February 2024: Exploring the Influence of the New Moon in Aquarius on each zodiac sign


The New Moon in Aquarius will rise on February 9th at 5:59 pm EST, joining with the Sun and initiating a harmonious dance between darkness and light, day and night, warmth and cold. The New Moon marks that phase in the lunar cycle where a new cycle begins, and we start to plant new seeds. This time, we will do so guided by the free and revolutionary values of Aquarius.

Under this Aquarian New Moon, we’re encouraged to envision our future without constraints, to dream of a world where innovation and individuality are celebrated. It’s a moment to break free from the past, to let go of traditional boundaries, and to embrace new ideas with an open heart and mind. Aquarius, being an air sign, emphasizes the power of thought, communication, and community. This New Moon is an optimal time for setting intentions that align with progress, social justice, and the betterment of humanity.

The impact of the New Moon in Aquarius 

The New Moon in Aquarius is an ideal opportunity to embrace a broader view of our goals and values. With both the Moon and the Sun in Aquarius, all our intentions shift towards a vision of the collective. The New Moon, which represents our inner self and our relationship with our psyche, is in an air sign whose ruling planet is Uranus.

This New Moon encourages us to break free from traditional boundaries and explore innovative ideas that benefit not just ourselves but the community at large. Aquarius, being an air sign governed by Uranus, the planet of innovation, sudden changes, and enlightenment, prompts us to question existing norms and to seek progress through unity, technology, and humanitarian efforts. This lunar phase is a powerful moment for setting intentions that align with collective growth, technological advancements, and the betterment of society.

It’s a time when we are more open to receiving insights that can lead to significant breakthroughs in how we connect and contribute to the world around us. The symbolic presence of Uranus influences us to embrace our uniqueness and to value the diversity within the collective, reminding us that our individual contributions can lead to profound changes on a global scale.

Let’s not forget that Pluto has also been in Aquarius since January, the slowest planet in the zodiac, the one that establishes epochs whose changes are felt by all signs.

Aquarius symbol drawn in white on red lips.

Horoscope for the New Moon in Aquarius

The New Moon in Aquarius, as every New Moon, brings a distinct influence crafted to suit the inherent characteristics and challenges unique to each zodiac sign. Whether you’re an introspective Scorpio or a vivacious Gemini, the New Moons offer an opportunity to reset, recalibrate, and commence anew on your life’s journey.

Let’s delve into the horoscope of the New Moon in Aquarius. 

ARIES (March 21-April 19)

Aries, the New Moon in Aquarius illuminates that part of you that goes beyond yourself, urging you to step out of your own head and rediscover joy in collective actions. Now is the perfect time to adopt a broader perspective and empathize with others.

The New Moon in Aquarius shines a light on the more humanitarian and community-focused aspects of your nature. Traditionally known for your independence and pioneering spirit, this astrological event invites you to explore the fulfillment that comes from being part of something larger than yourself. It’s a call to connect with community projects, group endeavors, or social movements that resonate with your core values.

This period is ripe for introspection on how your actions impact the collective and how you can contribute to the greater good. It’s an opportunity to break free from the confines of individualistic pursuits and to understand the power of collective effort and unity. Engaging with groups or communities not only broadens your horizons but also helps in cultivating empathy and understanding towards diverse perspectives.

Aquarius’s moon encourages innovation and thinking outside the box in your approach to collaborative efforts. It’s a time when you might feel inspired to take the lead on initiatives that advocate for change or reform. Harness this energy to inspire others, foster community spirit, and make strides towards a shared vision. Remember, the actions taken now, especially those that aim to uplift others, can have long-lasting impacts, echoing the Aquarian theme of progress and enlightenment.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20)

Taurus, the New Moon in Aquarius grants you the strength needed to reestablish both form and substance, bringing out your most resilient side. It’s the time to organize your ingenuity and contribute to your career and projects, letting your creativity carry you.

Taurus, a sign traditionally associated with stability and a preference for the tangible, the New Moon in Aquarius offers a unique opportunity to innovate and adapt. This celestial event encourages you to step outside of your comfort zone and to experiment with new approaches in your professional life and personal projects. It’s a call to blend your inherent resilience with the Aquarian energy of change and progress.

