2024’s Taurus Season and its effect on each zodiac sign


On April 21st, the Sun moves from the fiery and martial Aries to the placid and Venusian Taurus. There’s a shift in energies from action to reception, from activity to listening. The energies of this season represent a spring that has already blossomed and now indulges in the exquisite stillness of enjoying the present moment, of reveling in the vitality achieved. Taurus appreciates and connects with the earth, fertilized by Aries, learning to know it, live it, and integrate it.

This transition marks a time of grounding and deepening our connection with the natural world and our senses. As we move into Taurus season, we’re invited to slow down, to savor the beauty and abundance that surrounds us. It’s a period for nurturing what has been planted, for allowing the seeds of our efforts to take root and grow. Taurus teaches us the value of patience, of deliberate and sustained effort, and the importance of stability and persistence.


Before delving deeper into the Taurus Season, a quick reminder: here on Born Under Saturn, you can find tons of astrology and tarot insights. We also offer highlights such as our monthly horoscope and our originally illustrated Birth Chart Calculator.

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From Aries to Taurus Season: from action to contemplation

The Aries season has awakened us and the earth from winter’s slumber, leading us to ponder our potential for action. The Taurus season, unleashing and manifesting the energies of its ruling sign, Venus, marks a less frenetic time, one that contemplates and regards stillness as a prolific and active moment.

The Taurus Season is about building upon the dynamic initiation of Aries, transitioning from the spark of creation to the sustained effort of manifestation. It’s a reminder that true growth and fulfillment come not just from pursuing our desires but from deeply connecting with them. From allowing ourselves the time and space to fully experience and appreciate the richness of life. As we embrace the energy of Taurus, we learn the art of being fully present, finding peace and pleasure in the world we’ve helped to shape and in the moment that is ours to cherish.

"The Artist's Garden at Saint-Clair" by Henri-Edmond Cross (Henri-Edmond Delacroix)

Taurus’s energies

Taurus is the first earth sign of the zodiac circle, representative of the second house, and the first sign ruled by a feminine, receptive, and peaceful planet, Venus. As a fixed sign, it is not prone to random, sudden, or violent changes. Taurus loves to love, to breathe, to feel, and dedicates all the time and energy necessary to savor the beauty of life. Taurus cherishes possession (its natural house, the second, speaks precisely of what one owns and of material goods) because in possession there is a sense of security that allows it to feel anchored.

During the Taurus season, the lesson we can take from it involves embracing stability, appreciating the tangible aspects of life, and finding contentment in what we have. This time encourages us to slow down, to ground ourselves in the present, and to cultivate a deeper connection with our environment. Taurus teaches us the value of patience, of deliberate growth, and the importance of nurturing our resources and relationships with care and persistence.

In this season, we are reminded that true richness comes not from constant acquisition but from a profound appreciation for the abundance that surrounds us. Taurus season invites us to explore what it means to be truly fulfilled, encouraging a mindfulness that finds luxury in simplicity and strength in steadfastness. It’s a call to honor our need for security and comfort, recognizing that these are not just material desires but fundamental human needs that provide the foundation for our well-being.

Taurus season horoscope

Unveiling the horoscope – explore the distinct impact that the Taurus season is poised to exert on individual zodiac signs.

ARIES (March 21-April 19)

​​Aries, the Taurus season is your invitation to slow down now that you’ve embarked on your new solar cycle and are ready to take control of your existence. Allow yourself to dream big, to sketch visions and plans for the future even if just within the confines of your mind; this wandering will enable you to find the right inspiration.

This period encourages you to ground the fiery energy that defines you, channeling it into a more deliberate and thoughtful approach to life. Taurus teaches the value of patience and the beauty of letting things unfold in their own time, offering a counterbalance to your natural inclination towards immediate action. It’s a time to nurture the seeds you’ve planted, to invest in the slow and steady growth that leads to lasting achievements.

As you navigate this season, consider the power of persistence and the importance of laying solid foundations for your dreams. Taurus season urges you to appreciate the process as much as the outcome, to find joy in the cultivation of your ambitions. This is a time to embrace a more sustainable pace, allowing you to reflect on your desires and to align your actions with your deepest values.

