New Moon in Virgo: Energies and Horoscope


On September 3rd, 2024, the Moon will conjunct the Sun, bringing a mercurial New Moon in Virgo. During the New Moon, we are encouraged to feel the energies of a new beginning within us, to leave behind what has passed, ended, or been consumed, and to make room for what is yet to come. 

To make the soil fertile and welcoming for the new seed, it is necessary to clear it of old weeds and dead roots.

This Moon rises at the beginning of September, during Virgo season. So, also read: ‘Your September 2024 Horoscope‘ (featuring your dedicated Painting of the Month) and ‘What to Expect from Virgo Season 2024? Meaning & Horoscope.’

Virgo’s traits and energies

Virgo is one of the signs most affected by common generalizations, often being simply associated with order, cleanliness, and precision. While these associations are indeed accurate, it is reductive to view this sign solely as methodical and analytical.

Before even expressing precision and rigor, this earth sign is, in fact, a keen observer. Its eyes are those of Mercury, its ruling planet: sharp, lively, curious, but also driven by the need to understand the dynamics that move the world. The gears that turn the clock. The instruments that compose an orchestra.

Virgo, as a keen observer, urges us to become fully aware of both internal and external mechanisms, of the small dynamics that make up the bigger picture. Governed by Mercury, the planet of the mind and words, it encourages us to delve into these dynamics and become an active participant in them.

Beautiful black and white print of the full moon.

What will the new Moon in Virgo bring?

The New Moon in Virgo brings us back to the ritualistic dimension of life, focusing on the daily and private spheres. It urges us to work within this realm, encouraging us to change, improve, and enhance the aspects of our lives that govern our routines. Virgo’s energy drives us to observe the intricate mechanisms that support larger structures. It also compels us to care for aspects of life that we often take for granted, such as our daily routines, home maintenance, and our physical and mental health.

Virgo teaches us that by paying attention to the small details and performing small acts of care, we can create significant and meaningful changes over time. This lunar phase invites us to revisit our habits and rituals, refining them in a way that brings harmony and order to our everyday lives.

It’s a reminder that the little things we do every day – whether it’s maintaining our living space, nurturing our bodies, or finding moments of mindfulness – are the building blocks of our well-being. In this way, the New Moon in Virgo encourages us to embrace the power of subtle, yet transformative, actions.

Virgo New Moon Horoscope

Below, you can search for your sign (and ideally your rising sign) in the Virgo New Moon horoscope and read the full version.

If you’d prefer a quicker version to save and keep with you, check out the dedicated post on the Born Under Saturn Instagram page. You can save the post or share it with your loved ones.

Aries (21 March – 20 April)

Aries, the New Moon in Virgo is your invitation to take control of your daily life, making room for new routines that can enhance your physical health and mental flexibility. This is the perfect time to fine-tune your habits and introduce small changes that will have a big impact over time. Whether it’s adjusting your diet, incorporating regular exercise, or finding ways to stay mentally sharp, these new routines will help you feel more grounded and in control.

If you live with a pet, take this opportunity to embrace them more often. Science tells us that physical contact with our furry friends can benefit heart health, reducing stress and promoting emotional well-being. The connection you share with your pet is not just comforting but also healing, making it a simple yet powerful addition to your daily self-care routine.

This New Moon encourages you to find balance in the small, everyday details. By focusing on these aspects, you can create a life that supports both your physical and mental well-being, leading to greater overall harmony and satisfaction.

Taurus (22 April – 30 May)

Taurus, the New Moon in Virgo is your invitation to dive into creativity and carve out personal space for self-expression, allowing yourself a break from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. This lunar phase encourages you to honor and prioritize your personal sanctuary—a space where you can freely express yourself without the pressures and demands of the outside world.

Now is the perfect time to nurture your creative impulses, whether through art, writing, music, or any other form of expression that resonates with you. This isn’t just about being productive; it’s about finding joy and fulfillment in the process of creation. By dedicating time to your creative endeavors, you’re not only recharging your inner batteries but also connecting more deeply with your true self.

Creating and maintaining a personal space where you can retreat and let your creativity flow is crucial for your well-being. This space, whether it’s a physical room, a quiet corner, or simply a mental state of being, is where you can explore your ideas, dreams, and passions without interruption. Embrace this time to slow down, breathe, and give yourself the freedom to create, imagine, and simply be. The New Moon in Virgo reminds you that your personal space and creative expression are not luxuries, they are essential to your inner peace and growth.

