Saturn in Taurus in the Birth Chart: Meaning and Dates


In this article, we’ll explore the key characteristics of Saturn in Taurus. To provide a comprehensive understanding, we’ll begin by discussing the general significance of Saturn in astrology and the essential traits of the Taurus sign. But, if you’re already familiar with these concepts, skip ahead to the sections that interest you most.

Curious about your own Saturn placement? Use our calculator to find out!

An introduction to Saturn’s role in Astrology

Saturn in astrology is also and above all a symbol of Time. It is the lord of time, the one who regulates the clock of wisdom, reminding us that if we are aware of the passing time and use it to learn, then time will never be wasted. Time is one of those things that, once passed, we cannot get back. Yet, do you know how long a day on Saturn lasts? Only 10.7 hours. However, a Saturnian year is 29.7 Earth years.

Considering its long journey around the Sun, Saturn is a relatively slow-moving planet and thus remains in a sign for about 2 years. Astrologically speaking, this is an important piece of information because it tells us that its position in the natal chart partly defines generations, as we share the same Saturn sign with people born in our same year and the year before or after. Obviously, it’s not as slow as Uranus or Pluto, but certainly not as fast as planets that characterize us more distinctly, like Venus or Mars.

The sign that Saturn occupies is important for interpreting a natal chart because it reveals how we express Saturnine characteristics. But to complete the analysis, we also need to observe the house Saturn occupies. Additionally, we must consider the aspects Saturn forms—or does not form—with other elements in the chart. A Saturn in Capricorn will never be the same as a Saturn in Aquarius, and at the same time, even two natal charts of individuals born close together that have Saturn in the same sign will never be identical, because the aspects and houses will differ, as will the entirety of the natal chart.

What to know more about Saturn in Astrology? Explore Saturn’s Significance, Ancient Myths, and Beyond.

Space photo of the planet Saturn with its rings visible.

Understanding the Taurus Sign

Taurus is the second sign of the zodiac circle, an Earth sign ruled by Venus. It represents the second astrological house, where everything revolves around matter, nourishment, and possession. Following the explosive birth that occurs in the first house, the second house embodies the desire to build, to find stability, and to nourish. Not coincidentally, Taurus is also the sign that symbolizes food, pleasures linked to our needs but also to our passions.

As a Venus-ruled sign, Taurus embodies comfort, beauty, and stability in its influence on the physical environment. It represents a deep connection to the material world, emphasizing the importance of the senses and tangible outcomes. The focus of the second house on possessions and values highlights the sign’s association with securing and enjoying the fruits of labor, finding satisfaction in what can be seen, touched, and tasted. This connection to materiality reflects Taurus’s emphasis on security and substantial existence. The sign’s energy is methodical and practical, promoting the establishment of a solid foundation that ensures comfort and sustenance.

Key highlights of Saturn in Taurus

When Saturn is found in Taurus – whether in a natal chart or during a transit – the symbols that Saturn represents become more prominent. These symbols include responsibility, resilience, and structure.

Saturn in Taurus’s influence brings a heightened emphasis on stability and perseverance in material and financial matters. Taurus, a sign that values security and comfort, when combined with Saturn’s discipline, emphasizes careful management of resources. This may manifest as a cautious or conservative approach to finances, where long-term savings and investments become a priority. 

Saturn’s transit through Taurus also encourages a reevaluation of what is genuinely necessary for happiness and security, pushing individuals to strip away excess and focus on the essentials. This can involve a period of minimalism or austerity that, while challenging, ultimately leads to greater clarity about what is needed to build a fulfilling life.

Symbols of Saturn and Taurus side by side.

Saturn in Taurus with challenging aspects

Having Saturn in Taurus with challenging aspects can manifest several difficult traits and experiences. This placement often brings a pronounced fear of financial insecurity, leading to excessive frugality or materialism. Individuals may become overly cautious or resistant to change, sticking to routines and methods long past their usefulness. There is a tendency toward stubbornness, where one might refuse to adapt, potentially missing out on opportunities.

This positioning can lead to feelings of stagnation in personal growth, as the comfort zone becomes too rigid and hard to leave. Physical manifestations might include issues related to the throat or neck or a slower metabolism. Overall, these challenges revolve around the fear of material loss and resistance to change, impacting personal growth.

