9 astrology common mistakes many beginners make


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Beginning with a playful glance at the daily horoscope, astrology’s journey unfolds as a lighthearted adventure. Beyond the simplicity of Sun signs lies a profound discipline. Here, we explore common mistakes, often encountered by beginners, illuminating intricate layers that deepen our understanding of astrology.

But there’s more! Alongside revealing these celestial missteps, we’ve curated a library with handpicked texts delving into the profound depths of this ancient art.

Ready to dive in? Let’s discover 9 common astrology mistakes and see if you’ve made (or are still making) them.

Mistake #1: considering astrology is all about the zodiac sign

Many astrology beginners tend to dip their toes into the cosmic waters by casually flipping through their daily horoscope in a magazine for a bit of amusement. However, it’s crucial to understand that this is just the tip of the celestial iceberg – astrology is a profound and intricate discipline that goes far beyond Sun signs.

In our earlier guide for astrology beginners, we highlighted the natural inclination to begin the astrological journey by exploring their zodiac sign (or Sun sign) as the initial step into the astrological birth chart, and that’s absolutely fine. However, it’s imperative to grasp that the Sun sign is merely a fraction of the expansive universe within astrology. This ancient art delves into a rich tapestry of symbols and planetary alignments at the moment of one’s birth, intricately weaving a unique cosmic portrait that extends well beyond the boundaries of the Sun’s position. Let’s unravel the layers of astrology to discover its true depth!

Chart of the Signs of the Zodiac with Venus, Cupid, and a Bishop Saint

Mistake #2: interpreting transits without understanding Astrological Signs

In the preceding paragraph, we uncovered how many beginners or those unfamiliar with astrology often fixate solely on the zodiac sign. However, there’s a subset who, despite not having a complete understanding of astrology, eagerly dive into interpreting transits or crafting horoscopes.

Certainly, horoscopes are among the most enjoyable things to both write and read. Take, for instance, the December 2023 transit of Venus in Scorpio – it’s all about experimentation and passion, capturing everyone’s curiosity. It’s undeniably fun! Yet, for a novice, leaping headfirst into this fascinating realm without fully comprehending the entire zodiacal circle and birth charts is akin to embarking on a complex journey with only a partial map.

Transits and horoscopes constitute the more commercial and entertaining facets of astrology, often perceived as the lighter, superficial side. However, the essence of astrology – the one with a capital ‘A’, the “real” one – lies in understanding, studying, analyzing, and truly comprehending the zodiac circle along with all its embedded symbols.

For those keen on delving deeper into the profound roots and evolution of astrology, “The Value of Astrology” by André Barbault comes highly recommended. As the first book available in English by the esteemed French master astrologer, it provides incisive and captivating insights into the origins, classical traditions, and modern applications of astrology. Barbault’s work encompasses a rigorous understanding of mundane astrology, offering an incisive outline of its historical and philosophical significance.

Another gem for those stepping into the world of astrology is “Introduzione all’astrologia: e decifrazione dello zodiaco” by Lisa Morpurgo. Although currently available only in Italian, its amazing and comprehensive content beckons exploration. If an English version is discovered, don’t hesitate to share the find – drop us a direct message on Born Under Saturn’s Instagram page. We’d be thrilled to learn about it and help spread the word!

Mistake #3: judging relationships through oversimplified astrology

Here’s a juicy mistake that often flavors the journey of astrology beginners: making snap judgments about a relationship solely based on the zodiacal signs of the individuals involved. The truth is, it’s far more intricate than a quick Google search for “Pisces and Leo compatibility”. While it might be amusing for casual fun-seekers, this approach has little bearing on genuine astrology.

Even for those beyond the novice stage, who understand concepts like squares and oppositions, a cautionary note is essential. It’s a misstep to dismiss a relationship’s potential just because it involves signs naturally positioned in square or opposition to each other, like Aries and Capricorn or Aries and Libra.

Contrary to common belief, signs in dynamic tension can spark profound connections. The interplay of contrasting energies often leads to relationships brimming with growth, learning, and mutual understanding. These connections may pose challenges, but they also present opportunities for both partners to explore facets of themselves they might otherwise neglect. As we’ll delve into in the next paragraph, defining astrological signs as definitively positive or negative is a perspective we need to reconsider.

