Your Saturnine August 2024 Horoscope (+ Painting)


Step into August with your Saturnine horoscope. First, we’ll encounter a preliminary introduction to the celestial symphony of this period. After that, we will uncover what August 2024 has in store for each zodiac sign. And you’ll discover which painting represents your sign for the month to come!

August rises in the vibrant and fiery season of Leo, celebrating the joy of living and freely expressing one’s uniqueness. The Sun will move into Virgo on August 22, inaugurating the season of this earth sign. The energies will shift from explosive and grand to more serene and mercurial.

The first transit of the month is that of Venus, which moves from the sumptuous Leo to the more grounded and cautious Virgo on August 5. Here, Venus expresses its passionate energies with grace and attention, focusing on concrete actions that often go unnoticed but build the foundations for solid relationships. On August 29, Venus will move again, this time to a friendly sign, Libra. In this air sign, the planet of love and beauty feels at ease, as Libra always prioritizes harmony, justice, and cohesion. It is a total, just, and balanced love, but it is also a love that fears making mistakes, measures every action, and is slowed down by doubt.

Mars is in Gemini for the entire month, bringing assertiveness and passion to the realm of expression and communication. Words are sharp; they have the power to change the world, to hurt, but also to remind us how every small thing can make a difference.

Mercury begins its retrograde motion on August 5, returning to Leo on the 14th. When Mercury starts its (apparent) backward motion, our energies slow down as well. This is the right time to take a step back and recalibrate. The past will feel closer than usual, and with it, people or feelings that we haven’t encountered in a long time may resurface.

Jupiter remains in Gemini, and if you want to know what its year-long transit means for each sign, tap the preview below to delve deeper.

Jupiter in Gemini 2024: Meaning, Signs’ Rank & Horoscope

August will be a month that expresses slower energies compared to the previous month, and our focus will be on understanding before acting and accepting emotions, even the more complex ones. Teaching us how to slow down wisely will be Virgo season, along with Mercury Retrograde. Both symbolize a slow, deliberate pace, attentive to the details that make up the bigger picture.

This period invites us to remember that the desert is made up of tiny grains of sand, each of which plays an important role in creating the vast expanse. The beauty of this month is represented by Venus in Virgo, which, in the most analytical sign of the zodiac. It seeks to rationalize and understand the complex mechanisms of the intangible and find beauty even in the ordinary.

Shining sun to represent August horoscope.

Aries (21 March – 20 April)

Aries, only positive aspects for you in this warm month of August: Jupiter, Mars, and Pluto in sextile, and the Sun and Mercury in trine. You feel as if everything is flowing smoothly, finally in the right direction. You observe the stream of events that occur and that you make happen, sitting in your boat, letting the current guide you. Even Mercury Retrograde doesn’t frighten you, as its trine helps you recalibrate some pending issues, especially those where you had ended up sacrificing your space. You reclaim your freedom, and this time you manage to express your feelings without your words causing harm or being misunderstood. “Taking a Rest After Reading Books” by Jeong Seon is your painting of the month, as it inspires you to take a break and calmly observe the flow of life.

As August progresses, you will find that this harmonious flow extends into various aspects of your life. In your professional realm, the supportive energies of Jupiter, Mars, and Pluto encourage you to take bold steps forward. Trust in your abilities and seize the opportunities that come your way. Your confidence and clarity of purpose will inspire those around you, making collaboration and teamwork more fruitful.

Taurus (22 April – 30 May)

Venus, your ruling planet, is in trine and everything slows down, gently allowing you to enjoy the beauty that surrounds you. The square of the Sun urges you to move faster, as does Uranus in your sign, but you have neither the desire nor the need to rush things. There will be commitments that you will need to postpone and people who will have to adjust to your new pace. It is the rhythm of beauty and the present moment, a time that allows you to focus on yourself and your roots. “Olympia” by Manet is your painting of the month, as it invites you to allow yourself to express and accept what comes at your own pace.

August is a month of serene self-discovery and appreciation for you, Taurus. Embrace the slower pace, focus on your roots, and allow yourself to fully enjoy the beauty of the present moment. This period of calm and reflection will provide a solid foundation for the exciting opportunities that lie ahead.

