines and see where you can bring more structure and order. It might involve setting clear goals, establishing new routines, or simply saying no to commitments that no longer serve your highest purpose.The New Moon in Scorpio challenges you to embrace transformation, even in the smallest aspects of your life. By doing so, you’ll not only tidy up your inner garden but also prepare it for new seeds of opportunity and growth. This is a time to cultivate a more organized, purposeful, and fulfilling way of living.

Moonlight Marine by Albert Pinkham Ryder American 1870–90

CANCER (June 21-July 22)

Cancer, the New Moon in Scorpio launches new and powerful energies that will push you to take care of yourselves, your pleasures, and your creative power. It’s a Moon that urges you to create and bring out your inner strength. New flowers will grow in your inner garden, which will feel full of movement and vital energy.

This New Moon represents a deep and transformative period, encouraging you to focus more on self-care and personal fulfillment. Scorpio’s intense and passionate energy resonates with your deep emotional nature, prompting you to explore and express your creative talents. This is a time to dive into the depths of your imagination and bring to light the artistic or creative projects you’ve been nurturing internally.You are called upon to rediscover what truly brings you joy and satisfaction. It could be a hobby, a form of art, or any other activity that makes you feel alive. The New Moon’s energy is about channeling your emotions into creative expression, turning any pent-up feelings into something beautiful and tangible.This lunar phase is an invitation to assert your personal power in a positive and constructive manner. It’s about acknowledging your emotional strength and using it to create a positive impact on your environment. This could be through nurturing others or by simply setting boundaries that allow your true self to flourish.

As new flowers bloom in your inner garden, you’ll notice a surge in vitality and enthusiasm. Embrace this period as a chance to revitalize your life from the inside out, nurturing the aspects that make you uniquely you. This New Moon is a time to celebrate your individuality, to let your inner light shine brightly and to create a life that resonates with your deepest desires.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22)

Leo, the New Moon in Scorpio urges you to journey back in time and delve into your roots, exploring the family dynamics deeply ingrained within you. Perhaps it’s the right time to let go of what no longer belongs to you and plant new seeds.This New Moon offers a profound opportunity for introspection and healing. Scorpio’s transformative energy encourages you to examine the familial patterns and narratives that have shaped your identity. It’s about recognising which aspects of these inherited traits and beliefs empower you and which ones you need to release for your personal growth.You are invited to explore the depths of your lineage, possibly unearthing hidden stories or understanding long-held family dynamics. This exploration can lead to significant insights about your emotional makeup and how these influences manifest in your current life.

This period is also about acknowledging and breaking free from any unhealthy family patterns that may have unconsciously directed some of your life choices. It’s a time to differentiate between what is truly your authentic self and what is a product of your upbringing.As you revisit your roots under the New Moon in Scorpio, you might find yourself ready to release old baggage and make space for new perspectives and ways of being. This lunar phase prompts you to plant new seeds of self-awareness and personal evolution, laying the groundwork for a future where you live more in alignment with your true self, independent of familial expectations.Embrace this time as a period of renewal and transformation, where you have the power to redefine yourself and your path, guided by the lessons of the past but not bound by them. It’s an opportunity to grow in ways that honor both where you come from and who you choose to be.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Virgo, the New Moon in Scorpio urges you to cultivate the flowers that you will later offer to others. It’s the right time to reflect on your way of communicating and experiencing interpersonal relationships. It’s time to truly tell your story.This lunar phase is an invitation to deepen your understanding of how you connect and communicate with those around you. Scorpio’s energy encourages a transformation in your interactions, pushing you to explore more authentic ways of expressing yourself. It’s about shedding any superficial layers in your communication and getting to the heart of what you want to say.

