Wondering about Capricorn Season 2023? Discover what is about and your horoscope


From December 23, the Sun moves from the expansive and jovial Sagittarius to the Saturnian and goal-oriented Capricorn. With it, the energy shifts from fire to earth, from chaotic and explosive enthusiasm to a need for order and structure. If Sagittarius season has guided us in exploration and looking beyond our borders, Capricorn season invites us to gather our thoughts and projects and redefine a precise, concrete, and far-sighted plan.

What is Capricorn Season 2023 all about?

The most famous visual representation of Capricorn is almost always a snow-covered mountain where, in the silence and cold of winter, the rigorous and structured Capricorn reflects and conquers. It’s the chill of Saturn, the ruling planet of the sign, that characterizes it, making it the most concrete and rational earth sign of the zodiac. Saturn, the quintessential symbol of discipline, order, wisdom, but also solitude and melancholy, is not a passive energy here. Instead, it’s a Saturn whose rigor and commitment pair with the assertive and generative forces of Mars, another planet domiciled in Capricorn. It’s no coincidence that Capricorn is the co-signifier of the tenth astrological house, the highest section of the zodiac circle representing conquest, goals, and achievement.

Capricorn’s association with the mountain symbolizes its journey towards success, often marked by a solitary and steady climb. This imagery reflects the sign’s dedication and unwavering focus on its goals, no matter how challenging or distant they may seem. The cold and isolation of the mountain also represent Capricorn’s ability to endure and thrive in difficult environments, symbolizing their resilience and strength in the face of adversity.

If during the Sagittarius season we directed ourselves towards exploring and expanding our mental and physical space, entering the Capricorn season, we feel the need to materialize. From fire (Sagittarius) to earth (Capricorn), it’s time to plant another seed, to give shape to ideas, to open doors that were ajar, to try to face the challenges we have neglected.

The shift from Sagittarius to Capricorn marks a transition from the pursuit of possibilities to the execution of plans. While Sagittarius season is about broadening our horizons and exploring new frontiers, Capricorn season brings a sense of pragmatism and purpose. It’s a period to ground our adventurous spirits and channel our expansive ideas into practical, achievable goals.

"Saturn and Rhea" by Giuseppe Diamantini

Embracing structure  in the season of Capricorn

The Capricorn season guides us to embrace our earthly side, one that does not fear grand objectives, whatever they may be. It also supports us in the practice of being well, first and foremost with ourselves, and in building the confidence in our abilities necessary to pursue our values. Capricorn is a solitary sign, which doesn’t mean it doesn’t appreciate company or affection but relies on itself as the fundamental basis of its being and acting.

This time of the year encourages a focus on self-improvement and personal growth, highlighting the importance of being comfortable and confident in our own skin. It’s a period for setting realistic goals and working diligently towards them, emphasizing the value of hard work, discipline, and perseverance.Capricorn’s solitary nature is not about isolation, but rather about understanding the power of self-dependence. It teaches the importance of being one’s own anchor, both emotionally and practically. This sign’s influence encourages us to look inward for strength and motivation, reminding us that our most reliable support system often lies within.

Your Capricorn season horoscope for your Sun and rising sign

Read on to know the effects Capricorn season in 2023 will have on every zodiac sign.

ARIES (March 20-April 19)

Aries, the Capricorn season urges you to slow down your impulsive rush and build an organized structure for your plans. It asks you to fight head-on to get what you deserve and to aim high. What you do also represents who you are, and it’s the right time to take the space that rightfully belongs to you.

Capricorn season brings a welcome change of pace. It’s an opportunity to channel your dynamic energy into more structured and long-term goals. This period encourages you to apply your natural leadership skills and courage in a more calculated and strategic manner.

The focus shifts from spontaneous action to deliberate planning. Capricorn season helps temper Aries’ sometimes rash decisions, urging you to think things through and establish a solid plan before leaping into action. It’s about harnessing your inherent strength and directing it towards building something lasting and significant.

This season also emphasizes the importance of recognition and achievement. It’s a time when you’re encouraged to stand up for your achievements and claim the rewards you’ve earned through hard work and determination. It reminds you that your actions and accomplishments are reflections of your identity and worth.

This phase represents a  chance for Aries to cultivate patience and persistence. While your natural inclination might be to seek immediate results, this period teaches the value of steady progress and the satisfaction that comes from reaching the summit after a challenging climb.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20)

Taurus, the Capricorn season pushes you to find the courage to experiment with and understand those parts of yourself that you might deny or not explore. It’s the perfect time to step out of your comfort zone and test your limits, perhaps pushing yourself further and gaining new knowledge.

