February 2024’s Mars in Aquarius and its effect on each zodiac sign


On February 13, 2024, Mars leaves the solid and resilient Capricorn to move into the revolutionary Aquarius, where Pluto, Mercury, and the Sun are already present. The innovative energies of the sign welcome the explosive and combative Mars, who here fights in the name of the collective.

A meeting of seemingly dissimilar energies that share a common value: being pioneering. Mars, a fire sign that rules Aries, represents the primordial energy of the Big Bang, the force that generates and creates to fill the void, the one that explodes even without a plan, in the wake of urgency. Aquarius, whose time is marked by swift Uranus, moves in the narrative of innovation and becomes the first unintentionally.

Before delving deeper into the Aquarius energies, a quick reminder: here on Born Under Saturn, you can find tons of astrology and tarot insights. We also offer highlights such as our monthly horoscope and our originally illustrated Birth Chart Calculator.

Aquarius’s energies

Aquarius is ruled by the swift, explosive, and dynamic Uranus. Its function is to overturn established orders with the aim of finding the most righteous path that aligns with the present time. Aquarius is revolutionary and pioneering because it does not succumb to the compromise of adaptation; instead, it always opts for the best and most forward-thinking solutions. When these energies are stimulated by the planet of battle par excellence, the desire for revolution is even more pronounced, marking a period where the fight for a better world can also turn violent.

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Mars, having just transited through Capricorn, a sign that prefers to carry forward its battles by adhering to existing structures, does not seek to destroy them but challenges their limits, aiming to find the best solutions from within. In Capricorn, Mars focused its energy on solidity and resilience. However, in Aquarius, a revolutionary sign, Mars encourages moving beyond boundaries, rules, and axioms. With Mars in Aquarius, there is a push to go further, because often, truth and justice are found outside the comfort zone.

The transition from Capricorn to Aquarius signifies a shift from a disciplined, structured approach to a more radical, innovative strategy. While Mars in Capricorn is about using and enhancing the existing frameworks to achieve goals, Mars in Aquarius breaks free from convention, exploring new and uncharted territories in pursuit of progress and improvement.

Horoscope: how Mars in Aquarius  will impact  each zodiac sign

Unveiling the horoscope – explore the distinct impact that Mars in Aquarius is poised to exert on each zodiac sign.

ARIES (March 21-April 19)

Aries, Mars in Aquarius benefits you, shining a light on that part of you that wants to engage with the flow of life. This aspect of your personality refuses to close its eyes to injustices or to anything that simply doesn’t feel right to you. You are always at the forefront, and it’s crucial that you make your voice heard without being daunted by challenges.

This placement of Mars energizes your desire for social involvement and activism. Aquarius’s influence brings out your innovative and revolutionary spirit, urging you to fight for change and equality. It’s about tapping into your unique strength to stand up for what you believe in, even when faced with opposition. This astrological position encourages you not just to dream of a better world but to actively participate in creating it.

Remember, your actions and words have the power to inspire and effect change. The energy of Mars in Aquarius empowers you to confront and challenge the status quo, using your insights and creativity to propose new solutions. This is a time for boldness, for pushing boundaries, and for refusing to accept things as they are if they can be improved.

Mars in Aquarius lights up your inner warrior for justice and progress. It’s a call to action to not only witness the movement of life but to be an integral part of that movement. Your role is to awaken, engage, and lead by example, never shying away from the difficulties that come with the pursuit of what is fair and just.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20)

Taurus, Mars in Aquarius is urging you to step outside of your comfort zone, including those barriers you’ve constructed as defenses. Now is the opportune moment to reveal aspects of yourself that those around you have yet to discover. This is especially true in your career, which currently seems to be unveiling significant opportunities.

This is a Mars that is urging you to embrace change and experiment with new approaches, even if it means taking risks you usually avoid. This transit highlights the potential for growth and advancement by pushing you to challenge the conventional and explore the unconventional. It’s about breaking free from the self-imposed limits that may have offered security but also hindered your progress.

For Taurus, a sign typically associated with a love for stability and routine, this planetary movement can feel unsettling yet exhilarating. Embrace this energy by allowing yourself to be a little more adventurous in your professional pursuits. The opportunities presenting themselves now have the potential to lead you toward paths rich with potential and fulfillment. Consider this period a call to action to expand your horizons and to showcase the hidden talents and passions that define the more dynamic sides of your personality. Your colleagues and professional circle are poised to support and celebrate these newly revealed qualities, recognizing you not just for your reliability and steadiness, which Taurus is well-known for, but also for your innovative ideas and contributions.

