2024’s January Full Moon in Leo: Understanding the Significance and Horoscope


On January 25, 2024, at 12:54 pm, the first Full Moon of the year will rise in the sign of Leo and will project us all into a dimension where passions and expression are priorities. The Moon in Leo will oppose Aquarius, during its Aquarius season, illuminating our shadow parts and rebalancing the individual need with the collective one.

The Full Moon in Leo on January 25, 2024, marks a significant celestial event, ushering in a period where personal expression and heartfelt passions take center stage. As the Moon reaches its fullest point in the bold and expressive sign of Leo, it invites us to embrace our authentic selves and to express our creativity and individuality with confidence and flair.

What does the Full Moon in Leo mean in Astrology?

When the Moon opposes the Sun, it occupies the sign opposite to it, positioning itself where the energies emphasized are those overshadowed by the Sun. If Aquarius is the sign of revolution par excellence, of rapid, irreverent changes that involve the collective, Leo, a fire sign, is on the contrary the sign that celebrates individual expression and the will to create.

On January 25th, the Full Moon will form aspects with Jupiter, Neptune, and Pluto. This will intensify the energies of the Moon, especially the square it will form with Jupiter, which could lead us to feel a lot and, above all, to want to express everything we feel, causing confusion for both ourselves and our potential interlocutors. The advice is to breathe and count to ten before being carried away by impulse. The opposition with Pluto, now conjoined with the Sun, could instead intensify the psychic meanings of the new lunar cycle, leading us to have difficulty looking within but also encouraging us to explore our feelings and emotions, especially the difficult ones.

This Full Moon, full of stimuli and in a strong, proud, and expressive sign like Leo, is a symbol of intense expression and a tendency towards conquering one’s own space in the world. The world that surrounds us but also our inner world.

The Full Moon in Leo, charged with dynamic energies, embodies the essence of powerful and forthright expression. It symbolizes not just the assertion of our external presence in the world but also a deep exploration and proclamation of our internal landscape. This lunar event encourages us to boldly claim our space, both in our personal environments and in the wider community.

A digital collage of a vintage style photo of red lips with the Leo symbol.

Horoscope: how the Full Moon in Leo will impact on each zodiac sign

Unveiling the horoscope – explore the distinct impact that the Full Moon in Leo phase is poised to exert on individual zodiac signs.

ARIES (March 21-April 19)

Aries, the Full Moon in Leo propels you onto the stage of authentic and pure expression. You do so with the courage of the fire trine and grant yourself the space you haven’t always allowed yourself. It’s the right time to channel your energies towards creativity.

Aries, as the Full Moon illuminates the fiery sign of Leo, you find yourself under a celestial spotlight, encouraged to express your truest self with boldness and fervor. This lunar event, supported by the harmonious fire trine, ignites your innate bravery and passion, urging you to step forward and claim the space that is rightfully yours.

During this Full Moon, your usual dynamic energy is amplified, prompting you to showcase your talents and express your ideas without restraint. It’s a moment to embrace the spotlight and to let your authentic voice be heard. This lunar phase is about shedding any hesitations or self-imposed limitations and fully embracing your individuality. The fiery energy of this Full Moon in Leo fuels your artistic inclinations, pushing you to explore new forms of expression or to rekindle past passions. Whether it’s through art, music, writing, or any other creative outlet, your expressions are poised to be powerful and impactful.

The Full Moon also serves as a reminder that your personal story and experiences are worth sharing. This is a time to be proud of who you are and to share your journey with confidence. The energy of this lunar event supports you in making bold moves and in taking the initiative in areas of life where you wish to make a mark.

Keep in mind, Aries, that this Full Moon in Leo is a call to step into your power and to shine brightly. It’s a time to embrace the courage and creativity within you, using these gifts to carve out your unique space in the world. Let this Full Moon be a catalyst for personal growth and artistic expression, as you boldly share your light with the world.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20)

Taurus, the Full Moon in Leo urges you to question your role within private, family, and intimate dynamics. Perhaps you’ve imposed yourself too much and, instead of receiving understanding, you’ve encountered hostility. Reflect on the need to establish a new balance.