Moreover, a holistic exploration of compatibility demands more than a glance at Sun signs. It necessitates a dive into the synastry chart, examining how the planets and their aspects interact between two individuals. This approach offers a nuanced and detailed perspective, unveiling the potential strengths and challenges woven into the intricate fabric of a relationship. Let’s unravel the layers of astrological compatibility to unveil a more profound understanding!

Drawing: Drawings of the Zodiac
Drawings of the Zodiac

Mistake #4: labeling symbols as absolutely positive or negative

A significant error many make in astrology is succumbing to the oversimplified dichotomy of positive versus negative, right versus wrong. While ancient Greeks viewed Saturn as a harbinger of misfortune and Mars as even more malevolent, they considered Venus as the bestower of luck and joy. However, this perspective is fundamentally flawed. Treating astrology as a mere divinatory tool based on superstitions leads us astray!

In the realm of symbols, absolutes of positivity or negativity do not exist. Even a challenging transit, though it may set us on a difficult and demanding path, can offer tremendous growth. The zodiacal circle and its intricate connections mirror life’s complexities – difficulties, though arduous to accept, play a crucial role in our personal development.

Consider this simple analogy: limiting our understanding of Mars to a potential for car accidents robs us of a multitude of symbols and meanings. Mars, beyond its association with conflict and war, is also a symbol of resistance and assertiveness. While its power may be stained by a negative aura due to its warlike connection, in reality, we all require its energy to face challenges in this remarkable yet demanding journey called life.

Mistake #5: viewing Saturn opposition as a complete disaster

This point is intricately tied to the preceding paragraph: never view a sign as purely positive or negative. We specifically highlight Saturn, not just because there’s a common misconception in astrology about seeing a Saturn opposition as disastrous, but also in playful defense of this planet, as reflected in the name of this website: Born Under Saturn – let’s champion the power of this celestial force!

The Saturn opposition, or any challenging aspects involving this planet, is often unjustly seen as entirely negative. While Saturn is commonly associated with challenges and limitations, it’s essential to recognize that this planet also assumes the role of a stern yet wise teacher.

Saturn imparts lessons on the value of discipline, patience, and hard work. When Saturn opposes a natal planet or significant point in a chart, it’s not just imposing limitations; it’s offering a profound lesson in maturity and growth.

In the realm of astrology, Saturn is often likened to a demanding instructor. While Saturn’s lessons may be tough and its energy may feel restrictive, these challenges are intended to fortify and strengthen. Saturn’s oppositions often mark pivotal life moments that demand serious reflection, commitment, and resilience. These are the moments that test our resilience, nudging us to evolve into more responsible and self-aware individuals.

Rather than viewing a Saturn opposition as an omen of misfortune, consider it an opportunity for substantial personal development. It’s a phase where superficialities are stripped away, leaving only the essential and real. This might manifest as facing hard truths, recognizing our limitations, and learning to navigate within them. It’s a period for establishing robust foundations and constructing meaningful structures in our lives.

Furthermore, Saturn’s influence aids in cultivating endurance. The challenges it presents are not insurmountable; they require a thoughtful and disciplined approach. Here, Saturn steps into its role as a guide. Navigating through Saturn’s trials, we grasp the significance of perseverance, the value of long-term planning, and the satisfaction that accompanies achieving something through steady effort.

Striking galaxy image representing typical mistakes made by beginners in astrology.

Mistake #6: assuming Jupiter’s role is solely about mere luck

Continuing our exploration of astrology mistakes related to absolute positive and negative aspects. Just as we clarified that Saturn isn’t definitively positive or negative, let’s now delve into the nuanced nature of Jupiter. Contrary to popular belief, Jupiter is not solely synonymous with fortune or luck.

In astrology, there’s a widespread misconception that a poorly-aspected Jupiter in a birth chart foretells a lack of luck and success. However, both statistical data and anecdotal evidence often unveil a different truth – individuals with challenging aspects to Jupiter are frequently the most motivated to work hard and hone their skills.

