Strength tarot card meaning, key symbols & more


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Category: Major Arcana

The Strength tarot card – the 11th card in the Major Arcana – represents a unique blend of inner strength, courage, and compassion. It offers insights into the qualities required to overcome challenges, both external and internal, and to harness one’s inner power for personal growth and transformation.

Strength: Description

Strength is a Major Arcana tarot card, numbered either XI or VIII, depending on the specific deck. Historically, it was referred to as Fortitude, and it aligns with two other cardinal virtues in the Major Arcana: Temperance and Justice. While Strength is traditionally the 11th card and Justice the eighth, the influential Rider-Waite deck switched the positions of these two cards, reflecting the evolving interpretation of their significance.

Talking about the Rider-Waite tarot deck, it is undeniably one of the most commonly used decks today and is considered a must-have for both Tarot learners and enthusiasts. If you don’t already have it, you can get the Rider-Waite tarot deck here. Now, let’s delve into a description of the Strength Tarot card within the context of this influential deck.

The Strength Tarot card is adorned with the Roman numeral VIII and is a visual masterpiece that tells a story of grace, courage, and the profound connection between humanity and the wild.

In the foreground, a woman – often considered a symbol of inner fortitude – is portrayed gently closing the jaws of a powerful lion. Hovering over her head is an infinity, signifying boundless potential, a symbol also found in The Magician tarot card.

This captivating imagery juxtaposes the woman’s serene countenance with the lion’s ferocity, emphasizing her mastery over this formidable creature. It serves as a potent reminder that true strength is not about dominating others but, rather, about taming the wild forces within oneself.

The woman’s white robe represents purity and her inner virtues. While the belt and crown adorned with yellow flowers and roses symbolize the epitome of nature’s most exquisite and vibrant expression. The lion, in turn, symbolizes passion, courage, and desire – essential human emotions. However, if left unchecked, these emotions can lead to our eventual destruction.

Surrounded by lush greenery, the scene embodies the untamed aspects of nature, further underscoring the delicate balance between power and compassion, a central theme of the Strength card.

Strength: Keywords

UPRIGHT: Strength – Courage – Patience – Inner fortitude – Compassion – Taming inner demons – Confidence – Balance – Grace – Mastery – Triumph over adversity – Self-control

REVERSED: Weakness – Fear – Lack of self-discipline – Inner turmoil – Insecurity – Aggression – Overbearing – Impulsiveness – Loss of control – Struggles with personal power – Ineffectiveness – Disharmony

Hand delicately suspending The Strength Tarot Card in the Visconti Sforza Tarot Deck.
The Strength Tarot Card in the Visconti Sforza Tarot Deck.

Strength: Meaning

While the Strength card bears some similarities to The Chariot tarot card, it deviates in its core message. The Chariot signifies external will and power, whereas the Strength card encourages success through inner strength. It reminds us that relying solely on brute force and authority is insufficient. To overcome, we must embrace compassion, courage, and inner fortitude as our guiding lights.

Now, let’s delve deeper into the meanings of the Strength card. In the following sections, we will unravel its significance in both the upright and reversed positions.

Upright Meaning

In its upright position, the Strength tarot card signifies an abundance of inner strength and a deep wellspring of courage. This card embodies the idea that genuine power doesn’t stem from aggression or dominance, but from the gentleness and mastery over one’s own impulses. It encourages individuals to confront challenges with a patient, compassionate, and self-confident demeanor, much like the gentle taming of the lion depicted in the card.

When Strength graces a Tarot reading, it often suggests that the querent possesses the resilience and grace needed to conquer even the most formidable obstacles. It serves as a poignant reminder that in the face of adversity, it’s not brute force that prevails, but the quiet, unwavering strength of the human spirit. This is a time for restraint, not rage, and a call to approach situations with forgiveness, love, and compassion.

The Strength card emphasizes the need to confront and control the primal instincts. It’s natural for emotions like guilt, anger or fear to surface in various situations. However, what truly matters is what you do with these emotions. In fact, the woman depicted in the card has managed to gain mastery over her innate urges and harmonized them for the greater good.

Reversed Meaning

In its reversed position, the Strength tarot card takes on a different tone. This reversal may signify a moment of inner struggle, where the querent is finding it challenging to harness their inner strength and confront their inner demons. It could be a time when fear, insecurity, or impulsive behaviors are causing turmoil, and the ability to control one’s impulses may be waning. This card may serve as a gentle warning to avoid becoming overly aggressive or domineering, as these qualities can lead to discord and loss of control.

The reversed Strength card also points to an inner disharmony that needs to be addressed. It might be a time to reflect on how to regain a sense of balance and find that quiet, unwavering strength within. This card encourages the individual to navigate their feelings of aggression or inadequacy with compassion and patience, much like the woman depicted in the card, who has managed to regain control over her intrinsic urges and harmonized them for the greater good.

Ultimately, the reversed Strength card is a reminder that even in moments of challenge and vulnerability, we can find our way back to inner fortitude and balance through self-awareness and self-compassion.

The Fortitude (or Strength) Tarot Card placed on a table, surrounded by an enchanting atmosphere.
The Strength (Fortitude) Tarot Card in the Marseille Tarot Deck.

