What does Venus in Pisces bring? Its energies & horoscope


On March 11, 2024, Venus will transition from the revolutionary and innovative Aquarius into the creative and visionary Pisces. This shift occurs during the Pisces season, with the Sun remaining in the sign until March 21. This date marks the end of its journey through the zodiac circle, moving into the first sign of the zodiac, the proud and fiery Aries.

The entry of Venus into Pisces represents a symbolic meeting of two planets whose energies have always been considered beneficial and fortunate, Venus itself and Jupiter, the second ruling planet of Pisces. 


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Venus from Aquarius to Pisces: from revolution to dream

Venus will transition from an air sign to a water sign, shifting energies into a more introspective mode, much like the nature of Pisces itself. While in Aquarius, Venus unleashed its passionate energies through freedom of expression, unconditional love, and the desire to be part of a larger collective. However, as it moves into Pisces, passion takes on pastel hues, blurring the lines between reality and the unreal.

In Pisces, Venus encourages a deep dive into the emotional and spiritual realms, where feelings flow freely and connections are made on a soulful level. This transition emphasizes a softer, more nuanced approach to love and relationships. The focus shifts from the intellectual and communal experiences of Aquarius to the intimate and mystical, highlighting empathy, compassion, and a desire for a transcendent connection.

The transition from Aquarius to Pisces in astrological terms mirrors a significant shift in the history of art from the avant-garde movements of the early 20th century to Surrealism. This shift represents a movement from an extroverted, revolutionary energy to a more visionary energy that opens the doors to dreams and the subconscious. Much like the avant-garde movements, which were characterized by a desire to break away from traditional forms and explore new artistic languages, Aquarius embodies a spirit of innovation, collective consciousness, and a break from convention.

As the artistic movements evolved towards Surrealism, there was a turn inward, towards the exploration of the mind and the irrational, much like the astrological shift into Pisces. Surrealism sought to unlock the power of the subconscious and explore realms beyond logical understanding, reflecting Pisces’ affinity for the mystical, emotional, and ethereal aspects of life.

Surrealism's opera.

This transition can be seen as a natural progression in the cycle of growth and exploration. After a period of outward expansion and disruption of the status quo, symbolized by the avant-garde and Aquarius, there comes a time for introspection and exploring the inner landscapes of the psyche, as represented by Surrealism and Pisces. It’s as if, following a period of significant change or total openness, there arises a need to return to oneself but to do so with a new openness to dynamics that transcend the logic which previous changes had dismantled.

In this way, the shift from Aquarius to Pisces, and similarly from avant-garde to Surrealism, signifies a journey from the external to the internal, from collective action to individual exploration. It encourages a deepening of understanding, not through rational analysis, but through embracing the intangible, the emotional, and the dream-like aspects of existence. This transition underscores the importance of balancing external revolutions with internal evolutions, allowing for a holistic approach to change and growth that encompasses both the tangible and the mystical realms of human experience.

What will Venus in Pisces bring?

Venus in Pisces will inspire everyone to experiment, to dream, and to follow those impossible, intangible, and elusive visions. The positive side is that we will all feel more open to embracing emotions and truly connecting with the emotions of others, especially the water signs who will receive the fantastic trine from Venus. The more challenging aspect is certainly related to managing emotions: Venus in Pisces makes us all more vulnerable because when we open up to feelings and emotions, we feel naked, stripped of the heavy armor that protects us.

This time invites a journey into the depths of our emotional selves, encouraging an exploration of our most profound desires and dreams. The influence of Venus in Pisces blurs the lines between the self and the other, fostering empathy and a deep, intuitive understanding of those around us. 

In embracing the vulnerability that Venus in Pisces brings, we are invited to shed our defenses and meet the world with an open heart. This period offers a unique opportunity to connect with the essence of our being and with others on a profoundly emotional level. It paves the way for relationships and artistic expressions that transcend the ordinary. As we navigate this dreamlike state, the challenge lies in balancing our open-heartedness with the need to protect our emotional well-being. The key is learning to flow with the tides of emotion without being overwhelmed by them.

Pisces symbol. Two yellow fishes swimming in opposite directions.

Horoscope: how Venus in Pisces will impact each zodiac sign

Unveiling the horoscope – explore the distinct impact that Venus in Pisces will have on each zodiac sign. Remember to read both your Sun sign (Zodiac sign) and Rising (or Ascendant).

