New Moon in Aries for 2024’s April: Astrological Significance and Horoscope


The importance of the New Moon lies in its power to foster beginnings. It invites us to peer inward, align with our deepest desires, and chart a course for their realization. Each New Moon presents a unique opportunity to recalibrate, whether to embark on new ventures or to breathe new life into ongoing ones.

The New Moon in Aries will rise on April 8, 2024, during the Aries season, in a spring brimming with vital forces and generative impulses. This is an active Moon, imbued with the Martial energy of a sign that favors light over darkness. A New Moon in Aries is one that propels change and activation, even in the face of potential obstacles.It’s a time to renew our sense of self, to redefine our ambitions, and to realign our actions with our most authentic desires. The energy of this moon is a catalyst for growth, pushing us to break free from past limitations and to forge paths that resonate with our true selves.


At Born Under Saturn, we are dedicated to keeping you informed about key astrological transits – such as Venus in Aries on April 5, 2024. Additionally, be sure to explore our unique Birth Chart Calculator design.

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Partnering with Harvard College Observatory, Whipple & Black innovated new photographic techniques over a decade. In 1857, they captured the moon using collodion-coated glass negatives, creating salted paper prints. This image, possibly rephotographed against a dark backdrop, showcases their dedication to detail and innovation.

New Moon in Aries energies: fiery courage and relentless drive

Aries, the first zodiac sign, initiates the propulsive energy of the cycle, with the unknown before it and all that follows spurred by its generative forces. Fittingly, its ruling planet is Mars, embodying generation, activity, combativeness, fiery intensity, and explosive dynamism. Mars is the fertilizing force, penetrating and transformative, destroying only to pave the way for creation.

In harnessing the New Moon in Aries, we are called to channel these Martian qualities towards our own beginnings and initiatives. It’s a time to be bold, to act with conviction, and to embrace the pioneering spirit that Aries exemplifies. This lunar phase encourages us to take decisive action, to cut through inertia, and to ignite the spark of new ventures with enthusiasm and courage.

​​Embrace this lunar phase as an opportunity to initiate, to lead, and to forge ahead with the fiery courage and relentless drive that define the essence of Aries.

The challenge of this New Moon might be in managing its occasionally overwhelming energies. It’s a moon that can also bring restlessness, as it does not easily allow for the appreciation of stillness. However, we must remember that stillness can also be active because it can represent a phase where what acts is our need to remain stationary and reflect.

While Aries inspires action and initiation, the intensity can sometimes lead to impulsiveness or a sense of agitation. This lunar phase invites us to find harmony between moving forward and pausing to consider our direction.

"Astrology" by Parmigianino (Girolamo Francesco Maria Mazzola)

Horoscope for the New Moon in Aries

Unveiling the horoscope – explore the distinct impact that the New Moon in Aries will have on each zodiac sign. The most accurate approach is to first read for your Sun sign, and then consider your Rising sign as well. Both are important factors.

ARIES (March 21-April 19)

Aries, as the New Moon rises in your sign, it poses a profound question: “Are you where you wish to be?” This moment offers the perfect opportunity to take some time for self-reflection, to determine if you are truly in alignment with your inner feelings and what you aim to manifest in your life. It’s a call to introspection, to delve deep into your desires and aspirations, ensuring they resonate with your current path and actions. 

This lunar phase encourages you to evaluate your progress, to reassess your goals, and to realign your trajectory if necessary. It’s a time for honest self-assessment, for considering not just where you are, but where you want to be, and what changes or adjustments might be needed to bridge the gap between the two. Embrace this chance to ensure that your external circumstances reflect your true inner self and the dreams you wish to bring to fruition.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20)

Taurus, the Aries New Moon urges you to answer this question: “Are you exploring the infinite possibilities of your mind?” Perhaps the time has come to give significance to your visions and what you feel in the silence of your soul, for these may be the seeds of your new projects. 

