Your Saturnine October 2024 Horoscope (+ Painting)


Step into October with the Saturnine horoscope. First, we’ll encounter a preliminary introduction to the celestial symphony of this period. After that, we will uncover what October 2024 has in store for each zodiac sign. And you’ll discover which painting represents your sign for the month to come!

Prefer listening? Tune in to our podcast for your full horoscope by sign.

October begins in the harmonious season of Libra, where balance and beauty are the main themes. October is the month of autumn, with colors that are soft, warm, and enveloping. Autumn is like a limbo where the most beautiful part of summer still lingers and the most beautiful part of winter begins to emerge. This is the essence of autumn: it’s the fond memory of what has been, blending with the anticipation of the beauty yet to come.

The month almost immediately welcomes us with the conjunction of the Sun and Moon, bringing the New Moon to rise in Libra. It’s a special Moon that invites us to plant the seeds of justice, quality, and cohesion. Under this new lunar cycle, we all feel more inclined to build order and balance, especially within ourselves.

On October 17th, Venus enters Sagittarius, leaving the deep and Plutonic Scorpio, shifting energies from internal and passionate to external and expansive. The love of Sagittarian Venus is a free, exploratory love that seeks to broaden its space. Under this influence we are all invited to work on our inner dynamics and look for what (and wor) truly serves our inner-garden. 

This transition occurs alongside a significant lunar event: the opposition of the Sun and Moon, hence the Full Moon in the martial sign of Aries. It is a powerful, impulsive, and courageous Moon. It is a moon that pushes us all to act and to leave nothing unfinished.

October image.

On October 22nd, the Sun will leave the beautiful and harmonious Libra to enter the dark and warm waters of Scorpio, the eighth sign of the zodiac circle and the second of the water element trine. The Scorpio season draws our attention to the most hidden mechanisms of our psyche, to internal dynamics, to everything that is not visible at first glance. We look within ourselves.

Mars, still in Cancer, continues to tell us how emotions and feelings can also spur action, and how acting deeply on our emotions is actually an active deed. Jupiter serenely continues its stay in Gemini, where the planet’s typical expansion is expressed primarily on a mental level.

Pluto continues its final stage in Capricorn and finally ceases its retrograde motion slowly heading back to Aquarius. This is our last chance to take advantage of these energies and settle any unresolved issues that have characterized the past two years.

This will be a month dedicated to seeking both external and internal balance. The scales demand equal measure to maintain harmonic equilibrium. We do this in the month that hosts the only day where night and day are equal, symbolizing natural balance. We do this in the month that symbolizes the harvest of fruits that the earth, after intense labor, gives us, allowing it to give and then to rest. When the Sun moves into Scorpio, surface balance will no longer suffice; we will want to go deeper, to search for what the eyes cannot see but the soul feels.

October vibes

October Horoscope & Your Monthly Painting

With some of  the key transits and aspects revealed, we have a clear view of the cosmic landscape for October. Now, there’s just one thing left: discover your horoscope and the painting that resonates with your sign this month.

Prefer listening? Tune in to our podcast for your full horoscope by sign.

Aries (21 March – 20 April)

The subdued and warm hues of autumn contrast with your more vibrant and lively spring colors. You are halfway through your solar cycle, and the opposing Sun urges you to explore your shadow side, delicate and tender, swaying and drifting with the breeze, much like the autumn leaves. Mars, your planet, forms a discordant square aspect, its intensity waned, allowing room for emerging emotions to make themselves heard. When you attempt to suppress these unexpressed feelings to protect yourself, remember that they never truly die. If buried, they will clamor to surface later in a far worse manner. “Autumn Sun” by Egon Schiele is your painting of the month, reminding you that no fallen leaf does harm as it descends.

This celestial opposition urges you to explore your more vulnerable, shadow side, those parts of yourself that are tender and susceptible, much like leaves that sway and drift with the autumn breeze.Mars, your ruling planet, currently forms a discordant square, its fiery intensity dimmed, thus paving the way for emotions that have been lurking beneath the surface to emerge and be acknowledged. When tempted to suppress these unexpressed emotions for self-protection, remember that they never truly dissipate. If buried, these feelings will only resurface later, potentially in more disruptive ways.