For Taurus, a sign known for its love of comfort and stability, Capricorn season presents an opportunity for growth and exploration. This period challenges you to look beyond the familiar and embrace change, something that might not come naturally to you but can be incredibly rewarding.

Capricorn’s influence encourages you to delve into the uncharted territories of your personality and life. It’s a time to confront and integrate aspects of yourself that you’ve perhaps overlooked or avoided. This self-exploration can lead to a deeper understanding and acceptance of who you are.

This season is also about challenging your own boundaries. It invites you to push past the limitations you may have unconsciously set for yourself. By stepping out of your comfort zone, whether it’s trying new experiences, learning new skills, or simply adopting a different mindset, you open yourself up to a world of possibilities.

Capricorn symbol written on red lips to symbolize the Capricorn season 2023.
Capricorn symbol

GEMINI (May 21-June 20)

Gemini, the Capricorn season urges you to reflect on your passions and ask yourself if you are truly pursuing and nurturing them. Perhaps it’s time to tap into that part of you capable of transformation and change the deep mechanisms that drive you towards the object of desire and knowledge.

Capricorn season brings a focus on depth and commitment. This period encourages you to delve deeper into your interests and passions, moving beyond surface-level engagements. Capricorn’s energy compels you to evaluate whether your pursuits are in alignment with your long-term goals and personal growth. It’s a time to consider if your varied interests are leading you towards meaningful achievements or if they need more focus and dedication.

This season is also about embracing change, particularly in how you approach your goals and interests. It challenges you to modify or even overhaul your usual ways of thinking and learning, encouraging you to adopt a more structured and disciplined approach.Moreover, Capricorn’s influence helps you to identify and pursue passions that have a lasting impact. It’s a period for setting clear objectives and working persistently towards them, even if it means stepping out of your comfort zone and embracing new methodologies.

You are in a  time of introspection and growth. It encourages you to deepen your engagement with your passions, to transform your approach to learning and achieving, and to align your pursuits with your deeper aspirations. This is an opportunity for Gemini to evolve from a jack-of-all-trades to a master of meaningful pursuits, harnessing their natural curiosity and intelligence in pursuit of substantial and fulfilling goals.

CANCER (June 21-July 22)

Cancer, the Capricorn season invites you to bring order to your relationships, from romantic ones to those with the people around you. It’s time to set boundaries and find the right balance so you don’t compensate for or live at the mercy of relationships that aren’t working. Capricorn’s authoritative energies give you the right courage to write your story with your own hands.Capricorn season provides a valuable opportunity for self-assertion and redefining relationships. This period encourages you to assess the dynamics of your connections and ensure they are mutually supportive and respectful.The influence of Capricorn, with its focus on structure and discipline, empowers you to establish healthy boundaries in your personal relationships. It’s about recognizing your own needs and ensuring they are not overlooked or undervalued in your interactions with others.

This season is also an ideal time for Cancers to take control of their emotional narrative. It encourages stepping out of the comfort zone of emotional dependency or passivity and taking a more active role in shaping how you relate to others.

The authoritative energy of Capricorn inspires you to be more assertive in expressing your needs and expectations. It’s about finding a balance between your caring nature and not allowing yourself to be overwhelmed by the needs of others.

This is a time that is all about cultivating emotional independence and strength. It’s a period of establishing clear boundaries, taking charge of your emotional well-being, and ensuring that your relationships are healthy, reciprocal, and empowering. This season challenges Cancer to balance their nurturing essence with the need for personal space and respect, leading to more fulfilling and equitable relationships.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22)

Leo, the Capricorn season urges you to shift your focus from the external to the internal. It’s the right time to bring discipline and rigor into your daily life and to rediscover healthy and centered habits. Take care of your internal harmony and give yourself what you need without fearing to lose the loop, take a rejuvenating break.

For Leo, a sign associated with outward expression and dynamism, Capricorn season offers a valuable period for introspection and personal growth. This time encourages you to look inward, focusing on your inner self rather than seeking external validation or applause.

The influence of Capricorn, with its emphasis on structure and responsibility, can help you establish more disciplined daily routines. This period is about creating habits that support your well-being and personal goals, allowing for a more balanced and fulfilling life.

This season also encourages Leos to prioritize self-care and inner peace. It’s an opportunity to slow down and reflect on what truly nourishes and sustains you, emotionally and physically. This might involve setting aside time for rest, meditation, or activities that replenish your energy.Capricorn’s pragmatic energy can help Leos ground their creative and ambitious nature in practical action. It’s a time to make tangible plans and set achievable goals, aligning your grand visions with the steps needed to realize them.

