2024’s April Venus in Taurus: Significance and Horoscope


On April 29, 2024, Venus moves from the glorious and proud Aries into the gentle and placid Taurus. Venus joins the Sun, Jupiter, and Uranus already present in the sign. Early in May, these planets will form a beautiful, powerful, and fortunate stellium, imbued with the Venusian energies of the sign, presenting itself as a strong symbol of love, harmony, and the resolution of longstanding issues.

This celestial alignment in Taurus emphasizes the themes of beauty, pleasure, and stability, urging a collective shift towards embracing the finer things in life, appreciating the beauty in the world, and seeking out peace and contentment. The presence of Venus enhances the desire for emotional depth and connection, fostering an environment where love can flourish and relationships can find new grounds for understanding and closeness.


Here at Born Under Saturn, we keep you informed about significant astrological transits, like this upcoming shift of Venus into Taurus. But our mission goes beyond just this! We want to empower you to explore your own astrological blueprint – your birth chart. That’s why we created our user-friendly Birth Chart Calculator. With it, you can not only uncover your unique planetary placements, but also discover if you have a stellium in your chart, just like the powerful one forming this May.


Venus from Aries to Taurus: from acting to feeling

This transition of Venus from Aries to Taurus symbolizes the evolution of energies from a more active, assertive, and impetuous nature to one that is calmer, more deliberate, and focused on harmony. The need to prioritize action subsides, taking a backseat, instead giving precedence to an approach more centered on the present experience, in search of the securities that are already present.

In Aries, Venus embodies the spirit of adventure, courage, and spontaneity, urging us to chase desires with boldness and immediacy. This energy encourages initiation and the pursuit of what we want with little hesitation. However, as Venus moves into Taurus, the emphasis shifts towards appreciating what we have, seeking comfort, stability, and the pleasure derived from our senses and the natural world around us.

This transition encourages a deeper connection with the earth and our bodies, inviting us to slow down and savor the moment, finding beauty and value in simplicity and the reliability of our surroundings. The Taurus influence brings a heightened awareness of the physical world and a desire for tangible outcomes, emphasizing patience, perseverance, and the appreciation of slow growth.

This period represents a time to reassess our values and priorities, focusing on building and nurturing rather than conquering and acquiring. It’s an invitation to cultivate a sense of inner peace and satisfaction with what is, to cherish the simple pleasures of life, and to foster relationships and environments that reflect our deepest values and desires for harmony and stability.

Illustration of Venus

Venus in Taurus Horoscope 

Unveiling the horoscope – explore the distinct impact that the Venus in Taurus phase is poised to exert on individual zodiac signs.

ARIES (March 21-April 19)

Aries, Venus in Taurus highlights your desire to enjoy what surrounds you, to build roots, and to feel secure. It’s the right time to slow down your pace and appreciate the value of your current life.

Under the influence of Venus transitioning into Taurus, you’re encouraged to shift your focus from the relentless pursuit of new adventures to a more grounded appreciation of the beauty and stability in your everyday environment. This planetary movement invites you to find pleasure in the simple things, to cultivate a sense of contentment with what you have, and to nurture the relationships and possessions that bring you comfort and joy. 

Venus in Taurus illuminates the importance of security and stability, urging you to invest time and energy into creating a solid foundation for your life. This may mean focusing on your financial well-being, strengthening your connections with loved ones, or simply spending more time in nature to reconnect with the earth and your own body.

This period is an opportunity for reflection on what truly matters to you, what brings you a sense of peace and satisfaction, and how you can incorporate more of these elements into your daily life. It’s a call to slow down, to be present, and to savor the moment, recognizing the abundance that already exists in your life.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20)

​​Taurus, Venus, your ruling planet, is in your sign, and you feel at home, protected, loved, and eager to celebrate beauty. It’s time to take care of yourself, focus on what makes you feel good, and allow yourself all the attention you may have neglected to give yourself before.

With Venus gracing your sign, you’re imbued with its harmonious and nurturing energy, encouraging a deeper connection with your senses and a renewed appreciation for the pleasures of life. This planetary alignment highlights the importance of self-love and the value of treating yourself with kindness and compassion.This period invites you to indulge in activities that bring you joy and comfort, whether that’s spending time in nature, enjoying good food, or surrounding yourself with art and beauty.

Venus in Taurus urges you to honor your need for stability and security, guiding you towards choices that enhance your well-being and contribute to a solid foundation for your happiness.