As October wanes, Venus forms a splendid trine, rekindling passion and igniting the fiery aspect of your nature, offering a chance to infuse warmth and vibrancy into your relationships and pursuits. This beneficial aspect promises a renewal of passion and personal energy, aligning well with your innate Aries zeal. Pluto continues to make a lingering square aspect, pressing you to resolve lingering conflicts from your past. This planetary influence provides a profound opportunity to confront and release old grievances, clearing the path for personal growth and inner peace.

Taurus (22 April – 30 May)

Taurus, unlike the Earth, which rests in the autumn, you seem to awaken. Mars in a splendid sextile and Pluto in a trine for a while longer propel you to revolutionize those parts of your life that seemed extinguished. The more you transform, the more you realize that it is simpler than it seems, and you do not need anyone else; the change was within you all along. By the end of the month, when the Sun and Mercury oppose you, some shadows will reemerge, ready to be closely observed and released forever. “The Shadow” by Picasso is your painting of the month because it reminds you that even your darkness is part of your light.

As Mars encourages bravery in personal transformations, you might find yourself stepping out of comfort zones, particularly in areas related to home and emotional security, given Mars’ position in nurturing Cancer. This could manifest as making significant changes in your living situation or initiating deep, heartfelt conversations that mend old wounds or redefine relationships.Towards the end of the month, as the Sun shifts into Scorpio, the focus pivots from internal revolutions to interpersonal dynamics. Scorpio’s penetrating energy will illuminate the deeper truths of your relationships. This opposition challenges you to balance your newfound internal changes with the external demands of partnerships and collaborations. It’s a time to be both resilient and adaptable, using the insights gained from your inner work to navigate and enhance your interactions with others.

During this period, Venus, your ruling planet, will also play a crucial role by softening the intensity brought by the Sun and Mercury in Scorpio. Venus will help smooth over any rough patches in relationships, enhancing understanding and affection, and making it easier to communicate your needs and desires effectively.

Gemini (21 May – 21 June)

Gemini, the trine of the Sun acts for you like a scale, its pans holding reason on one side and the heart on the other: when well balanced, happiness is assured. At times, this balance may seem to falter, especially when focus shifts entirely towards love. With Venus in opposition from mid-month, things become less clear. Love blinds you, emotions confuse you, passion distracts you and its absence saddens you. Your ability to remain present for yourself, even when emotions steer your inner vessel, will guide you back to the right track. “Autumn Rhythm Number 30” by Jackson Pollock is your painting of the month, reminding you that you can dance even amidst the noise.

With Jupiter continuously in your sign, you are graced with an infectious passion and joy that permeates your daily interactions and long-term ambitions. This expansive planet encourages you to seek pleasure and growth in all that you do, enhancing your natural Gemini curiosity and sociability.However, the square from Saturn introduces a necessary counterbalance to Jupiter’s expansive energy. Saturn demands discipline and responsibility, reminding you of the need to ground your expansive ideas and enthusiastic plans with practical steps and a structured approach. This aspect ensures that while you may be riding high on Jupiter’s waves of optimism, you do not lose sight of the real-world actions required to manifest your dreams.

From October 17th onwards, Venus moves into opposition, complicating matters of the heart. Relationships may become turbulent during this time, as Venus challenges you to navigate the murky waters of intimacy and partnership. Misunderstandings may arise more frequently, and you might find yourself grappling with emotional clarity. This opposition urges you to confront and resolve these relational dynamics, perhaps demanding a more profound understanding or adjustment in how you connect emotionally.

Cancer (22 June – 23 July)

Mars still in your sign propels emotions, even the most hidden ones, to surface and lose their defined shapes. Compounding this effect are the Sun and Mercury in a challenging square, which strip away your mask and expose your wildest essence. You feel like a lion that has finally broken free from its chains, only to realize that it was you who had shackled yourself. Pluto, forming an opposition for the last time, places you before a mirror whose reflection clarifies everything. You recognize what you no longer wish to be, and knowing this is already half the journey. “Daniel in the Lion’s Den” by Peter Paul Rubens is your painting of the month because it reminds you that your weaknesses are your greatest strengths.

