March 2024’s New Moon in Pisces: its effect on each zodiac sign


The New Moon in Pisces will rise on March 10, 2024, at 1:01 am PT, joining forces with the empathetic and visionary Sun in Pisces. This celestial event marks a period of new beginnings, emotional renewal, and the initiation of intuitive projects.

The phase of the New Moon is traditionally seen as a time for setting intentions, planting seeds for future endeavors, and embarking on new paths. In the sign of Pisces, this New Moon emphasizes themes of empathy, dreams, and connecting with the subconscious. It’s a powerful moment to tap into your intuition, to listen to your inner voice, and to trust the guidance it offers.

Under the influence of Pisces, this New Moon is particularly potent for healing emotional wounds, releasing past hurts, and forgiving yourself and others. It’s a time to clear away the emotional clutter that may be holding you back, allowing you to move forward with a lighter heart and a clearer vision.


At Born Under Saturn, we are dedicated to keeping you informed about key astrological transits – such as Venus in Pisces on March 11, 2024. Additionally, be sure to explore our unique Birth Chart Calculator design.

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What will Pisces New Moon bring?

The New Moon in Pisces excels at expressing its symbolism related to the unconscious and intuitive intelligence, as it is in a water sign that does not impose rigidity and barriers but allows emotions of all kinds to flow freely. Here, the New Moon manifests in an uninterrupted flow, unmarred by the projections of the ego. It embodies the realm of the night, so dear to the Moon, the realm of the illogical, of everything that lies beyond the bounds of reason.

During this time, when we seek to reconnect with our intuitive selves to plant new seeds, we can do so with a wholly instinctual approach. In a sense, although Pisces is the last sign of the Zodiac, it represents a return to origins, to the innocence of childhood, a time when we are guided not by logic but by primal instinct.

Pisces’ influence during this lunar phase encourages us to approach our new beginnings with an open heart and a soulful perspective.

It’s a call to trust our intuition, to allow our deepest desires and dreams to guide our actions, and to surrender to the natural flow of life. 

This New Moon offers the perfect opportunity to connect with the more ethereal and mystical aspects of our existence, reminding us of the power of our subconscious and the wisdom that resides within our intuitive mind.

Pisces symbol.
The Pisces symbol depicts two fish swimming in opposite directions, symbolizing the perpetual tug-of-war between fantasy and reality in the Piscean psyche.

Horoscope for the New Moon in Pisces

Unveiling the horoscope – explore the distinct impact that the New Moon in Pisces will have on each zodiac sign. The most accurate approach is to first read for your Sun sign, and then consider your Rising sign as well. Both are important factors.

ARIES (March 21-April 19)

Aries, the New Moon in Pisces encourages you to explore silence and solitude so that you can meet and recognize your emotions. These can be transformed into seeds that you can plant, allowing you to build even from difficulties. 

This phase beckons you to turn inward, to find strength and inspiration in your own company, and to understand the depth of your feelings. In the quiet moments, you’re invited to listen to the whispers of your heart, to acknowledge and honor your innermost desires and fears. This introspective journey can reveal the raw materials from which you can forge your path forward. Embracing the solitude and the silence, you have the opportunity to connect with the intuitive wisdom that Pisces embodies, using it to navigate the complexities of your emotions and to find clarity in your ambitions and dreams. 

This New Moon offers a moment of profound emotional insight and spiritual renewal, guiding you to plant the seeds of future endeavors with a clear vision and a purified heart. As Aries, a sign known for its courage and initiative, this period of reflection can be a powerful tool in your arsenal, helping you to channel your fiery energy into creating something meaningful and enduring from the challenges you face. It’s a time to recognize the transformative power of your emotions, to see them as a source of strength, and to allow them to guide you in laying the foundations for the achievements you aspire to.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20)

Taurus, the New Moon in Pisces encourages you to reflect on the social dynamics you’ve established so far and to nurture those you’ve been neglecting. Now is the perfect time to come down from your personal mountain and engage with others.

This celestial event prompts you to examine the quality of your relationships and the roles you play within your social circles. Pisces, with its deep emotional waters, offers a unique opportunity for introspection and emotional growth, urging you to consider how you connect with those around you. The New Moon’s energy is about starting anew, making it an ideal time to reach out, mend bridges, or deepen connections that have been overlooked.

For Taurus this may mean stepping out of your comfort zone to explore new ways of relating and communicating. It’s about recognizing the value of vulnerability and openness in building meaningful relationships. This period invites you to listen more attentively, express your feelings more freely, and allow yourself to be moved by the experiences and stories of others.

