Exploring the Influence of the Aries Season 2024 on Each Zodiac Sign


On March 21st, the Aries Season starts while the Pisces season ends. The Sun makes its entrance into the fiery and pioneering sign of Aries, thus beginning anew the cycle through the zodiac from the first sign. With it, spring also bursts forth, its awakening charging us with energy and a desire to bloom.

The arrival of spring coincides with this energetic shift, offering a visual and symbolic representation of growth and renewal. Just as the natural world begins to awaken from its winter slumber, we too are inspired to embark on new ventures, to plant the seeds of future endeavors, and to embrace the burgeoning vitality within and around us.


Before delving deeper into the Aries Season, a quick reminder: here on Born Under Saturn, you can find tons of astrology and tarot insights. We also offer highlights such as our monthly horoscope and our originally illustrated Birth Chart Calculator.

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Aries’s energies

Aries is the first sign of the zodiac circle and indeed co-significant with the first house, the astrological house of the Self and all that concerns our purest essence. The planet that governs it is the warrior-like and assertive Mars, and the element that represents it could only be fire

Aries is the first; before it, there is chaos, and after it, the unknown.

This positioning of Aries as the initiator of the zodiac embodies the sign’s pioneering spirit and its natural inclination towards leadership and new beginnings. Aries and its association with the first house highlight the importance of self-discovery, personal identity, and the expression of one’s will. It is a sign deeply connected to the core of individuality, driving us to explore who we are and to assert our presence in the world.

Mars, as the ruling planet of Aries, lends its qualities of courage, aggression, and determination to the sign. This influence encourages Aries individuals to approach life with confidence and to face challenges head-on. It’s this Martian energy that fuels the fire within Aries, propelling them into action and often making them trailblazers in their endeavors.

The elemental association of fire with Aries speaks to the sign’s vitality, passion, and dynamic nature. Fire symbolizes the spark of life, the energy required for creation and transformation. Aries embodies this fiery essence, constantly seeking to initiate and to bring forth new realities from the ashes of the old.

Aries stands at the threshold, marking the transition from the formless to the formed, from potentiality to actuality, from Pisces to Aries. It is a sign of beginnings, embodying the primal force that emerges from chaos to create order. In this way, Aries represents not just the birth of the individual self but the continual process of becoming and reinventing that defines human existence. As the harbinger of the zodiac, Aries invites us all to embrace our own beginnings, to courageously face the unknown, and to light the way forward with the fire of our own being.

The energy of Aries is explosive, primal, ancestral, instinctive, and intuitive. 

The energy of Aries is not a structured force; it doesn’t follow a precise plan but is driven by pure passion. Its time is marked by actions, as deeds are what matter to Aries because, symbolically, it arrives alone, with no one and nothing around, tasked with filling the great cosmic void.

The Aries zodiac sign symbol, a ram's head.
Aries's symbol represents the head of a ram.

The impact of Aries Season on your life 

This is an active phase for everyone, not just for the fire signs but also for those who tend to be more introverted and passive; they too will find benefit in these Martian energies. The season of Aries urges us to think less and act more, but above all, to live in the present moment, that moment where things happen with or without us.

It’s up to us to decide whether to participate in the present and become actors or to witness from the sidelines. Aries teaches us the value of immediacy, of seizing the moment and pouring our energy into what we can do here and now, rather than getting lost in contemplation or hesitation.

And what about when fear arises? When we feel the pressure to act quickly and without a plan, but we feel lost? We should follow the lesson of Aries: it too feels fear, and a great deal of it. Being the first sign, it often feels alone, aware that danger could lurk around every corner, yet it does not stop. It is not fear that halts it because, for Aries, fear is just one of the many emotions that are part of life. Aries is the first, and with it come the nuances of humanity.

The courage of Aries lies not in the absence of fear but in its willingness to confront and move beyond it. This sign embodies the spirit of the pioneer, the one who ventures into the unknown despite the risks, driven by the innate urge to initiate, to begin anew, and to forge ahead. It reminds us that to experience the fullness of life, we must be willing to face our fears, to accept them as part of our journey, and to use them as catalysts for growth rather than obstacles that hold us back.