You are pushed to find balance between the outer and inner self. It’s a time for self-reflection, establishing healthy routines, and focusing on personal well-being. This season challenges Leos to recognize the importance of their internal world and to nurture it with the same enthusiasm they typically show to the world outside.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Virgo, the Capricorn season, with its structure and rigor, is a fertile period for you to dedicate yourself to passion and fun. It’s a sun that illuminates and warms your desire to express yourself without restraints, to think about yourself and not always and only about others. Dedicate yourself to exploring the intricate and fascinating world of your desires without feeling guilty, allowing yourself to be simply you.

For you,  Virgo, a sign often associated with meticulousness and service to others, the Capricorn season brings an opportunity to focus more on personal joy and self-expression. This period encourages you to step out of your comfort zone of responsibility and routine and embrace aspects of life that bring you happiness and fulfillment.The disciplined energy of Capricorn can help you structure your time in a way that balances duty with pleasure. It’s about recognizing that attending to your own needs and desires is not only acceptable but necessary for your well-being.

This season is also a perfect time for Virgos to let go of their self-imposed critical eye and enjoy the freedom of self-expression. It’s an invitation to engage in creative activities, hobbies, or any form of leisure that you’ve been postponing or denying yourself.Capricorn’s influence helps Virgos to approach their personal passions with the same dedication and commitment they apply to their responsibilities. It’s about realizing that pursuing your interests and allowing yourself moments of joy are crucial components of a balanced life.

This is a  reminder to lighten up and enjoy life’s pleasures. It’s a time to prioritize self-care, explore personal interests, and embrace a more relaxed and joyful approach to life. This season encourages Virgos to find harmony between their natural inclination for order and the equally important need for fun and self-expression.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct 22)

Libra, the Capricorn season accompanies you on a sweet and intimate journey to rediscover your roots and foundations: your family and personal space. It’s the right time to reclaim your space, to make your voice heard, and to reestablish harmony in your home and with the people around you.

The Capricorn season offers a chance to focus on your personal environment and familial connections. This period is about reinforcing the foundations of your personal life, ensuring they are as strong and balanced as your external relationships.

The influence of this season brings a grounded and practical energy, encouraging you to address any issues or imbalances within your home life. It’s a time to create a sense of stability and security in your personal domain, which is crucial for your overall sense of balance and well-being.

This season is also an ideal time for you to assert your needs and preferences within your family or household. It’s about finding your voice and ensuring that your personal space reflects your values and aesthetics, contributing to a harmonious living environment.

Moreover, Capricorn’s energy helps you to create boundaries where necessary, allowing for a healthy balance between giving to others and nurturing your own needs. It’s a period to reassess and strengthen your familial and personal relationships, ensuring they are mutually supportive and respectful.

This is a time of focusing inward, fortifying your personal and familial foundations, and cultivating harmony in your private life. It’s a period for making your personal space a sanctuary that mirrors your quest for balance and beauty, reinforcing the stability and tranquility that are essential for your harmonious nature.

A Section of the Constellation Cygnus (August 13, 1885)

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Scorpio, the Capricorn season warms up your vocal cords, stimulates your desire for communication and expression, and helps you get back in the game. The strength of Capricorn assists you in projecting your voice far and wide, ensuring that even those confused and stuck situations find resolution through your words.

For Scorpio, a sign known for its intensity and depth, the Capricorn season brings a focus on effective and powerful communication. This period encourages you to express your thoughts and feelings more openly and assertively, using the disciplined energy of Capricorn to structure and articulate your messages clearly.

Capricorn’s influence empowers you to address complex or challenging issues with confidence. It’s about harnessing your natural persuasive skills and channeling them in a constructive and pragmatic way, turning your ideas and visions into understandable and impactful communication.

This season is also an ideal time for Scorpios to engage in conversations that require tact and diplomacy. The practical nature of Capricorn helps you navigate delicate discussions, ensuring that your point is made without unnecessary conflicts or misunderstandings. Capricorn’s energy supports your efforts in making lasting impressions through your communication. It’s a time to voice your opinions and thoughts in a way that not only resonates with others but also helps to clear up any lingering uncertainties or unresolved matters.

This is your time for making your voice heard, resolving stuck situations, and expressing yourself in a manner that is both effective and true to your intense and passionate nature. This season encourages Scorpios to step forward and be vocal about their perspectives, desires, and plans.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Sagittarius, the Capricorn season is still the beginning of your solar year, and indeed, you have all the cards on the table, and now you need to decide which ones to play. It’s your time to use rigor and discipline to organize a practical plan to regain control in those situations that had slipped out of your hands.

The Capricorn season offers an opportunity to bring structure and focus to your expansive ideas. This period is about grounding your vision and harnessing the disciplined energy of Capricorn to make tangible plans. The influence of Capricorn encourages you to look at your goals with a pragmatic eye. It’s a time to prioritize, to determine which of your many ideas and projects are most viable and worth pursuing. This season helps you to channel your natural enthusiasm into productive and structured endeavors.