Gemini (21 May – 21 June)

Gemini, the New Moon in Virgo is your call to focus your energies on your private life and the relationships with those you consider family. This is the perfect time to direct your efforts towards healing and rebuilding connections that may have been strained or neglected.

The Virgo energy encourages you to approach these relationships with care, attention to detail, and a genuine desire to mend what has been broken. Whether it’s resolving old misunderstandings, offering forgiveness, or simply spending quality time together, this is the moment to nurture the bonds that truly matter to you.

Take this opportunity to create a supportive and harmonious environment within your home and with your loved ones. By focusing on the foundations of your relationships, you can bring about meaningful change and a sense of renewed connection. The New Moon in Virgo reminds you that healing begins within your closest circles, and by investing in these relationships, you are fostering a stronger, more supportive network that will uplift and sustain you.

Cancer (22 June – 23 July)

Cancer, the New Moon in Virgo urges you to communicate with clarity and transparency, focusing on a style of communication that leaves no room for doubt or ambiguity. This is the right time to move past the confusion of emotions and feelings and to find a precise, clear way to express yourself.

Virgo’s influence encourages you to be meticulous in your words, ensuring that your message is understood as intended. Whether it’s in your personal relationships, at work, or in any area of your life where communication is key, this is the moment to refine your approach. By doing so, you’ll not only be able to convey your thoughts more effectively but also avoid misunderstandings that may arise from unclear or emotionally charged conversations.

This New Moon is a powerful reminder that words carry weight, and how you choose to express yourself can greatly impact the outcome of any situation. Embrace this time to refine your communication style, aiming for honesty and precision. By doing so, you’ll create stronger connections and a clearer path forward in your relationships and endeavors.

Leo (23 July – 23 August)

Leo, the New Moon in Virgo encourages you to focus on taking care of your material world, on what you’ve built and what you’re in the process of building. This is the perfect time to create a new action plan that allows you to feel secure and grounded at your core.

Virgo’s energy invites you to approach your projects and possessions with careful attention and a practical mindset. Whether it’s reorganizing your space, refining your goals, or establishing a more solid foundation for your endeavors, this is the moment to ensure that what you’re creating is both sustainable and aligned with your long-term vision.

The New Moon in Virgo reminds you that true security comes from knowing that your actions are deliberate and well thought out. By taking the time now to lay down strong, steady roots, you’re setting yourself up for success and peace of mind in the future. Embrace this period as an opportunity to solidify your plans and to ensure that you’re building something that will truly last.

Virgo (24 August – 22 September)

Virgo, the New Moon in your sign invites you to focus on yourself, encouraging you to express your true essence and allowing yourself to simply be who you are. This is a powerful time for self-reflection and personal growth, as the lunar energy supports you in reconnecting with your inner self.

This New Moon is your opportunity to shed any external expectations or pressures and to embrace your authentic self. It’s about honoring your individuality and recognizing the unique qualities that make you who you are. Whether it’s through setting new intentions, nurturing your passions, or simply taking time to listen to your inner voice, this is the moment to prioritize your well-being and personal happiness.

Allow yourself to step into the spotlight, not for the sake of others, but for yourself. By doing so, you can realign with your core values and make decisions that truly resonate with your soul. The New Moon in Virgo encourages you to be unapologetically yourself, embracing all that you are with confidence and grace.

New Moon in the dark sky.

Libra (23 September – 23 October)

Libra, the New Moon in Virgo brings you back to the realm of silence for a much-needed restart. This is a time to step away from the noise and distractions, allowing yourself to reconnect with your inner voice. Listen closely to what it has to say, and let it guide you as you prepare for the new beginnings that will soon arrive with your season.

Virgo’s energy encourages introspection and clarity, helping you to quiet the external chaos and focus on your inner wisdom. This is a moment of reflection, where you can reassess your path and make any necessary adjustments before moving forward. As you embrace this period of calm, you’ll find that your inner voice becomes clearer and more powerful, ready to lead you into the fresh starts and opportunities that await you.

The New Moon in Virgo reminds you that sometimes the most profound insights come from within, and that by taking the time to listen, you can align yourself with the direction that truly resonates with your soul. This quiet time is your chance to recharge and refocus, so that when your season arrives, you’ll be ready to step into it with confidence and clarity.