Embrace this time as an opportunity to slow down and reconnect with your desires and needs. It’s a powerful moment to reevaluate your priorities and invest in your personal growth and happiness. Venus in your sign supports a journey of self-discovery and fulfillment, urging you to pamper yourself and celebrate your worth.

Let this be a period of rejuvenation, where you allow the loving energy of Venus to fill your life with beauty, pleasure, and self-care. It’s a time to flourish in your natural element, enjoying the comfort and peace that come from being truly aligned with yourself and your environment.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20)

Gemini, Venus in Taurus prompts you to appreciate the beauty of silence, solitude, and internal dialogue. It’s the right time to cherish the quieter aspects of your life and find a connection with the part of you that seeks to feel connected to spirituality and the world beneath the veil of reality.

As Venus transits Taurus, you’re encouraged to slow down and turn inwards, a shift that might feel unusual for your naturally outgoing and sociable nature. This period invites you to explore the depth of your inner world, to listen to your own thoughts and feelings without the constant distraction of external noise.The emphasis on silence and solitude doesn’t mean isolation but rather an opportunity for self-discovery and spiritual growth. It’s a chance to explore what truly resonates with your soul, beyond the superficial chatter and the relentless pursuit of new information that often characterizes your day-to-day life.

Venus in Taurus encourages you to seek beauty in stillness, to find peace in being alone with your thoughts, and to cultivate a meaningful inner dialogue. This is a powerful time for meditation, for engaging with nature, and for any practice that allows you to connect more deeply with the spiritual dimensions of existence.

Embrace this period as an invitation to forge a deeper connection with the mystical and the transcendental aspects of life. By attuning to the quieter frequencies of your being, you can uncover insights and truths that have been waiting beneath the surface, offering you a richer, more profound perspective on your place in the universe.Let this transit of Venus be a guide to a more introspective and spiritually fulfilling journey, opening doors to inner landscapes you may have neglected. It’s a time to celebrate the quieter, more contemplative facets of your nature, finding joy and beauty in the sacred solitude and the depth of your inner life.

CANCER (June 21-July 22)

Cancer, Venus in Taurus urges you to see the beauty in the emotional exchange between you and the collective, pushing you to step out of your shell and to regain trust in others. It’s the perfect time to create something choral, shared, and capable of building solid relationships based on empathy.

With Venus moving through Taurus, you’re invited to explore the richness of connections that go beyond the surface, to find harmony in collective efforts, and to foster an environment where emotional support and understanding are paramount. This transit highlights the value of community, friendship, and the power of coming together to create something meaningful and lasting.

For Cancer, a sign deeply rooted in emotions and nurturing, Venus in Taurus reinforces the importance of stability, security, and the tangible expressions of care and connection. It’s an encouragement to open your heart and your creative energy to group endeavors, to trust in the collective vision, and to find joy in the mutual sharing of feelings and goals. This period offers a wonderful opportunity to engage in projects that require cooperation and emotional investment, whether it’s community service, group art projects, or any initiative that aims to bring people closer together. It’s about using your innate capacity for empathy to bridge gaps, heal wounds, and foster a sense of belonging and togetherness.

Embrace this time as a call to blend your sensitivity with the steadfast energy of Taurus, guiding you towards engagements that not only fulfill you emotionally but also contribute to a greater good. Let Venus in Taurus inspire you to break down barriers, to reach out, and to weave a network of relationships that are as supportive and nurturing as they are strong and enduring.

"Venus and Cupid" by Antonio Canova. Venus is posed on a couch, embracing her son who returns her hug, and gazes directly at the witness of this tender momeny, more or less as here.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22)

Leo, Venus in Taurus shines a light on the part of you that yearns to feel independent, to create your own project, to share your own idea. Now is the perfect time to do so with gentleness and wisdom, aware that on the other end, the one who listens will need to be guided into your world.

This transit invites you to harness the stable and nurturing energy of Taurus to ground your fiery ambition and creativity. Venus in Taurus emphasizes the importance of patience, persistence, and the value of building something tangible and meaningful. It encourages you to express your unique vision and to pursue your creative endeavors with a balanced approach that combines your natural leadership with a considerate and empathetic touch.

For Leo, a sign known for its boldness and charisma, this period is about balancing your desire for recognition and autonomy with the need to connect with others on a deeper, more personal level. It’s about recognizing that true leadership involves not just directing but also inviting others into your creative process, making them feel valued and included. This is an excellent time for collaborative projects, for sharing your ideas with a community, and for nurturing the relationships that support your creative ventures. By approaching your ambitions with a blend of Leo’s warmth and Taurus’s practicality, you can create something enduring and impactful.