The New Moon in Pisces shines a light on the importance of empathy, compassion, and mutual support. It’s a call to balance your strong sense of self with a deeper understanding of your place within the wider community. By nurturing your connections and participating more fully in the lives of those around you, you pave the way for richer, more fulfilling interactions.Let this New Moon be a guide to embracing the ebb and flow of relationships, encouraging you to cultivate a more inclusive and compassionate approach to your social engagements. It’s a time to appreciate the beauty of shared experiences and to find strength in collective unity, reminding you that even as you descend from your mountain, you’re never truly alone.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20)

Gemini, the New Moon in Pisces encourages you to reconnect with what you truly love, even if it means abandoning paths you’ve already embarked upon. Perhaps it’s time to stop satisfying what others want for you and focus on what you want for yourself.

This lunar phase invites introspection and a deep dive into your desires and dreams, urging you to consider whether your current direction aligns with your authentic self. Pisces, with its connection to the spiritual and emotional realms, offers a supportive backdrop for this soul-searching, encouraging you to listen to your inner voice and intuition.

This period is an opportunity to explore the depths of your passions and to question the compromises you’ve made in the name of practicality or external expectations. It’s about acknowledging the parts of yourself that have been neglected or overshadowed by the need to conform or please others.

The New Moon in Pisces serves as a reminder that true fulfillment comes from pursuing what resonates with your core, not from adhering to a path laid out by someone else. It’s a call to embrace the courage to make changes, to let go of what no longer serves you, and to step boldly towards what feels right for you. Let this be a time of rebirth, where you grant yourself the freedom to redefine your goals and aspirations based on your personal truth. It’s an invitation to shed old skins and to emerge more aligned with your genuine interests and passions. By focusing on what you truly want, you open the door to a more authentic and satisfying journey, rich with the promise of genuine happiness and self-discovery.

CANCER (June 21-July 22)

Cancer, the New Moon in Pisces encourages you to plant new seeds, but not in your garden. Now is the time to venture far and connect with new energies.

This lunar phase invites you to explore beyond your comfort zone, urging you to embrace change and seek out fresh experiences. Pisces, with its deep, intuitive waters, supports your journey towards emotional and spiritual growth, encouraging you to open your heart to the unfamiliar and the unknown.

The Pisces New Moon represents a significant opportunity for expansion. It’s about recognizing the potential that lies in new beginnings and the growth that comes from exposing yourself to different perspectives and environments. The New Moon in Pisces asks you to trust in the flow of life and to allow your intuition to guide you towards paths that may have seemed daunting before.This is a time to be bold and to nurture your adventurous side. Whether it’s through travel, learning, or engaging with new communities, the emphasis is on broadening your horizons and enriching your soul with experiences that challenge and inspire you.

Let this New Moon mark the start of a journey where you allow yourself to dream bigger and to explore the vast landscape of possibilities that await. By connecting with new energies, you invite transformation and renewal into your life, paving the way for a future that resonates more deeply with your evolving spirit. Embrace this chance to grow, Cancer, and see where these new seeds will take you.

This photograph was made as part of the Lunar Orbiter program, a series of five unmanned spacecraft launched into orbit around the Moon in 1966 and 1967. Each spacecraft was equipped with a sophisticated imaging system provided by Eastman Kodak, which consisted of a dual-lens camera, film processing and handling units, and a readout scanner for transmitting the images back to Earth.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22)

Leo, the New Moon in Pisces encourages you to delve into the depths of your being and accept your evolving needs. We are not always identical to our past selves, and perhaps this is your moment to let your new self emerge.This lunar phase is an invitation for profound self-discovery and acceptance. Pisces, known for its deep emotional waters and connection to the spiritual, offers a supportive environment for introspection and transformation. It’s a time to embrace the changes within you, acknowledging that growth and evolution are integral parts of life.

This period challenges you to look inward and recognize the aspects of yourself that are asking for acknowledgment and expression. It’s about understanding that personal growth often requires letting go of previous versions of yourself to make room for the new.

The New Moon in Pisces asks you to trust in the process of change, to be gentle with yourself as you navigate the waters of transformation. It’s an opportunity to redefine who you are, to explore new facets of your personality, and to integrate these discoveries into your sense of self.

Let this be a time of renewal, where you allow yourself to explore the uncharted territories of your inner landscape. By accepting your new needs and desires, you open the door to a richer, more authentic life experience. Embrace this chance to reveal your new self, Leo, and step forward with confidence into the path that truly reflects who you are now.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Virgo, the New Moon in Pisces encourages you to reconnect with your feelings and seize the opportunity to connect deeply with others. Now is the right time to allow yourself to be read from within, to be truly seen.

