Venus in Sagittarius: Embrace Openness and Exploration in Love


On October 17th,during the Libra Season, Venus moves from the mysterious Scorpio to the expansive Sagittarius, and with it, the energies are getting ready to welcome abundance.

Venus in Sagittarius begins a journey of openness that encourages us to seek expansion. It inspires us to open ourselves to the world and its energies, rediscovering the will to love unconditionally.

This trasnit fosters a desire for exploration, not just of the physical world, but also of ideas and philosophies that broaden our understanding of love and relationships. The Sagittarian influence inspires us to embrace diversity and to find beauty in our differences, promoting a more inclusive and accepting form of love. 

It’s a time to let go of preconceived notions and to allow our hearts to guide us towards more meaningful connections.

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Symbol of Sagittarius on rock

Venus from Scorpio to Sagittarius: from vertical to horizontal

Venus in Scorpio represented a love that delved deep, vertically. It was a love that struggled to take off naturally because Venus in Scorpio is in a sign where it is naturally in exile, its energies are weaker and hindered. Although the passion was strong, there was always a Plutonic element that pushed it to halt rather than follow the flow. Venus in Sagittarius is the opposite: the expansion is no longer vertical but horizontal, and what matters is openness and following the flow.

The fiery energy of Sagittarius motivates us to take risks in our emotional lives, to venture beyond comfort zones, and to engage with the world in a more spirited and optimistic way. This is a time for emotional growth through experiences that challenge the confines of traditional relationships, urging us to view love as a journey rather than a destination. As Venus in Sagittarius unfolds, consider how you can incorporate these expansive qualities into your relationships and personal growth, fostering connections that are both enriching and liberating.

To fully understand this shift, we need to think about the ruling planets of the signs that represent this transition. In Scorpio, Venus is Plutonic; its energy is implosive, dark, introspective, and perceived as a realm full of unknown corners to be discovered in the intimacy of one’s thoughts. In Sagittarius, Venus becomes Jovial; its energy is explosive, perceived as open and continuously expanding, with no shadowy corners but only space to let in more light.

This stark contrast between the two signs highlights a fundamental change in how Venus influences our approach to love and relationships. In Scorpio, love is about exploring the depths and complexities of emotions, often dealing with themes of transformation and renewal through intense personal encounters. It’s a period for profound emotional connections that often challenge us to confront and integrate our shadows.

In Sagittarius, however, the focus shifts dramatically towards exploration, optimism, and a desire for freedom and adventure in relationships. Here, Venus encourages us to seek out new experiences, to learn from our interactions, and to embrace a more philosophical view of love that appreciates diversity and values personal growth and happiness. This Jovial energy supports a more lighthearted approach to love, where the journey itself is as important as the destination, encouraging a more expansive and inclusive view of what it means to connect with others.

Naked Venus seated and the Lute Player
"Venus and the Lute Player" by Titian. Ca. 1565–70

Venus in Sagittarius Horoscope 

Unveiling the horoscope – explore the distinct impact that the Venus in Sagittarius phase is poised to exert on individual zodiac signs.

Aries (21 March – 20 April)

Aries, Venus in Sagittarius encourages you to generously expand your space, open up with confidence, and let yourself go with the flow of events. It’s the right time to let go of barriers and rules and change your perspective.

This transit invites you to embrace new opportunities and adventures without the constraints of your usual expectations. Sagittarius’s influence on Venus brings a sense of excitement and exploration to your relationships and creative endeavors. This is an ideal period to travel, explore new cultures, or simply break away from the routine to experience something different. As you open up to these new experiences, you may find that your relationships become more dynamic and enriching. Allow yourself to be more flexible and open to change, and you might discover new passions and interests that can lead to significant personal growth and happiness.

Taurus (22 April – 30 May)

Taurus, Venus in Sagittarius is your opportunity to connect with the darker parts of yourself, abandoning the desire for possession and control and trying to go beyond your limits.

This placement encourages you to challenge your traditional views and behaviors, especially those related to security and stability, which Taurus typically holds dear. Venus in Sagittarius invites you to embrace change and uncertainty with an open heart, pushing you to explore new horizons in your relationships and personal growth. This could mean letting go of routines and embracing new experiences that can ultimately lead to a deeper understanding of yourself and others. By releasing the need to control and possess, you allow for a more genuine and expansive expression of love and connection. This is a time to learn and grow by venturing into the unknown and embracing the adventures that life offers.