This period is ideal for Taurus to harness their natural perseverance and practicality and apply these traits in creative ways. It’s about finding a balance between your need for security and the Aquarian push towards evolution and originality. You’re being asked to rethink and restructure your approach to your ambitions, perhaps by incorporating technology or new methodologies that you haven’t considered before.The New Moon in Aquarius can inspire Taurus to take a more collaborative approach to their goals. It’s a reminder that teamwork and networking can bring fresh perspectives and opportunities, enhancing your efforts and leading to success in ways that working in isolation might not. Embrace this time to connect with like-minded individuals or groups who share your vision and can offer support or insight.

This is also a moment for Taurus to let their creativity flourish. The innovative energy of Aquarius encourages breaking free from traditional molds and expressing oneself in unique and unconventional ways. Whether it’s in your career, personal projects, or artistic pursuits, now is the time to let your imagination run wild and to bring your unique contributions to the forefront. Remember, your resilience and practicality are your greatest assets, and when combined with the creative and forward-thinking energies of the New Moon in Aquarius, they can lead to remarkable achievements.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20)

Gemini, the New Moon in Aquarius illuminates that part of you that desires to transcend the boundaries of your own mind. It’s the right time to dream big and to believe in those wild ideas you never thought you could achieve.

The New Moon in Aquarius invites you, Gemini, to explore the vast expanse of your intellect and imagination. Known for your curiosity and adaptability, this astrological event encourages you to channel your mental energy into envisioning the future you wish to create, no matter how unconventional or out-of-reach it may seem. This period is an invitation to break free from self-imposed limitations and to venture into new territories of thought and creativity. It’s a call to trust in your innovative ideas and to give them the space and attention they deserve. Aquarius energy resonates with originality and breaking the mold, aligning perfectly with your innate desire for variety and intellectual stimulation.

This is an ideal time for networking and connecting with others who share your vision and interests. Engaging in conversations and collaborations can provide the spark needed to ignite your ideas into action. The collective energy of Aquarius complements your social nature, encouraging exchanges that are not only intellectually satisfying but also potentially groundbreaking. This celestial event also underscores the importance of embracing your unique perspective and contributions. In a world where innovation and originality are prized, your ability to think differently is your greatest asset. Allow yourself the freedom to explore and experiment without fear of judgment or failure.

The New Moon in Aquarius is a beacon of possibility for you, Gemini. It’s a reminder that the future is not only something to be anticipated but something to be created. Harness this energy to dream beyond the confines of the known, and take bold steps towards making those dreams a reality. Your capacity for innovation and adaptation is unparalleled, making this an auspicious time to set intentions that reflect your highest aspirations and the unique contributions you have to offer to the world.

CANCER (June 21-July 22)

Cancer, the New Moon in Aquarius shines a light on your mental power and guides you into the depths of your deepest consciousness. It’s time to confront those difficult feelings and emotions you had left unresolved.

The New Moon in Aquarius offers you, Cancer, a unique opportunity to harness the intellectual and innovative energies of Aquarius to delve into your inner world. This period encourages you to use your intuitive and emotional strengths in new ways, applying a more analytical approach to understanding your innermost feelings and thoughts. As a sign deeply connected to emotions and the subconscious, this astrological event prompts you to explore parts of your psyche that you may have previously avoided or not fully understood. It’s an invitation to bring clarity to complex emotions and to heal wounds that have been left unattended.

The Aquarius energy encourages detachment and objectivity, which can be incredibly beneficial for you, Cancer. It allows you to step back and view your emotional landscape with a new perspective, making it easier to identify patterns and issues that need addressing. This is a time for breakthroughs in personal growth and emotional understanding. Moreover, the New Moon in Aquarius is about embracing the future and innovation, suggesting that you might find new or unconventional methods for healing and self-exploration. Whether through meditation, therapy, or any form of self-care that resonates with you, the focus is on moving forward and healing.

This celestial event also highlights the importance of connecting with your community or a supportive group that shares your values and aspirations. Aquarius is the sign of friendships and collective efforts, reminding you that you’re not alone in your journey. Sharing your experiences and insights can not only provide relief but also deepen your connections with others.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22)

Leo, the New Moon in Aquarius urges you to seek out that part of yourself that knows how to be vulnerable and open to others. It’s the right time to open up and show even the lesser-known sides of yourself, those that you tend to keep hidden, those that deserve the same light as what already shines.