Let the Taurus season be a period of fruitful reflection, where the act of dreaming serves not as an escape but as a vital step in manifesting your future. In the stillness, discover the strength of your conviction and the depth of your aspirations. Let this be a time of preparation, where your dreams are honed and readied for the journey ahead, guided by the steady and nurturing hand of Taurus.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20)

Taurus, this is your season, and the Sun ignites your desire to feel, love, see, and observe yourself. You have the energies and tools for new beginnings at your disposal, and even though not everything is perfect, it’s the right time to take advantage of this new starting point to decide what to foster and what to release forever.

During this season, the universe offers you a unique opportunity to align more closely with your true essence and to cultivate the aspects of your life that bring you joy and satisfaction. It’s a call to introspection, to delve into the depths of your being and to embrace the beauty and strength you find there. This period encourages you to acknowledge your worth, to treat yourself with kindness, and to honor your journey with love and acceptance. As Taurus season unfolds, allow yourself to explore what truly matters to you, to prioritize your well-being, and to set intentions that reflect your deepest desires. It’s a time for personal growth, for shedding what no longer serves you, and for nurturing the seeds of your aspirations with patience and dedication. Let this season be a reminder that perfection is not the goal; authenticity is. Embrace the imperfections as part of your unique story, as markers of your resilience and your capacity to evolve. This Taurus season, grant yourself the freedom to redefine your path, to let go of what weighs you down, and to step into a future where you are fully in tune with your values and your heart’s true callings.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20)

Gemini, the Taurus season marks the final phase of your solar cycle, making it the perfect time to gracefully retreat into the chambers of your mind. Slow down your thoughts, clear your mind, and rediscover that sense of clarity and peace that allows you to understand where you have been and where you now wish to go. If you desire to change direction, nothing can stop you.

During this period, the steadiness of Taurus invites you to ground your often scattered energies, offering a moment of respite from your usual whirlwind of ideas and activities. It’s a call to simplicity, to focus on what truly matters and to give yourself the space to listen deeply to your inner voice. This introspective journey can unveil insights about your true desires and the paths yet to be explored.As you navigate this time of reflection, consider the power of intentional rest and the wisdom that can be found in stillness. Taurus season encourages you to prioritize your well-being, to nurture your mental and emotional health, and to approach the coming changes with a calm and centered spirit.

Let this be a period of fruitful contemplation, where you grant yourself permission to question, to dream, and to realign with your core values. Embrace the opportunity to shed what no longer serves you, making room for new aspirations and adventures. Remember, Gemini, in the quietude of your mind lies the potential for profound transformation and the freedom to choose your next adventure with clarity and purpose.

CANCER (June 21-July 22)

​​Cancer, the Taurus season escorts you with Venusian kindness to relish in human potential and shared resources. It’s the perfect moment to step out of your private and comfort zone and to share what moves you inside with someone who can enrich your emotions.

During this period, the grounding energy of Taurus encourages you to open up, to connect deeply with others, and to explore the strength found in vulnerability. This season is about recognizing the value of your inner world and finding the courage to share it, understanding that true connection arises from mutual exchange and emotional honesty.As you navigate these weeks, allow yourself to embrace the joys of companionship, whether in friendship, love, or collaboration. Taurus season teaches you the beauty of patience in relationships and the importance of building trust and stability. It’s a time to invest in those around you, to nurture bonds that promise growth and fulfillment.

Let this be a period of blossoming, where you actively seek to combine your energies with others, creating something greater than the sum of its parts. The shared resources mentioned aren’t just material but emotional and spiritual. Sharing your journey with others not only amplifies your joys but also divides your burdens, making the path ahead lighter and more meaningful.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22)

Leo, the Taurus season beckons you to rediscover beauty, peace, and harmony in your career and projects, in everything you do that isn’t just for yourself but is shared or delivered to the world. Take a moment to pause and reconnect with the motivation that drives you to do what you do every day.

This period encourages you to ground your fiery energy and to look beyond the immediate gratification of your endeavors, seeking a deeper satisfaction in your work. Taurus invites you to appreciate the process as much as the outcome, to find joy in the craftsmanship, and to cultivate a sense of fulfillment that comes from creating something of lasting value.

As you navigate these weeks, consider how your actions and creations contribute to a greater harmony, how they enhance the world around you. Taurus season reminds you that true success lies not only in recognition and applause but in the positive impact you make and the legacy you leave behind.Contemplate the beauty in your work, the peace that comes from doing something you love, and the harmony achieved when your professional life aligns with your deepest values. This season, allow yourself to be guided by the tranquil, steadfast spirit of Taurus, encouraging a balance between ambition and contentment.

