Scorpio Season 2024: Meaning, Associated Painting & Your Horoscope


On October 22, 2024, the Sun will leave the harmonious and elegant realm of Libra to enter the mysterious depths of Scorpio. Here, the darkest season of the zodiacal circle begins, where transformation and intensity are the key energies.

As the Sun transitions into Scorpio, it heralds a period of intense emotional and psychological exploration. This time is about delving into the unseen, uncovering hidden truths, and embracing the process of deep, transformative change. Scorpio season challenges us to look beyond the surface and to confront what is buried in the shadows of our psyche. It’s a powerful time for healing, as we are encouraged to shed old skins and emerge renewed.

Ready to explore the mysteries of the universe – like Scorpio season does? Dive into our Born Under Saturn world with two resources. First, uncover your unique birth chart using our beautifully designed free calculator. Then, tune in to our daily horoscope podcast for a dose of inspiration to start your day.

Scorpio season’s energies

Scorpio season is, in its symbolic co-significance, the quintessential Plutonic season. Pluto, the ruler of Scorpio, is the planet that we all know as the slowest of all, defining entire eras. Currently, we are in the era of Pluto in Aquarius, where the dark planet will stir the innovative and collective energies of the Uranian sign. We know that Pluto is one of those astrological symbols that acts slowly but significantly from within. Its revolution is profound, originating from the darkness of the unconscious, sometimes collective and sometimes individual.

As Pluto influences this season, it invites deep transformation and renewal. This planet’s slow orbit means its effects are long-lasting, shaping generations and their underlying psychological patterns. In Scorpio, Pluto’s energy is intensified, prompting us to confront and reconcile with our deepest fears, desires, and secrets. This process, while challenging, ultimately aims at purging what is outdated or unhealthy, fostering a powerful rebirth and regeneration of the self. 

The Lady of Shalott: a mirror to Scorpio’s depths

There is a painting that I associate with this season and its depths, and it is “The Lady of Shalott” by John William Waterhouse. The painting depicts the medieval story of Elaine, a young woman who lives in a tower, cursed to never look directly at the village outside her tower. She finds a workaround to observe the outside world through a mirror, accepting the compromise. However, it is love that eventually awakens her courage to live despite everything. When she falls in love, she cannot restrain herself and looks out the window to see her beloved. The scene of this painting captures her as she sails on a boat across dark waters that lead her toward oblivion.

The Lady of Shalott with red hair, embodying Scorpio season's transformative energy and emotional depth.
"The Lady of Shalott" by John William Waterhouse

This image resonates deeply with Scorpio’s themes of transformation and confronting the forbidden. Like Elaine’s venture into the unknown, Scorpio season challenges us to face our own reflections and the shadows of our psyche, pushing us towards profound changes and emotional rebirth.

Elaine’s curse symbolizes the prisons of our fears, unresolved situations, and the chains we impose on ourselves. The mirror that Elaine uses as a workaround represents what we do when we don’t truly want to face the truth. The love that compels Elaine to leave her tower embodies Scorpio’s passionate, revolutionary energy, the boat that carries us on our journey of transformation and liberation. This narrative parallels Scorpio’s call to confront and transcend our innermost barriers, driving us towards profound personal growth and freedom.

Scorpio Season Horoscope

From the powerful significance of this transformative season to each zodiac sign’s horoscope, let’s dive in. Be sure to check both your Sun and rising sign – they’re equally important!

Aries (21 March – 20 April)

Aries, what is pressing inside to be expressed and understood? The Scorpio season is your time to express even your shadows, to bring them to light and transform them. You will feel as if the darkness you feared is not so daunting to explore after all, and that within the unknown lies the seed of a new beginning.

This phase invites you to delve into the deeper aspects of your psyche, uncovering and understanding parts of yourself that you usually keep hidden. Scorpio’s influence encourages bravery and resilience, pushing you to confront what lies beneath the surface. This exploration can be highly transformative, offering you the chance to heal, grow, and begin anew with a stronger sense of self. Embrace this opportunity to explore the depths, as it can lead to significant personal development and a profound renewal of your emotional life.