The New Moon in Aquarius presents you, Leo, with a challenge that contrasts with your natural inclination to project confidence and strength. Aquarius, being your opposite sign in the zodiac, brings focus to your relationships and the dynamic of give and take. It invites you to explore the power of vulnerability and the strength that comes from showing your true self, imperfections and all. This period encourages introspection and a reevaluation of how you connect with others. By revealing your more vulnerable sides, you not only foster deeper connections but also discover a new level of authenticity in your interactions. It’s a time to break down the walls you’ve built around your heart and let others see the full spectrum of your being.

The energy of the New Moon in Aquarius also emphasizes the importance of community and collective experiences. For you, Leo, this could mean finding strength in group settings or collaborative projects where you can share your insights and creativity while also benefiting from the diverse perspectives of those around you. 

This astrological event could inspire you to engage in humanitarian efforts or to contribute to causes that are close to your heart. Aquarius’s influence drives a desire for social change and improvement, aligning with your innate leadership qualities but from a place of empathy and understanding rather than ego. Leo this is about embracing the beauty of your inner world and sharing it with others. It’s an invitation to balance your radiant exterior with the depth of your emotions and vulnerabilities, showing that true leadership and strength are found in openness and the willingness to connect on a deeper level. By doing so, you not only enrich your own life but also the lives of those around you, shining your light in new and transformative ways.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Virgo, the New Moon in Aquarius pushes you to revolutionize your daily dynamics and to rediscover joy in small gestures, thereby reconnecting with the present, a present that, in the frenzy of wanting to do everything too well, you have forgotten.

The New Moon in Aquarius offers you, Virgo, a chance to step back from your meticulous plans and routines to embrace a more spontaneous way of living. Aquarius energy, with its focus on innovation and breaking from tradition, challenges your natural inclination towards order and precision. It invites you to find beauty and fulfillment in the imperfections of life, encouraging a shift towards a more flexible and open-minded approach. This period is an opportunity for personal growth by embracing the unpredictability of life and finding peace in the moment. It’s about recognizing the value of the present and understanding that sometimes, the most profound connections and experiences come from the unexpected and unplanned.

This New Moon phase inspires you to explore new interests or hobbies that break away from your usual routine. It’s a call to engage with your community in ways that you haven’t before, perhaps by participating in group activities or social causes that ignite your passion for helping and healing others. This astrological event also highlights the importance of self-care and taking time to appreciate the simple pleasures of life. For Virgo, a sign often focused on service and improvement, this New Moon serves as a reminder that joy and contentment are also found in giving yourself permission to relax and enjoy the fruits of your labor.

The New Moon in Aquarius for you, Virgo, is about redefining what productivity and fulfillment mean. It encourages you to break free from self-imposed pressures and to celebrate life’s small moments. By doing so, you not only enhance your well-being but also open yourself up to a richer, more diverse experience of life, grounded in the present and enriched by the joy of simply being.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct 22)

Libra, the New Moon in Aquarius illuminates that part of you that wants to reconnect with your less controlled side, with that part of you that wants to feel free to dream, to love, to surprise yourself. It’s the right time to allow yourself to live out your passions without trying to control your emotions.

The New Moon in Aquarius beckons you, Libra, to embrace the unconventional and unpredictable aspects of life. As a sign that often seeks balance and harmony, this celestial event challenges you to step out of your comfort zone and explore the realms of spontaneity and freedom. It’s an invitation to let go of the need for approval and to follow your heart’s desires with unbridled enthusiasm.This period marks a significant shift in how you perceive and engage with your emotions. Instead of aiming for equilibrium in all things, you’re encouraged to delve into the depths of your feelings, to embrace the ebbs and flows of passion and desire. It’s about recognizing that true balance includes giving space to your wilder, more untamed aspects.

The New Moon in Aquarius highlights the importance of individuality in relationships and creative pursuits. For you, Libra, this might mean pursuing interests or connections that deviate from your usual tastes or expectations. It’s a call to redefine what love and creativity mean to you, free from societal norms or constraints. This astrological event also suggests a time for innovation in how you express affection and engage in artistic activities. Whether it’s through exploring new artistic mediums or expressing love in more authentic and less conventional ways, the focus is on breaking free from the mold and discovering joy in the unexpected.