Horoscope: how Aries season  will impact on each zodiac sign

Unveiling the horoscope – explore the distinct impact that the Aries season is poised to exert on individual zodiac signs.

ARIES (March 21-April 19)

Aries, this is your season, and it’s your time to reconnect with your instinctive energies. Return to your origins and remove the superstructures that have led you to repress your strength.

As the first sign of the zodiac, Aries embodies the spirit of beginnings, leadership, and the primal force that drives us to assert our presence in the world. Your season calls for a reawakening of your core energies, inviting you to shed any layers that have muted your inherent vibrancy and vitality. This period encourages Aries to delve into the essence of what makes you powerful and unique. It’s about rediscovering the unbridled passion, courage, and determination that are your birthrights. The superstructures,be they societal expectations, personal doubts, or imposed limitations,have perhaps tempered your fiery spirit over time. Now, the cosmos aligns to remind you of the strength that comes from embracing your true nature.

For Aries, returning to your origins means acknowledging your desires, ambitions, and the raw energy that fuels your actions. It’s a time to listen to your instincts, those gut feelings that guide you towards your true path, and to act on them without hesitation or fear. This season is an invitation to assert your individuality, to take the lead in your life’s direction, and to pursue your passions with renewed fervor. As you reconnect with your instinctive energies, consider the ways in which you can express this renewal. Whether through creative endeavors, physical activities, or by taking bold steps in your personal or professional life, the key is to move forward with confidence and authenticity.

Let this season be a turning point, Aries, where you liberate yourself from any constraints that have stifled your spirit. Embrace the opportunity to live more fully, to express your strength without reservation, and to reignite the spark that propels you towards your goals. This is your time to shine, to lead by example, and to remind the world of the power of starting anew with enthusiasm and unyielding determination.

"The Month of March" by Sir Edward Burne-Jones

TAURUS (April 20-May 20)

Taurus, the Aries season represents the end of your solar cycle. You are in the perfect moment to reconnect, in solitude, with your inner strength and rediscover a connection with the universe, both your internal universe and the external world of events unfolding around you. It’s the right time to strip away dependencies on material things and reconnect with the essence.

As the Sun moves through Aries, you are invited to reflect on the past year, to consider the growth you’ve experienced and the challenges you’ve faced. This period offers a chance for introspection and renewal, encouraging you to look inward and assess what truly matters to you at your core.

This is your opportunity to examine the foundations of your life and to consider whether they align with your true self and highest aspirations. This time encourages you to let go of any attachments that may have become more about habit than genuine fulfillment. The solitude mentioned is not about isolation but about creating a sacred space for yourself where you can listen to your inner voice without distractions. It’s in these quiet moments that you can make profound discoveries about your desires, your dreams, and the direction you wish your life to take.

Reconnecting with your essence means getting back to basics, to the qualities and principles that define who you are beyond the physical possessions and external achievements. It’s a call to remember that your true strength lies not in what you have but in who you are.

Let the Aries season be a time of grounding and centering, where you find clarity and strength in your inner world. By reconnecting with your internal universe and the greater universe around you, you prepare yourself for the new cycle ahead. It’s a time to shed what no longer serves you and to embrace a more authentic and purposeful path. As you move through this period of reflection and connection, you pave the way for growth and renewal that aligns with your true essence and the natural rhythms of the universe.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20)

Gemini, the Aries season guides you to rediscover your place in the world and to make a difference with your actions. It’s the right time to step out of passivity and bring your truth not just for the sake of sharing but to effect change. The dynamics of the world are yours to engage with.

As Aries ignites the fire of initiation and courage, you, Gemini, are encouraged to harness this energy to assert your ideas and visions. This season is a call to action, urging you to apply your natural curiosity and adaptability in ways that challenge the status quo and inspire transformation. It’s a time to be bold in expressing your viewpoints, to advocate for the changes you believe in, and to use your unique insights to navigate and reshape the world around you.

