Our journey with Venus in Scorpio [Meaning + Horoscope]


During Libra season, on September 23rd, Venus leaves elegant Libra and enters the Plutonian realm of Scorpio. Here, love and passion take on the deep, shadowy hues of the psyche, surfacing with an intense desire to explore.

As Venus moves into Scorpio, the energy shifts dramatically. In Scorpio, love becomes less about appearances and more about what lies beneath. It’s no longer content with surface-level interactions; instead, Venus in Scorpio demands depth, intensity, and emotional truth. 

This is a period where emotions may be heightened, and desires are not easily ignored. Venus in Scorpio invites us to explore the darker, more mysterious aspects of love and intimacy. It sheds light on the fears, insecurities, and desires we may keep hidden.

It’s a time for honest connections, where superficiality has no place. Those who are willing to dive deep into their emotions will find this transit transformative, with the potential for passionate encounters and profound healing.

With Venus in Scorpio, love dives deep and superficiality has no place.

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Scorpio transformation vibe: Deep, shadowy painting representing emotional intensity and transformation.

Venus in Scorpio’s themes and energies 

Let’s explore the themes and energies of Venus in Scorpio one by one.

Emotional depth and intensity

Venus in Scorpio pushes us to move beyond superficial connections and engage with deeper, more intense emotions. This is a time for raw honesty in relationships, where vulnerability becomes a powerful tool for growth.

Transformation and growth

Scorpio’s influence transforms love into a force for personal evolution. During this transit, we are called to confront hidden desires, insecurities, and fears. By facing them, we allow ourselves to undergo emotional renewal.

Power dynamics and control

Venus in Scorpio highlights power dynamics in relationships, teaching us that intimacy requires balancing control with vulnerability. Love becomes a process of surrender, pushing us to let go of emotional defenses.

Confronting fears

This transit encourages us to face our fears in relationships—whether it’s the fear of rejection or emotional pain. By confronting these fears, we open the door to more authentic and meaningful connections.

Healing and renewal

Venus in Scorpio brings the opportunity for deep emotional healing. By addressing unresolved issues, we clear the way for renewal, allowing love to become a catalyst for profound personal transformation.

Embracing complexity

Love under Venus in Scorpio is complex, but within this intensity lies beauty. By embracing both the light and shadow sides of love, we can appreciate the richness of our emotional experiences and grow through them.

Book 3, Fable 12: Pluto and Proserpina, from "Fables Nouvelles" by Various artists, 1719

Venus in Scorpio Horoscope

On Instagram, we’ll share a shorter version of this horoscope that you can save and share. Here, we provide a more detailed Venus in Scorpio horoscope to fully inspire you throughout this phase.

Aries (21 March – 20 April)

Aries, Venus in Scorpio urges you to chase your passions, even those you’ve had to suppress due to responsibilities and fears. When the heart is hungry, it risks feeding on the lies we tell ourselves, so free yourself from your limitations and follow the flow.

Venus in Scorpio awakens a deeper, more intense side of your desires, encouraging you to confront the emotions you’ve buried. You may have been putting your passions on hold, either out of fear of failure or the demands of daily life, but now is the time to reclaim them. This transit isn’t about half-hearted pursuits; it’s about diving headfirst into what truly sets your soul on fire.

Scorpio’s energy brings raw honesty to the surface, pushing you to acknowledge where you’ve been holding back. You might realize that some of the limits you’ve placed on yourself were never real, they were born from doubt or fear. Venus in Scorpio invites you to strip away those falsehoods and move with a new sense of purpose and truth. Let this be a period of liberation, where you stop settling for less than what you truly want. Whether it’s in love, creative pursuits, or personal ambitions, trust your instincts and go after what you desire without hesitation. By embracing this flow of passion, you’ll not only rediscover your inner fire but also uncover new depths of fulfillment.

Taurus (22 April – 30 May)

Taurus, Venus in Scorpio invites you to approach the relationships in your life as if nothing is taken for granted. Perhaps surprises no longer come your way because you haven’t allowed yourself to be surprised. Maybe it’s time to open the depths of your psyche to rediscover the magic of discovery.

This transit encourages you to dive deeper into the connections you’ve built, to see them with fresh eyes and a renewed sense of curiosity. Scorpio’s energy is intense and transformative, pushing you to peel back the layers of comfort and routine that may have settled into your relationships. It’s not about changing what you have, but about reigniting the passion and mystery that once existed.

Venus in Scorpio reminds you that the magic lies not in what’s new but in what’s yet to be explored. Even in the most familiar relationships, there are depths you haven’t yet reached, emotions you haven’t yet fully uncovered. By embracing vulnerability and being open to emotional exploration, you can bring a sense of wonder back into your life and your connections.Now is the time to allow yourself to be surprised again. By others, by love, and by what you can discover within yourself.

Gemini (21 May – 21 June)

Gemini, Venus in Scorpio pushes you to explore practices and knowledge that may seem distant from you but have the potential to improve and revolutionize your daily life and work. This is the time to break free from old patterns, destroy outdated foundations, and discover new ways to connect deeply with yourself.

Venus in Scorpio encourages transformation, not just in your relationships but also in how you approach your routines and professional life. You may feel drawn to unconventional methods or ideas that once seemed too far removed from your reality. Now, those very things could hold the key to unlocking greater fulfillment and personal growth.

This transit is about pushing boundaries and venturing into unfamiliar territory. By stepping out of your comfort zone and embracing new ways of thinking or working, you’ll tap into a deeper understanding of yourself and your capabilities. Let this be a time of renewal and innovation, where you break free from limitations and rebuild something stronger, truer, and more aligned with who you are becoming.

