Mars in Aries, 2024: What impact will it have?


On the last day of April 2024, Mars will depart from the Neptunian waters of Pisces and begin its zodiacal journey anew, returning to its natural home in Aries. In Aries, Mars is like Odysseus returning to Ithaca, rejuvenating and preparing for a new, extensive journey. It is as though the explosive force of the Big Bang has recharged itself throughout the zodiac cycle and is now ready to burst forth in Aries. This signals a period of renewed energy and pioneering spirit, poised to initiate fresh beginnings and bold ventures.

This transition signifies a shift of energies from internal strength to the realm of action. In Aries, Mars feels unfettered, free to express itself as unbridled energy, for better or for worse.

Mars’s energies: the storm of the Self

Traditional astrology viewed Mars, along with Saturn, as one of the “malefic” or challenging planets, often associated with the delivery of harsh news. It was seen as the instigator of accidents, deaths, misfortunes, storms and thunder. Ancient sky watchers feared storms because, more so then than now, they had the power with their energy to sweep away entire settlements. Mars, associated with storms and everything that descended with sudden force from above, was naturally linked to adverse events.

This portrayal, however, also embraces the less often highlighted aspect of Mars as a vitalizer and activator. While it can indeed herald challenges, its energy is also essential for initiating action and driving change. In its domicile of Aries, Mars’s potential is amplified, its assertiveness and vigor are at their peak, ready to propel forward movements and bold ventures. This period can be seen as a time to harness this dynamic energy constructively, channeling its force into pursuits that require courage and decisiveness.

Mars from The Gods Who Preside Over the Planet

How will Mars in Aries impact all the signs?

Mars in Aries will instill in all the signs of the zodiac a shared desire to act, to eliminate stagnation and overly slow situations, and to favor explosion over implosion. Naturally, not all signs will be affected in the same way. 

Those who will feel the positive influences of Mars the most are, unsurprisingly, the fire signs: Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius. For them, Mars in Aries will form a trine that speaks of action, a desire for affirmation, passion, and the courage to pursue their own battles, whatever they may be. Especially Aries, hosting its ruling planet, will feel reinvigorated and ready to embark on new adventures.

Gemini and Aquarius too will receive this energy in the best possible way. Their sextile will make them feel stronger, more responsive, and ready to untangle the knots of their existence. These two air signs will be encouraged to act more promptly and not get lost in the meanderings of their visions.

Libra, the sign opposite Aries, might feel these fiery energies of Mars in a somewhat dissonant manner. With Libra, Mars in Aries forms an opposition that pushes it to do what might feel against its nature: to act without doubt, instinctively, following impulses and not trying to rationalize emotions. The best way to make the most of this opposition is to look within and remember that every sign contains the teachings of its opposite.

The signs that will experience the square of Mars in Aries are Capricorn and Cancer. Both have a nature very different from that of Aries Mars. Although in different ways, both have a thought and action process that is more reflective, pragmatic, and in the case of Capricorn, also systematic. Mars in Aries wants them to be less in their heads and more out in the world.

Scorpio, Taurus, Virgo, and Pisces will all feel these energies differently. They will not be directly affected (they do not form any major aspect with this position) but will certainly feel the season of a Mars that expresses its energies at their best. When a planet transits in its natural sign, the entire zodiac feels the harmonic and cohesive energies of a synergistic system, which is the zodiacal one.


Here, we’ve delved into the energies that Mars transiting through Aries will bring. But, to learn even more about the upcoming month and discover the influences of other planets, delve into your full horoscope: Your Saturnine May 2024 Horoscope.

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