Gemini (21 May – 21 June)

With Jupiter and Mars in your sign, your voice has the power to reach even the most remote places. Without you realizing it, your music transforms from a gentle classical melody into a symphony of diverse instruments that come together in harmonious balance. You feel powerful, and indeed you are, as you have achieved a clear understanding of what you wish to welcome into your life. The square of Venus calls for practicality and humility in love, but in this month full of engaging energies, you might find yourself chasing even the impossible dreams. “Icarus” by Henri Matisse is your painting of the month, as it inspires you to illuminate even the darkest corners of your life.

As August progresses, you’ll find that your ability to communicate effectively will be one of your greatest strengths. Use this power to forge new connections and strengthen existing relationships. Your ideas and insights will resonate with others, drawing people to you who share your vision and enthusiasm.

Cancer (22 June – 23 July)

You are at the beginning of your solar year, and the dawn of this new cycle is also the dawn of new paths. Your sky is clear, with no negative aspects; everything seems perfectly aligned to lead you towards a clear, linear, and solid path. Yet, the absence of doubts makes you question your feelings. You seek reassurances and answers outside yourself, until you realize that you already have everything within you and stop fighting against nothing. Believe in the wild ideas that swirl in your mind, as your new chaos can build even on the ashes. “Portrait of Adele Bloch-Bauer” by Klimt is your painting of the month, as it invites you to allow yourself to welcome the abundance that is coming.

Relationships will flourish as you open up to those around you. Share your dreams and aspirations with loved ones, and let their support and encouragement boost your confidence. This is a time for deepening connections and building a solid foundation for the future. Be open to new experiences and the possibility of forming meaningful bonds with new people who enter your life.

Leo (23 July – 23 August)

Your solar year ends and a new one rises explosively, with all the energy felt when a star bursts and gives life to something else. Mercury retrograde enters your sign, bringing with it a desire for reflection and self-evaluation. You begin a new path with one foot in the past, indicating that some situations need to be resolved once and for all. Mars and Jupiter in sextile support you in this process of revision and clarity, giving you the strength to communicate your truth. “The Milkmaid” by Vermeer is your painting of the month, as it inspires you to take care of your existential space.

August is a month of renewal and growth for you, Leo. Embrace the powerful energies at play, use them to resolve past issues, and set the stage for a vibrant new chapter. Trust in your ability to communicate your truth and take care of your existential space, paving the way for a fulfilling and successful year ahead.

Virgo (24 August – 22 September)

The dawn of your season brings with it the desire to fall in love, to be carried away by your feelings without ever fully relinquishing control. Warming your summer is Venus in your sign, bringing new emotions and unexpected revelations. You will try to rationalize what you feel, but it won’t always be possible. When Mercury leaves you mid-month, you too will let go and finally dive into the indefinable dance of passion. After all, Saturn’s opposition teaches you this as well: to find the right balance between control and living. “The Bolt” by Jean-Honoré Fragonard is your painting of the month, as it invites you to surrender to unreasonable passion.

As the month progresses, this delicate dance between logic and emotion will continue to shape your experiences. Embrace the unpredictability that comes with opening your heart, allowing yourself to be vulnerable and fully present in the moment. This willingness to let go, even if just temporarily, will enrich your relationships and bring a newfound depth to your connections.

Summer by Anonymous, German, 18th century

Libra (23 September – 23 October)

The sextile of the Sun and then Mercury turns your gaze inward. Your inner balance accepts the weight shifting entirely to one side, the side that speaks of you, your desires, your visions, your pains. You focus on what you feel and, for a while, let go of burdens and responsibilities, but most importantly, you abandon the fear of external judgment. Mercury’s retrograde motion gently guides you to welcome situations and people returning from your past. Even though you fear old memories, something you haven’t felt in a long time makes its way to emerge in a new form. “Deep” by Jackson Pollock is your painting of the month, as it invites you to explore the depths of your soul.

As the month progresses, you will find this introspective journey both challenging and rewarding. Embrace the process of delving into your inner world, as it will provide valuable insights and foster personal growth. Allow yourself the time and space to reconnect with parts of your past that may have been neglected or forgotten. This reflection will help you understand your current desires and motivations more clearly.