Cancer (22 June – 23 July)

Cancer, Venus in Scorpio grants you the permission to connect with your deepest desires and transform them into reality. Let yourself be carried by the flow—trust your feelings, your instincts, and focus only on the sensations that guide you. This is the perfect time to discover new parts of yourself, while allowing what has been waiting inside to finally be expressed.

Venus invites you to dive into the emotional and passionate depths within, encouraging you to explore the desires you may have kept hidden. It’s a time for emotional transformation, where you can release the fears or doubts holding you back and fully embrace what your heart truly wants. Trust the process, let your instincts lead, and you’ll find new aspects of yourself emerging, ready to be shared with the world.

Leo (23 July – 23 August)

Leo, Venus in Scorpio invites you to dive deep into your soul and heal the wounds of the past. This isn’t just about your personal past, but also the history of your origins, your family, and the people who are part of your present. Though the process may be painful, healing is necessary.

This transit pushes you to confront what has been buried, not to dwell on it, but to transform and release it. By addressing these emotional scars, both personal and ancestral, you open yourself to deeper connections and a stronger sense of self. This transit reminds you that true healing often comes through facing the darkness, allowing you to emerge stronger and more whole. It’s time to nurture not only yourself but the roots from which you come, creating a space for growth and renewal.

Virgo (24 August – 22 September)

Virgo, Venus in Scorpio gives you the courage to express your truth – even the uncomfortable, painful truths that may be hard to say. Sharp but honest words hold the power to transform, revolutionize, and heal even the most complex relationships.

This transit urges you to stop holding back, knowing that authenticity, even when difficult, can lead to deeper understanding and growth. While it may feel challenging to speak your truth, doing so will open the door for healing and transformation in your connections. Trust that your honesty, though intense, is a necessary step toward evolving your relationships and bringing them to a place of greater clarity and strength.

Libra (23 September – 23 October)

Libra, Venus in Scorpio teases you with its magical, shamanic, and mysterious energy. That’s exactly how you’re feeling right now – open to exploring new approaches and experiences. As soon as you allow yourself to be enchanted by this new way of being, you’ll find passion in what you do and the strength to dive deeper, beyond the surface.

This is a time of transformation, where the usual elegance you carry takes on a more intense and soulful flavor. You’re ready to explore the unknown, letting curiosity guide you toward uncharted territories. Venus in Scorpio encourages you to embrace the mystery, and in doing so, you’ll unlock deeper layers of yourself, discovering a renewed sense of purpose and drive.

Scorpio (23 October – 23 November)

Scorpio, Venus enters your sign, bringing with it a renewed desire to look at life with positivity and enthusiasm. You’ll approach your usual routines but allow yourself to be surprised, to notice the beauty in the everyday. You feel whole, free, and in love with life itself. Even the difficult things seem less complex when viewed through the lens of love.

This transit enhances your ability to find joy and wonder in what may have once seemed ordinary. Venus in Scorpio encourages you to embrace this feeling of completeness, to let love and passion guide you through challenges, and to see life as something worth cherishing.

Sagittarius (23 November – 21 December)

Sagittarius, Venus in Scorpio flings open the doors to your inner self, that part of you that usually stays calm and quiet, but now begins to speak, whisper, and send messages. As you look around, you notice signs everywhere, drawing you toward new connections and strange synchronicities. Open yourself to the symbols, and endless paths will reveal themselves.

This is a time to trust your intuition and embrace the mysterious ways the universe communicates with you. The more you allow yourself to tune into these subtle signals, the more you’ll discover new opportunities, deep insights, and connections that feel almost fated. Let yourself be guided by these signs, and you’ll find that they lead you to unexpected and exciting places.

Capricorn (22 December – 20 January)

Capricorn, Venus in Scorpio urges you to channel your energies toward a shared sense of justice. While you may not be able to save the entire universe, even if you wish you could, you can certainly play your part. Now, with the ability to see beyond the blinding light that hides the darkness beneath, you understand more clearly what needs to be done.

This transit empowers you to act with purpose, focusing your efforts on making meaningful changes in the areas you can influence. Venus in Scorpio sharpens your perception, helping you to navigate the complexities of the world with a deeper awareness of the hidden truths. It’s a time to embrace your role, however small, in contributing to a more balanced and just world.

Aquarius (21 January – 19 February)

Aquarius, Venus in Scorpio gives you the courage to change, to turn the tables, and to dream and plan new goals. You’re tired of hiding or staying in the shadows, so you step into the light and realize it wasn’t as difficult as you thought. But to do this, you must be ready to tear down the walls you built to protect yourself.

This transit pushes you to confront your fears and break free from the limitations you’ve placed around yourself. It’s time to embrace the power of transformation and trust that stepping out of your comfort zone will lead to growth and new opportunities. The energy of Venus in Scorpio encourages you to act boldly, leaving behind the old patterns that no longer serve you.

Pisces (20 February – 20 March)

Pisces, Venus in Scorpio is like a new boat you board to cross the river. But it’s not just any boat: it’s a submarine, taking you on the same journey but this time allowing you to see things in greater depth. You’re ready to explore new dimensions of your being, ready to discover a different version of yourself.

This transit invites you to dive deep beneath the surface, uncovering hidden emotions, desires, and truths that have long been submerged. As you navigate these deeper waters, you’ll find that your perspective shifts, revealing aspects of yourself you didn’t even know existed. Venus in Scorpio gives you the courage to embrace this transformation and see the beauty in the depths of your own soul.

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