Libra, this is a powerful reminder that true harmony comes from integrating all parts of yourself, including those that are unpredictable and unrestrained. By embracing this liberating energy, you open yourself up to new levels of creativity, love, and self-expression, paving the way for a more fulfilling and passionate life.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Scorpio, the New Moon in Aquarius takes you back in time, both in memory and in heart. The need to reconnect with your roots is stronger than usual, and whatever these roots may be, the moon accompanies you to reconcile with your past self. Not only the aspects that have made you proud but also those that seek forgiveness.

The New Moon in Aquarius offers you, Scorpio, a unique opportunity to delve into your emotional depths and explore your past with a new perspective. This celestial event prompts a journey of introspection and healing, encouraging you to examine the ties that bind you to your history and to confront the shadows that may have lingered in your heart.This period is about acknowledging the complexity of your emotions and the multifaceted nature of your identity. It’s an invitation to embrace all parts of yourself, including those you might have struggled with or felt the need to hide. The Aquarian energy supports a detachment that can be beneficial for you, Scorpio, as it allows you to view your past and your emotional responses with clarity and objectivity.

For Scorpio, a sign known for its intensity and depth of feeling, this is a time to let go of grudges or resentments that have been holding you back. It’s about healing old wounds and making peace with your past, so you can move forward with greater freedom and authenticity. By facing your past and integrating its lessons, you pave the way for a future where you are more aligned with your true self and your deepest values. It’s a time to honor your journey and to recognize the strength and wisdom that have come from your experiences.

This is a powerful moment for emotional renewal and personal evolution. It invites you to reconnect with your roots in a way that fosters healing and self-acceptance. By embracing this opportunity for introspection and forgiveness, you open the door to a deeper understanding of yourself and a more profound connection with the world around you.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Sagittarius, the New Moon in Aquarius urges you to reflect on your expression, on what you say and what you do not say. There are words that, if unexpressed, become heavy stones that hurt you and weigh you down. Free yourself from these burdens and embrace the lightness of truth.

The New Moon in Aquarius offers you, Sagittarius, an opportunity to explore the power of communication and the impact it has on your inner peace and relationships. This celestial event encourages you to examine the truths you’ve been holding back and to consider the freedom that comes with open and honest expression. It’s about recognizing the value of transparency, not just with others, but with yourself as well. As a sign known for its love of freedom and adventure, carrying unspoken truths can feel particularly constraining for you, Sagittarius. This period is an invitation to confront these silences, to articulate your needs, desires, and perspectives. It’s a call to practice authenticity in your interactions and to find the courage to voice what has been left unsaid.

The New Moon in Aquarius highlights the importance of aligning your words with your true self. For Sagittarius, this may mean reevaluating the ways you communicate and ensuring they reflect your deepest values and beliefs. It’s about shedding the weight of unexpressed thoughts and feelings that have been preventing you from moving forward with the lightness and clarity you crave. This astrological event also suggests a time for healing through dialogue and connection. By opening up and sharing your truth, you not only liberate yourself from the burdens of silence but also create opportunities for deeper connections with those around you. The energy of Aquarius supports innovation and change, encouraging you to find new ways to express yourself and to listen to others with an open heart.

This is a powerful moment for self-reflection and transformation through communication. It invites you to free yourself from the weights of unspoken words and to rediscover the joy of being true to yourself and to others. By embracing the lightness of truth, you pave the way for greater freedom, understanding, and connection in your life.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Capricorn, the New Moon in Aquarius accompanies you in reflecting on your relationship with the external world, with the objects you create and those you destroy, with the ideas you bring to life and those you, instead, file away. Your intuitive power can also be a powerful ally in realization.

The New Moon in Aquarius offers you, Capricorn, a unique opportunity to reassess your approach to your ambitions and creations. This celestial event prompts you to consider not just the practical outcomes of your endeavors but also the innovative and unconventional paths you might take towards achieving them. It’s about understanding the balance between creation and destruction, recognizing that sometimes letting go of certain projects or ideas can pave the way for more aligned and meaningful successes. As a sign often associated with discipline and hard work, you may find this period challenging yet liberating. It encourages you to tap into your intuition, to trust in the insights and inspirations that come from a place beyond logic and reason. This could lead to a more holistic approach to your goals, where intuition guides your decisions just as much as practical considerations do.