Scorpio (23 October – 23 November)

It seems that love is the only thought that can wake you from the deep sleep you’ve fallen into while contemplating your next step. Venus in sextile reminds you that love doesn’t always appear magically; it is built, like a house. Start with the foundations, those that help support you as a person. The square of Mercury retrograde from mid-month leaves you feeling confused and scattered, and as you search for something to anchor yourself to, a valuable lesson from the past re-emerges. “Black Square on a White Ground” by Kazimir Malevich is your painting of the month, reminding you that black is not the absence of color but contains all colors within it.

As you navigate through this month, it’s essential to remember the importance of patience and understanding in your relationships. The foundational work you do now will set the stage for deeper connections and stronger bonds. Take the time to communicate openly with your loved ones, sharing your fears and hopes to build trust and intimacy.

Sagittarius (23 November – 21 December)

The opposition of your ruling planet, Jupiter, feels more intense now with Mars alongside it. You feel oppressed, weary, and misunderstood. To help you through this complex period, the trine of the Sun warms your sky with the desire to express yourself, even in the darkest moments. Along with this, Mercury retrograde encourages you to take a step back and find solutions to unresolved issues in the wisdom of past lessons. Take a step back, and then another, and contemplate the idea of cutting away the dead branches that take up too much space in your present. “The Isle of the Dead” by Arnold Böcklin is your painting of the month, as it urges you to explore what has died to make room for what lives.

August is a month of significant transformation for you, Sagittarius. Embrace the challenges as opportunities for deep introspection and personal growth. Trust that the process of letting go will lead to a more vibrant and fulfilling future. “The Isle of the Dead” by Arnold Böcklin serves as a powerful reminder that out of death and decay comes the possibility of new life and renewal.

Capricorn (22 December – 20 January)

Venus in a splendid trine paints the reality around you in pastel tones. Your eyes no longer see only what is tangible but go beyond, discovering the elusive beauty of the ordinary. Without intending to, you find yourself daydreaming and finally yielding to Saturn’s sextile, surrendering to visions and utopias. Mercury’s retrograde motion in trine helps you let go of reason and follow the flow of disordered thoughts, leading you to create something unique and magical. “The Magic Circle” by Waterhouse is your painting of the month, as it inspires you to use your inner magic.

This ethereal influence encourages you to delve deeper into your creative pursuits. The energies at play open up new avenues for artistic expression and innovative thinking. Embrace this period as a time to experiment and explore different facets of your creativity that you might have previously overlooked. Whether it’s through art, music, writing, or any other form of expression, allow your inner visions to manifest.

Aquarius (21 January – 19 February)

You are just a few steps away from a significant change, but you slow down and pull back. Perhaps it’s fear, doubt, or simply not feeling ready yet. The opposition of Mercury retrograde mid-month encourages you to face your vulnerabilities and understand their origins. Wounds heal faster when we attend to them. Jupiter in a supportive air trine surrounds you with opportunities, along with Mars, which helps you seize them. When love makes you feel vulnerable, remember that it’s the cracks that make a vase beautiful. “Salisbury Cathedral from the Meadows” by John Constable is your painting of the month, reminding you that the most beautiful rainbow appears after the rain.

As the month progresses, you’ll find that the initial hesitation gives way to clarity and renewed determination. The supportive trine of Jupiter not only brings opportunities but also encourages you to expand your horizons and think big. This is a time to embrace change and trust in your ability to navigate through it. Mars’s influence provides the courage and drive needed to take bold steps, ensuring that you don’t miss out on the chances that come your way.

Pisces (20 February – 20 March)

You feel disarmed by the power of love, small in the face of the vastness of your emotions. The opposition of Venus feels like a violent clash with reality, which seems so different from how you had idealized it. Saturn, still in your sign, pushes you to establish a solid connection with what is, temporarily putting aside what you wish it to be. From mid-month, as Mercury’s opposition fades, you find the courage to reveal your true feelings, realizing that those who receive your words know how to welcome them. “Sorrow” by Paul Cézanne is your painting of the month, reminding you that escaping from difficult emotions is not the solution.

In addition to navigating your emotions, this month invites you to reflect deeply on your inner desires and ambitions. As the energies of Venus and Mercury intertwine, you may find yourself revisiting past relationships or long-forgotten dreams. This reflection is not a step backward but rather an opportunity to understand the patterns that have shaped your current path. Embrace the lessons learned and allow them to guide you toward a more authentic expression of your true self. Your journey this month is about embracing the full spectrum of your emotions and using them as a catalyst for growth and deeper connections.

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