Stepping out of passivity means actively engaging with the issues and projects that resonate with you. It’s about recognizing your potential to contribute to meaningful conversations and to drive progress through your innovative ideas and persuasive communication. The Aries season reminds you that your perspective is valuable and that you possess the creativity and intelligence to make a significant impact. It’s an invitation to step forward, to take ownership of your role in the world, and to use your abilities to create positive change. 

Let this be a time of renewed purpose and dynamic involvement, where you embrace the challenge of making your mark. By bringing your truth to the forefront and engaging with the world with intention and conviction, you reaffirm your place in the tapestry of life. The dynamics of the world are indeed yours to engage with, Gemini, and this season is your catalyst to act, to innovate, and to transform with the power of your words and ideas.

CANCER (June 21-July 22)

Cancer, the Aries Season forcefully and vehemently pushes you to regain control of the social and career dynamics that are part of your life. It’s time to act and solidify the paths that seem beyond your control. Everything that concerns you also depends on you.

As the season of Aries unfolds, its fiery energy compels you to assert yourself in areas of your life where you may have felt adrift or at the mercy of circumstances. This is a call to recognize your power and agency, to take decisive action toward shaping your destiny in both your personal relationships and your professional endeavors.

The Aries season is about breaking free from passivity and reclaiming your role as the architect of your life. It encourages you to evaluate the structures and relationships that define your social and career landscapes, to identify what changes are needed, and to take the steps necessary to implement those changes.

This is a time to stand up for yourself, to make your voice heard, and to advocate for your aspirations and well-being. The dynamic energy of Aries inspires confidence and courage, reminding you that you have the power to influence the outcomes of your life.

Let this season be a turning point, where you embrace the opportunity to drive forward with determination and purpose. By taking control of the social and career dynamics that impact your life, you affirm your capability and responsibility in shaping your journey. Remember, everything that concerns you also depends on you, Cancer. This is your moment to act, to consolidate your paths, and to move toward the future with clarity and conviction.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22)

Leo, the Aries season pushes you to rediscover your enthusiasm for exploration and the unknown. What you have yet to learn holds the potential for new beginnings, and perhaps this is your moment to embark on a new path. It’s time for a clean slate and to start anew.

As the vibrant energy of Aries sweeps through, it invigorates your natural desire for adventure and leadership. This season is a call to embrace the challenges and opportunities that come with venturing into unfamiliar territory. Aries encourages boldness and initiative, qualities that resonate with your Leo heart, urging you to take the lead in your own life and to pursue paths that spark your passion and curiosity. It’s  time to let go of past limitations, to break free from routines that no longer serve you, and to embrace the possibility of reinvention.

The Aries season reminds you that the unknown is not to be feared but explored, as it is in these uncharted spaces that growth and transformation occur. This is your opportunity to reset, to clear away the old to make room for the new, and to approach life with a renewed sense of purpose and adventure.

Embrace the chance to start fresh, to experiment with new ideas and directions, and to pursue your dreams with renewed vigor and enthusiasm. The unknown holds the key to new beginnings, and with the dynamic energy of Aries propelling you forward, now is the perfect time to venture forth and to carve out a path that truly reflects your radiant spirit and boundless potential.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

​​Virgo, the Aries season pushes you to look within through the eyes of truth. Between you and yourself, there is no one and nothing; when you explore your essence, you can strip away expectations and fears. It’s time to rediscover what you truly want and to bring it to the surface.

This period invites you to embark on a journey of self-discovery, one that encourages honesty and introspection. Aries, with its direct and fearless energy, challenges you to confront your genuine desires and aspirations, perhaps those you’ve sidelined in favor of practicality or out of concern for others’ opinions.This is a call to honor your inner truths and to align your actions with your deepest values.

The Aries season offers a chance to cleanse yourself of the external pressures and fears that may have clouded your vision. By engaging in this process of inner clarity, you open the door to authentic growth and fulfillment. It’s about letting go of who you think you should be and embracing who you are at your core.