This lunar phase highlights the importance of emotional openness and vulnerability. Pisces, with its intuitive and empathetic qualities, fosters an environment where you can safely explore and express your innermost emotions. It’s an invitation to lower the barriers you’ve built around your heart and to share your true self with those around you.

These energies beckons you to prioritize your emotional well-being and the quality of your personal relationships. It’s about understanding that true connection comes from mutual vulnerability and the willingness to share not just your thoughts but also your feelings.

The New Moon in Pisces is a gentle reminder that being seen in your entirety, strengths, weaknesses, hopes, and fears, is not just a desire but a necessity for building meaningful relationships. It’s an opportunity to deepen your bonds with others by showing up authentically, ready to engage in genuine emotional exchange.

Let this be a time of emotional renewal, where you embrace the courage to reveal your inner world to others. By doing so, you open the door to more profound, fulfilling connections that reflect the true essence of who you are. Embrace this chance to be truly seen, Virgo, and discover the beauty and strength that lie in emotional transparency and connection.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct 22)

Libra, the New Moon in Pisces invites you to take care of your psychophysical well-being, giving it the attention it deserves. Now is the right time to take a break from external battles and look inward.

This lunar phase emphasizes the importance of self-care and introspection. Pisces, with its connection to the emotional and intuitive, offers a supportive backdrop for this inner journey, encouraging you to explore your feelings and needs. It’s a period to prioritize your health, both mental and physical, and to implement practices that nourish and rejuvenate you.

For Libra, a sign that often focuses on harmony and balance in relationships, this New Moon serves as a reminder that true balance begins within. It’s about recognizing the need to retreat and recharge, to address your own needs with the same care and dedication you offer to others.This is a call to embrace solitude as a space for healing and growth. It’s an opportunity to reflect on your personal journey, to identify areas of your life that require attention, and to make self-care a priority. Whether it’s through meditation, spending time in nature, or engaging in creative activities, this is a time to connect with yourself on a deeper level.

Let this be a period of renewal, where you grant yourself permission to rest and to focus on your well-being. By nurturing your psychophysical health, you lay the foundation for a more balanced and fulfilling life. Embrace this chance to look inward, Libra, and discover the peace and strength that come from attending to your own needs with compassion and mindfulness.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Scorpio, the New Moon in Pisces encourages you to reclaim your spaces of passion and creativity, shedding fears and rigidities to rediscover your inner child. This phase beckons you to dive deep into the waters of your imagination and emotion, embracing the fluidity and intuition that Pisces offers. It’s a time to reignite the fires of your creativity and to allow your passions to guide you, free from the constraints that have held you back. This New Moon invites you to explore new forms of expression and to engage with your creative endeavors with a sense of wonder and exploration.

For Scorpio, a sign known for its intensity and depth, this period is a call to soften, to allow yourself to play and dream without fear of judgment or failure. It’s about reconnecting with the parts of yourself that delight in creation for its own sake, that find joy in the act of making and imagining.The New Moon in Pisces is a reminder that vulnerability and openness are strengths, not weaknesses. It encourages you to let go of the control and suspicion that can sometimes limit your growth and to approach life with a sense of openness and trust. This is a time to celebrate your uniqueness, to be true to your desires, and to allow your inner child to come forth and play.

Let this be a time of emotional and creative rebirth, where you allow yourself to explore and express without limits. By reconnecting with your passion and creativity, you tap into a powerful source of joy and fulfillment. Embrace this opportunity to shed the old fears and limitations, Scorpio, and step into a space where your true self can flourish, guided by the instincts and whims of your inner child.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Sagittarius, the New Moon in Pisces pushes you to rebuild a safe and genuine space within your family and intimate environments, where you should truly feel at home. If you’ve lost the sense of belonging, now is the time to reconstruct it.

This moon phase emphasizes the importance of grounding yourself in spaces that nurture your spirit and reinforce your sense of security. Pisces, with its deep emotional waters and emphasis on connection, provides the perfect backdrop for this introspective journey. It’s an invitation to delve into your relationships and living spaces, to identify what makes you feel supported and loved, and to make any necessary changes to enhance that sense of belonging.

