The significance of Empty Houses in Astrology


This is the perfect place to dispel any doubts you may have about empty houses in astrology. And if you’re unfamiliar with what they are, you’re in the right spot to discover their significance and how they influence you and your birth chart.

After reading the article, feel free to share your thoughts in the comments. If you have any doubts, don’t hesitate to ask. If you’d like to share which houses are empty in your chart, feel free to do so. Also, let us know if the description of your empty house resonates with you and feels accurate.

The basics: what the houses represent in the natal chart? 

Astrological houses in the natal chart represent different areas of life and they are calculated based on the time and location of birth.

The astrological chart is divided into 12 segments known as houses, each of which corresponds to specific experiences and themes in a person’s life. The 1st house begins with the Ascendant, which marks the point on the eastern horizon at the time of your birth. The houses then progress counterclockwise from there, though their size can vary depending on the specific astrological system being used.

The Placidus system, the most commonly used, adjusts house sizes for the Earth’s tilt. Each house is associated with a sign and planet, influencing its interpretation. The houses lay the foundation for understanding how the planets’ energies manifest in your life.

All that we have just discussed about birth charts is further explained in the free PDF we’ve created titled How to Read a Birth Chart. In this step-by-step guide, we have distilled all the information, from the basics to more advanced concepts. If you’re unsure how to read a birth chart or have some gaps in your understanding and want a comprehensive overview, check it out below and download it to have it always with you for reference when doubts arise.

Quick overview about the Placidus system

Let’s also provide a glimpse for those most curious about the Placidus system. We only mentioned this in the guide above, but we didn’t delve deeper into what it is. So, here we are.

The Placidus system is the most widely used house system in Western astrology for several reasons. Firstly, it incorporates the Earth’s axial tilt (obliquity) and the planet’s diurnal rotation, offering a time-based approach to dividing the chart that resonates with the daily experiences of individuals. This makes the interpretations grounded in the realities of day-to-day life.

Secondly, its method of calculating house cusps, using the time it takes for points on the ecliptic to rise over the eastern horizon, creates a dynamic and personalized chart that reflects the unique circumstances of an individual’s birth.

And speaking of charts, if you would like to calculate your birth chart using the Placidus System, and enjoy a unique and captivating design, you can use our free calculator. Additionally, we want to mention that our tool allows you to create charts using other systems as well! You could try calculating your chart with different systems to compare the differences.

Via Instagram DM we’ve received many screenshots of your birth charts used as screensavers, and we loved and appreciated the idea so, so much! We’re mentioning this here to inspire others to do the same. Look at the picture below, doesn’t it look super cool?

A smartphone displaying a birth chart with several empty houses as a screensaver.

The meaning of empty houses in astrology

When examining a natal chart – whether of a person, an event, or the current sky – we notice that some houses are occupied by planets or elements, but there are also houses that host no celestial bodies. These are referred to as empty houses, and a common misconception is to think of them as weaker, or that the life sectors they represent might be weak or problematic.

Empty houses are those that are literally empty – meaning, they are not occupied by planets or elements.

However, the absence of planets in a house does not imply a lack of activity or importance in the areas of life it governs. Instead, it suggests that those areas may not be the primary focus of the individual’s challenges or growth opportunities. They can still be significant but might not require the same level of attention or effort to maintain or develop as the areas where planets are present.

Why are some houses in a person’s birth chart empty? Simply put, as we mentioned earlier in this article, some houses remain unoccupied by planets due to the distribution and movement of celestial bodies at the time of one’s birth.

Empty houses can actually be a good thing

Even if they are not occupied by any planet or celestial body, the truth is that they are not truly empty in terms of lacking energy because they are always inhabited by a sign (or more than one). 

The sign is as important as the planet because it still represents a well-channeled energy. This means that each house, regardless of its occupancy, plays a significant role in the astrological analysis. The sign governing an empty house offers insights into how the qualities of that house manifest in one’s life. For example, an empty house in a cardinal sign (Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn) might suggest an area of life where one initiates action or experiences changes. On the other hand, an empty house in a fixed sign (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius) might indicate stability or resistance to change in that domain.

There’s also an important element to note: when there are no planets in a house, it means that this sector will not have to deal with the burden of a negative transit. Of course, it also misses out on the positive transits, but the house will be free to express itself without any celestial interference. This freedom allows the inherent qualities of the house’s sign to manifest more purely, potentially offering a clear field in which the native’s efforts can unfold unimpeded by the dramatic ups and downs that planetary transits can bring.