Embrace this moment as an opportunity to gently guide others into your vision, to cultivate a shared sense of purpose, and to build something that resonates with both your independent spirit and your desire for connection. Let Venus in Taurus inspire you to create with love, wisdom, and the understanding that bringing people together around your vision can amplify its reach and significance.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Virgo, Venus in Taurus gently guides you to savor the beauty of the distant, the different, the unknown. With its influence, you can let go of the need for control and perfection, for even in uncertainty, you will find beauty.

This transit encourages you to embrace a more relaxed and appreciative approach to life, inviting you to explore and value experiences that are out of your usual routine or comfort zone. Venus in Taurus highlights the importance of slowing down, encouraging you to appreciate the richness and diversity of the world around you, including the beauty in imperfection and the unpredictable aspects of life.

For Virgo, a sign often focused on details and order, this period offers a valuable lesson in the art of letting go and finding harmony in the natural flow of life. It’s an opportunity to challenge your perceptions, to open your heart and mind to new possibilities, and to find joy and beauty in the process of exploration and discovery.

Embrace this time as an invitation to explore the world with a sense of wonder and openness, allowing yourself to be moved by the beauty of the unfamiliar. It’s a chance to cultivate a deeper appreciation for the simple pleasures that life offers, recognizing that true beauty often lies beyond the confines of control and predictability.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct 22)

Libra, Venus in Taurus gently leads you into a dance of passion where you reconnect with your deepest desires, those you dare not voice aloud. Now is the perfect time to break your own rules, to stop obeying the strict soldier within you, and to let go.

This transit beckons you to explore the richness of your inner world, inviting a more tactile and sensual appreciation of life. Venus in Taurus encourages you to indulge in your senses, to prioritize pleasure and to acknowledge the yearnings that lie beneath the surface of your composed exterior.

This period challenges you to embrace the messier, more passionate sides of life. It’s an invitation to liberate yourself from self-imposed constraints and to explore what truly makes you feel alive and vibrant. Venus in Taurus reminds you that passion and desire are integral to your well-being and personal growth.

Embrace this time as an opportunity to delve into the desires that have been simmering quietly, waiting for recognition. It’s a moment to honor your deeper cravings for intimacy, creativity, and connection, allowing yourself to pursue what genuinely fulfills you without reservation. Let Venus in Taurus inspire a journey of self-discovery and sensual awakening, guiding you towards a more authentic and passionate expression of yourself. By letting go of the need for control and perfection, you open the door to a richer, more vibrant experience of life, where passion and desire lead the way to true harmony and balance.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Scorpio, Venus in Taurus warms that part of you that simply wants to love and be loved without fearing the end, without worrying about tomorrow. It’s the right time to let go of the fears of a wounded ego, the insecurities from past traumas, and to return to trusting what comes your way.

This transit encourages you to embrace vulnerability as a strength, allowing yourself to open up to love with a renewed sense of security and trust. Venus in Taurus highlights the beauty of steadfast love, of connections that are built on a solid foundation of trust, respect, and mutual appreciation.

For Scorpio, a sign deeply acquainted with the complexities of human relationships, this period offers a soothing balm to the soul. It’s an invitation to heal the scars left by previous betrayals or disappointments, to cleanse your heart of the skepticism that may have built up over time.

Embrace this time as an opportunity to rediscover the simple joys of loving and being loved, of connecting with others in a genuine, heartfelt manner. It’s a moment to reaffirm your belief in the power of love, to rebuild your trust in its transformative potential, and to allow yourself to be carried by its currents without resistance. Let Venus in Taurus inspire a revival of your faith in love, guiding you towards relationships that are nurturing, fulfilling, and grounded in reality. By releasing the fears and insecurities of the past, you pave the way for a future where love is embraced with openness, trust, and a fearless heart.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Sagittarius, Venus in Taurus sends you calming energies that soothe your hunger for movement and help you appreciate the incredible beauty of slowness and treating every action as if it were a ritual. Now is the perfect time to value even the small situations in your daily life where beauty reigns naturally.

This transit invites you to slow down, to pause the constant quest for the next adventure, and to find contentment in the here and now. Venus in Taurus cultivates a deep appreciation for the tangible, the sensual, and the enduring aspects of life, encouraging you to savor each moment and find joy in the simplicity of existence.

