Stellium in Astrology: Definition, Meaning, Frequently Asked Questions


Let’s go straight to the point: What exactly is a Stellium? In astrology, a Stellium is the conjunction of at least 3 planets in the same sign and/or in the same house. It is a very important point in the chart because it tells us about concentrated energy directed toward a specific area, often recurring throughout one’s life. In this article, we’ll delve deeper into the concept of Stelliums. To illustrate, we’ll provide several examples.

If you have a Stellium and wish to learn more about its implications, simply read this article until the end and leave a comment. As mentioned in the conclusion, please detail the main characteristics of your Stellium in the comment. We’ll promptly provide you with a quick but personalized overview of your unique Stellium.

What is a Stellium in astrology. Its meaning + an example

As said above, a Stellium is the conjunction of at least 3 planets in the same sign and/or in the same house. It is a powerful indicator of concentrated energy and influence in the areas of life represented by the sign and house where it occurs. This clustering of planets amplifies the characteristics and themes of that particular sign and house, making its presence felt strongly in the individual’s personality and life path.

The presence of a Stellium in a birth chart suggests that the energies of the involved planets are blended together, creating a complex interplay of influences that can dominate the chart. It’s like having a spotlight shining on a particular part of the chart, drawing attention and energy to it. This can lead to remarkable talents, obsessions, or themes that recur throughout the individual’s life, offering both challenges and opportunities for development.

For example, a Stellium in the sign of Scorpio and in the 8th house could indicate a person who has a powerful depth of emotion and insight, an intense focus on transformation, and experiences related to the themes of rebirth, sexuality, and shared resources. This person may find that these areas are particularly prominent and challenging, but also areas where they have significant strength and potential for growth.

Astrologically, understanding the dynamics of a Stellium in one’s chart is crucial. It helps recognize where and how one might focus their efforts most effectively, as well as understanding potential areas of difficulty. It can guide an individual in making the most of their natural inclinations and talents, while also highlighting areas where conscious effort might be needed to moderate the intense focus.

Birth chart of William S. Burroughs with a Stellium in the zodiac sign of Aquarius.
William S. Burroughs's Stellium in Aquarius. His birth chart has been calculated using our captivating Born Under Saturn's calculator. Tap on the image to calculate yours with this cool design.

How to calculate a Stellium in Astrology

To discover whether you possess a Stellium, you need to calculate your natal chart and identify tight conjunctions between three or more planets; if there are only two planets in close proximity, it’s considered a simple conjunction.

If you’re uncertain about whether you have a Stellium, don’t hesitate to use our Born Under Saturn’s Calculator. It’s free, accurate, and boasts a unique design, just like unique is your birth chart.

If you notice a cluster of planets in your birth chart (or even two), continue reading the article to better understand whether it’s a Stellium and its impact on your personality. Then, at the end of the article, leave a comment following the instructions.

While, if you calculate your birth chart and notice that all the planets are spread out and there isn’t a specific cluster of planets, don’t worry! You can skip directly to the paragraph where we answer the question Does everyone have a Stellium?

The impact of a Stellium position: technical rules

There are specific technical rules to help identify and define a Stellium. As mentioned earlier, a Stellium requires a minimum of three planets in conjunction with each other. Additionally, these planets should be no more than 10 degrees apart.

Let’s clarify: if the planets involved are Venus, Mercury, and the Sun, the Stellium is weaker because these planets are always close to the Sun. However, if, for example, Venus and Mercury are joined by Uranus, then the Stellium becomes significantly more powerful, even with just three planets.

Naturally, when there are fewer planets, it becomes more crucial that they are in the same house and sign. Conversely, when dealing with a larger number of planets, such as a (rare but possible) cluster of 6 or 7 planets, it’s also conceivable to consider it a Stellium if it spans two signs and two houses.

The distinction between a Stellium located within a single sign and house versus one that spans multiple signs and houses is important for interpretation. A Stellium tightly contained within one sign and house focuses its energy more specifically, affecting particular facets of the individual’s life and personality. In contrast, a Stellium spread across two signs or houses may indicate a broader range of influence, encompassing a wider array of life areas and potentially offering a more complex set of themes and challenges.

Does everyone have a Stellium?