Mars in Aquarius is not just pushing you towards new professional heights; it’s inviting you to redefine your identity, to break the mold, and to let the world see the multifaceted and vibrant individual you truly are. This is a time for bold moves and big dreams, Taurus. The universe is aligned to support your growth, so seize the moment and let your unique light shine.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20)

Gemini, Mars in Aquarius presents you with new, unexpected scenarios. It’s the right time to delve deeply into those situations that have intrigued you but seemed too challenging. Even if you feel like a fish out of water, events will guide you onto the right path.

This transit is a catalyst for change, pushing you out of your comfort zone and into uncharted territories. Mars in Aquarius energizes your innate curiosity and desire for knowledge, encouraging you to pursue interests and projects that previously appeared daunting. This period is about embracing the unfamiliar and finding growth in the discomfort.

For Gemini, a sign known for adaptability and intellectual prowess, this can mean exploring new fields of study, taking on projects that require a different set of skills, or engaging with people and ideas that challenge your perspectives. The discomfort you feel will be temporary and is a sign of the significant learning and development happening within you.

The key during this time is to remain open and flexible. Allow yourself to be led by the flow of events, even if they seem to pull you in directions you never considered. These experiences are not random; they are stepping stones leading you towards growth and self-discovery. 

Trust that the universe is guiding you to where you need to be, even if the destination is not yet clear.In essence, Mars in Aquarius is offering you a unique opportunity to expand your horizons and to explore the depths of your interests and capabilities. It’s a time to be bold, to experiment, and to allow the unexpected to lead you to new insights and opportunities. Embrace this journey with an open heart and mind, Gemini, and you’ll find yourself on a path that’s not only right for you but also rich with potential and fulfillment.

CANCER (June 21-July 22)

Cancer, Mars in Aquarius is urging you to break free, not from the external molds, but from those within you. Your internal rules, the boundaries you’ve set for yourself. Now is the perfect time to face your inner critic and give yourself permission to do the opposite of what it dictates.

This transit challenges you to question the self-imposed limits that may have been acting as a safety net, but also as a cage limiting your growth and happiness. Mars in Aquarius stimulates a desire for liberation from these internal constraints, encouraging you to explore who you could be if you weren’t holding yourself back.

For Cancer, a sign deeply connected to emotions and internal worlds, this period is about confronting fears, insecurities, and the “shoulds” and “shouldn’ts” that have been internalized over time. It’s about daring to defy your own rules, especially those that limit your expression, creativity, and pursuit of your true desires. Consider this an opportunity to reassess the narratives you’ve told yourself about what you can and cannot do, be, or achieve. Challenge the voice that urges caution and restraint at the expense of passion and adventure. By doing the opposite of what your inner judge advises, you open yourself up to new experiences, learning, and personal growth.

Mars in Aquarius offers you a chance for a profound internal revolution. It’s a call to liberate yourself from the chains of your own making, to redefine your identity, and to expand the possibilities of your life. Embrace this energy by stepping into the unknown with confidence and curiosity, knowing that in doing so, you’re not only defying your inner critic but also paving the way for a more authentic and fulfilling life.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22)

Leo, Mars in Aquarius challenges you to step outside of yourself and focus on others. It’s not just about what you feel, but also about how you can make the people around you feel. The time has come to reevaluate the relational dynamics present in your life, to give proper importance to those who benefit you, and to definitively cut ties with those who no longer belong on your path.

This transit encourages you to shift your perspective from a self-centric viewpoint to a more community-oriented approach. It’s an invitation to consider the impact of your actions and presence on others, to cultivate empathy and understanding, and to recognize the value of relationships built on mutual support and respect.

This period offers a chance to explore the strength found in vulnerability and connection. It’s about acknowledging that true leadership involves listening, empathizing, and being willing to adjust your actions to nurture the well-being of those around you.This is also a time for introspection, to identify which relationships are truly reciprocal and enriching, and which have become one-sided or detrimental. Mars in Aquarius empowers you to make these difficult decisions, understanding that letting go of relationships that no longer serve you is not a loss but a step towards a healthier emotional environment.

Leo, this celestial event  is offering you an opportunity for significant growth in how you relate to others and understand your role in these dynamics. Embrace this chance to enhance the quality of your interactions and to foster relationships that are aligned with your true path. This is a time for courageous heart-centered actions, for opening up to new ways of being with others, and for cultivating a community where everyone feels valued and heard.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Virgo, Mars in Aquarius infuses your mental sphere and thoughts with strength and passion. Now is the perfect time to value your feelings and perceptions. Even your vision can become significant when expressed through your actions.