Leo, let the Taurus season inspire you to infuse your work with meaning, to strive for excellence in a way that nurtures your soul and benefits others. It’s a call to honor your creative spirit, to commit to projects that resonate with your heart, and to remember that in the act of giving, you receive the greatest rewards.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Virgo, the Taurus season arrives for you like a gentle and passionate melody, whose notes lead you to explore new possibilities, distant from your usual paths, diverse, uncharted. It’s the right time to expand your world and appreciate even what intimidates you.

This period beckons you to embrace the richness of life outside your meticulously organized comfort zone. Taurus, with its grounding yet luxurious vibe, encourages you to find beauty and growth in the unknown. It’s an invitation to slow down, to savor experiences that at first may seem daunting, and to discover the value in diversity and the unexpected.

As you navigate this season, consider how the stability and persistence characteristic of Taurus can support your ventures into new territories. This is a time to cultivate resilience, to recognize that stepping into unfamiliar grounds can be both a challenge and a profound source of learning and enrichment.Let this be a period of gentle exploration, where you allow curiosity to guide you and where fear transforms into the thrill of discovery. The Taurus season is an opportunity to broaden your perceptions, to appreciate the beauty in diversity, and to find harmony in change.

Virgo, let the Taurus season inspire you to explore with an open heart, to welcome new experiences with grace, and to find joy in the journey itself. It’s a call to acknowledge the beauty in the world around you, including the parts previously unseen or unappreciated, and to allow these new insights to enrich and expand your understanding of life.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct 22)

Libra, as the Taurus season arrives, it grants you permission to devote energy and time not only to duty but to pleasure as well—the pleasure of sight, touch, and taste. Don’t let reason always guide you; try to give yourself over to the intoxicating beauty of being swept away by the current.

This period is a call to immerse yourself in the sensory world, to appreciate the richness of experiences that life offers beyond the confines of obligation and rationality. Taurus, ruled by Venus just like your sign, emphasizes the importance of indulging in the joys that make life worth living, encouraging you to find balance between work and pleasure.

As you navigate this season, allow yourself to explore what truly brings you happiness. It’s a time to reconnect with the simple delights that feed your soul, to engage fully with the present moment, and to relish the beauty that surrounds you. The Taurus season urges you to slow down and appreciate the finer details of life, to cultivate an environment and lifestyle that reflects your love for elegance and comfort.Let this be a period of luxurious relaxation, where you permit yourself to indulge in the arts, nature, and culinary pleasures without guilt. It’s an opportunity to enrich your life with experiences that satisfy your aesthetic sensibilities and sensual desires. Let the Taurus season inspire you to embrace the art of living well, to harmonize the practical with the pleasurable, and to remember that beauty and enjoyment are essential components of a fulfilled life. It’s a call to let the currents of desire and delight carry you to new realms of appreciation and contentment.

Appreciation of little things during Taurus season

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Scorpio, the Taurus season is your shadow zone, the exact midpoint of your zodiacal cycle. It’s a tranquil spring that leads you to explore the paths of love and the infinite possibilities in connecting with the Other. Let feelings guide you even when you fear the darkness; love will be your beacon.

This period represents a call to embrace vulnerability, to venture beyond the familiar territories of intensity and control, and to discover the strength in openness and tenderness. Taurus, with its earthy and nurturing energies, encourages you to ground yourself in the present and to appreciate the richness of genuine connections. It’s a time to recognize that true power lies not in dominance but in the capacity to relate, to share, and to love deeply.

As you navigate this season, consider how the calmness of Taurus can balance your innate intensity. It’s an opportunity to soften, to allow yourself to be moved by beauty and to find joy in simplicity. The Taurus season invites you to cultivate relationships that are based on mutual respect, shared values, and the simple pleasures of life.Let this be a period of healing, where you acknowledge the fears that may hold you back from fully embracing love, and where you consciously choose to let love in. It’s a chance to see beyond the surface, to explore the depth of your emotions, and to let them illuminate the path to deeper, more meaningful connections.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Sagittarius, the Taurus season arrives to remind you that you are already surrounded by beauty, and that the true destination is never the farthest one but rather the one beneath your feet. Anchor yourself in the present, connect with your needs, and find the balance to support even the grandest of projects.

