Saturn Retrograde in Pisces: Meaning, Artistic POV & Horoscopes


Saturn, the planet with rings and the great teacher in astrological symbolism, began its retrograde motion on June 29, 2024, and will continue until mid-November in the sign of Pisces.

Here we’ll explore:

But before we start, here’s an important reminder: retrograde motion is only apparent; in astronomical terms, it refers to a slowdown.

Saturn retrograde in Pisces: the meaning 

Saturn’s retrograde is a significant period in astrology, often seen as a time for reflection, reassessment, and reevaluation. Saturn retrograde in Pisces invites us to delve deep into our subconscious, examine our spiritual beliefs, and confront the structures and boundaries we have set in our lives.

Pisces, being a sign of dreams and intuition, may make this retrograde feel like a journey through uncharted waters. Emotions may surface that you’ve kept buried, and your intuition might become sharper, guiding you toward necessary changes. Saturn’s influence will help you bring structure and discipline to these ethereal realms. It will ensure that your dreams and ideals are grounded in reality.

Remember, Saturn’s retrograde is not about punishment but about growth and maturity. It’s a cosmic reminder to slow down, reassess, and ensure that your foundations are solid as you move forward. By embracing the lessons of this period, you can emerge stronger, wiser, and more aligned with your true self.

Saturn rings close up.

An artistic POV on Pisces’ reality and time perception

The sky, the context, and the colors of this Saturn Retrograde are those of Pisces, the quintessential Neptunian sign. It symbolically represents the 12th house, the house of the unconscious, the veil beyond reality, encompassing all that is intangible but perceptible through the senses.

Here, Saturn brings rules and structure to a realm that inherently lacks them. It’s much like a clock whose function is to measure time in a regular and precise manner (Saturn), yet time itself can be relative (Pisces influence). If we were to describe this transit with a painting, nothing would be more fitting than Salvador Dalí’s “The Persistence of Memory“.

The challenge of this painting lies in time and its attempt to regulate an element that is, in reality, relative. At the same time, measuring time is an important resource for anchoring ourselves to reality.

But which reality? The reality of facts? Thoughts? Dreams? Mine, yours, or that of others?

This is the realm of Pisces, where everything is relative. The boundary between what is measurable and what escapes labels is delicate and thin. Yet Saturn, the god of time, the great teacher, and guide of Karma, has little to do with this relativity because he bases his journey on structure. Therefore, when retrograde, his need for rules softens, and we too slow down, take a step back, and realize that even clocks can melt into an infinite time.

The Persistence of Memory painting by Salvador Dalí

The key to navigate Saturn retrograde in Pisces

The best way to view this transit, which is often perceived as harsh and negative, is to think of the keyword for retrograde motion: slowdown. This is precisely what it does; in fact, it presents an opportunity because it makes us slow down and become more aware of certain situations that need to be addressed. Saturn is not negative; Saturn is a lesson we must and can integrate to find the right path.

Saturn is not negative; Saturn is a lesson we must and can integrate to find the right path.

Understanding Saturn’s retrograde in this light transforms its challenging reputation into something constructive and beneficial. The key to navigating this period is to embrace the slowdown as a chance to reassess and realign with your true path.

When Saturn goes retrograde, it’s as if the universe is giving us permission to take a break from the relentless pace of life. This slowdown encourages us to pause and reflect on areas that may need attention or restructuring. Rather than rushing forward, we are invited to look back, reconsider our plans, and make necessary adjustments.

When Saturn goes retrograde, it’s as if the universe is giving us permission to take a break from the relentless pace of life. 

"Fishes Watanabe" by Seitei

10 ways to make the most of this period

  1. Embrace the Slowdown. Use this time to take stock of your life. Reflect on your goals, responsibilities, and the structures you have built. Are they serving your highest good? Are there areas where you need to make changes?
  2. Focus on Awareness. Saturn’s retrograde brings to light issues that may have been overlooked. Pay attention to recurring themes or challenges. What lessons are they trying to teach you? How can you address them constructively?
  3. Make Necessary Adjustments. This is an excellent time to make practical changes. Whether it’s reorganizing your daily routines, reassessing your commitments, or letting go of what no longer serves you, use Saturn’s guidance to create a more stable and fulfilling life.
  4. Integrate Lessons. Saturn is often seen as the great teacher in astrology. Its lessons, though sometimes tough, are invaluable. By facing challenges head-on and integrating the wisdom they offer, you can emerge from this period stronger and more aligned with your true purpose.
  5. Seek Stability. Use this time to build solid foundations. Whether in your personal life, career, or relationships, focus on creating stability and security. Saturn rewards discipline and hard work, so invest your energy in areas that will provide long-term benefits.
  6. Cultivate Patience. Saturn’s energy is not about quick fixes but about enduring solutions. Cultivate patience and perseverance. Trust that the efforts you make during this retrograde will pay off in the long run.

In substance, this period invites us to slow down and reflect on the structures we have built in our lives. Are they truly serving us, or are they based on outdated beliefs and fears?

During Saturn’s retrograde in Pisces, we are urged to embrace the fluidity of time and the relativity of our experiences. It’s a reminder that our reality is not fixed but is constantly being shaped by our thoughts, dreams, and perceptions. This retrograde is an opportunity to explore the deeper layers of our psyche, to understand the subconscious patterns that influence our reality, and to bring a sense of order to the chaos within.

Print with Saturn, Eros and a woman
"Saturn, Eros, and a Woman" by Giuseppe Diamantini (Italian)

Saturn Retrograde in Pisces Horoscope

And of course, as we did with all other transits, here is the horoscope. We suggest reading both your Sun sign and rising sign horoscopes, as both are important and meaningful.

If you are also interested in this month’s horoscope, click here to check out your sign.