Let this time be one of renewal and empowerment, Virgo. Use the bold energy of Aries to peel back the layers of yourself, to confront and embrace your truths, and to make choices that resonate with your true self. This is your moment to reclaim your desires and to set a course that reflects your genuine aspirations. In doing so, you pave the way for a life that is not only aligned with your values but also rich with personal satisfaction and meaning.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct 22)

Libra, the Aries season falls exactly halfway through your solar cycle and illuminates your shadow zone, the one that makes you feel insecure and unprepared. Now is the perfect time to explore new ways of acting, following your instincts without worrying too much about the consequences.

As Aries brings its fiery energy to the forefront, it challenges you, Libra, to confront the aspects of yourself that you may prefer to avoid or that cause you discomfort. This season is about embracing courage and the willingness to step into the unknown, even if it means facing uncertainties or fears that have held you back. The Aries season lesson offers a unique opportunity to shift focus towards self-discovery and personal growth. It’s a call to action that encourages you to break free from the tendency to overanalyze or to become paralyzed by the pursuit of perfection.

This season’s energy inspires you to trust your gut, to make bold decisions, and to assert yourself in ways that you might usually shy away from. This period invites you to experiment with new approaches, to take risks, and to learn from the experience, regardless of the outcome.

Exploring these new modes of action can lead to significant personal revelations and growth, helping you to understand yourself better and to develop a stronger sense of self-confidence. It’s an invitation to acknowledge and integrate your shadow side, recognizing that vulnerability and uncertainty are part of the human experience and can lead to greater authenticity and fulfillment.

Let this Aries season be a time of transformation, Libra, where you allow yourself to venture beyond your comfort zones and to embrace the potential that comes with change. By following your instincts and opening yourself up to new possibilities, you can discover new strengths and gain clarity on what truly matters to you. This is your moment to explore the uncharted territories of your inner landscape, to shine a light on your shadow, and to emerge more resilient and empowered.

Mosaic floor panel. (Click on the image to discover more about it.)

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Scorpio, the Aries season pushes you to focus on your balances, especially those related to your habits and your private life. The time has come to challenge your certainties by introducing something new that can bring back the enthusiasm you’ve lost.

As Aries infuses its bold and initiating energy into the cosmos, it encourages you, Scorpio, to examine the routines and practices that have become too familiar or perhaps even stagnant. This period is about reigniting your passion and rediscovering what excites and motivates you at a core level.

Introducing new elements into your life doesn’t have to be a radical overhaul; it can be as simple as adopting a new hobby, altering your routine, or changing your environment in small but significant ways. The key is to step outside of your comfort zone and to allow the fiery energy of Aries to inspire and propel you toward growth and revitalization. 

This season is an invitation to embrace change, to welcome the unknown, and to let go of the need for control that often characterizes Scorpio. By challenging your certainties and opening yourself up to new experiences, you can rediscover the excitement and passion that fuel your journey through life.

Let the Aries season be a catalyst for renewal, Scorpio. Embrace the opportunity to balance your life by integrating fresh, invigorating elements that remind you of the joy of living. This is your moment to reconnect with the parts of yourself that crave transformation and to reignite the flame of enthusiasm within.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Sagittarius, the Aries season lights you up with desire and creativity, pushing you to take action even before announcing it. Now is the right time to seize what you desire and give yourself permission to change paths if necessary to align with what truly brings you joy.

As the fiery energy of Aries infuses your spirit, it awakens a boldness within you, encouraging you to pursue your passions with renewed vigor. Aries, being the first sign of the zodiac, symbolizes beginnings and the pioneering spirit, resonating with your adventurous nature, Sagittarius. This season is about acting on your impulses, trusting your intuition, and embracing the possibilities that come with daring to dream big.

This period challenges you to act decisively, to embrace the uncertainty that comes with change, and to trust that your quest for joy and fulfillment is a worthy endeavor. The dynamic energy of Aries propels you forward, reminding you that sometimes the most significant transformations occur when you’re willing to take risks and step into the unknown.