As an added bonus, in this post, if you comment with the placement of your Venus in your Birth Chart, we’ll provide you with personalized insights on how Venus in Pisces will affect you.

ARIES (March 21-April 19)

Aries, Venus in Pisces is calling you to slow down and love without the rush to assert yourself and maintain control. It’s the perfect time to let your feelings guide you, even those that defy logical explanation. This celestial shift encourages you to embrace a softer approach to relationships, one that values empathy and understanding over dominance and decision-making. 

In this period, you’re invited to explore the depths of your emotions, to connect with your intuitive side, and to appreciate the beauty of vulnerability. Venus in Pisces softens your fiery nature, asking you to consider the subtle cues and unspoken feelings that often go unnoticed. It’s an opportunity to experience love in its most ethereal form, free from the constraints of ego and the need for immediate answers.

For Aries, accustomed to leading and initiating, this may feel like uncharted territory. However, it’s a valuable lesson in the power of surrendering to the flow of emotions, of finding strength in gentleness, and of discovering clarity in the realm of the intangible. This time challenges you to trust in the unseen and to allow your heart to lead the way, even when your mind struggles to catch up.

Embracing this shift can lead to deeper connections and a new understanding of love and relationships. It’s a chance to see the world and your place in it from a different perspective, one that highlights the interconnectedness of all things and the importance of compassion. As Venus moves through Pisces, Aries is taught the art of loving without conditions, of giving without expecting in return, and of finding peace in simply being rather than always doing.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20)

Taurus, Venus in Pisces invites you to love even when you don’t feel loved, to give even when you’re not receiving, and to offer your help even when no one seems to be supporting you. This transit encourages you to adopt a broader and more open view of the world, leading you into a whirlwind of connections that will enrich your life.

Under Venus in Pisces, you’re asked to transcend the material and the tangible, to explore the realms of unconditional love and selfless giving. It’s a time to recognize the value of emotional generosity and to understand that the beauty of relationships often lies in the intangible exchanges of support, understanding, and compassion.

For Taurus, who finds comfort in stability and reciprocity, this period may challenge your usual expectations and encourage you to find fulfillment in the act of giving itself, without immediate returns. Venus in Pisces softens your approach to love and relationships, guiding you towards a more empathetic and intuitive understanding of those around you.

Allow yourself to be carried by this vision, and you will discover a network of connections that bring a new depth to your life. It’s an opportunity to experience the transformative power of love in its purest form, to learn the strength that lies in vulnerability, and to see how extending your heart to others can, in turn, open your world to a multitude of blessings.

Embracing the lessons of Venus in Pisces can lead to profound personal growth and a deeper appreciation for the interconnectedness of all beings. It’s a call to trust in the flow of love, to let go of the need for control, and to allow your heart to lead the way in building a richer, more compassionate life.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20)

Gemini, Venus in Pisces urges you to speak less and think more. It’s the perfect moment to lose yourself in the rooms of your mind, to open the door to creativity, and to let out the madness within you, transforming it into impossible projects. This transit invites you to dive deep into your inner world, exploring the depths of your imagination and the nuances of your emotions. 

For a sign that thrives on communication and the exchange of ideas, this period is a gentle nudge to turn inwards and listen to the whispers of your soul. Venus in Pisces softens the edges of your intellect, blending logic with intuition, and encouraging a more reflective state of being. It’s a time for dreaming, for envisioning what could be, and for allowing your creative impulses free rein.

This phase of introspection and creativity could lead to breakthroughs in how you express yourself and connect with others. By embracing the quiet and the chaos within, you can discover new pathways for your thoughts and ideas to flow, perhaps leading to innovations or artistic expressions that defy conventional expectations.

Gemini is called to embrace the fluidity of Pisces, to find freedom in the exploration of the abstract, and to appreciate the beauty of ideas that have no boundaries. This is an invitation to expand your perception of what is possible, to blend reason with whimsy, and to see the world through a lens of wonder and infinite possibility.

Let Venus in Pisces guide you through this journey of mental exploration and creative expression. It’s a time to cherish the beauty of silence, to nurture the seeds of your wildest dreams, and to witness the blossoming of your inner world into forms and ideas that have the power to inspire and transform.