This October is particularly pivotal as Pluto opposes your sign from Capricorn for the last time in many years: a significant astrological event. This final opposition marks a profound period of reflection and transformation. Pluto’s intense energy compels you to confront your innermost fears and turn your vulnerabilities into strengths. As this heavy influence won’t recur for centuries, the moment is ripe for making peace with past issues and embracing a transformative process that will fortify your personal growth.

Additionally, the sextile from Uranus brings an undercurrent of change, supporting the shifts initiated by Pluto’s opposition. This aspect encourages innovation in how you approach your personal and professional life, making it easier to adopt new methods or break away from outdated habits. Whether it’s a sudden insight or an unexpected opportunity, Uranus ensures that change is not only possible but also beneficial. The Sun in a square aspect might pose some challenges, particularly in balancing your personal desires with your public or professional roles. This tension demands that you assert your newfound strengths, learned from Mars’ courage and Pluto’s transformative pressure, to navigate these external pressures.

Leo (23 July – 23 August)

Jupiter, Sun, and Mercury in a gentle sextile bring grace, elegance, and allure to your sky. With just a single word, you manage to capture everyone’s attention. And you enjoy it, indeed, you relish it. You enjoy it so much that you take advantage of it, and now what you desire is so close that, feeling its warmth, you risk getting burned. Venus, first in a square and then in a sextile, takes you on a roller coaster of love, showing you darkness and then light, letting you taste the bitter and then the sweet. October is filled with unexpected surprises, and just when you think nothing can disrupt your balance, fate astonishes you with its ability to turn the unreal into the possible. “Swans Reflecting Elephants” by Salvador Dalí is your painting of the month because it reminds you that nothing is merely what it seems.

As October unfolds  the celestial arrangement brings a vivid tapestry of influences to your life. Jupiter’s sextile offers expansive opportunities, enhancing your natural Leo flair for grandeur and leadership. This aspect encourages you to reach further in your aspirations, whether they’re personal achievements or professional ventures, imbuing you with optimism and a broader sense of possibility. The Sun in a sextile bestows a harmonious grace upon your interactions. This placement smooths the way in social settings, allowing you to charm and connect with others effortlessly. The Sun’s position in Libra also accentuates your aesthetic sense, making this a perfect time for creative pursuits that require a balance of beauty and function.

However, Venus presents a complex challenge as it moves from a square to a trine, mirroring the highs and lows of emotional experiences. Initially, the square may stir tensions in relationships or financial matters, making you feel as if every step forward requires considerable effort. You may encounter friction that necessitates adjustment and patience. Yet, as Venus transitions into a trine, these challenges begin to dissolve, replaced by a flow of harmony and affection that reaffirms the connections and values most dear to you.

This fluctuation teaches you the vital lesson of resilience and adaptability: embracing the ups and downs as part of your journey. The key for Leo this month is to remain flexible and to follow the natural flow, trusting that aligning with these cosmic rhythms will guide you through any turbulence towards a state of greater fulfillment.

Virgo (24 August – 22 September)

Virgo, Pluto in a temporary trine for the last time, along with Uranus in an excellent aspect, push you to shed your skin as if you were a snake. You feel ready to molt, to leave behind the garments you no longer wish to wear, which fall to the ground like the leaves from the trees in October. Not even Jupiter’s square can stop you, such is your strong need to transcend. Saturn, always in opposition, amplifies your emotions, and some tears streak your face, but your new skin is stronger, and with it, you rediscover the power of resilience. This time, the tears are of joy. “The Two Fridas” by Frida Kahlo is your painting of the month because it reminds you that transformation harbors healing.