Let this Aries season be a catalyst for growth and exploration, Sagittarius. Allow yourself to be led by your desires and creativity, taking bold steps towards achieving your dreams. Whether it’s embarking on a new project, exploring a hobby, or changing your career path, now is the time to embrace change and to act in alignment with what ignites your passion and joy. By doing so, you open the door to a more vibrant and fulfilling life, where your actions reflect the true essence of your spirited and adventurous heart.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Capricorn, the Aries season wants you to be assertive and spontaneous, but above all, it wants you to be genuinely present with your loved ones. Perhaps you have been too absent lately, chasing your dreams, but there are also people around you that need your love.

This period of fiery Aries energy is a call to balance your professional ambitions with your personal life. It encourages you to engage more fully with those who matter most, recognizing the importance of relationships and the value of being there for each other. Aries, symbolizing initiative and action, motivates you to take proactive steps toward nurturing your connections, emphasizing the need for presence and authenticity in your interactions.

This season highlights the significance of human connections and the warmth they bring into our lives. It’s a reminder that while pursuing success and achievement is commendable, sharing moments with loved ones and supporting each other’s emotional well-being are equally vital. You are pushed to lower your guard, to show your more vulnerable and spontaneous side, and to invest time and energy into the relationships that enrich your life. It’s an opportunity to show your affection openly, to engage in meaningful conversations, and to create memories that strengthen your bonds.

Let this be a time of reconnection, Capricorn. Embrace the assertiveness and spontaneity that Aries offers, using it to express your love and appreciation for those around you. By making yourself more available and present, you open the door to deeper connections and a richer, more balanced life. Remember, the people who wish to reconnect with you are an essential part of your journey, offering support, love, and joy amidst the hustle of achieving your dreams.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

Aquarius, the Aries season leads you towards a new mode of expression that is less refined but emerges as an impulse and runs straight to the goal. At this moment, your words have the power to destroy and rebuild, to wound and to heal. Use them to change your universe for the better.

As Aries infuses the atmosphere with its raw energy and directness, you are encouraged to embrace a more straightforward and forceful way of communicating. This period calls for honesty and assertiveness in your speech, inviting you to speak your mind with clarity and conviction. The fiery influence of Aries amplifies the impact of your words, granting them the potential to enact significant change in your life and the lives of those around you.It’s a reminder that sometimes, the most profound transformations are initiated by speaking the truth, even when it’s uncomfortable or challenging.

The Aries season urges you to recognize the dual nature of your words, they can both harm and heal, tear down and build up. It’s an invitation to wield this power responsibly, to choose your words with care, and to aim for communication that fosters understanding, growth, and positive change.

Let this be a time of bold expression, Aquarius. Allow the direct and impulsive energy of Aries to guide you in speaking up for what you believe in, in challenging the status quo, and in advocating for changes that reflect your vision for a better world. By using your words to heal, to inspire, and to rebuild, you harness the transformative power of this season, contributing to the creation of a universe that aligns more closely with your ideals and aspirations.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20)

Pisces, the Aries season invites you to be more assertive in your actions and in controlling what surrounds you. It’s time to set aside your emotions and transform your ideas into tangible realities.

As Aries ushers in a wave of fiery energy, it encourages you to harness your innate creativity and intuition in a more direct and forceful manner. This period marks a departure from the introspective and dreamy nature of Pisces, urging you to step into a role of leadership and initiative. Aries, symbolizing the start of the zodiac and the beginning of new ventures, inspires you to take decisive action towards achieving your goals.

This is your call to bring your visions and dreams into the physical world. It’s a call to use your imagination not just as a source of inspiration but as a tool for creation. By being more assertive and proactive, you can navigate the challenges that come with manifestation, turning your abstract ideas into concrete outcomes. The Aries season motivates you to assert your will, to make clear and bold decisions, and to take charge of the direction of your life. It’s about recognizing your power to influence your environment and to shape your destiny through deliberate and confident actions.

Let this be a time of empowerment, Pisces. Embrace the assertiveness and determination that Aries offers, and channel it into making tangible changes in your life. By balancing your emotional depth with a more dynamic approach to action, you can bridge the gap between the world of dreams and the world of reality. It’s a period to assert your ideas, to take control of what surrounds you, and to transform your aspirations into objective achievements, thereby reshaping your universe for the better.

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