Taurus (22 April – 30 May)

Taurus, who truly sees you? The Scorpio season illuminates that part of you that longs to understand itself through your most intimate relationships, your desires, and your passions. It’s the right time to express what you feel inside and to welcome those who are willing to embrace it.

This period encourages you to dive deep into your emotional connections, examining how they reflect and influence your innermost thoughts and feelings. Scorpio’s intense energy compels you to be more open and honest about your vulnerabilities and desires, fostering deeper bonds and more meaningful interactions. As you reveal your true self, you not only attract relationships that resonate with your core but also foster an environment where genuine understanding and acceptance can flourish. Embrace this season as an opportunity for emotional and relational growth, where you can truly connect with others on a profound level.

Gemini (21 May – 21 June)

Gemini, how are you feeling? Start with this question to harness the energies of the Scorpio Season, which urges you to pay close attention to your routines and how you take care of yourself. It’s the right time to discern what truly benefits you and what doesn’t, and to make changes, where necessary, to your daily rituals and your approach to life.

This period challenges you to examine your habits more deeply, encouraging you to identify and let go of practices that no longer serve your well-being. Scorpio’s transformative energy inspires you to delve into your emotional and physical health, prompting meaningful adjustments that can lead to a more balanced and fulfilling lifestyle. As you refine your routines and care strategies, you might discover new ways to improve your overall vitality and mental clarity. Embrace this season as an opportunity to realign your daily life with your true needs and aspirations.

Cancer (22 June – 23 July)

Cancer, what is pressing to be expressed? The Scorpio Season inspires creativity, movement, and an energy that kindles within you to become poetry and be expressed. It’s the right time to step out of your comfort zone and fully live your life.

This period beckons you to embrace the passionate and transformative energies of Scorpio, urging you to channel your deepest emotions into creative outlets. Whether it’s through art, writing, dance, or another form of self-expression, this is a time for you to let your innermost feelings flow outward. Scorpio’s intense energy can help you break through any emotional barriers that have been holding you back, allowing you to explore new experiences and express yourself more freely. Take this opportunity to engage with life more fully and share your unique emotional and creative perspective with the world.

Leo (23 July – 23 August)

Leo, what do you see when you look in the mirror? The Scorpio Season pushes you to search for yourself in your origins, to rediscover a sense of belonging that you’ve lost, and to reconnect with those you consider family. It’s the right time to draw closer and listen to those who share your space.

This period encourages you to delve into the depths of your personal history and emotional roots, urging you to understand and embrace where you come from. Scorpio’s probing energy compels you to confront and heal any issues related to your identity and past connections. As you explore these foundational aspects of your life, you might find valuable insights that strengthen your sense of self and enhance your relationships with family and close friends. Use this time to foster connections that nourish your soul and help you feel more grounded and whole.

Virgo (24 August – 22 September)

Virgo, what do you really want to say? The Scorpio Season illuminates that part of you that no longer wants to remain silent: your words, your voice. It’s the right time to let interactions change you, to reveal new aspects of yourself and the people around you.

This period urges you to express your thoughts and feelings more openly and assertively. Scorpio’s transformative energy encourages you to communicate more deeply and honestly, breaking down the barriers you may have built around your emotions. As you engage more fully with others, you might discover new perspectives and insights that challenge your previous views and lead to significant personal growth. Use this time to voice your truth and allow the dynamics of your relationships to enrich and reshape your understanding of yourself and your connections.

Scorpio season's depth symbolized by the color black

Libra (23 September – 23 October)

Libra, what are you building? The Scorpio Season invites you to reflect on what you have built so far and what you feel you cannot achieve. Perhaps the limits you believe you have don’t exist, or maybe they are just a way for you to buy time. It’s the moment to properly value things.

This period pushes you to examine the foundations of your projects, relationships, and personal goals. Scorpio’s penetrating energy encourages you to delve deep into your aspirations and fears, challenging you to confront any self-imposed restrictions or doubts that may be holding you back. It’s a powerful time for transformation, asking you to reassess what’s truly important and what may be an illusion of limitation. Use this season to empower yourself, shed any unnecessary burdens, and appreciate the true worth of your achievements and potential. Embrace the depth and intensity of Scorpio to make meaningful changes that align more closely with your core values and desired path.