As October unfolds, the celestial dynamics present a profound opportunity for transformation and healing. With Pluto in a trine with Capricorn, before it definitively transitions into Aquarius, you receive your final call to profound personal transformation. This aspect particularly emphasizes the necessity to transform past pains into strengths and to leave behind what no longer serves you.

Mars in a supportive sextile assists you in navigating your emotions and reacting appropriately to new challenges. This energetic influence encourages you to take assertive action where needed, helping you to manage and move through emotional waters that might otherwise seem overwhelming. Saturn, always challenging in its opposition, presents its tough lessons which can be demanding and rigorous. However, embracing these lessons is crucial, as they are designed to fortify your spirit and enhance your resilience. The rigor of Saturn teaches you discipline and the ability to withstand pressures, ultimately leading to emerging stronger than before.

This period calls for Virgo to engage deeply with these transformative energies. Recognize the power of letting go, like shedding old skin, to reveal a more vital, resilient self.

Libra (23 September – 23 October)

Libra, many view autumn, your season, as an end. Summer dies, colors dim, leaves fall. Yet, in truth, everything slows down to show us the beauty of nature which, as Thomas Wolfe said, prepares all year for this grand finale. For you, it indeed is a celebration that marks the beginning of your new solar year; you feel electrified, invigorated, ready to celebrate a new bud making its way through the falling old leaves. From mid-month, Venus in sextile tickles your desire to explore new possibilities, and your eyes light up with a glow capable of illuminating every potential. Mars in square does not frighten, now that difficult emotions find room to transform. “Allegory of Spring” by Botticelli is your painting of the month because it reminds you that there is always room to bloom.

As October heralds the start of a new solar cycle for  you, this month is particularly significant. The Sun and Mercury in your sign infuse you with vitality and intellectual energy, enhancing your natural charisma and facilitating effective communication. This planetary alignment encourages you to initiate new projects and express your ideas with clarity and charm. Venus in sextile adds a layer of sweetness and adventure to the month. It not only brings love into your life but also the courage to explore new relationships or deepen existing ones. This influence from Venus stirs your desire for connection and encourages you to seek out experiences that enrich your heart and spirit.However, Mars in a challenging square position might stir up complex emotions. These feelings, if acknowledged and allowed to flow, can be managed without disrupting your inherent need for balance. This aspect pushes you to confront parts of your psyche that you might typically prefer to keep in the background, offering you a chance to grow by integrating these emotions into your conscious experience.

Scorpio (23 October – 23 November)

October marks both the sunset of your solar year and the dawn of the new one. It is a gentle ending, filled with grace and beauty, as Venus remains in your sign until just after mid-month. It is also an explosive beginning, with your planets, Pluto and Mars, in complete favor. Although Uranus continues its slow opposition, no celestial element hinders this transition. You feel as if something unexpectedly wonderful is about to happen. You don’t know what, you don’t know why. But this is the feeling of new beginnings, of potential about to be realized. At the end of the month, the Sun makes its regal entrance into your sky, and you realize that you were not mistaken, something remarkable bursts into your existence. “The Promenade” by Marc Chagall is your painting of the month because it reminds you that there is magic hidden in potential.

As October ushers in the start of Scorpio’s solar year, it brings a period of rejuvenation and promise. The entry of the Sun and Mercury into your sign injects a surge of joy and positivity, enhancing your communication skills and brightening your overall outlook. This planetary alignment not only lifts your spirits but also sharpens your mental acuity, allowing you to express yourself more effectively and perceive the world with increased clarity.

Mars in a supportive trine enhances your ability to manage and channel your emotions constructively. This aspect fortifies your determination and fuels your actions, enabling you to tackle challenges with a blend of passion and precision. It’s a time when you can truly align your actions with your deeper emotional truth, giving you the momentum to pursue your goals with renewed vigor.Additionally, Pluto in a harmonious sextile supports profound personal transformation. This subtle but powerful influence encourages you to explore the depths of your psyche, uncover hidden strengths, and eliminate outworn aspects of your life. Pluto’s energy complements that of Mars, ensuring that changes are not only initiated but also deeply integrated, leading to lasting impact.