Aries (21 March – 20 April)

Aries, Saturn Retrograde is here to remind you that the line between rigidity and flexibility is thin. Your lesson is to take a step back and rediscover trust in what you cannot see or prove. The act of faith can save you from the void.

The lesson here is to cultivate faith and patience. Trust that even without immediate results or tangible proof, your efforts and intentions are guiding you towards growth and fulfillment. This act of faith can be transformative, providing a sense of peace and preventing you from feeling lost or empty.

Taurus (22 April – 30 May)

Taurus, Saturn Retrograde is here to help you bring structure and awareness to your friendships and shared connections. This is the perfect time to create the right space and distance to reaffirm your emotional needs.

By establishing clear boundaries and reaffirming your emotional needs, you can strengthen your relationships and ensure they are built on a solid foundation of trust and mutual respect. This retrograde is an opportunity to cultivate deeper, more meaningful connections that support your growth and well-being.

Gemini (21 May – 21 June)

Gemini, Saturn Retrograde is here to give you structure and resilience in your independence. Take a step back and reflect on the ties and umbilical cords that don’t leave room to breathe, considering cutting the dead branches. Even though solitude can be frightening, it’s time to walk alone.

Embrace the solitude that may come with this process. While it can be intimidating, walking alone for a while can strengthen your resilience and help you reconnect with your true self. Use this time to build a solid foundation of independence, ensuring that you are not reliant on others for your sense of self-worth and direction.

Cancer (22 June – 23 July)

Cancer, Saturn Retrograde is here to give you the time to escape the web your mind has woven to protect you. The lesson you’ll learn is that when something seems difficult, it means it’s the right path. And your paths now will take you far.

Allow yourself to step into the unknown with courage. Your journey may take you far, both literally and metaphorically, leading to experiences that enrich your life and broaden your horizons. Saturn’s influence ensures that these ventures are grounded and purposeful, providing you with the resilience and determination to succeed.

Leo (23 July – 23 August)

Leo, Saturn Retrograde invites you to take risks, especially with finances and anything related to building an economic path. Even if it feels like jumping into the void, this is the right moment to trust your intuition.

This is a time to assess your investments, savings, and overall financial goals. Consider new opportunities that may initially seem daunting but have the potential for significant returns. Whether it’s a new business venture, investment, or career move, now is the time to embrace the challenge.

Virgo (24 August – 22 September)

Virgo, Saturn Retrograde pushes you into the realm of relationships and encourages you to take a break from trying to control your emotions at all costs. Perhaps it’s the right time to make decisions even without having all the data in front of you. The heart does not follow the rules of the clock.

Remember, Virgo, that sometimes the most meaningful decisions are made from the heart. Trust in your ability to navigate this emotional landscape with grace and intuition, and you will find that your relationships and personal growth will flourish.

Libra (23 September – 23 October)

Libra, Saturn Retrograde is here to teach you to prioritize yourself and your well-being above fears and responsibilities. Saturn slows down, and with it, your need to be present for everyone, allowing you to find space for yourself.

This is a perfect opportunity to reflect on where you might be overextending yourself and to make necessary adjustments. Are you sacrificing your own happiness and health to meet the expectations of others? If so, it’s crucial to start prioritizing self-care and giving yourself the space to breathe and recharge.

Scorpio (23 October – 23 November)

Scorpio, Saturn Retrograde grants you a break from the responsibilities and rigid rules you’ve imposed on yourself lately, reminding you that expression and passion can also lead to building something solid.

Remember, Scorpio, that the structures you create do not have to be solely based on discipline and rigidity. Expression and passion are equally important in shaping a life that is both meaningful and sustainable. Use this retrograde period to explore these aspects of yourself and to build a future that reflects the full spectrum of your talents and desires.

Sagittarius (23 November – 21 December)

Sagittarius, Saturn Retrograde is here to slow your pace, reverse the direction of your arrows, and look at the past with fresh eyes. Now is the perfect time to heal those past wounds that need understanding and care once and for all.

Healing past wounds doesn’t mean dwelling on them indefinitely, but rather acknowledging their presence and finding ways to integrate their lessons into your present life. Whether through therapy, journaling, meditation, or meaningful conversations, seek out the methods that resonate with you and support your healing journey.

Capricorn (22 December – 20 January)

Capricorn, Saturn Retrograde is here to slow down your words, your expression, and what you choose to share. There is a space in your mind that wants to welcome and nurture that part of you that you do not wish to share yet. Let your thoughts settle and mature in their own time.

This is an ideal time to nurture those parts of yourself that are not yet ready to be shared. Create a mental sanctuary where you can explore and develop your ideas without the pressure to communicate them immediately. This period of introspection can lead to a richer, more thoughtful expression when the time is right.

Aquarius (21 January – 19 February)

Aquarius, Saturn Retrograde puts a pause on your desire to be everywhere and do everything. Even though it’s usually your water that nurtures the plants, now it’s time to take a break to nourish yourself. Only then will the water in your urns become magical and fertile again.

Consider this time as an opportunity to reconnect with yourself and to ensure that your own needs are being met. Reflect on the ways you can nourish your body, mind, and spirit. Whether it’s through rest, hobbies, or simply spending time alone, find what rejuvenates you and make it a priority.

Pisces (20 February – 20 March)

Pisces, Saturn Retrograde in your sky is an opportunity to free your inner child and allow yourself a break from life’s rigidities. Follow the flow, let go, listen to your thoughts, and let them flow. This is your time to dance without rules and run without directions.

Remember, Pisces, that this retrograde period is a gift, a chance to rejuvenate your spirit and reconnect with the essence of who you are. Embrace the freedom to dance without rules and run without directions. Trust that by letting go, you will find a renewed sense of clarity and purpose when the time comes to re-engage with the world.

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