This moon phase invites you to delve into the depths of your imagination and intuition, recognizing the potential that lies within your own thoughts and feelings. It’s an encouragement to value the creative and introspective aspects of yourself, understanding that they hold the key to future growth and innovation. Consider this moment as a prompt to listen more closely to your inner voice, to allow your personal insights and dreams to guide you toward paths yet untrodden. This is an opportunity to acknowledge the power of your inner landscape, to trust in the ideas and inspirations that emerge when you’re most attuned to your authentic self. Embrace the potential that comes from within, Taurus, and let the Aries New Moon be the catalyst for turning your inner visions into tangible realities.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20)

Gemini, the New Moon in Aries prompts you to ask yourself: “Do you truly feel connected to what surrounds you?” Now is the opportune moment to take those initial small steps towards something grand, shared, and deeply felt. You no longer wish to merely witness events as they unfold but to be the one who initiates them. 

This is a call to action, urging you to engage more fully with the world around you, to forge genuine connections, and to become an active participant in the tapestry of life. It encourages you to explore how you can make a meaningful impact, to consider the ways in which your unique talents and perspectives can contribute to a larger narrative. It’s a time to break free from the sidelines, to immerse yourself in the flow of experiences, and to create ripples that extend far beyond your immediate reach. Embrace this moment, Gemini, to transform from observer to creator, to weave your own stories into the collective, and to find joy in the shared journey of shaping the world together.

CANCER (June 21-July 22)

Cancer, the New Moon in Aries pushes you to question, “Do I truly believe in the potential I wish others to see in me?” Be the first to nurture, protect, and value your potential even before expecting others to recognize it. Now is the perfect time to give voice to your intentions and to proceed steadfastly on your own path.

This celestial moment invites you to affirm your self-belief, understanding that your perception of your abilities shapes how the world sees you. It’s a call to step into your power, to embrace the confidence needed to manifest your aspirations. Consider this moment a catalyst for personal growth, encouraging you to express your unique talents and to forge ahead with conviction. Remember, your belief in your potential is the foundation upon which others will build their admiration and respect. Embrace this time, Cancer, to cultivate a strong sense of self-worth and to act boldly in pursuit of your dreams, setting a course that aligns with your deepest truths.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22)

Leo, the New Moon in Aries propels you to a place where the pressing question becomes: “Am I truly moving forward, or am I merely standing still, waiting?” Now is the time to stop waiting passively and become an active participant in the quest. Every day, in every aspect of life, we are all searching for something; we just need to remember that we possess all the possibilities to find what we seek, and this Moon is here to remind you of that. 

This new moon signifies a call to action, urging you to take charge of your destiny rather than waiting for circumstances to change. It’s an invitation to assert your will, to set your sights on your goals, and to embark on the journey towards them with courage and determination. Remember, the journey itself is as important as the destination, and active engagement in your pursuit is what brings about true growth and fulfillment. This New Moon in Aries is your celestial nudge to ignite your internal fire, to shake off any inertia, and to stride confidently towards the aspirations that call to your heart. Embrace this moment, Leo, to harness the dynamic energy of Aries, inspiring you to move from a place of waiting into a space of active exploration and discovery.

Moon in a pink sky

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Virgo, the New Moon in Aries arrives to warm that part of you that yearns to feel, to love, to live fully. The question you need to address at this juncture is, “Am I allowing room in my life for experience?” Now is the time to look within, to descend the inner staircase of your psyche, and reconnect with what you truly desire, following the flow and acting in the present.

This moon phase serves as a gentle reminder that life isn’t just about meticulous planning and analysis; it’s also about embracing the spontaneity of experiences that stir the soul. It encourages you to break free from the confines of overthinking and to dive into the vibrant waters of living. Consider this an opportunity to reassess your priorities, to ensure that you’re not just existing but truly engaging with the richness of life.As you navigate this period, allow yourself to be open to new adventures, to love that might have seemed impractical, and to dreams that pulse with the vibrancy of the present. The New Moon in Aries ignites a fire within you to pursue those things that make your heart beat faster, reminding you that every moment is a chance to experience the depth and breadth of life.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct 22)

Libra, the New Moon in Aries brings your shadow side face to face with a pivotal question: “Am I truly connected to the people in my life?” Perhaps the time is ripe to claim your space and feel entitled to share your perspective without concern, for once, about the judgments of others.