For Sagittarius this period represents a gentle reminder that not all journeys require physical travel. There is a world of wonder to be discovered in the slow unfolding of everyday life, in the textures, flavors, and aromas that fill your immediate surroundings. Embrace this time as an opportunity to explore the richness of being fully present, where every meal can be a celebration, every touch a discovery, and every sunset a profound experience. It’s a moment to cultivate gratitude for the beauty that exists all around you, often unnoticed in the rush to move forward.

Let Venus in Taurus inspire a deeper connection to the earth and to the simple pleasures that ground you in the present. By adopting a more measured pace and honoring the rituals that make up your daily routine, you can discover a new depth of satisfaction and a renewed sense of wonder at the beauty that life has to offer.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Capricorn, Venus in Taurus fills your visions with creativity, beauty, harmony, and the desire to savor the passion of the senses. Now is the perfect time to let form inspire you, because beauty, even as an end in itself, is the sweetest and most rejuvenating break you can give yourself.

This transit encourages you to embrace the aesthetic and the sensual, urging you to explore the realms of art, nature, and physical pleasure. Venus in Taurus celebrates the tactile and the tangible, inviting you to find inspiration in the curve of a sculpture, the texture of a painting, the harmony of a garden, or the richness of a carefully prepared meal.

This  period offers a valuable reminder of the importance of beauty and enjoyment for their own sake. It’s an opportunity to balance your disciplined approach to life with moments of indulgence and appreciation for the finer things. Embrace this time as an invitation to explore your artistic inclinations, to beautify your surroundings, and to engage more deeply with the world through your senses. It’s a moment to recognize that allowing yourself the space to appreciate beauty can be a profound source of inspiration and regeneration, fueling your creativity and broadening your perspective.

Let Venus in Taurus inspire you to pause, breathe, and immerse yourself in the pleasures that life offers, recognizing that in beauty, there is rest, inspiration, and a profound form of nourishment for the soul. By giving yourself permission to indulge in the sweet pause of beauty, you can return to your pursuits refreshed and invigorated, with a richer sense of what it means to truly live.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

Aquarius, Venus in Taurus brings your attention back to the familial sphere, the most intimate, personal, and private one. Now is the perfect time to take a break and dedicate yourself to restoring cohesion and harmony in your home environment.

This transit encourages you to focus on your domestic life, urging you to cultivate peace and comfort within your personal spaces. Venus in Taurus values stability, beauty, and the pleasures of the senses, suggesting that creating a nurturing and aesthetically pleasing home environment could be particularly fulfilling for you at this time.

For Aquarius this period marks a gentle reminder of the importance of one’s roots and personal sanctuary. It’s an invitation to invest in your living space, making it a true reflection of your essence and a place where you can recharge and find solace.Embrace this time as an opportunity to strengthen your connections with family members or those you live with, addressing any disharmony and working together to create a sense of unity and mutual support. It’s also a moment to indulge in the simple joys of homemaking, whether through cooking, gardening, or decorating, finding beauty in the rituals that make a house a home.

Let Venus in Taurus inspire you to pause and appreciate the foundational aspects of your life, recognizing the value of comfort, security, and the deep connections that are nurtured within the walls of your home. By fostering harmony and beauty in your domestic world, you can create a strong base from which to explore the wider world with confidence and a sense of belonging.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20)

Pisces, Venus in Taurus softens you, bringing your focus back to the value of kindness, and from your lips flow poetry, love dedications, gentle words that open hearts, minds, and desires. Use this moment to transform your visions into teachings of love.

Under the gentle influence of Venus in Taurus, you’re encouraged to express your affection and creative energies more tangibly. This transit imbues your words and actions with a sweetness and depth that can deeply affect those around you, fostering connections that are both meaningful and nurturing. For Pisces, a sign already deeply connected to the emotional and mystical realms, Venus in Taurus highlights the importance of grounding your ethereal nature through acts of love and artistic expression. It’s a time to channel your boundless imagination and empathy into creations and gestures that speak to the heart, celebrating the beauty of emotional connection and the transformative power of kindness.

This period is an excellent opportunity to convey your feelings through art, whether it’s writing, music, painting, or any medium that allows you to share your soul’s song. It’s also a reminder of the impact that gentle, loving communication can have on your relationships and on the world at large.

Let Venus in Taurus inspire you to craft your visions of love into tangible expressions that can be felt, seen, and cherished. By using this time to spread beauty, warmth, and kindness, you contribute to a collective elevation of spirit, opening up new pathways for love to flourish in all its forms.

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