Not all the charts feature a Stellium, and the absence of one does not imply a lack of significance. It’s important to remember that a Stellium signifies an intense concentration of energy that manifests prominently. A critical aspect of a Stellium is that when subjected to a significant transit, its effects are amplified across all planets involved, intensifying any challenges. Conversely, a chart with a more balanced distribution allows a sort of defense against difficult transits.

Let’s provide a practical example. Between January and February 2024, several planets transited through the Aquarius sign. Pluto entered Aquarius, the New Moon occurred in Aquarius, Mars also transited through Aquarius, and Venus entered Aquarius as well. These transits undoubtedly had a significant impact on those with a Stellium in Aquarius. It’s not difficult to imagine the concentrated energy and power all directed in one direction!

The absence of a Stellium in an astrological chart does not diminish its significance or the potential for profound personal development and achievements. While a Stellium can concentrate energy and focus in a particular area of life, offering both challenges and opportunities, charts without a Stellium may exhibit a more distributed energy across various life areas. This distribution can lead to a more multifaceted approach to life’s challenges and experiences, allowing for flexibility and adaptability in the face of changing circumstances.

Is having two Stelliums rare?

Just as it’s rare to have one Stellium, having two is even rarer! Naturally, one does not neutralize the other, and both will have a pivotal importance in the energies of the chart.

The Stellium that includes one of the luminaries – which are the Sun and the Moon – will be the one that characterizes the person the most. It will have a more pronounced impact on the individual’s core identity, emotional world, or how they express their ego and willpower. For example, a Stellium with the Sun may highlight the person’s vitality, creativity, and essence. Differently, a Stellium involving the Moon emphasizes emotional depth, instincts, and nurturing aspects.

The presence of two Stelliums in an astrological chart signifies a highly focused and potent concentration of energies in two distinct areas of life. This unique configuration can indicate an individual with intense drives, interests, or talents in the areas represented by the signs and houses of the Stelliums. The interplay between these two powerful forces can shape the individual’s personality, life path, and destiny in significant ways.

Does non-planetary elements (as Lilith or Chiron) count in a Stellium?

Classical astrology tends to exclude elements that are not planets in a Stellium. However, it still makes sense to consider them, perhaps not giving them the same importance as we give to planets.

White the traditional approach to astrology focuses primarily on the planets when defining a Stellium, modern astrology opens the door to a broader perspective. In fact, modern astrology includes asteroids, fixed stars, and other celestial points such as the North Node, South Node, and the angles (Ascendant, Descendant, Midheaven, and IC). Including these elements can enrich the interpretation of a Stellium by adding layers of meaning and nuance to the astrological analysis.

In fact, the inclusion of asteroids such as Chiron (the Wounded Healer) or Ceres (representing nurturing, motherhood, and loss) in a Stellium can provide deeper insights into the themes and challenges that dominate an individual’s life. Similarly, the North Node and South Node, representing points of karmic and spiritual growth, can indicate a concentrated area of life where the soul is meant to evolve and learn specific lessons.

For example, consider a Stellium in Capricorn that includes the Sun, Mercury, and Venus, with Black Moon Lilith also present. This configuration would not only emphasize the Capricorn themes of ambition, responsibility, and discipline but also introduce Lilith’s influence, highlighting a struggle with the darker aspects of power and control. The individual might be particularly driven to succeed but may also need to confront and integrate shadowy elements related to authority, such as an intense fear of failure or a ruthless streak.

It’s essential to maintain a sense of proportion in the interpretation, recognizing that while these additional elements can offer valuable insights, the planets themselves carry the core symbolic meanings and energies within the chart. The luminaries (Sun and Moon) and the planets from Mercury through Pluto are the primary drivers of the astrological narrative, with the additional elements serving to enhance and specify the story further.

Examples of Celebrities with a Stellium in their Birth Charts

At Born Under Saturn, we frequently discuss celebrity placements for two primary reasons. Firstly, it’s undeniably juicy and enjoyable to learn more about well-known figures. However, beyond mere entertainment, studying celebrities helps us solidify key concepts and grasp the meanings of planets in particular houses or signs, as well as the impact of a Stellium in a specific sign.

So, to gain a deeper understanding of the influence of a Stellium, let’s explore some famous people with a Stellium in their birth charts.

