Why Sagittarius tarot card is the Temperance


Let’s explore the intriguing connection between Sagittarius (from November 22 to December 21), and the Temperance tarot card. But, before, it’s important to clarify a common misconception…

While there’s no single, definitive tarot card assigned to each zodiac sign, exploring these symbolic links enriches both astrology and tarot. In this article, we’ll highlight the profound connections and hidden meanings that hold great relevance, even if they don’t claim absolute set-in-stone truths!

Now, let’s embark on a journey to uncover the symbolic depth between Sagittarius and the Temperance tarot card.

Why the Temperance card represents Sagittarius

The Temperance tarot card depicts an angel blending the contents of two goblets (or cups), symbolizing the delicate balance between intellect and emotion. This imagery highlights the significance of finding harmony amidst stability and change – qualities that resonate deeply with Sagittarius. Sagittarius is always on a tightrope, weighing the choice between embracing the next adventure or maintaining stability. Spoiler alert: they’ll likely jump into the adventure!

However, this leap into discovery doesn’t always mean traveling to the opposite side of the world (although, most of the time, it does!). It could also signify a spiritual or intellectual journey. Notably, Sagittarius’s ruling planet is expansive Jupiter, which is never content with confinement – it seeks expansion physically and mentally.

The search for expansion embodied by Sagittarius is also reflected by the angel’s feet in the Temperance card – one in the water and the other on the shore. They metaphorically represent the desire to be “everywhere”. This mirrors Sagittarius’s quest for wisdom through travel and exploration, continually seeking balance and growth.

Are you intrigued to learn more about the Temperance tarot card? Feel free to tap into the preview below to discover its description, keywords, upright and reversed meanings, its significance in love readings… and much more.

Temperance tarot card meaning, key symbols & more

Spiritual growth in Sagittarius and the Temperance card

Studying the Libra sign and its primary associated card, Justice, immediately reveals a profound connection. The symbol of Libra – a scale – is prominently held by the regal figure depicted in the Justice card. The correlation couldn’t be clearer!

Unlike for the Libra tarot card, Sagittarius is not explicitly featured on the Temperance card. However, there are deep symbolic connections worth exploring.

Sagittarius is symbolized by the Archer, often depicted wielding a bow and arrow. This symbol represents the adventurous spirit of Sagittarius, constantly seeking new horizons, philosophies, and knowledge. The Archer is a Centaurhalf-human and half-horse – and embodies the integration of our animalistic and higher selves. Just as the arrow flies and the horse gallops, Sagittarius embodies the journey of spiritual growth.

Sagittarius's symbol sculpted in rock.

The concept of “spiritual growth” aligns symbolically with the Archer and the Temperance tarot card. In fact, one of the primary upright keywords of the Temperance card is “spiritual growth”, reflecting its message of balance, harmony, and moderation. The card symbolizes a delicate equilibrium. It highlights the coexistence of opposing forces and encourages seekers to find a middle path that fosters not just balance but also deeper spiritual development.

Secondly, the symbolism depicted on the Temperance card (Rader-Waite version) vividly illustrates themes of spiritual growth. The angel in the Temperance card performs alchemy, blending and purifying potions to promote growth and achieve balance. The card depicts the journey of overcoming obstacles and biases along the path toward claiming the golden crown in the sky.

Additionally, other symbols like the triangle and iris flowers further represent spiritual growth. Let’s delve deeper into those…

Temperance’s Key Symbols connected to Sagittarius

Two significant symbols within the Temperance tarot card demand our attention…

The first is the triangle at the center of the Angel’s white dress. The triangle holds multiple meanings; it’s intricately linked with stability and harmony and is often used to symbolize the divine trinity of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, or mind, body, and spirit. Additionally, in alchemy, the upward-pointing triangle is the elemental symbol for fire, aligning with Sagittarius, which is a fire sign along with Aries and Leo.

Temperance (XIV) from the Rider–Waite tarot deck

Another notable symbol within the card is the presence of yellow Iris Flowers. These flowers symbolize the Goddess Iris, who serves as a link between divinity and humanity. Similarly, Sagittarius symbolizes exploration and travel, bridging gaps and fostering a deeper understanding of the world. In essence, just as Iris connects God and humanity, Sagittarius traverses the world, linking distant realms and expanding horizons with its adventurous spirit.

Resonating Keywords: Temperance tarot and Sagittarius traits

As many tarot enthusiasts know, each card has associated “keywords” – concise phrases or single words that capture its essence.  These keywords offer a quick reference point for understanding the card’s meaning and guiding interpretations.

The tradition of associating keywords with tarot cards originated in the 18th century with the Etteilla Tarot. Etteilla, a renowned French occultist, played a significant role in popularizing tarot within esoteric circles, as discussed in our article on the History of Tarot.

Now, let’s explore how specific upright keywords from the Temperance card resonate with the characteristics of Sagittarius.

We have already discussed the keyword “Spiritual growth” and seen how “Alchemy” connects with the fire element, which is associated with Sagittarius as a mutable sign.

Another primary upright keyword of the Temperance card is “Balance”, which aligns perfectly with Sagittarius’ pursuit of equilibrium and integration of diverse experiences. In fact, Sagittarians also value “Harmony”, another keyword associated with the card, seeking to merge disparate elements into a cohesive whole and aiming to synthesize opposing forces into a harmonious blend.

Similarly, “Integration” reflects Sagittarius’ approach of assimilating diverse knowledge and experiences to achieve a comprehensive understanding of the world.

Furthermore, the keyword “Patience” associated with the Temperance card aims to teach Sagittarius something important. Sagittarians can be patient, but they are not particularly so when they feel stuck, restricted, or trapped, even if it is only temporary. Therefore, this card’s keyword resonates as a teaching point or reminder for Sagittarius: “be patient, and you will soon be able to expand once again”.

We’ve reached the end of this intriguing exploration into the correlation between the Sagittarius sign and the Temperance card. For more quick and insightful tarot and astrology content, follow us on Born Under Saturn’s Instagram page. We’ll see you there!

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