Gemini (21 May – 21 June)

Gemini, Venus in Sagittarius is the perfect time to devote yourself to loving and being loved. Without reservations, without rules, without thinking about the end. Nothing is forever, just as nothing really ends if you truly live it.

This transit encourages you to embrace love with an open heart and mind, exploring the joys of connection without the usual constraints you might impose on yourself or others. Sagittarius’s influence brings a sense of freedom and adventure to your relationships, urging you to experience love as a journey rather than a destination. This can be a liberating time for Geminis, who often juggle different facets of life simultaneously. Venus in this expansive sign invites you to simplify your approach to love, focusing on the present and the pure joy of sharing moments with someone special. Enjoy this phase of spontaneous affection and let your relationships flow naturally, capturing the essence of each experience without worrying about future outcomes.

Cancer (22 June – 23 July)

Cancer, Venus in Sagittarius urges you to focus on the routines of your daily life, reminding you that there is space to let in what can truly make you feel alive and heard. Leave out everything that alienates you and welcome in what fuels your passion.

This transit encourages you to reevaluate your daily habits and environments, identifying what no longer serves your emotional and spiritual growth. Sagittarius inspires a thirst for experiences that expand your horizons and help you break away from mundane or draining routines. This is an excellent time for Cancers to explore new hobbies, social circles, or even career paths that resonate more deeply with their core desires. By making room for what truly inspires and excites you, you cultivate a more fulfilling and vibrant daily life, one that nurtures your soul and allows you to thrive.

Leo (23 July – 23 August)

Leo, Venus in Sagittarius is your time to step out of your comfort zone and risk it all. What you might lose no longer matters; only what you might gain does. Even in uncertainty, the light is so strong that it pushes you to try.

This transit encourages you, Leo, to embrace the unknown and take bold steps towards what excites you. Sagittarius’s adventurous spirit compels you to expand your horizons and explore new possibilities in love, creativity, and personal expression. This is a period for growth and exploration, where the focus shifts from safety and security to adventure and discovery. Allow yourself to be drawn by the thrill of new experiences and the potential for significant personal achievements. It’s a time to be daring and to trust that even if the path isn’t clear, the journey itself will be enriching and transformative. Embrace the chance to let new energies into your life and watch how they transform your world.

Virgo (24 August – 22 September)

Virgo, Venus in Sagittarius warms that part of you that desires to feel included and connected to your roots. Even by traveling far, you can draw closer to a sense of belonging, so leave the harbor and discover your origins by exploring the future.

This transit encourages you, Virgo, to explore and reconnect with the foundations of your identity, whether through physical travel to places of personal or cultural significance, or through intellectual and spiritual exploration of your heritage. Sagittarius energizes your pursuit of knowledge and understanding, pushing you to expand your boundaries and consider broader perspectives. This is an excellent time to embrace new experiences that enrich your understanding of where you come from and where you can go. Let go of your usual need for meticulous planning and allow spontaneity to guide your journey. In doing so, you may find that exploring unfamiliar territories brings you a deeper appreciation and connection to your own history and cultural roots.

Libra (23 September – 23 October)

Libra, Venus in Sagittarius is your time to raise your voice, make yourself heard, and give importance to your need for expression. It’s also the perfect moment to learn a new way of expressing yourself and your inner world, leaving behind the fear of judgment.

This transit empowers you, Libra, to embrace boldness and assertiveness in your communications. Sagittarius encourages a freer, more adventurous approach to sharing your thoughts and feelings. This is a time to experiment with new forms of self-expression, whether through writing, speaking, or artistic endeavors. As you explore these new avenues, focus on being authentic and true to your own voice, rather than conforming to what you think others expect from you. By doing so, you not only enrich your own life but also contribute more genuinely to your relationships and communities. Let go of the need for approval and embrace the freedom that comes with self-acceptance and confidence in your unique perspective.