Ethan Hawke has a Stellium in Scorpio, which aligns perfectly with his persona. This astrological configuration highlights intense emotional depth, a transformative approach to life, and a magnetic presence. These qualities resonate in his powerful acting performances and the complex, often brooding, characters he portrays. Scorpio’s influence also signifies a penchant for delving deeply into the exploration of human nature, with themes of life, death, and rebirth. These align with Hawke’s choice of roles and his off-screen pursuits as a writer and director, showcasing a continual quest for deeper meaning and authenticity in his creative expressions.

Ethan Hawke

William S. Burroughs has a Stellium in Aquarius, which closely aligns with his reputation as an avant-garde author and a pivotal figure in the Beat Generation. The characteristics of Aquarius – innovation, nonconformity, and a profound interest in societal evolution – are mirrored in Burroughs’ daring explorations within his literary creations. His narratives often venture into the realms of the unconventional and the radical, reflecting a quintessentially Aquarian fascination with disrupting the status quo and pioneering new ways of thinking.

Ringo Starr‘s Stellium in Leo is emblematic of his vibrant presence both on and off stage, resonating with the Leo qualities of charisma, creativity, and a natural inclination towards performance. This astrological placement is fitting for a person who has not only thrived in the spotlight as part of one of the most iconic bands in history, The Beatles, but also has a personal flair and warmth that captures the heart of Leo. The sign of Leo – associated with self-expression, leadership, and the arts – reflects Ringo’s contributions to music through his distinctive drumming style and his ability to shine in collaborative endeavors. His Stellium in Leo highlights the joy and generosity he brings to his artistic expressions, making him a beloved figure in the entertainment world.

With these famous people’s Stellium examples we’ve concluded. If you have any questions, feel free to ask in the comments below. You can also share whether you have a Stellium or not, and if you do, list the planets, signs, and houses involved. We’ll respond with a brief overview of how to interpret your Stellium. Please note that this overview will only scratch the surface of your Stellium’s meanings. For a more comprehensive analysis, it’s necessary to thoroughly examine the entire birth chart.

  1. Sorry!
    I forgot to mention the houses…
    I have two micro stelliums confirmed by four planets that are extremely close together: In Aries/ house 4: Jupiter and Kyron In Taurus/ house 5: Mars and the Moon (my regent as Cancer)

    1. Hi Zandra 🙂
      It seems, then, that you have two conjunctions and not a Stellium. Conjunctions are nonetheless powerful and are one of the main aspects. A conjunction in Aries in the 4th house certainly tells of how important family and roots are to you, but experienced in an absolutely independent way. It might also reflect the difficulty in balancing family attachment with the desire for independence. In Taurus, in the 5th house, it’s a powerful conjunction that definitely speaks to your desire to build and create beauty and pleasure in your life.

  2. I have two micro stelliums confirmed by four planets that are extremely close together:
    In Aries: Jupiter and Kyron
    Next to
    In Taurus: Mars and the Moon (my regent as Cancer)

    1. Hi Zandra! Thanks for sharing 🙂
      Personally, I do not consider it a Stellium when there are only two planets, but I consider it a conjunction, otherwise, the aspect of conjunction would not make sense to exist. However, this is not a “downgrade”, the conjunction is powerful and beautiful. In your case, for example, Mars conjunct the Moon can be extremely strong regarding the ability to be assertive using emotions and psychic power as well. The weak point could be managing anxiety or nervousness. In which house is it?

  3. Lovely and insightful article! Thank you for sharing.
    I personally have an 8H stellium in Cancer consisting of Sun, Mercury (at 0°), Mars and Jupiter 🫶🏻

    1. Hi Jill! Thanks for sharing 🙂

      An 8th House Stellium in Cancer represents a powerful confluence of energies that deeply influence your emotional, financial, and transformative life. The 8th House is traditionally associated with transformation, sexuality, death, rebirth, and shared resources. When combined with the nurturing, protective, and sensitive energy of Cancer, this Stellium emphasizes a deep emotional intensity and intuitive understanding of the cycles of change and regeneration.The Sun in this position also highlights a significant part of your identity being tied to themes of change and emotional depth.It suggests a path marked by intuitive understanding of the ebb and flow of life’s deeper mysteries and a capacity to navigate them with empathy and insight.The presence of Mercury, especially at the critical degree of 0°, indicates a mind that is deeply intuitive and capable of penetrating insights into the hidden aspects of life, including the psychological motives of others. CHALLENGES: this stellium’s challenge lies in managing overwhelming emotions and a tendency towards moodiness or emotional manipulation. The intense focus on the 8th house themes may also lead to power struggles in relationships or an overemphasis on the need for control and security, both emotionally and financially. Hope it resonates!