Taurus, as the Full Moon rises in the expressive sign of Leo, it illuminates aspects of your personal life, particularly your roles and actions within your closest relationships. This lunar event encourages a deep introspection about how you interact and connect with those closest to you.

During this period, you might find that your usual approach, though well-intentioned, may have led to unintended consequences or misunderstandings. The Full Moon’s energy is prompting you to consider if there are ways in which you’ve been overbearing or too fixed in your ways, leading to tension rather than harmony.

This is a time for you to ponder the dynamics of give and take in your relationships. It’s about understanding the importance of not just asserting your needs and views but also being receptive and considerate of others’ perspectives and feelings.

Reflect on how you can contribute to a more balanced and mutually respectful environment in your private and family life. This might involve making amends, changing your approach, or simply being more open and flexible in your interactions. For Taurus, this Full Moon in Leo is a call to find a harmonious middle ground in your relationships. It’s a time to blend your natural desire for stability with the need for open communication and understanding. Embrace this lunar phase as a chance to grow in your emotional intelligence and to foster deeper, more meaningful connections with those you hold dear.

The Repast of the Lion Henri Rousseau (le Douanier)

GEMINI (May 21-June 20)

Gemini, the Full Moon in Leo grants you the courage to assert yourself and express your true self with confidence and authenticity. This is not the time for humility; it’s the right time to claim what you have earned, let go of guilt, and ask for what you deserve.

Gemini, under the brilliant light of the Full Moon in Leo, you are infused with a boldness that encourages you to stand firm in your convictions and to speak your truth. This lunar phase empowers you to step out of any shadows of doubt and to embrace the spotlight with assurance. During this time, you are called to let go of any tendencies to downplay your abilities or achievements. The Full Moon’s energy urges you to recognize and celebrate your accomplishments, understanding that modesty need not prevent you from acknowledging your worth.

This is also an opportune moment to release any lingering feelings of guilt or unworthiness that may have hindered your progress. The Leo Full Moon encourages a healthy sense of self-esteem, guiding you to understand that it’s okay to put your needs and desires at the forefront. This lunar event is about boldly asking for what you believe is rightfully yours, whether in your personal or professional life. It’s about asserting your rights and making your voice heard in situations where you may have previously held back.

For Gemini, this Full Moon in Leo is a powerful reminder of your innate strength and capability. It’s a time to shine in your authenticity and to take bold steps towards claiming what you have worked for. Embrace this period as a chance to assert yourself with confidence and to move forward unburdened by doubts or guilt.

CANCER (June 21-July 22)

Cancer, the Full Moon in Leo urges you not to settle, to want more, to do more, and to try to control even those mechanisms in your life that you usually let flow. Perhaps you feel the need for more action, and this is the moment to express this feeling through actions.

Cancer, as the Full Moon illuminates the bold sign of Leo, it instills in you an invigorating sense of ambition and drive. This lunar phase is a call to break free from your comfort zone and to actively seek greater fulfillment and accomplishment in your life. During this period, you are encouraged to reevaluate areas where you may have been complacent or passive. 

The energy of the Full Moon in Leo ignites a desire to take charge, particularly in aspects of your life that you typically approach with a more laid-back attitude.

This is an opportune time for you to step up and take more initiative. Whether it’s pursuing a personal goal, taking on a new project, or simply asserting yourself more in your daily interactions, this lunar event empowers you to be more proactive and to make things happen. This Full Moon challenges you to expand your horizons and to embrace a more assertive approach to achieving your desires. It’s about understanding that sometimes, to create the change you seek, you need to take bold and decisive actions.

For Cancer, a sign often guided by emotion and intuition, this Full Moon in Leo is a reminder of the strength and effectiveness that can come from a more action-oriented approach. It’s a time to harness your emotional depth and channel it into concrete actions that move you closer to your aspirations. Embrace this period as a catalyst for growth and transformation. Let the Full Moon in Leo inspire you to reach for more, to strive for greater heights, and to actively shape the course of your life.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22)

Leo, the first Full Moon of the year rises in your sign, and at the midpoint of your solar year, you take stock of what you have done and what you feel. It’s the right time to reconnect with your inner self and establish new priorities.