Scorpio (23 October – 23 November)

Scorpio, Venus in Sagittarius is your opportunity to broaden your future perspectives and dream big. It’s the perfect time to open the drawer of your unrealized projects and realize that potential never runs out.

This transit inspires you, Scorpio, to expand your vision beyond the usual confines of your intense focus and deep introspection. Sagittarius encourages exploration, optimism, and a bigger picture thinking that can rejuvenate your spirits and reignite your passions. Consider this an ideal phase to revisit ambitions that you may have set aside or to conceive new ideas that challenge your current boundaries. Embrace the daring and adventurous spirit of Sagittarius to push your limits and explore opportunities that were previously beyond your scope. Allow yourself to dream without limits and plan with the belief that anything is achievable if you commit to making it happen. This is a time for growth, exploration, and seizing the potential that lies dormant within you.

Sagittarius (23 November – 21 December)

Sagittarius, Venus shines in your sign, and you feel radiant, eager to tend to your desires and ready to explore the romantic side of yourself. It’s the perfect time to connect with the beauty in the world and invite it into your life.

This transit is a call to embrace the pleasures and joys of life. With Venus in your sign, your charm and attractiveness are heightened, making it an excellent time for social activities and romantic pursuits. Use this period to express love more freely and to appreciate the beauty around you—whether in nature, art, or the people you care about. Allow yourself to be inspired by the aesthetics and harmony that Venus brings, and consider how you can incorporate more of these elements into your daily life. It’s also a great time to improve your personal appearance and surroundings in ways that reflect your taste and values. Embrace this Venusian energy to make your world a more beautiful and loving place.

Capricorn (22 December – 20 January)

Capricorn, Venus in Sagittarius brings you back to a dimension of spiritual love, where the first person you need to care for is yourself. It’s the perfect time to regain confidence in yourself, rediscover the magic of your potential, and find a private sense of connection with the invisible world.

This transit encourages you, Capricorn, to focus on personal growth and spiritual exploration. The expansive and philosophical nature of Sagittarius urges you to look beyond material ambitions and to explore deeper, more existential questions. Use this time to engage in practices that nourish your soul and broaden your understanding of who you are beyond your professional identity and societal roles. Whether it’s through meditation, travel, study, or deep conversations, seek out experiences that make you feel connected to something greater than yourself. This is an ideal period to find peace within and to strengthen your internal foundation, preparing you for external successes that are aligned with your true self. Embrace this phase as a journey inward, and you may emerge with a renewed sense of purpose and a clearer vision of how to manifest your dreams into reality.

Aquarius (21 January – 19 February)

Aquarius, Venus in Sagittarius warms up that part of you that loves to open up to the unusual, to what is unique and unrepeatable, to what defies all conventions. It’s the perfect time to say what you’ve been hesitant to voice, to step out of the realm of reason, and indulge in the madness you’ve been desiring.

This transit ignites your adventurous spirit and encourages you to embrace your individuality and uniqueness more fully. Sagittarius’s influence pushes you to break free from traditional boundaries and explore new, exciting ways of expressing yourself. This might mean taking a risk in your personal life or career, experimenting with new artistic forms, or simply adopting a more open and unconventional approach to your relationships and worldview. Embrace the courage that comes with this transit to make bold choices and express your truths without fear of judgment. Let Venus in Sagittarius inspire you to live more authentically and joyously, tapping into the creative and revolutionary energy that defines your sign.

Pisces (20 February – 20 March)

Pisces, Venus in Sagittarius is your opportunity to expand and enrich your creative space, the one you present to the world, the one that speaks of who you are in place of words. It’s the perfect time to build new projects and paths in your career.

This transit encourages you to explore broader horizons in your artistic and professional endeavors. Sagittarius’s influence brings a sense of adventure and possibility, pushing you to think bigger and beyond traditional boundaries. Consider how you can incorporate your deep, intuitive understanding of the world into your work, making it more expressive and impactful. Now is the time to take bold steps toward realizing your dreams and manifesting your ideas into tangible forms. Whether it’s starting a new creative project, expanding your professional network, or taking your career in a completely new direction, let the expansive energy of Sagittarius guide you to express your unique talents and visions. Embrace the freedom to experiment and the courage to present your true self to the world.

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