"Landscape with Stars" by Henri-Edmond Cross (Henri-Edmond Delacroix)

What each empty house indicates

Now that we’ve explained the meaning of empty houses, let’s take a closer look at what each empty house signifies.

When the 1st house is empty

An unoccupied 1st house suggests a straightforward approach to life, where self-identity and personal expression flow naturally without the complications of planetary influences. It implies an ease in adapting to new situations and a clear sense of self that isn’t heavily challenged by external events.

When the 2nd house is empty

With no planets in the 2nd house, financial and material stability may come without significant strife. It indicates a balanced approach to possessions and values, where one finds contentment in what they have without the constant desire for more.

When the 3rd house is empty

An empty 3rd house can signify clear and uncomplicated communication. Relationships with siblings and neighbors tend to be harmonious, and learning or educational pursuits proceed smoothly without the distractions of challenging aspects.

When the 4th house is empty

The absence of planets in the 4th house suggests a stable and uncontested foundation in life. It may indicate a straightforward relationship with one’s home and family, where deep-rooted issues are less likely to surface, allowing for peace in personal domains.

When the 5th house is empty

With no planetary placements in the 5th house, creative and romantic expressions are unencumbered by heavy challenges. It suggests a light-hearted approach to love and creativity, where the pursuit of pleasure and joy is straightforward.

When the 6th house is empty

An unoccupied 6th house implies a natural balance in work and health routines. Daily responsibilities are managed with ease, and health issues are less likely to dominate life, allowing for a focus on maintaining well-being without significant obstacles.

When the 7th house is empty

No planets in the 7th house suggest smooth sailing in partnerships and public relations. It signifies relationships that develop without the drama of challenging aspects, allowing for straightforward and harmonious connections with others.

When the 8th house is empty

An empty 8th house can indicate a life with fewer crises and transformations forced by external circumstances. It suggests a natural handling of shared resources and intimacy issues, with less dramatic upheavals in these areas.

When the 9th house is empty

With the 9th house unoccupied, philosophical, spiritual, and travel experiences may be approached with an open mind, free from challenging planetary influences. It indicates a straightforward pursuit of higher learning and expansion of one’s worldview.

When the 10th house is empty

An unoccupied 10th house suggests a career path that may not be the central stage of life’s drama but progresses steadily without significant obstacles. It indicates a public image that develops without the intense scrutiny or challenges often indicated by planetary placements.

When the 11th house is empty

No planets in the 11th house signify friendships and social networks that grow without the complexities or challenges that can sometimes arise. It suggests ease in achieving long-term goals and dreams, with support coming smoothly from one’s community.

When the 12th house is empty

An empty 12th house can mean a subconscious free from heavy burdens and less internal strife. It suggests an intuitive process that is more straightforward, where spiritual and psychological growth occurs naturally without intense turmoil.

Table displaying a list of houses on the left column and their corresponding meanings when empty on the right column.

The bottom line: when you have three (or more) empty houses

We haven’t specified this so far, but in any chart – whether of a person, an event, or the current sky – there may be zero, one, or many empty houses, even three or more. And this occurrence is not unusual, so there’s no need to worry at all.

Especially in natal charts with planetary clusters and many conjunctions, several houses will be empty. The primary significance is more of a consequence. Many empty houses mean that there are some particularly full houses, thus there are points of intense focus both for positive and negative aspects (where the clusters or Stelliums are). 

On the other hand, there are charts with a so-called “splash” pattern, with few empty houses because the planets are distributed across almost all the houses. In this case, the energies certainly have more nuances.

Left: Birth chart with a splash pattern. Right: Birth chart with many empty houses.

In charts with concentrated planetary placements, the focal areas highlighted by these clusters draw significant life themes and lessons to those houses, creating hotspots of activity, growth, and sometimes challenges. This concentration can indicate areas of life that demand attention and where significant developments are likely to occur. Conversely, the empty houses aren’t without influence; they signify areas of life that may not require as much conscious effort or focus, possibly unfolding more smoothly or operating in the background.

Charts with a “splash” distribution, where planets are spread throughout, tend to depict individuals with a wide range of interests and abilities. This pattern suggests a more balanced distribution of energies across various life areas, offering a diversity of experiences and lessons. The spread of planets promotes a more nuanced approach to life, where multiple areas receive attention and development simultaneously.


With that said, we’ve reached the bottom line of this article on empty houses. Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments. If you have any doubts, don’t hesitate to ask. If you’d like to share which houses are empty in your chart, feel free to do so. Also, let us know if the description of your empty house resonates with you and feels accurate.

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