As the Full Moon graces your sign, it brings a spotlight on your personal journey, illuminating the achievements and emotions of the past six months. This celestial event marks a significant moment of reflection and introspection for you, offering a chance to evaluate your progress and align with your true feelings. During this time, the Full Moon in Leo encourages a deep dive into your inner world. It’s an opportunity to assess not just your external accomplishments but also the growth and changes you’ve experienced internally. This lunar phase prompts you to consider if your actions and decisions have been in harmony with your authentic self.

This is also an ideal moment for you to set new goals or to adjust your current path. The Full Moon’s energy supports you in identifying what truly matters to you and in prioritizing these aspects in your life. It’s about discerning what brings you joy, fulfillment, and a sense of purpose. This Full Moon invites you to reconnect with your core values and passions. It’s a time to rekindle your inner flame and to ensure that your future endeavors are aligned with your deepest desires and aspirations.

For Leo, this Full Moon is a powerful reminder of your potential and your ability to shine. It’s a call to embrace your strengths, to acknowledge your emotions, and to move forward with confidence and clarity. Embrace this period as a chance to recalibrate your goals and to realign with your true self, setting the stage for a fulfilling and vibrant second half of your solar year.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Virgo, the Full Moon in Leo drives you to a silent reflection that leads you to understand which relationships and situations you have distanced yourself from out of fear. Perhaps you have isolated yourself, perhaps you have preferred to distance yourself, and that’s okay. This is the right time to understand what, concretely, you can do to make up for lost time.

Virgo, as the Full Moon illuminates the expressive sign of Leo, it brings a moment of introspection, shining a light on the ways you might have retreated from certain relationships or situations. This lunar phase prompts you to quietly contemplate the underlying reasons for your distancing, often rooted in fear or uncertainty. During this time, the Full Moon encourages you to look back and recognize moments where you may have chosen isolation or withdrawal as a protective measure. While self-preservation is natural, this celestial event invites you to explore the impact of these choices on your relationships and personal growth.

This is an opportune moment for you to consider steps towards reconciliation or reconnection. The Full Moon’s energy supports you in identifying practical ways to bridge the gaps you’ve created, whether through reaching out, offering apologies, or simply opening up communication channels.It’s a time to understand these emotions and to address them constructively. By acknowledging and working through these feelings, you pave the way for healthier and more fulfilling interactions.

For Virgo, this Full Moon in Leo is a call to mend and nurture your connections. It’s a time to reflect on the value of relationships in your life and to take concrete actions to strengthen these bonds. Embrace this period as an opportunity to heal, to rebuild, and to move forward with a renewed sense of connection and purpose.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct 22)

​​Libra, the Full Moon in Leo inspires you and pushes you to express yourself in the pursuit of your grandest ideals, even those that may seem unattainable. The Full Moon phase invites a search for harmony between our light and our darkness, and this is also your calling.

Libra, as the Full Moon radiates in the dynamic sign of Leo, it awakens a deep inspiration within you to reach for your loftiest aspirations. This lunar event encourages you to embrace the full spectrum of your potential, stretching beyond what you might have previously considered possible.

During this Full Moon, you are urged to articulate and pursue ideals that resonate with your highest self. Whether these involve artistic, social, or personal goals, this is a time to dream big and to give voice to your most ambitious visions. This lunar phase also highlights the theme of balancing light and shadow within ourselves. For you, Libra, this means acknowledging and integrating not just the harmonious and agreeable parts of your nature but also embracing the aspects of yourself that are more complex and challenging.