  4. I have 2 stellium- 4th house Sun, Mercury, Uranus, Pluto, North node on Leo/Virgo cusp; and 8th house Moon,Jupiter, Saturn in late degrees of Capricorn.

  5. Thank you for this detailed article. I have TWO stellium! One in Capricorn, 10th House: Uranus 3° , Neptune 10°, Saturn 11° and Venus 19°, I also have Midheaven in 13°; Another one in Scorpio 7th House: Moon 14°, Mars 15° and Pluto 15°. My 7th House is ruled though by Libra.

    1. Hi Ilaria! 🙂

      Having two stelliums in your chart, especially in such powerful and transformative houses and signs, adds a complex layer to your personality and life path. The Capricorn stellium in the 10th House, including Uranus, Neptune, Saturn, and Venus, with the Midheaven closely connected, suggests a strong focus on career, social status, and public life. Note that this doesn’t necessarily mean your life is solely career-focused, quite the opposite sometimes. The energies might manifest in unexpected ways. For example, in your case, there could be a struggle in managing your private life (you have significant energies in the seventh house) and your public life, where you might desire more visible recognition but find it hard to achieve. I suspect you’re an Aries rising, right? I’m sure that, thanks to this ascendant, you manage to assert your vision effectively, which helps you climb the mountain. If it were Taurus, the earth element would be significantly intensified, leading to a heightened sense of responsibility. The Stellium in the seventh house is beautiful and indicates a deep capacity for empathy.

  6. I definitely notice the focus of energy this causes for my chart! I have Mars, Venus and Pluto in Sagittarius in my 6th house.

    1. Hi Autumn! ( is that your name? if so i love it!!!)
      Yes, a Stellium in the 6th house is pretty intense. It significantly amplifies your focus on daily life and body care, infusing these areas with Sagittarian enthusiasm for growth and exploration. Mars energizes your approach to work and health, making you proactive and adventurous in these domains. Venus adds a layer of enjoyment, suggesting you find pleasure in routines that are not just beneficial but also expansive and educational. Pluto’s presence indicates a deep transformative process in your work and health habits, pointing towards a journey of significant changes and rebirths in how you manage your daily tasks and care for your body. This stellium therefore not only intensifies your attention to the practicalities of daily life but also encourages a broader, more philosophical approach to health and work, urging you to find deeper meaning and satisfaction in these routines. Also, do you have pets? Did you know that the 6th house is also a symbols of our relationship with pets? A Stellium there might indicate a deep connection and a strong ability to establish communication with them 🙂

  7. This is so interesting. I have a Taurus stellium (sun, Mercury, mars), and a Pisces stellium (moon, ascendant, Jupiter). I’ve always known about these and felt deeply connected to this energy However today I realise I also have a 1st house stellium with my Pisces asc, Jupiter & my Venus in Aries ⭐️💫

    1. Hi Elliott!!! 🙂
      A bit of rules for clarity: priority is given to planets in the same house and the same sign, then another important thing to consider is that importance is given to planets and only after to minor aspects and angles. That said, your Stellium in Taurus (if it respects the maximum distances) seems to indeed be a stellium 🙂 But in which house is it?