Scorpio (23 October – 23 November)

Scorpio, who are you now? A new solar cycle begins, and with it, you too prepare to start anew. However, nothing is as it was before, and the dawn of your season asks you to reflect on who you feel you are now and the direction you want to take. It’s the right time to reconnect with your inner feelings and happily surrender to the change that cannot be stopped.

As Scorpio, you are no stranger to transformation, and this period emphasizes personal renewal and evolution. This is an opportunity to shed old skins and embrace a rebirth of sorts, allowing new aspects of your personality and new ambitions to surface. Consider what has changed in you and around you, and align your path forward with these new insights and identities. Embrace this time as a moment of powerful self-discovery and change, trusting that the evolutionary process will lead you to a stronger, more authentic version of yourself.

Sagittarius (23 November – 21 December)

Sagittarius, where are you? The Scorpio season transports you into the unknown mazes of your spirituality, where everything is still possible, where potential resides. It’s the right time to rediscover lost faith and transform frustration over things that aren’t going well into new seeds that can be planted.

This period encourages you to delve deeper into your spiritual beliefs and practices, urging you to explore areas of your life and psyche that you typically might not. Scorpio’s energy, intense and probing, helps you uncover truths and possibilities that were previously obscured. It’s an excellent time for Sagittarius to reevaluate their purpose and direction, particularly in the spiritual realm, and to consider what beliefs and aspirations truly resonate with their soul now. Embrace this transformative energy to reinvent your path and perhaps introduce new philosophies or practices that can lead to a more fulfilling and enlightened existence.

Capricorn (22 December – 20 January)

Capricorn, what drives your will? The Scorpio season invites you to rediscover the true reason and motivation behind your actions and your relentless perseverance. If you reconnect with that part of you that also thrives on ideals, obstacles will vanish without a trace.

This period encourages you to look beyond the tangible and material goals that often define your path. Scorpio’s deep, transformative energy challenges you to explore your deeper motivations and the core values that inspire your determination and discipline. This introspection can lead to a profound reawakening of your personal mission and may even redefine your approach to challenges. By aligning more closely with your ideals, you may find that the usual hurdles seem less daunting, as you are fueled by a renewed sense of purpose and passion. Embrace this time to strengthen your resolve and clarify the ‘why’ behind your ‘what,’ allowing you to move forward with greater clarity and conviction.

Aquarius (21 January – 19 February)

Aquarius, what do you truly want from your projects? The Scorpio season illuminates your desire to be recognized, seen, and understood through what you create. It’s the right time to ask yourself what you want to give and what you want to put of yourself into your work. Detach from the fear of not being good enough.

This period prompts you to assess the deeper motivations behind your creative or professional endeavors. Scorpio’s introspective and revealing energy encourages you to explore your need for validation and expression through your projects. It’s an ideal time to redefine your goals, not just in terms of output or success, but in how these projects reflect and fulfill your true self. Consider what aspects of your identity you are expressing through your work and what legacy you wish to build. Overcome the fear that you might not meet external expectations, and focus instead on creating work that is true to your vision and values. This alignment between your inner self and your external creations can lead to more meaningful and satisfying work.

Pisces (20 February – 20 March)

Pisces, are you moving or are you stationary? The Scorpio season invites you to reflect on moments of stillness and the value you place on discovery. It’s the perfect time to ask yourself if you are truly exploring or if you are trapped within your thoughts. Venture out into the world and transform your visions into actions.

This period challenges you to evaluate how passive or active you are in pursuing your dreams and engaging with the world around you. Scorpio’s probing and transformative energy urges you to delve deeper into your motivations and fears that may be holding you back from taking concrete steps. It encourages you to break free from the confines of overthinking and to actualize your ideas and aspirations. Use this time to harness your intuitive and creative strengths, and apply them in practical ways. By doing so, you can create meaningful change and progress in your life, ensuring that your movements align with your deepest desires and ideals.

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