The Full Moon in Leo offers an opportunity to explore this duality. It’s a time to reflect on how your desire for balance and beauty coexists with a deeper, more passionate drive for self-expression and achievement. It encourages you to strike a balance between your need for partnership and your individualistic ambitions. It’s about understanding that true harmony involves embracing the fullness of who you are, including your aspirations that push the boundaries of what you thought was possible. For Libra, the Full Moon in Leo serves as a reminder of the power and beauty of embracing both your light and darkness. It’s an invitation to pursue your grandest ideals with confidence and to find a deeper sense of harmony in the holistic acceptance of your entire self.

"The North Cape by Moonlight" realized by Peder Balke

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Scorpio, the Full Moon in Leo illuminates and harmonizes that part of you that wants to come out into the open and express desires and goals. It’s time to expose yourself, come out into the open, and reveal your strength.

Scorpio, as the Full Moon casts its light in the bold and assertive sign of Leo, it brings to the forefront the more expressive and ambitious aspects of your personality. This lunar event encourages you to step out of the shadows where you often comfortably reside and to showcase the powerful desires and objectives that drive you. During this Full Moon, you are invited to embrace the courage and confidence that Leo embodies. It’s a moment to let go of any reservations or hesitations that may have held you back from fully expressing your true self and your deepest ambitions.

This is an opportune time for you to articulate your goals and passions. Whether these are personal, professional, or creative aspirations, the Full Moon’s energy supports you in making these known to the world. It’s about claiming your space and asserting your presence in a way that is authentic and bold. This is a challenge you to embrace vulnerability in your self-expression. While Scorpio is often associated with intensity and depth, this lunar phase invites a more open and visible demonstration of your inner strength and aspirations.

For Scorpio, the Full Moon in Leo is a call to shine and to share your unique power with the world. It’s an opportunity to step into the light, to express your desires confidently, and to pursue your ambitions with a renewed sense of vigor and determination.

Embrace this period as a catalyst for growth and self-revelation. Let the Full Moon in Leo inspire you to emerge from the depths, to reveal your true aspirations, and to boldly pursue the path that resonates with your deepest self.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Sagittarius, the Full Moon in Leo urges you to explore with the courage that distinguishes you and with the curiosity of an explorer on a mission to find uncharted territories. You may search far and wide, but the truth is already within you.

Sagittarius, as the Full Moon shines brightly in the adventurous sign of Leo, it ignites your innate desire for exploration and discovery. This lunar event calls upon your characteristic bravery and insatiable curiosity, encouraging you to embark on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth. During this Full Moon, your spirit of exploration is not just directed towards the external world but also towards the unexplored realms within you. It’s a time to delve into your innermost desires, beliefs, and motivations. This introspective journey is about uncovering the truths that lie at the core of your being. 

The energy of the Full Moon in Leo supports you in embracing boldness in your quest for self-knowledge. It’s an invitation to face your inner fears, to challenge your preconceptions, and to embrace the aspects of yourself that you may not have fully acknowledged. This lunar phase encourages you to embrace the journey as much as the destination. While your Sagittarian nature may drive you to seek answers and adventures in the outside world, this Full Moon reminds you that some of the most profound discoveries can be made within the confines of your own heart and mind.

For Sagittarius, the Full Moon in Leo is a catalyst for inner exploration and personal revelation. It’s an opportunity to harness your adventurous spirit in the pursuit of deeper self-understanding. This period is about recognizing that the greatest adventures and the most enlightening journeys often take place within ourselves. Embrace this Full Moon as an opportunity to explore the uncharted territories of your soul. Let it guide you to a deeper understanding of who you are and what truly makes you feel alive and fulfilled.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Capricorn, the Full Moon in Leo pushes you to rediscover personal balance and identify those parts of yourself that need revolution and change. Perhaps, like a snake, the time has come to shed your skin and find a new balance more suited to your present.

As the Full Moon rises in the bold and dynamic sign of Leo, it brings a call to introspection and transformation. This lunar event urges you to examine the current state of your life and to consider areas that might benefit from a fresh approach or a significant change. During this time, you are encouraged to assess your personal equilibrium. It’s a moment to reflect on whether the various aspects of your life, work, relationships, personal goals, are in harmony with each other and with your true self. The Full Moon’s energy highlights the need for a reevaluation of your priorities and commitments.