This transit encourages you to harness the energy and drive of Mars to ignite your intellectual pursuits and communication. It’s about recognizing the power of your ideas and insights and understanding that sharing them can have a profound impact. Mars in Aquarius pushes you to be bold in expressing your thoughts, to advocate for your beliefs, and to engage in conversations that challenge and stimulate you.

For Virgo, a sign often associated with meticulousness and a sometimes self-restrictive approach to expression, this period is an invitation to break free from self-imposed limitations. It’s a call to trust in the value of your contributions and to understand that your perspective can inspire and influence others in meaningful ways.

Take this time as an opportune moment to channel your passion into creative or intellectual projects that reflect your deepest convictions and visions. Whether it’s through writing, speaking, or other forms of communication, your words have the power to enlighten, educate, and provoke thought. Mars in Aquarius offers you a chance to shine a light on your intellectual and communicative abilities. By embracing this energy, you open up pathways for growth, not just for yourself but for those influenced by your voice. Let this be a time of dynamic engagement with the world of ideas, where your unique insights are recognized and valued.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct 22)

Libra, Mars in Aquarius is truly beneficial for you, indeed excellent. It grants you permission to indulge in life’s pleasures, shedding the burdens of guilt and responsibility. Your enjoyment and passions can finally evolve into a project, a creation of your own.

This transit encourages you to embrace joy and creativity as essential components of your life, rather than as mere distractions from your duties. Mars in Aquarius energizes your desire for innovation and the unconventional, urging you to explore new hobbies, interests, and forms of self-expression that you might have previously sidelined due to perceived obligations or fear of judgment.

For Libra, a sign that often prioritizes harmony and balance, including others’ needs sometimes at the expense of your own, this period represents a liberating shift. It’s a call to focus on what truly makes you happy and to recognize that pursuing your passions is not selfish but a necessary aspect of self-care and personal growth. Consider this an invitation to transform your hobbies and interests into something tangible, whether it’s a creative project, a new business venture, or simply a more dedicated approach to exploring your passions. Mars in Aquarius provides the drive and courage to make your dreams a reality, reminding you that joy and fulfillment are worthy pursuits.

Mars is offering you a chance to redefine your relationship with pleasure and creativity. It’s a period for bold exploration and for honoring the parts of yourself that yearn for expression and delight. Allow this transit to inspire you to create, enjoy, and share your passions without reservation, turning them into extensions of your very essence.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Scorpio, Mars in Aquarius urges you to rebuild, from the ground up if necessary, the balance within your family and private life. Whatever the reason that has distanced you from your roots, now is the time to confront it.

This transit propels you towards initiating change and healing in your personal and familial relationships. Mars in Aquarius brings with it the energy of innovation and the courage to address issues that may have been simmering beneath the surface for too long. It’s about breaking free from old patterns and dynamics that no longer serve you or your loved ones, and paving the way for a new, healthier foundation.

Mars is challenging you to look beyond the surface, to delve into the root causes of discord or estrangement, and to apply your innate resilience and strength in fostering reconciliation and understanding.

Consider this an invitation to open dialogues that may have been avoided, to express your feelings and needs honestly, and to listen to those of your family members with an open heart and mind. The aim is not just to resolve conflicts but to rebuild relationships on principles of mutual respect, support, and unconditional love.

Mars in Aquarius is empowering you to act decisively in matters of the heart and home. By embracing this influence, you can transform your private world into a space of harmony and growth, healing old wounds and strengthening bonds. This is a time for courageous emotional engagement, where the rewards extend far beyond the immediate, nurturing the very foundations of your life.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Sagittarius, Mars in Aquarius bestows upon you strength and vigor in matters of communication and the determination to reach the consciousness of others. This is your moment to make your voice heard, to persuade others that your truth needs to be shared with the world.

This transit ignites your natural inclination towards seeking and speaking the truth, amplifying your ability to convey your ideas and beliefs with passion and conviction. Mars in Aquarius encourages you to use your words as tools for change, challenging you to engage with others in ways that provoke thought and inspire action.

For Sagittarius, a sign celebrated for its philosophical outlook and love of freedom, this period represents an exceptional opportunity to influence the collective consciousness. It’s about harnessing your insights and enthusiasm to foster understanding and awareness, breaking through barriers of ignorance or indifference with the power of your conviction.