  8. Hi! Many thanks for this article, it’s very interesting! I think I have two stelliums, possibly even three! I’ve always thought it was a bit rare to have a chart with such concentrations. It is as follows:

    I’m Scorpio sun, Gemini rising and Virgo moon (November 1st, 1991, 7:40 pm, Madrid, Spain)

    Stellium 1: Sun (8º), Mars (10º), Pluto (19º) and Mercury (10º) in Scorpio and in the 6th house
    Stellium 2: Uranus (10º), North Node (13º), Neptune (14º) and Lilith (21º) in Capricorn and in the 8th house (I know this one may not be a stellium strictly speaking because of the north node and lilith, but I’m used to include all of them in my readings and I always consider them)
    Stellium 3: Jupiter (9º), Moon (10º) and Venus (22º) in Virgo, Jupiter and the Moon in the 4th house and Venus in the 5th house (and I know this one may not count as a stellium because the moon and venus are more than 10 degrees apart, but I found out this rule today when reading your article and I’ve always considered them a stellium)

    Thanks a lot in advance for any comments! Definitely will book a reading with you if possible, I really like all your content!


  9. This is amazing; thank you so much for sharing!! I actually have 3 stelliums: 1 in my 9th house (venus + mars in my 9th house of leo and the sun + mercury in my 9th house of virgo); 1 in sagittarius (ascendant, jupiter, neptune, and uranus); and 1 in my first house (ascendant, moon, and neptune).

    1. Very insightful! And I may have 2 Stelliums if that’s actually possible 😂 In the 8th house in Scorpio with my Sun, Mercury and Pluto and in the 10th house in Capricorn with Venus, Neptune, Uranus and Lilith.

    2. Hi Lauren!! 🙂 When planets are in the same house but in two different signs, we tend not to consider it a powerful stellium, but certainly a cluster of nearby planets. If you know the degrees and you can share them I can understand better. The same goes for the one in the first house, to also count the Ascendant there would need to be more than two planets, but if in your case the Ascendant participates in two Stelliums then maybe that is a single cluster. Let me know if you know the exact degrees 🙂

      1. VERY insightful; thank you! So, to confirm, would I have one or two stelliums?
        Exact degrees =
        9th house: Mars 21° Leo, Venus 23° Leo, Mercury 22° Virgo, Sun 22° Virgo.
        Sagittarius: Jupiter 4°, Uranus 5°, South Node 20°, Neptune 26°.
        1st house: Ascendant 8° Sagittarius, South Node 20° Sagittarius, Neptune 26° Sagittarius, Moon 10° Capricorn.

        1. Hi Lauren 🙂
          From what I see, you don’t have actual stelliums. You have conjunctions and a cluster in the 9th house. These are certainly powerful aspects, and a 9th house so occupied represents a very important point in your birth chart, even in the absence of a so-called stellium (refer to the article to understand how to technically identify a Stellium, there should be basic info). The 9th house is our house of exploration, of the ability to go far, to detach from the comfort zone and explore the world and life. It is thanks to the 9th house that our knowledge extends, and it is thanks to the 9th house that we build that strength which allows us to always go beyond. Often, when we do not follow this desire for escape, all places feel too confining. I hope you can fully express these fantastic energies 🙂

  10. This is amazing; thank you so much for sharing!! I actually have 3 stelliums – 1 in my 9th house, 1 in my 1st house, and 1 in sagittarius!

  11. Gemini sun (11h) moon mercury (12h) cancer Saturn and mars (12h) and rising not sure if that’s a stellium though.

  12. I’ve always wondered about non-planets in a stellium. This was very informative! According to a birth chart site I used it said I have a 10th house stellium with True Node, North Node in 5° Libra, Venus in 11° Libra, Moon in 4° Libra.

    1. Ohh my thanks for the article and the opportunity!
      I have two stelliums: five in Libra ( sun, mercury, venus, north node in 12 house, also my rising is libra too, chiron in 11 house) and three in capricorn (moon, uranus, neptune all in the 3 house) thank youu!!

  13. Interesting article, thank you! I have stelliums and was always wondering what it means: 5th house: sun, mercury, mars, uranus, pluto; 6th house: moon, venus, neptune; scorpio: sun, mars, uranus, true node; sagittarius: moon, venus, neptune. 😊

      1. Degrees are sun 3,49, mercury 25,94, mars 12,28, uranus 7,23, pluto 12,44, moon 23,41, venus 7,39, neptune 12,27. Thank you 😊

  14. Thank you for this precious content!
    Yup, I definitely have a stellium. It’s in the 10th house, and the signs are Pisces and Aries. The planets I have there are Venus, the North Node, the Sun in Pisces, and Mercury and Saturn in Aries.

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