Scorpio (23 October – 23 November)

Scorpio, the New Moon in Virgo is urging you to seek out and connect with those who share your core values. This is a time when aligning yourself with like-minded individuals can lead to powerful collaborations that bring real value to the world. Virgo’s energy highlights the importance of detail and practicality, encouraging you to not only find common ground with others but also to work together in a way that is organized and purposeful.

This lunar phase is the perfect opportunity to build partnerships that are grounded in shared beliefs and goals. By uniting your strengths with those of others, you can create something that has a lasting and meaningful impact. Whether it’s a project, a cause, or a shared vision, now is the time to combine forces and focus on bringing your collective ideas to life.

This New Moon reminds you that great things are often accomplished through teamwork and collaboration. By surrounding yourself with people who resonate with your principles, you’re not only amplifying your own potential but also contributing to a greater good. Embrace this time to cultivate these connections and to work together towards creating something that truly matters.

Sagittarius (23 November – 21 December)

Sagittarius, the New Moon in Virgo urges you to take back control of your career, your projects, and your sense of independence. This is the perfect time to carve out your personal space and establish a healthy balance, not just in your private life, but also in the outside world.

Virgo’s energy brings a focus on structure and organization, encouraging you to reassess your goals and the path you’re on. It’s a moment to be practical, to plan meticulously, and to ensure that your efforts are aligned with your long-term vision. Whether it’s a new career move, a project that’s close to your heart, or asserting your independence in a more meaningful way, now is the time to act.

This lunar phase invites you to create boundaries that protect your personal space while also allowing you to thrive in your professional life. By finding this balance, you’re setting the stage for sustainable growth and success. Embrace the opportunity to redefine your path, taking deliberate steps towards a future where you can fully express your ambitions and maintain your independence.

Capricorn (22 December – 20 January)

Capricorn, the New Moon in Virgo encourages you to create new routines that allow you to escape the reality of daily commitments and challenges. It’s like traveling without moving, daydreaming while awake. This is the perfect time to focus on practices like meditation, where you can enhance your ability to connect with yourself on a deeper level.

Virgo’s influence invites you to integrate moments of stillness and reflection into your daily life. These small, intentional escapes from the hustle and bustle can be incredibly rejuvenating, offering you the mental space to dream, envision, and recharge. By cultivating these routines, you’re not just taking a break from the pressures of the outside world, but also strengthening your inner world.

This lunar phase is a call to find balance by nurturing your inner self, allowing you to approach your responsibilities with renewed clarity and energy. Embrace this time to develop habits that support your well-being, helping you to stay grounded while also giving yourself permission to explore the limitless possibilities within.

Aquarius (21 January – 19 February)

Aquarius, the New Moon in Virgo urges you to dive deep into the transformation of your inner workings, with the aim of breaking old patterns and discovering a new aspect of yourself. This is a powerful time to let your thoughts lead the way, focusing on the shadowy parts of your psyche that are ready to be brought into the light.

Virgo’s meticulous energy encourages you to examine the details of your inner life, identifying the habits and beliefs that no longer serve you. By confronting these patterns, you can begin to dismantle them, making room for personal growth and self-discovery. This lunar phase is not about superficial change, but about a profound internal shift that allows you to emerge as a more authentic version of yourself.

Embrace this period of introspection as an opportunity to transform from within. Allow your thoughts to guide you through this journey of self-exploration, knowing that by understanding and integrating your shadows, you are stepping closer to your true self. This is your moment to evolve and to welcome the new dimensions of who you are becoming.

Pisces (20 February – 20 March)

Pisces, the New Moon in Virgo urges you to focus your energies on your relationships, with the goal of fixing what no longer works. This is a time to seek out the lost path and to fill those spaces that have been empty for far too long.

Virgo’s influence brings a practical and healing energy, encouraging you to address any unresolved issues within your connections. It’s an opportunity to restore balance, whether it’s through honest communication, setting new boundaries, or simply giving more attention to the relationships that matter most to you. By taking these steps, you can rebuild and strengthen the bonds that have been neglected.

This lunar phase is a call to repair and rejuvenate your relationships, bringing them back to a place of harmony and fulfillment. Embrace this time to reconnect, heal, and nurture the connections that bring meaning and support into your life.

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