This October, embrace the gifts of your solar return: let the joy and positivity of the Sun and Mercury lift you, while the strategic power of Mars and the transformative energy of Pluto guide your actions and decisions. It’s a month to celebrate your new beginnings, recognizing the magic in your potential as you step confidently into your new year.

Sagittarius (23 November – 21 December)

Sagittarius, the Sun’s sextile warms the autumn of your sky as you approach the end of your solar year. Certain endings do not taste of conclusion; instead, they appear as thresholds that can be crossed, much to your liking, as you view life as a hurdle race. Venus enters your sign mid-month, bringing with it the desire to open yourself to beauty. Opposing Jupiter continues to challenge your deepest fears, but now you realize that these can be transformed into tools for growth and for expanding your space. An unexpected encounter appears when you least expect it, shaking everything you thought you knew about yourself. “Wheatfield with Crows” by Van Gogh is your painting of the month because it reminds you that nothing erases the road to tomorrow.

As October marks the close of Sagittarius’s solar cycle, it serves as a profound period of reflection and culmination. Throughout these months, opposing Jupiter has been a significant influence, pushing you to confront and transcend your fears and limitations. This celestial challenge has been about expanding your boundaries and embracing a broader perspective on your potential and capabilities.

Mid-month, Venus enters your sign, ushering in a wave of harmony and a heightened desire for balance in your relationships and personal endeavors. Venus’s presence enhances your social interactions, making you more attractive to others and smoothing over any discord. It’s a perfect time to connect with people who bring positivity into your life and to engage in activities that restore your spirit. The Sun’s sextile at the beginning of the month provides additional strength in recognizing and affirming your true self. This aspect illuminates your core desires and values, helping you to see clearly what matters most to you. It’s a time of gaining clarity about your path and feeling empowered to make decisions that reflect your true intentions.

This October, embrace the endings that pave the way for new beginnings. Let the celestial energies guide you to close out your year with introspection and grace, readying yourself for the renewal that lies ahead. The combination of Jupiter’s expansive push, Venus’s harmonizing influence, and the Sun’s empowering sextile sets a powerful stage for personal growth and inner peace as you prepare to welcome the new solar year.

Capricorn (22 December – 20 January)

Capricorn, pluto, still in your sign for the last time, continues to stir the soil of your inner garden. There’s something that still clamors to be buried forever and something else that prepares to slowly emerge. Welcoming these demands of the soul will not be easy with Mars, one of your ruling planets, in opposition. You feel as though you are divided in two: one part of you craves change, while the other remains rooted in a past that still hurts. Mid-month, the Sun’s sextile will illuminate the dark areas of your life, revealing hidden valuable potentials. Venus also smiles upon you, and a warm embrace comforts you in moments of melancholy. “La Décalcomanie” by René Magritte is your painting of the month because it reminds you that you can be many things at the same time.

As October unfolds, Pluto’s final transit through your sign marks a significant milestone. This deep, transformative energy invites you to conclusively address and resolve aspects of your past that need closure. It’s a time for digging deep into the roots of what has shaped you, discarding what no longer serves your growth, and embracing the essential changes that pave the way for renewal. The presence of Venus in a supportive sextile asks you to open up to the people you love. This gentle planetary influence softens the often stoic and reserved nature of Capricorn, encouraging more open exchanges of affection and vulnerability. As Venus enhances your interactions, it creates opportunities for deepening bonds and healing through relationships, providing comfort and support as you navigate your transformative journey. Mars in opposition presents challenges in managing your emotions. This aspect can heighten feelings of frustration or impatience, making it difficult to maintain your typical level of control. You might find yourself more reactive or quick to anger, but these emotional surges are crucial indicators of the underlying issues that Pluto urges you to confront and resolve.

This month, embrace the transformative power of Pluto’s last visit in your sign to make peace with the past, while allowing Venus’s warmth and Mars’s intensity to guide you through this period of significant emotional and personal evolution. As you reconcile these dynamics, you’ll find greater clarity and readiness to step into the future that awaits beyond October.