For Sagittarius, a sign known for its love of freedom and adventure, this New Moon serves as a reminder that exploration doesn’t only happen in the external world; it’s also about venturing into the inner landscapes of your relationships and personal spaces. It’s about creating a foundation of trust and authenticity in your closest connections, ensuring that no matter how far you roam, you have a sanctuary to return to.

The New Moon in Pisces encourages you to communicate openly with your loved ones, to express your needs and to listen to theirs, fostering an environment of mutual respect and understanding. It’s a time to heal any rifts, to strengthen your bonds, and to make your home a true reflection of who you are and what you value.

Let this be a period of emotional and relational renewal, where you take active steps towards creating a more nurturing and authentic home environment. By focusing on rebuilding your sense of belonging, Sagittarius, you lay the groundwork for deeper connections and a more fulfilling sense of home, where you can always find comfort and understanding.

Beautiful painting related to Pisces and its ruling planet Neptune.
Neptune, the sea god and ruling planet of Pisces, alongside Jupiter.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Capricorn, the New Moon in Pisces encourages you to rediscover authenticity in your expression and in your relationships with those close to you. Now is the time to re-establish a solid bridge between you and the Other. Your words can finally emerge without calculations and plans.

This is your call to embrace the fluid and empathetic qualities of Pisces, encouraging a more open and heartfelt mode of communication. It’s an opportunity to speak your truth, to share your thoughts and feelings without the usual restraint or concern for how they will be received. This New Moon underscores the importance of honesty and vulnerability in forging deeper connections and understanding with others.

The New Moon in Pisces offers a valuable lesson in the strength that comes from openness and emotional transparency. It’s about recognizing that true leadership and respect are built on the foundation of genuine interactions, where both parties feel seen and heard.

Let this be a time of renewal in how you connect with others, Capricorn. Embrace the opportunity to express yourself freely and to build more authentic and meaningful relationships. By doing so, you not only enrich your personal and professional life but also create a more supportive and understanding community around you.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

Aquarius, the New Moon in Pisces invites you to view the world around you from a different perspective, one that’s less pragmatic and more innocent and instinctual. Now is the perfect time to remove the lenses of adulthood and replace them with those of a child, for whom everything is still possible.

This lunar phase encourages you to embrace the imaginative and dreamy qualities of Pisces, urging you to rediscover the wonder and endless possibilities that life has to offer. It’s an invitation to let go of the cynicism and skepticism that often come with experience and to approach the world with curiosity and openness.

That is your reminder that sometimes the most profound insights and breakthroughs come from a place of naivety and simplicity. It’s about recognizing the value of viewing situations with fresh eyes and allowing your instinctual reactions to guide your decisions.

The New Moon in Pisces is a call to reconnect with the parts of yourself that dream big and believe in the magic of the universe. It’s an opportunity to let your imagination run wild, to explore new ideas without the constraints of logic or feasibility, and to remember that the essence of creativity is in seeing the potential where others see limits.

Let this be a time of rejuvenation for your spirit, Aquarius. Embrace the chance to view the world with the wonder and optimism of a child, and allow this renewed perspective to infuse your projects, relationships, and outlook on life with a sense of possibility and joy. By adopting a more innocent and instinctual approach, you open the door to a richer, more vibrant experience of the world.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20)

Pisces, this is your Moon, illuminating you with the desire to let thoughts, emotions, and words flow without barriers and the fear of being misunderstood. You don’t need to be understood right now; you just need to feel authentic and connected to that part of you that still dreams.

The New Moon in Pisces marks a period of deep emotional and spiritual renewal for you. It encourages a return to your intrinsic nature, one that is boundless, intuitive, and deeply connected to the unseen realms of dreams and emotions. This lunar phase is an invitation to express yourself freely, to embrace the fluidity of your emotions, and to communicate from the heart.

For Pisces, a sign characterized by its empathy, creativity, and intuitive understanding, this New Moon amplifies your natural tendencies towards emotional expression and connection. It’s a time to honor your feelings, to allow them to surface and to be acknowledged without judgment or the need for external validation.

This period is about celebrating your uniqueness, your ability to perceive and experience the world in a way that transcends conventional boundaries. The New Moon in Pisces is a reminder that your strength lies in your vulnerability, in your capacity to feel deeply, and in your willingness to share those feelings with the world. Let this New Moon be a catalyst for embracing your true self, for letting go of the fear of being misunderstood, and for connecting with the parts of you that are most authentic. By doing so, you affirm your place in the world as a dreamer, a creator, and a beacon of empathy and understanding. This is a time to shine in your authenticity, Pisces, and to let your dreams and emotions guide you towards a deeper connection with yourself and the world around you.

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