CANCER (June 21-July 22)

Cancer, Venus in Pisces illuminates that part of you eager to reach far with dreams, visions, and projects. It’s the right time to push beyond your boundaries and try new experiences that defy the logic of your reasoning. This transit beckons you to embrace the vastness of your imagination and the depth of your emotions, guiding you towards pursuits that resonate with your soul.

Venus in Pisces enhances your innate ability to empathize and connect on a profound level. It encourages you to explore the realms of creativity and spirituality, areas where your intuitive nature can flourish. This period is an invitation to dream big, to allow your visionary ideas to take shape, and to embark on journeys that might have seemed too audacious before.

This phase supports you in breaking free from the constraints of practicality, urging you to explore life’s mystical and artistic dimensions. It’s a call to trust in the flow of the universe and to let your heart lead the way in pursuit of what truly moves you. Whether it’s through art, spiritual exploration, or embarking on a quest for personal growth, now is the time to dive into experiences that enrich your soul and expand your horizons.

Take this time as a reminder that it’s okay to be vulnerable, to open yourself to the unknown, and to allow your dreams to guide you towards uncharted territories. The beauty of this period lies in the potential for profound emotional and creative growth, as you connect with the deepest desires of your heart.

Embrace the energy of Venus in Pisces, Cancer, and let it illuminate the path to your dreams. This is a time for growth, for exploring the boundless possibilities of your imagination, and for allowing yourself to be swept away by the currents of inspiration and emotion. Trust in the journey, and you may find yourself reaching destinations more beautiful than you ever imagined.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22)

Leo, Venus in Pisces is calling you to place more trust in your irrational side and let it guide you towards a soul revolution. Perhaps you’ve been too insistent on finding reasons for everything you’ve done, and now is the perfect time to explore that part of you that doesn’t have answers but can lead you into the depths of your unconscious.

The Pisces Venus encourages you to embrace the mysteries of your inner world, to let go of the need for constant clarity and control, and to surrender to the flow of your deeper emotions and instincts. Venus in Pisces softens your fiery nature, inviting you to delve into the waters of intuition, dreams, and the parts of yourself that operate beyond logic.

This celestial transit offers a unique opportunity to connect with the more subtle, sensitive aspects of your being. It’s a time to acknowledge that not all journeys require a clear map or destination, and that sometimes, the most profound discoveries come from wandering into the unknown.

Allow yourself to be led by feelings and impulses that defy explanation. This exploration can lead to a profound transformation, revealing layers of your psyche and potential that you were previously unaware of. It’s a chance to heal, to grow, and to understand yourself in ways that rational thought could never facilitate.

Embrace the uncertainty and the magic that Venus in Pisces brings, Leo. Let it be a guide to a deeper, more introspective experience of life, where the journey inward reveals treasures of emotional depth and creative inspiration. This period is an invitation to trust in the unseen, to value the wisdom of the heart, and to open yourself to a revolution of the soul that illuminates your path with newfound purpose and passion.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Virgo, Venus in Pisces is urging you to tear down the high walls you’ve built to protect yourself and to expose your true feelings, even if it seems too difficult. Now is the perfect time to express what you feel, whether through poetry or a direct declaration of love. Remember, in your efforts to avoid falling, you’ve missed out on myriad experiences that were waiting for you.

This transit invites you to embrace vulnerability and to share your innermost thoughts and emotions with others. Venus in Pisces softens your often critical and analytical nature, encouraging a flow of empathy, compassion, and emotional expression. It’s a call to trust in the process of opening up, to believe in the beauty of your own authenticity, and to allow your true self to be seen and heard.

For Virgo this period offers a valuable lesson in the art of imperfection and the power of emotional honesty. It’s an opportunity to realize that true connections are formed not through flawless interactions but through the sharing of our most genuine selves, complete with vulnerabilities and uncertainties. Letting go of the need for control and opening up to the possibility of emotional risk can lead to profound growth and fulfillment. It’s a chance to experience love, friendship, and creative expression in a more meaningful and soulful way. By lowering your defenses and allowing your heart to lead, you may discover a deeper connection with others and a more authentic way of living.