This lunar phase may reveal the necessity for a metaphorical shedding of your skin, similar to the renewal process of a snake. This symbolizes letting go of outdated beliefs, habits, or situations that no longer serve your growth or align with your current path. It’s about embracing change, not as a disruption, but as a necessary step towards personal evolution.

This time is, for you, an opportunity to embrace a more authentic version of yourself. It’s a time to explore new ways of being and to adopt changes that reflect your true values and aspirations. This might involve stepping out of your comfort zone, experimenting with new ideas, or simply allowing yourself more freedom to express your individuality.

For Capricorn, a sign often associated with discipline and structure, this Full Moon is a reminder of the importance of flexibility and adaptability. It’s a call to balance your pragmatic nature with the need for personal growth and self-expression. Embrace this Full Moon as a chance to redefine yourself and your path. Let it guide you towards a new balance that resonates with who you are now, empowering you to move forward with renewed confidence and authenticity.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

Aquarius, the Full Moon in Leo illuminates the part of you that desires empathy and sincere, pure connections. It’s a good time to rebalance the dynamics of your relationships and to expose yourself courageously, without the fear of telling the truth.

As the Full Moon casts its light in the expressive and heartfelt sign of Leo, it spotlights your deeper need for empathetic and genuine human connections. This lunar event encourages a reflection on the current state of your relationships, urging you to seek a deeper, more authentic level of interaction. During this period, you are invited to examine how you relate to others. The Full Moon’s energy emphasizes the importance of sincerity and openness in your connections. It’s a time to consider if your interactions are as honest and heartfelt as they could be, and if not, to make necessary adjustments. This lunar phase also provides the courage to express your true feelings and thoughts. 

The influence of Leo emboldens you to communicate with clarity and authenticity, breaking free from any reservations or fears of vulnerability. It’s about valuing honesty and transparency, not just in others, but in yourself as well. The Full Moon in Leo offers an opportunity to find a new balance in your relationships. It’s a time to reassess and realign your connections so that they reflect mutual understanding, respect, and emotional depth. 

This might involve setting new boundaries, deepening certain relationships, or even moving away from connections that no longer serve your highest good. For Aquarius, a sign known for its focus on the collective and progressive ideas, this Full Moon is a reminder of the importance of personal, heart-to-heart connections. It’s a call to embrace the emotional aspects of your relationships, ensuring that they are nurtured with the same passion and commitment as your intellectual pursuits. Embrace this Full Moon as a chance to strengthen your emotional bonds and to cultivate a deeper level of empathy and understanding in your relationships. Let it guide you towards more meaningful and sincere connections that resonate with your true self.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20)

Pisces, the Full Moon in Leo encourages you to take care of yourself, regain confidence and esteem, and give yourself permission to like yourself. Be kind to your shadow side, be gentle when you feel fragile because your greatest strength lies in your vulnerability.

As the Full Moon illuminates the confident and radiant sign of Leo, it shines a light on the importance of self-care and self-appreciation in your life. This lunar event prompts you to focus on nurturing your self-esteem and embracing the parts of yourself that you may have overlooked or undervalued. During this time, you are encouraged to engage in practices that bolster your sense of self-worth and personal satisfaction. The energy of the Full Moon in Leo supports a journey towards self-love and acceptance, urging you to recognize and celebrate your unique qualities and talents.

This lunar phase also calls for compassion towards your inner vulnerabilities. It’s a reminder that your sensitivity and empathy, often seen as weaknesses, are in fact sources of immense strength and depth. Embrace your fragility with kindness and understanding, acknowledging that it’s an integral part of your profound emotional and intuitive nature.

This phase invites you to explore ways to express and share your inner world with confidence. Whether through creative endeavors, emotional expression, or simply being more open about your feelings, it’s a time to let your true self shine. For Pisces, the Full Moon in Leo is an opportunity to balance your natural tendency to give and empathize with others with the equally important practice of caring for yourself. It’s a call to honor your own needs and to cultivate a strong sense of self that can support and sustain your compassionate nature.

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