This phase marks a period of assertive self-expression for you. It’s an invitation to evaluate the depth and authenticity of your connections, urging you to consider whether your interactions are rooted in genuine understanding or if they are merely superficial exchanges. The Aries energy encourages you to prioritize honesty and directness in your communications, challenging you to establish connections that resonate with your true self. As you navigate this phase, allow yourself the freedom to express your thoughts and feelings boldly. This isn’t about disregarding the feelings of others but about finding a balance where your voice is heard and your needs are addressed. It’s an opportunity to strengthen your relationships through transparency and authenticity, fostering deeper bonds built on mutual respect and understanding.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Scorpio, the New Moon in Aries arrives to prompt you to find an answer to the question: “Am I acting to build, protect, and heal?” Now is the time to reclaim control of your existence and to direct your actions towards a path that can restore psychophysical balance in your daily life.

This is your call to introspection, urging you to assess the motivations behind your actions and the impact they have on your well-being and that of those around you. The energy of Aries encourages you to initiate changes that align with your deepest needs for growth and healing. It’s about harnessing the courage to confront and transform those aspects of your life that have fallen out of sync with your true self.As you navigate this period, consider how you can actively contribute to your own healing and development. This might involve setting boundaries to protect your energy, engaging in activities that nurture your soul, or taking steps to mend relationships that are important to you. The key is to focus on actions that promote harmony and well-being, both within and without.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Sagittarius, the New Moon in Aries arrives and places you before a mirror, urging you to ask yourself: “What am I building?” Now is the time to focus on your creative and generative power, allowing it to lead you down the paths of pure expression.

This phase is an invitation to explore the essence of your ambitions and the projects you’re investing your energy into. It encourages you to consider not just the outcomes but the value and fulfillment they bring to your life. The fiery energy of Aries propels you to initiate projects that resonate deeply with your soul, urging you to pursue endeavors that align with your most authentic self.Embrace this time, Sagittarius, as a golden opportunity to delve into your creative reservoirs. Let the New Moon in Aries inspire you to embark on a journey of self-discovery and creative fulfillment. This is your moment to shine, to shape your world with the bold strokes of your imagination, and to revel in the joy of bringing your dreams to life.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Capricorn, the New Moon in Aries compels you to question: “Am I taking care of my roots?” Now is the time to glance backward for a moment and resurface the memories of your past, for they will guide you towards the best action for your future.

This moon phase emphasizes the importance of understanding where you come from to navigate where you’re going. It’s an invitation to reconnect with your heritage, your foundational values, and the experiences that have shaped you. This process of reflection isn’t about dwelling in the past but about drawing strength and wisdom from it to inform your path forward.Embrace this time, Capricorn, as a chance to nurture the foundations upon which your life is built. Let the New Moon in Aries inspire you to embrace your history with gratitude and to let the knowledge of where you’ve been illuminate the way to where you’re destined to go.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

Aquarius, the New Moon in Aries brings to the surface questions to which you might not yet have answers, but now is the right time to find them. The main question is, “What am I doing to pursue my projects?” The moment has come to set aside visions and move into action. No matter how early it feels or how unprepared you might feel, start from chaos to create a connection with the physical world.

This cosmic moment underscores the urgency of turning your innovative ideas into tangible outcomes. It encourages you to harness the pioneering spirit of Aries to break through procrastination or indecision. This is about bridging the gap between the conceptual and the concrete, recognizing that the path to materializing your dreams often begins amidst uncertainty.As you navigate this period, think of the chaos not as a barrier but as a fertile ground for creativity and growth. It’s an opportunity to engage directly with the complexities of bringing visions to life, to experiment, to learn, and to adapt. The New Moon in Aries ignites a fire under you, urging you to take the first steps, no matter how small or imperfect, towards manifesting your aspirations.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20)

Pisces, the New Moon in Aries prompts you to ask yourself, “Do I truly feel connected to the world outside my inner self?” Now is the time to step out of your head, your thoughts, your fears, and the whirlpool of visions that fill your dreams, and bring them into the physical world. With a small action, you will see the material world materialize into potential.

This phase is an invitation to bridge the gap between your rich inner life and the external world. It encourages you to translate your deep, intuitive insights and creative imaginings into tangible expressions. The fiery energy of Aries propels you to initiate, to move beyond contemplation and into the realm of action. It’s about recognizing that your dreams and visions have the power to influence the physical plane, to create changes and to manifest beauty.Embrace this moment, Pisces, as an opportunity to expand your presence into the physical sphere. Let the New Moon in Aries inspire you to take that small, decisive action that transforms potential into reality. By bringing your inner world into harmony with the external, you open the door to a richly interconnected existence where your dreams and the material world coalesce into a beautiful, shared experience.

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