Embrace the transformative energy of Venus in Pisces, Virgo. Allow it to guide you towards emotional openness and vulnerability, knowing that in doing so, you are stepping into a richer, more connected experience of life. This is a time to celebrate the beauty of being human, with all its imperfections and uncertainties, and to find strength in the courage to be truly yourself.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct 22)

Libra, Venus in Pisces is calling you to infuse creativity and freedom into even the smallest and most intimate dimensions of your daily life. Perhaps you’ve forgotten that even making coffee in the morning can become a poetic act, and by taking too many things for granted, you’ve overlooked the beauty of your life.

This transit encourages you to find joy and inspiration in the mundane, to transform routine tasks into moments of beauty and mindfulness. Venus in Pisces softens your perspective, reminding you that there’s magic to be found in the everyday if you’re willing to look for it. It’s a call to appreciate the simple pleasures, to slow down and savor the moments that make up your day.

Venus in Pisces offers a valuable reminder that beauty isn’t just found in grand gestures or extraordinary events, but also in the quiet, ordinary moments that we often overlook. It’s an opportunity to reconnect with the art of living, to bring a sense of creativity and intention to your daily routines, and to rediscover the wonder that lies in the familiar.

Embrace the energy of Venus by allowing yourself to be more spontaneous and less structured in your approach to everyday life. Experiment with new ways of doing things, whether it’s trying a different recipe, rearranging a space in your home, or simply changing your route to work. Each of these acts can be an expression of creativity and a step towards rediscovering the joy and beauty that surround you.

Let this celestial phase inspire you, Libra, to celebrate the poetry in the mundane and to recognize the extraordinary within the ordinary. This is a time to cherish the uniqueness of your daily life, to embrace the freedom of expression in all aspects, and to remember that beauty can be found in the most unexpected places.

Drawings of the Zodiac

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Scorpio, Venus in Pisces is like a warm, fragrant bath preparing you for an event you’ve long awaited. Finally, you can indulge in life’s pleasures without worrying about being good, diligent, and reserved. Let go of all mental chains; in their place, embrace liberating madness.

This transit signals a time for you to dive deeply into your desires and emotions, allowing yourself to explore and experience without the usual self-imposed restrictions. Venus in Pisces washes over you with a wave of creativity, intuition, and emotional depth, urging you to connect with the parts of yourself that you often keep guarded.

This is an opportunity to soften, to open up to the more mystical and romantic aspects of life. It’s a call to celebrate your passions, to surrender to the flow of your emotions, and to find joy in the beauty and complexity of human experience.

Allow Venus in Pisces to guide you towards a more fluid, less controlled approach to life, where you can revel in the nuances of your feelings and the richness of your inner world. This is a time to break free from the constraints of convention and to allow your unique spirit to shine in all its wild, untamed glory.

Embrace this period of liberating madness, Scorpio. Let it be a journey of discovery, where you can let go of the need to control and analyze every aspect of your life. Instead, give in to the whims of your heart, follow your impulses, and see where they lead you. This is a moment to celebrate the full spectrum of your being, to indulge in the pleasures that life offers, and to experience the profound growth that comes from embracing the unpredictable and the unknown.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Sagittarius, Venus in Pisces calls you to also take care of your roots so that the leaves of your tree can return to being green and radiant. It’s time to nurture and give thanks to those who have stood by your side in difficult times, those who may now need you but lack the courage to ask.

This transit is a gentle reminder of the importance of your foundational relationships and the support systems that have allowed you to grow and explore freely. Venus in Pisces softens your adventurous spirit, turning your attention to the emotional and spiritual nourishment that comes from deep, meaningful connections.

For Sagittarius this period emphasizes the significance of home, family, and close friends. It invites you to show appreciation for the constants in your life, to strengthen the bonds that ground you, and to offer your support and love to those who have been your anchors.

Embrace this time as an opportunity to reconnect with your personal history and to acknowledge the roles that others have played in your journey. It’s a chance to express gratitude, to provide comfort, and to be present for those who have always been there for you.

Let Venus in Pisces inspire you, Sagittarius, to celebrate the relationships that form the bedrock of your life. This is a moment to cherish the interconnectedness of your personal universe, to give back to those who have given you so much, and to ensure that the foundation upon which you stand is strong and nurtured. By caring for your roots, you ensure that your tree, symbolic of your life and aspirations,remains vibrant and full of life, ready to face whatever adventures lie ahead.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Capricorn, Venus in Pisces frees you from rigid formalities and encourages you to express not only your well-prepared and far-sighted side but also your wild and fluid one. Stop controlling the words that come out of your mouth, surrender to the flow, and give yourself permission to truly say what you think.