This period calls you to appreciate the journey as much as the destination, to recognize the value in the here and now rather than always looking to the next adventure. Taurus, with its grounding energy, encourages you to slow down and savor the richness of life that’s immediately available to you. It’s an invitation to cultivate contentment and to cherish the simple pleasures that daily life offers.As you navigate this season, consider how grounding can enrich your spirit and provide a stable foundation from which your dreams can soar. The Taurus season teaches you the importance of self-care, urging you to tend to your physical and emotional well-being as diligently as you pursue your intellectual and philosophical quests.Let this be a time of reconnection with the earth, with your body, and with the tangible aspects of existence. By embracing the Taurus energy, you learn to balance your innate desire for exploration with the need for stability, discovering that sometimes the greatest adventures are found not in the distant horizons but in the depths of the present moment.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Capricorn, the Taurus season is somewhat your spring of senses as well, gently nudging you to seek out passion and emotions that awaken your soul. It’s the right time to unveil a part of yourself that you often govern with rigor and structure, turning your feelings into generative energy.

This period invites you to soften your approach to life, to allow yourself the luxury of feeling deeply without immediately seeking to control or rationalize those emotions. Taurus, with its rich, earthy vibes, emphasizes the importance of connecting with the sensory experiences of life, encouraging you to indulge in pleasures that nourish your spirit and enhance your well-being.As you navigate through this season, consider how embracing your emotional and sensual sides can enrich your life, adding depth and color to your usually disciplined existence. It’s an opportunity to balance your innate need for order with the equally important need for emotional fulfillment and creative expression. Let this be a time of growth and exploration, where you allow yourself to experience the beauty and abundance of the world in a more direct and heartfelt way. 

The Taurus season teaches you that strength and stability are not just about maintaining control but also about allowing yourself to be moved and transformed by life’s profound and simple joys.Capricorn, let the Taurus season inspire you to open your heart wider, to revel in the beauty of the present moment, and to channel your emotions into creative and life-affirming actions. It’s a call to remember that true resilience includes the flexibility to feel deeply and the wisdom to let those feelings flow into positive, nurturing outcomes.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

Aquarius, the Taurus season is your time to slow down and tend to your private life. Set aside the reins of grand projects and long journeys for a moment, and return to the private chambers of your existence. Reconnect with what belongs to you, with people from the past, and with the affections that underpin your values: there, too, lies the seed of potential.

This period invites you to ground yourself, to prioritize personal connections and self-care over external pursuits. Taurus, with its emphasis on stability and comfort, encourages you to find peace and fulfillment in the simpler, more intimate aspects of life. It’s an invitation to cherish the foundations upon which your visionary ideas are built, acknowledging that your boldest ambitions are supported by a network of relationships and personal values.

As you navigate this season, consider how nurturing your inner world can enhance your ability to impact the broader world. The Taurus season teaches you the importance of balance, reminding you that true innovation and progress often stem from a well-tended and contented heart.Let this be a time of meaningful reconnection, not just with others, but with yourself. Allow the calming energy of Taurus to guide you in appreciating the present, in valuing the people and experiences that have shaped you, and in recognizing the profound potential that resides in the quiet, personal moments of life.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20)

Pisces, the Taurus season invites you to momentarily halt the whirlwind and ceaseless wandering of your mind, and to organize your thoughts into words and your emotions into gestures of love. It’s your time to construct something with your thoughts and let your voice reach those you wish it to.

This period beckons you to ground your ethereal nature, to bring form to the formless, and to manifest the depths of your imagination into tangible expressions. Taurus, with its stable and practical energies, encourages you to channel your boundless creativity into concrete projects, to articulate your dreams, and to communicate your feelings in ways that others can understand and appreciate. As you navigate through this season, consider how the act of creation can be both a grounding and a liberating experience for you. It’s an opportunity to translate the abstract beauty of your inner world into something real and lasting, to share the essence of your soul with the world. 

The Taurus season teaches you the value of patience and persistence in this process, reminding you that even the most profound feelings and complex ideas can be conveyed through simple, sincere expressions. Let the earthy energy of Taurus inspire you to plant your dreams in reality, to nurture them with care, and to watch as they bloom into existence.

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