This is also an ideal time for Sagittarius to address any areas of their life where they may have lost control or direction. Capricorn’s energy brings a sense of responsibility and determination, aiding you in tackling and resolving these challenges in a methodical way. Moreover, Capricorn’s influence can help you build a solid foundation for your plans and ambitions. It’s about moving from conceptualization to execution, setting realistic timelines, and following through with the necessary steps to achieve your goals.

This last month of the year is about blending your natural optimism and desire for exploration with a more calculated and focused approach. It’s a period for strategic planning, regaining control over scattered energies, and laying the groundwork for a successful year ahead. This season encourages Sagittarians to harness their adventurous spirit in a way that leads to tangible accomplishments and sustained progress.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Capricorn, this is your season, and the winter sun returns to your sign to warm you and authorize you to dedicate time to yourself. The sun returns, symbolically, to the first house of your astrological circle, the house of the self, the house of birth, beginnings, and your pure soul. It’s time to let go of superstructures, limits, and blocks, and to devote yourself to what really matters to you.

Your season brings a special opportunity for self-reflection and personal renewal. The sun’s presence in your sign symbolizes a return to your core, encouraging you to focus on your personal goals, desires, and well-being.This period is about reassessing what is truly important to you, stripping away external expectations or self-imposed limitations. It’s a time for Capricorns to reconnect with their innermost desires and aspirations, setting aside anything that doesn’t align with their true self.

The symbolism of the sun in the first house speaks to a rebirth of sorts – an invitation to start anew with a clearer understanding of your identity and purpose. It’s a moment to redefine your path and priorities based on a deeper understanding of who you are at your core.

This season is an ideal time for Capricorns to shed any outdated beliefs or habits that have been holding them back. It’s about embracing change and growth, allowing for a transformation that aligns with your authentic self.The Capricorn phase is a period of empowerment and self-focus for Capricorns. It’s a time to honor your needs and ambitions, to let go of what no longer serves you, and to embrace a journey of self-discovery and renewal. This season encourages Capricorns to step into their power, armed with a renewed sense of self and a clear vision for their future.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

Aquarius, the Capricorn season accompanies you on an inner journey to discover the architecture of your soul. It’s an ideal time for reflection and to allow yourself to pause those situations that were weighing you down, that were oppressing you. You can leave the ship for a while, go for a swim alone, waiting for things to become clearer so you can see them with objectivity and clarity.

The Capricorn season brings a focus on introspection and personal understanding. This period encourages you to delve deeper into your inner self, exploring the foundational aspects of your personality and life philosophy. Capricorn’s influence, with its emphasis on structure and reflection, aids in this introspective process. It’s a time to take a step back from the chaos of daily life and reassess your personal goals, beliefs, and the path you are on.

This phase is also an opportunity for Aquarians to temporarily disconnect from external influences and pressures. It’s about finding space and solitude to recharge and gain a fresh perspective on your life and the challenges you face.Capricorn’s practical energy can help you approach your self-discovery journey in a structured way. It’s a time to identify and understand the deeper motivations behind your actions and decisions, leading to greater self-awareness and clarity.It’s a time to take a break from your usual routine, to explore the depths of your being, and to gain a clearer understanding of your true self. This season encourages Aquarians to embrace solitude and introspection as tools for personal growth and self-realization, preparing you to return to your path with renewed vision and purpose.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20)

Pisces, the Capricorn season urges you to step out of your head, to go beyond the limits of your comfort zone, to leave your solitude and meet the collective, the people, the world. The time has come to bravely try to make a difference and to experience the warmth of synergies and collaborations. For Pisces, a sign often characterized by introspection and a rich inner world, the Capricorn season brings an opportunity to engage more actively with the external world. This period encourages you to apply your empathy, creativity, and intuitive understanding in broader, more practical contexts.

Capricorn’s influence can help ground your often dreamy and fluid nature, providing a framework for turning your ideas and ideals into concrete actions. It’s about harnessing your natural compassion and artistic talents in ways that can impact your community or society positively.This season also invites you to explore the benefits of teamwork and collaboration. It’s an excellent time for Pisces to step out of their solitary space and discover how working with others can bring new perspectives, support, and opportunities for growth.

Capricorn’s pragmatic energy encourages you to set clear goals and boundaries. It’s about balancing your inclination for boundless empathy with practical considerations, ensuring that your efforts to connect and contribute are sustainable and effective.

The Capricorn season for Pisces is a call to action. It’s a time to move from contemplation to participation, from dreaming to doing. This period challenges Pisces to step out into the world and share their unique gifts, embracing the power of collaboration and the satisfaction that comes from active engagement in the world around them.

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