Strength: Love meaning

When the Strength tarot card appears in a love reading, it signifies a relationship that is founded on inner strength and a deep emotional connection. This is a love that stands the test of time, built on a foundation of trust, compassion, and mutual respect. The individuals in this union possess the power to soothe each other’s inner beasts, resolving conflicts with tenderness rather than aggression.

For those who are single, the Strength card suggests a period of self-discovery and personal growth before love can truly flourish. It encourages finding inner harmony and embracing self-love and self-compassion. This card teaches that the key to a fulfilling love life lies in taming one’s own insecurities and fears, allowing space for a partner who complements and enhances one’s inner strength.

But let’s note that when this card comes in the reversed position, the message shifts in matters of love. The reversed Strength card suggests that there may be challenges in the relationship related to control or the mismanagement of power dynamics. While, for those who are single, the reversed Strength card urges caution in entering a new relationship without first addressing personal issues. It’s a reminder to work on personal growth and self-esteem, and to avoid entering relationships from a place of fear or insecurity.

Strength: Key symbols in the Marseille tarot card

Every Friday, right here on Born Under Saturn we release a new article on Tarot card meanings, much like this one about the Strength tarot card. Typically, our explanations revolve around the Rider-Waite Tarot cards, which are the most widespread and widely used. However, some cards merit a comparison with the Marseille Tarot deck, and that’s precisely the case we’re exploring here.

To begin, let’s clarify this card, the Strength card, is known as Fortitude in the Marseille deck.

In the Marseille Tarot version of the Fortitude card, the woman dons a hat that forms an infinity symbol, the same hat worn by the Magician. Indeed, these two cards share a profound connection; numerous elements link the Arcana n1, the Magician, with the Fortitude card.

Left: The Magician Tarot Card in the Marseille Version. Right: The Fortitude Tarot Card in the Marseille Version.
Comparison of the Magician and Fortitude Tarot Cards in the Marseille Version, highlighting distinctive symbols and meanings.

An intriguing example lies in the six fingers on the Magician’s hand, which we find mirrored in the six toes of the Fortitude woman’s foot. Yes, the only foot we see of the Magician has six fingers. But this number also appears in the hat, which boasts six red tips, and in the lion’s six teeth.

A subtle detail in the Marseille Tarot version of Fortitude is the color of the nails on the thumbs and big toe of the foot depicted, both painted in red. This holds a profound significance as nails on the human body continue to grow even after death. The depiction of red nails symbolizes the extraordinary vitality of the woman.

These are just a few of the symbols highlighted in the masterpiece “The Way of Tarot” by Jodorowsky. It comes highly recommended for both beginners and advanced enthusiasts, presenting each Marseille card with beautiful images and detailed descriptions that thoroughly analyze every single detail of each card. You can find “The Way of Tarot” book here.

Strength: Key symbols in the Raider-Waite tarot card

Let’s now explore the symbolism within the Rider-Waite Tarot card version.

Strength Tarot Card in the Rider-Waite Deck.

Infinity symbol above the woman’s head

As mentioned in the preceding paragraph, hovering above the woman’s head is an infinity symbol. While the representation of this symbol varies, it is present in both the Marseille and the Rider-Waite cards. It symbolizes limitless potential and the eternal nature of the bond between the woman and the lion. This emblem underscores the enduring strength derived from a harmonious relationship with one’s inner instincts, as well as the infinite capacity for growth and transformation.

However, this symbol carries another layer of meaning: it also signifies the proverb “Every stick has two ends”. In other words, the placement of the infinity sign above the woman’s head suggests her conscious awareness that her actions bear consequences, whether in this life or the next.

White robe and crown of flowers

The woman is adorned in a white robe, symbolizing purity and the untarnished nature of her inner virtues. Additionally, the crown of yellow flowers and roses on her head represents the fullest and most beautiful expression of nature. Together, these elements highlight the woman’s spiritual refinement and the divine connection between her inner strength and the natural world.

Mountainous landscape

In the background the depiction of a mountainous landscape serves as a profound symbol, encapsulating the essence of overcoming challenges through inner strength. The towering peaks of the mountains symbolize the formidable obstacles and difficulties one may encounter in life’s journey. Yet, the presence of these challenges does not imply insurmountability. Instead, the imagery suggests that, akin to scaling a mountain, individuals possess the inner strength and resilience needed to triumph over adversity.

The mountains stand as a testament to the transformative power of facing and conquering life’s difficulties, reinforcing the card’s core message that true strength arises not from avoiding challenges but from navigating them with courage and fortitude. The rugged beauty of the mountainous landscape becomes a metaphor for the potential for growth and achievement that lies on the other side of life’s trials.

Strength: Does it mean Yes or No in a tarot reading?

While certain interpretations might propose that the Strength Tarot card unequivocally represents a Yes, a positive affirmation, in yes-or-no Tarot readings, the truth is nuanced.

Tarot doesn’t offer simplistic answers; rather, it delves into the intricacies of our lives. Predicting the future with absolute certainty is beyond the scope of Tarot; however, it emphasizes the profound influence our actions and choices hold over the unfolding events.

The genuine strength of Tarot resides in its revelation of our capacity to make choices and actively shape our destinies. For a deeper exploration of yes-or-no Tarot readings, delve into the article Is Yes and No Tarot reading accurate? Unveiling the truth.

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