This period prompts you to consider the impact your words and actions have on others. It’s an opportunity to refine your approach to relationships, making them more meaningful and fulfilling. You are called to be more open and vulnerable, to share your thoughts and feelings in a way that truly represents who you are. Moreover, the New Moon in Scorpio invites you to introspect and understand your emotional needs in relationships. This is a time to recognize and let go of any critical or overly analytical tendencies that might hinder genuine connection. It’s about finding a balance between your natural inclination for practicality and a deeper, more intuitive approach to relationships.As you cultivate these flowers, think about how you can nurture your relationships with the same care and attention. This lunar phase is an ideal time to start new ways of engaging with others, grounded in honesty and mutual respect. It’s about creating a space where you can share your true self and, in turn, encourage others to do the same, fostering a garden of authentic connections.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct 22)

Libra, the New Moon in Scorpio urges you to rediscover the strength to move and act on the things that surround you. You have everything you need to take control of your life; you just need to start. Your inner garden is full of tools you can use; you need to start gathering courage and taking action.This New Moon represents a powerful catalyst for self-empowerment and decisive action. Scorpio’s energy encourages you to delve deep into your reservoir of inner strength and utilize your resources. This is a time to break away from indecision and the tendency to weigh options endlessly, and instead, focus on concrete steps forward.

This period is about recognising your potential and the abundance of skills and talents at your disposal. It’s an invitation to stop waiting for the perfect moment or external validation and start making bold moves. The New Moon prompts you to activate the latent energies within your inner garden, turning potential into action.It’s also a reminder that balance, a key aspect for Libra, includes balancing thought with action. While contemplation and weighing options are important, this lunar phase encourages you to complement these with decisive steps. It’s about finding equilibrium between planning and doing.As you tap into the transformative energy of Scorpio, allow yourself to embrace change and the unknown. Your inner garden is not just a place of beauty and harmony but also a source of power and action. Use this time to cultivate a more dynamic approach to life, trusting in your ability to make impactful decisions and steer your life in the direction you desire.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Scorpio, this is your New Moon, and it powerfully illuminates your inner garden, allowing you to see what is growing and what is dying. Delve into the depths of your being and be reborn with a new light.For Scorpio, this New Moon marks a period of intense self-reflection and transformation. It shines a spotlight on your innermost self, revealing the aspects of your life that are flourishing and those that need to be let go. This is a time to embrace the symbolic death of old habits, thoughts, or relationships that no longer serve your growth and to make space for new beginnings.The energy of this lunar phase invites you to explore the hidden corners of your psyche, to confront and heal the deeper issues that you may have been avoiding. This introspection can lead to profound insights and significant emotional and spiritual growth.As a sign naturally attuned to the cycles of death and rebirth, this New Moon offers you an opportunity to shed your old skin and emerge renewed. It’s about harnessing your innate resilience and transformative power to rise from the ashes with renewed purpose and clarity.

This period is also ideal for setting intentions that align with your true self. It’s a time to plant seeds for the future you wish to create, nourishing them with your passion and determination. As you navigate through this powerful lunar phase, remember that every ending is an opportunity for a new beginning, and the darkest nights often lead to the brightest dawns. Embrace this New Moon as a chance to redefine yourself and your path forward.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Sagittarius, the New Moon in Scorpio brings nightfall to your inner garden. It’s the right time to pause and feel your emotions. Don’t chase away the pain but let it be the fertilizer to create something new.This New Moon represents a period of introspection, urging you to slow down and connect with your deeper emotions. As a sign known for its love of freedom and adventure, facing the stillness and darkness within can be challenging but also incredibly enriching. This is a time to explore what lies beneath your optimistic exterior.

The Scorpio energy encourages you to confront and embrace even the uncomfortable aspects of your emotional landscape. It’s about recognising that pain and struggle can be transformative, leading to personal growth and enlightenment. Instead of seeking immediate escape or distraction from difficult feelings, use this period to sit with them, to understand their origins, and to learn from them.This lunar phase is also an opportunity to acknowledge and let go of any deep-seated fears or old wounds that may be holding you back. As you do so, you create space for new perspectives and aspirations. The pain you experience can become the compost that nourishes your inner garden, leading to the growth of new, healthier emotional responses and attitudes.Embrace this New Moon as a catalyst for emotional alchemy, turning your inner turmoil into the seeds of future joy and fulfillment. It’s a time to find wisdom in the quiet darkness, to transform challenges into opportunities, and to prepare your inner self for the next chapter of your journey. Remember, the darkest nights often yield the most beautiful dawns.