The New Moon in Aquarius highlights the importance of your contributions to the collective and the impact of your work on society. For Capricorn, this might mean thinking about how your creations, whether tangible objects or conceptual ideas, fit into the larger picture and serve the greater good. It’s a call to align your professional ambitions with your values and to seek fulfillment not just in achievement but in the positive changes you can bring about.

This astrological event also suggests a time for innovation in how you manifest your goals. By embracing the Aquarian qualities of creativity and forward-thinking, you can find new ways to approach your projects, breaking free from traditional methods and embracing more unconventional strategies that reflect your unique vision.

Capricorn, this is a powerful moment for introspection and growth. It invites you to explore the interplay between intuition and creation, to reconsider the ways in which you interact with the world through what you build and what you let go of. By integrating your intuitive insights with your practical skills, you open yourself up to new possibilities and ways of being that can enrich not only your own life but also the lives of those around you.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

Aquarius, this is your New Moon, rising in your sign, alongside the Sun that illuminates your new cycle. You are connected to your will, you are connected to your feelings, you are connected with your emotions. It’s the perfect moment to find the right harmony between your light and your shadow and to walk the path that is right for you.

This lunar phase marks a significant moment of personal renewal and introspection for you, Aquarius. This celestial event invites you to dive deep into your inner world, to explore the nuances of your desires, and to align more closely with your true self. It’s a time for self-discovery, for acknowledging and integrating the different parts of your being, both the parts you readily show the world and those you may keep hidden. As an Aquarius, you are known for your individuality, your innovative spirit, and your connection to the collective. This New Moon encourages you to reflect on how these qualities manifest in your life and how you can use them to foster personal growth and contribute to the world around you. It’s about embracing your uniqueness and allowing your authentic self to shine.

The energy of the New Moon in your sign supports making significant changes or setting new intentions that reflect your true aspirations. It’s an auspicious time to initiate projects, relationships, or personal practices that resonate with your core values and your vision for the future. This is your cosmic reset, a chance to redefine your identity and your path forward. This period also calls for a balance between introspection and action. While it’s important to connect with your inner self, the Aquarian energy also urges you to express your discoveries and insights in tangible ways. Whether through creative projects, social activism, or innovation in your field, the New Moon in Aquarius is a reminder that your contributions can have a profound impact on the collective.

This  is a powerful moment of awakening and clarity. It invites you to explore the depths of your being, to reconcile the light and shadow within, and to move forward with confidence in your unique journey. By embracing the energies of this New Moon, you pave the way for a period of significant personal growth and fulfillment, guided by the authenticity and visionary spirit that define you.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20)

Pisces, the New Moon in Aquarius urges you to reconnect with that part of yourself that feels fragile, vulnerable, delicate, and misunderstood. It’s the right time to ask yourself whether you really need the approvals you’ve sought or if you already have all the answers within you.

The New Moon in Aquarius presents a unique opportunity for you, Pisces, to delve into self-reflection and to explore the depths of your inner world. This celestial event encourages a shift in perspective, inviting you to consider the value of self-acceptance and the strength that comes from understanding and embracing your vulnerabilities. As a sign deeply connected to the emotional and intuitive realms, you may often find yourself seeking validation from external sources. However, this New Moon illuminates the importance of looking inward for reassurance and guidance. It’s a time to recognize your own wisdom and to trust in the insights and feelings that arise from within your own heart.

The energy of the New Moon in Aquarius supports breaking free from conventional expectations and societal norms. For Pisces, this might mean releasing the pressure to conform to others’ standards and instead, honoring your unique path and emotional experiences. It’s an invitation to celebrate your individuality and to find peace in the authenticity of your personal journey. This period also encourages exploring new ways of expressing your innermost thoughts and emotions. Whether through creative endeavors, spiritual practices, or intimate conversations, the New Moon in Aquarius invites you to share your vulnerabilities in a way that feels healing and transformative. By opening up about your feelings, you not only liberate yourself from the weight of unspoken truths but also connect more deeply with those around you.

The New Moon in Aquarius for you, Pisces, is a powerful moment for emotional renewal and self-discovery. It invites you to question the need for external approval and to find validation in your own experiences and perceptions. By embracing the energies of this New Moon, you embark on a journey of self-acceptance and inner clarity, finding that the answers and approval you seek are indeed within you, waiting to be acknowledged and embraced.

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