Rather than relying solely on good fortune, they grasp early on that success is born from effort and perseverance. These challenging aspects have the potential to instill a robust work ethic and a profound understanding of the value of persistence and resilience. Individuals with such aspects in their chart often develop a unique ability to transform obstacles into stepping stones, leveraging their struggles as catalysts for growth and accomplishment.

Far from being an indication of perpetual misfortune, a difficult Jupiter aspect can emerge as the driving force propelling an individual toward remarkable accomplishments.

Mistake #7: underestimating the significance of Empty Houses in the Birth Chart

Overlooking empty houses – those unoccupied by planets in a birth chart – is a common blind spot in astrology, yet it constitutes a noteworthy mistake.

Empty houses are by no means less crucial; they offer valuable insights into a person’s life. Each house, whether occupied or not, is infused with the energies of the sign that rules it, presenting a unique backdrop to that area of life. These houses signify aspects that may not demand constant attention or involve dramatic life events, but they remain spaces where subtle growth and learning can unfold. The sign governing an empty house hints at a natural, unforced approach to its matters, and transiting planets can activate these houses, bringing their themes to the forefront at different times.

Grasping the intricacies of empty houses adds depth to the interpretation of a chart, unveiling hidden potential and opportunities for development that might otherwise go unnoticed.

To learn muuuuch more about empty houses, click here.

Mistake #8: Misinterpreting Astrology as a science

While we’ve touched upon this concept in a previous article dedicated to astrology for beginners, it’s crucial to reiterate its significance here. Let’s be clear: astrology is not a science, and treating it as such is a common mistake.

Astrology is a discipline that explores the connections between elements and symbols, as well as the correlation between time and events. The astrological language, as we perceive it today, is composed of symbols that demand interpretation. However, these symbols, as also emphasized by Jung, are integral to a collective realm – the famed collective unconscious – that transforms an interpretation into a perceived truth.

The ability to interpret these symbols is indispensable. Understanding mythology (the source of planetary names and their symbolism) proves more valuable than any practical astrological manual.

In this context of symbols, a noteworthy recommendation is “The Book of Symbols: Reflections on Archetypal Images”. This book intertwines insightful essays on specific symbols with representative images from diverse cultures and historical periods. The engaging texts are enriched by over 800 captivating full-color images, weaving a tapestry of concealed meanings.

Another highly recommended read is the “Tetrabiblos”, or the ‘four-part book’ by the Egyptian astrologer, mathematician, and geographer Claudius Ptolemy. This ancient text stands as one of the most crucial surviving works on astrology, providing valuable insights into its historical roots. You can check out the ‘Tetrabiblos’ and even purchase it if you haven’t already through this link.

Colorful galaxy image symbolizing common mistakes made by beginners in astrology.

Mistake #9: Overlooking the Precession of the Equinoxes

Let’s consider this more as a reminder, something worth knowing, rather than a straightforward mistake. It’s a piece of information many people may not be aware of, but it holds value.

Let’s dive into the question of the precession of the equinoxes. An essential but not entirely obvious piece of information that anyone delving into astrology should be aware of is that the zodiac signs once corresponded to specific constellations, but not anymore.

What does this mean? In March, when the Aries season begins, the Sun is no longer in the part of the sky where the Aries constellation resides – its namesake constellation. This shift occurs due to the gradual tilt of the Earth’s axis.

Now, what’s the significance of this? If someone is born in March, and today the Sun doesn’t align with the Aries constellation, does that mean they’re not an Aries? Absolutely not. As we emphasized earlier, astrology is a symbolic discipline. The astrological space maintains the original spatial symbol. We don’t alter a symbol – now a collective one – simply because a constellation shares the same name.

And there you have it! We’ve reached the end of this exploration into 9 common mistakes that both beginners (and not only beginners) frequently encounter. If you can think of other prevalent mistakes in astrology, share them with us via a direct message on Born Under Saturn’s Instagram page. Engaging in discussions and uncovering fresh perspectives is always a rewarding journey!

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