Consider this a call to step up as a communicator, whether through writing, speaking, or any other medium that allows you to express your unique perspective. The energy of Mars in Aquarius supports boldness in your assertions, urging you to share your visions for a better future without fear of opposition or controversy.

This is your chance to be a catalyst for intellectual and spiritual awakening. By embracing this energy, you can effectively reach out to others, encouraging them to see the world through a broader, more enlightened lens. This is a time for impactful dialogue and for championing the truths that you hold dear, knowing that your words have the power to initiate significant shifts in thought and attitude.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Capricorn, Mars in Aquarius urges you to step beyond the boundaries of rigidity, to break through the barriers of convention, and to veer off the straight path to experiment. Your hands can become magic wands, and the objects you touch can turn into gold. Utilize this creativity to achieve your goals in the most unusual ways and through means that are unfamiliar to you.

This transit invites you to embrace the unconventional, encouraging you to think outside the box and apply your innate resourcefulness in novel ways. Mars in Aquarius energizes your creative impulses, challenging the typically structured and cautious approach associated with Capricorn. It’s about seeing the potential for innovation and success in areas you may have previously overlooked or considered too risky.

For Capricorn, a sign known for its discipline and ambition, this period is an invitation to explore the freedom found in creativity and spontaneity. It’s a call to trust in your ability to adapt and to find new methods to reach your objectives, even if they deviate from your usual, well-planned strategies.Consider this a time to experiment with your approach to problem-solving and goal achievement. Whether in your career, personal projects, or other aspects of life, the energy of Mars in Aquarius supports taking leaps of faith and discovering the magic in the unknown. It’s an opportunity to prove to yourself that flexibility and innovation can coexist with ambition and determination.

Mars in Aquarius is offering you a chance to redefine what success means to you and how to achieve it. By embracing this influence, you can unlock a wealth of creative potential and find that the most unconventional paths may lead to the most rewarding destinations. This is a time for bold exploration and for allowing your unique talents to shine in new and exciting ways.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

Aquarius, Mars is in your sign, and with it, your revolutionary zeal becomes even more explosive. Now is not the time for compromises; now is not the time to conform to what no longer resonates with you. Overturn the established order, destroy, recreate, and begin anew.

This transit amplifies your innate desire for change and innovation, urging you to challenge the status quo and to break free from constraints that limit your true potential. Mars in Aquarius energizes your spirit, encouraging you to pursue your vision for the future with renewed vigor and determination.This moment represents a powerful opportunity to initiate significant change. It’s about harnessing your unique insights and ideas to effect transformation, not just in your own life but potentially on a broader scale.

Consider this an invitation to boldly assert your independence and to live in alignment with your most authentic self. Whether it’s through social activism, innovative projects, or personal evolution, the energy of Mars in Aquarius supports taking decisive action toward realizing your ideals.

Mars in your sign is offering you the chance to lead by example, to be the harbinger of the change you wish to see in the world. Embrace this influence by stepping into your power, challenging conventions, and paving the way for new beginnings. This is a time for courageous action, for redefining boundaries, and for reimagining what’s possible. Let your actions reflect your highest aspirations, and watch as the world shifts in response to your vision.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20)

Pisces, Mars in Aquarius stirs you in the deep abyss of profound reflections. Reality alone no longer satisfies you; you feel the need to see beyond it and elevate your personal battles to a higher level. To achieve this, let yourself be carried by your inner wisdom, and you will find answers to questions you didn’t know you had.

This transit encourages you to dive deeper into your subconscious, urging you to explore the realms of intuition and spirituality with a revolutionary spirit. Mars in Aquarius injects a dose of assertiveness into your introspective journey, motivating you to seek truths that lie beyond the surface of conventional reality. Mars in Aquarius offers a unique opportunity for spiritual and intellectual growth. It’s about using your natural sensitivity as a strength, allowing it to guide you through the exploration of new philosophies, ideas, and realms of consciousness. Consider this an invitation to challenge your existing beliefs and to expand your understanding of the universe. The energy of Mars in Aquarius propels you to break free from limiting perceptions and to embrace a more expansive view of your potential and the world around you.

This is your chance to embark on a journey of self-discovery and enlightenment. By tapping into your inner wisdom and embracing the courage to question and explore, you open yourself to profound insights and transformative experiences. This is a time for bold spiritual exploration, for pushing the boundaries of your understanding, and for pursuing a higher purpose that resonates with your deepest self.

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