Venus in Pisces is an invitation to soften your approach, to allow the more spontaneous and intuitive aspects of your personality to surface. Venus in Pisces dissolves the boundaries you’ve erected around your emotions and thoughts, urging you to embrace a more open and authentic form of expression. It’s a call to honor your innermost feelings and to share them with the world without fear of judgment or the need for perfection.

This transit offers a valuable opportunity to explore the liberating aspects of vulnerability and honesty. It’s a time to recognize that true strength lies not only in resilience and foresight but also in the courage to be emotionally transparent and to connect with others on a deeper level.

Let Venus in Pisces guide you towards embracing the parts of yourself that you usually keep hidden. Allow your words and actions to flow freely, revealing the richness of your inner world and the complexity of your emotions. This is a moment to celebrate the beauty of being genuine, to find joy in the unpredictable, and to discover the power of living without the constraints of excessive control.

Embrace this period of transformation, Capricorn. Let it be a journey towards a more expressive and emotionally fulfilling way of being, where you can truly connect with others and share the full spectrum of your thoughts and feelings. This is a time to break free from the chains of convention, to revel in the freedom of authenticity, and to experience the growth that comes from embracing the entirety of who you are.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

Aquarius, Venus in Pisces envelops you in a magnificent intuitive power, enabling you to connect with the material universe effortlessly. Now is the time to transform everything you touch into poetry, and you’ll see your life become an art exhibition without walls.

This transit encourages you to explore the depths of your creativity and to see the world through a lens of wonder and imagination. Venus in Pisces enhances your ability to perceive the beauty and interconnectedness of all things, urging you to express these insights in unique and artistic ways. It’s an invitation to let go of conventional approaches and to embrace a more fluid, imaginative perspective on life.

For Aquarius, a sign known for its originality and forward-thinking, this period offers a rare opportunity to delve into the more mystical and emotional aspects of your nature. It’s a time to celebrate the poetic and the abstract, to allow your innovative ideas to be influenced by your dreams and intuitions.

Let Venus in Pisces inspire you to see art in the everyday, to find magic in the mundane, and to share your visionary insights with the world. This is a moment to recognize that creativity is not just an act of producing art but a way of living, a means of experiencing the world in its full splendor.

Embrace this period of artistic and intuitive abundance, Aquarius. Let it be a journey of discovery, where the boundaries between reality and imagination blur, and where your life itself becomes a canvas for your creativity. This is a time to live authentically, to express yourself freely, and to revel in the beauty of your unique perspective on the world.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20)

Pisces, Venus is in your sign, bringing with it a heightened desire to love yourself and to tend to your feelings and pains. If there are still open wounds, now is the time to give yourself the necessary space and time to heal them once and for all.

This transit emphasizes the importance of self-care and emotional healing, encouraging you to dive deep into your heart and confront the emotions you might have been avoiding. Venus in Pisces enhances your natural empathetic and intuitive abilities, allowing you to connect with your innermost feelings on a profound level. It’s a period of introspection and emotional exploration, where the focus is on nurturing your soul and acknowledging your emotional needs.

Venus’s presence offers a powerful opportunity for growth and renewal. It’s a call to embrace the vulnerability that comes with self-reflection and to treat yourself with the same kindness and understanding you offer to others. Let Venus guide you towards a deeper love for yourself, encouraging you to heal your wounds with compassion and patience. This is a time to recognize the strength in vulnerability, to allow yourself the grace of healing at your own pace, and to emerge from this period more connected to your true self.

Embrace this healing journey, Pisces. Allow Venus’s loving energy to fill you with the courage to face your pains and the wisdom to heal them. This is a moment to celebrate your resilience, to honor your emotional depth, and to step forward into a future where you love and care for yourself as deeply as you do for others.

    1. Hello! Your Venus will thus experience a square from Venus in Pisces. The square is a challenging aspect but can also bring great lessons and positive changes. In this case, Venus in Pisces might ask your Venus to connect in a more authentic and deeper way, maybe even in moments when you would prefer to remain reserved. Perhaps your mission will be to expose yourself even when it seems difficult. It’s the right time to let your emotions flow and not let fears hold you back. Have a happy March!

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