A stair to the moon in a night time.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Capricorn, the New Moon in Scorpio pushes you to explore the need to be part of a larger life project that involves not just your goals but also the collective. Your inner garden is big enough to host new seeds.This New Moon offers a moment to reassess your ambitions and consider how they align with broader community or societal objectives. Traditionally focused on personal achievement and discipline, this lunar phase invites you to expand your perspective and explore how your talents and efforts can contribute to something greater than yourself.

Scorpio’s transformative energy encourages you to delve into your deeper motivations and aspirations. It’s about recognising that true fulfillment often comes from being part of something that extends beyond individual success. This period is an ideal time to sow new seeds in your inner garden—ideas and projects that not only further your personal development but also positively impact the world around you.The New Moon in Scorpio also prompts you to consider how you can use your natural leadership and organizational skills for collective benefit. It’s a time to contemplate your role in the broader community and how you can apply your strengths to foster growth and progress on a wider scale.Embrace this period as an opportunity to nurture a sense of purpose that resonates with your values and the needs of society. As you plant these new seeds in your inner garden, be open to the ways in which they might grow and intertwine with the aspirations and needs of others. This is a time to harmonize your personal goals with collective aspirations, creating a fulfilling path that weaves individual success with communal well-being.

AQUARIUS  (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

Aquarius, the New Moon in Scorpio gives you a salvific push to continue nurturing your objectives and goals. In your inner garden, there is a fertile space for ambition, and now is the right time to cultivate it.For Aquarius, this New Moon signifies a potent phase for focusing on personal aspirations. Scorpio’s intense and focused energy complements your visionary nature, urging you to delve deeper into your ambitions and work diligently towards them. This is a time to channel your innovative ideas and humanitarian instincts into tangible goals.The New Moon in Scorpio invites you to explore the depths of your motivation and the true purpose behind your ambitions. It’s about understanding not just what you want to achieve, but why. This lunar phase encourages introspection and realignment of your goals with your core values.

You are prompted to make the most of this fertile period by planting the seeds of future projects or by taking decisive steps towards your current goals. Scorpio’s transformative energy can help you to break through any barriers, whether they are mental blocks, emotional hurdles, or practical challenges.Embrace this time as an opportunity to intensify your focus and dedication. It’s about consolidating your efforts and resources to create meaningful progress. Your inner garden is ripe for ambitious endeavours; nourish it with your unique vision and commitment, and watch as your aspirations come to life, guided by the transformative power of this New Moon.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20)

Pisces, the New Moon in Scorpio accompanies you on a journey to discover what lies beyond your inner garden. It’s the right time to confront your fears and step out of your hiding place. Exploring, discovering, and understanding what inhabits your distant world will bring you closer to your inner self.For Pisces, this New Moon is an invitation to venture outside of your comfort zone. Scorpio’s deep and probing energy encourages you to look beyond the familiar confines of your inner world and engage with the external realities that you may have been avoiding. This is a time to face the unknown with courage and curiosity.

The New Moon prompts you to examine the fears and apprehensions that have kept you in a safe but potentially limiting space. It’s about acknowledging these fears, understanding their roots, and using this knowledge to empower yourself to move beyond them. This period is also an excellent opportunity for Pisces to expand their horizons, both literally and metaphorically. Whether it’s exploring new places, ideas, or relationships, this lunar phase encourages you to embrace new experiences that can enrich your understanding of yourself and the world around you.Embrace this time as a chance to grow and evolve. As you step out of your inner sanctuary and into the broader landscape of life, you’ll find that your external adventures mirror your internal journey. The insights and experiences you gain from exploring the world beyond your garden will deepen your connection with your inner self, helping you to understand and embrace the full spectrum of your being.

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