Aquarius (21 January – 19 February)

Aquarius, Venus in sextile, the Sun, Mercury, and Jupiter in trine, your autumn begins like a grand celebration where songs and dances honor the inner light you now wish to share. Much like the earth that offers fruits ready for harvest, you feel prepared to offer what you have nurtured within. This is a time of sharing, where judgment is suspended and sufferings are soothed. The square of the Sun at the end of the month will invite you to rest and embrace a reflective period where you will find answers to questions you had forgotten, and where certain wounds of the heart find the medicine to heal permanently. “Vanitas, Allegory of Vanity” by Trophime Bigot is your painting of the month because it inspires you to illuminate the darkness with your inner light.

As October unfolds for Aquarius, the celestial alignment brings a symphony of harmonious aspects that encourage connection and expression. Venus in sextile early in the month acts as a gentle nudge, urging you to open the doors to others and foster deeper interpersonal relationships. This influence is about enhancing your social circle and finding joy in the company of friends and new acquaintances, enriching your emotional world by sharing it with others. The trine from Jupiter continuously supports your expansion, helping to broaden your horizons and encouraging a fearless pursuit of new experiences. Jupiter’s benevolent energy ensures that your path toward growth is filled with optimism and good fortune, making it an ideal time to explore opportunities that were previously beyond your reach.

Mercury and the Sun in trine until just after mid-month further motivate you to share your thoughts and ideas. This aspect facilitates clear communication, enabling you to articulate your visions and insights effectively, which resonates well with your innovative Aquarian nature. The ease with which you connect intellectually with others during this period will be a source of fulfillment and inspiration.

However, as the month draws to a close, the Sun’s shift from a trine to a square marks a significant change in pace. This transition calls for a period of introspection and perhaps a retreat into your own thoughts. It’s a time to slow down, reflect on the rapid changes and interactions of the earlier weeks, and consolidate your thoughts. The square might bring challenges that require you to reassess and contemplate your next steps carefully, fostering a deeper understanding of your own needs and the directions you wish to take.

Pisces (20 February – 20 March)

Perhaps it is the slow pace of autumn that reminds you of the fleeting nature of existence, or perhaps it is Saturn’s prolonged stay in your sign teaching you much, but you feel once again master of your flow. Now that time is no longer your weakness but your secret weapon, you organize to construct new plans like an architect capable of seeing how all the elements fit together even before they are realized.

Neptune, your planet, firmly present in your skies, adds just the right touch of poetry to your new creations. Who knows if the trine from Mars will courageously accompany you in expressing those feelings that finally find the right form to emerge. By the end of the month, the Sun also enters a trine, and you already begin to see some of your dreams taking shape. “Flower Bouquet” by Brueghel is your painting of the month because it reminds you that the beauty of the whole is given by the small individual elements.

The presence of Saturn in your sign continues to be a profound teacher, imparting lessons of resilience and patience. This planetary influence strengthens your ability to endure and thrive through challenges, molding you into a more steadfast and resilient individual. The slow and steady discipline Saturn requires is not always easy, but it is essential for your personal growth and long-term stability.

Neptune, also in your sign, acts as a guardian, enveloping you in its protective and inspirational energies. This mystical planet enhances your natural intuition and creativity, allowing you to connect deeply with the spiritual and emotional currents that define your essence. Neptune’s presence helps soften Saturn’s stern lessons, reminding you that compassion and understanding are just as important as strength and endurance.

Mars in a supportive trine boosts your ability to manage emotions effectively. This influence is particularly beneficial, providing you with the vigor and courage to address and express your feelings constructively. Whether it’s tackling difficult conversations or pursuing passions that stir your soul, Mars energizes your actions, making it easier to navigate the emotional landscapes of your life.

As the month progresses and the Sun enters into a trine with your sign, you begin to see the fruits of your labor. Successes start to manifest, particularly in areas where you’ve applied consistent effort and attention. The key to harnessing this celestial support lies in focusing on small, manageable steps,day by day. This approach ensures that you build a solid foundation, preparing you for greater achievements and stability in the future.

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