Saturn in Taurus with positive aspects

When Saturn forms positive aspects with other planets, its energies flow well. Such aspects encourage careful planning and dedication, which often result in achieving long-term goals. Saturn’s stabilizing effects also help in building a strong foundation for various life aspects, enhancing patience and strategic decision-making. Positive Saturn aspects may help individuals develop resilience and steadily work towards turning their dreams into reality.

It’s important to remember that Taurus is a Venusian sign, primarily seeking beauty, love, and pleasure. In contrast, Saturn focuses on sacrifice and the need to build structure; its priority is not pleasure but duty. When Saturn in Taurus is positively aspected in a chart, it enhances the pursuit of stability and beauty. This placement promotes a grounded and structural approach that aligns well with Taurus’s Earth sign characteristics.

This combination can harmoniously blend Taurus’s love for aesthetics and comfort with Saturn’s discipline, resulting in the ability to create lasting beauty and value in a practical way. For example, this might manifest in careers such as architecture or landscape gardening, where the artistic merges with the functional.

Saturn in Taurus in each house

Another element to consider, especially in the analysis of a natal chart, is the house, or the sector where Saturn in Taurus resides. The house adds important information to the analysis because it tells us where these energies will tend to manifest throughout life.

Saturn in Taurus in the 1st house

When Saturn in Taurus occupies the 1st house, it affects self-expression and identity. Individuals with this placement approach life with a serious, steady demeanor and often possess a strong sense of practicality. They might struggle with self-esteem, especially related to body image and material success, but they learn to project an image of reliability and resilience as they mature.

Saturn in Taurus in the 2nd house

Saturn in the 2nd house influences values, possessions, and personal finances. This placement encourages a conservative approach to managing resources, resulting in great financial discipline. Individuals might face early hardships concerning resources which teach them the importance of financial security and prudent investment, leading to eventual material stability.

Saturn in Taurus in the 3rd house

In the 3rd house, Saturn affects communication and learning. It may initially manifest as challenges in schooling or communication barriers. However, over time, individuals with this placement develop meticulous thinking and effective communication skills, often excelling in fields requiring detailed work like writing, research, or science.

Saturn in Taurus in the 4th house

When located in the 4th house, Saturn influences home life and family. Individuals may experience a restrictive or burdensome home environment early in life, leading to a strong desire for creating a stable and secure home later on. They value tradition and may take on the role of the family’s backbone, providing structure and support.

Saturn in Taurus in the 5th house

Saturn in the 5th house impacts creativity, romance, and relationships with children. It may delay or place obstacles in these areas, pushing individuals to take these aspects seriously. With time, they learn to balance duty with pleasure, eventually finding joy in disciplined artistic expression and carefully chosen romantic relationships.

Saturn in Taurus in the 6th house

In the 6th house, Saturn influences work and health routines. Individuals are likely to be diligent and take a methodical approach to their duties and health. They may face initial challenges with health or work environment, but disciplined routines and a steadfast approach lead to long-term wellness and job satisfaction.

Saturn in Taurus in the 7th house

Saturn here affects partnerships and legal contracts. This placement brings a serious approach to all one-on-one relationships, often delaying marriage or significant partnerships until maturity. Relationships are built on loyalty, practicality, and a mutual understanding of responsibilities, providing enduring and stable partnerships.

Saturn in Taurus in the 8th house

When Saturn in Taurus is in the 8th house, it influences issues of intimacy, shared resources, and transformation. Individuals may experience challenges with trust and sharing both emotionally and materially. There’s a deep need for security in intimate relationships. Financial prudence in matters like inheritances or joint finances is emphasized, and over time, they learn to manage these resources effectively, overcoming fears associated with vulnerability and loss.

Saturn in Taurus in the 9th house

Saturn in the 9th house affects higher education, travel, and personal beliefs. It may initially restrict long-distance travel and advanced education through practical or financial limitations. However, those with this placement often develop a profound philosophical or spiritual outlook, grounded in realism. Their beliefs are solid and well-considered, often influenced by a lifelong pursuit of knowledge.

Saturn in Taurus in the 10th house

In the 10th house, Saturn impacts career and public status. This placement drives a person to achieve concrete results in their professional life, often in industries that require patience and persistence. Early career paths may be fraught with obstacles, but these challenges lead to expertise and authority in chosen fields. A reputation as a reliable and steadfast professional is likely.

Saturn in Taurus in the 11th house

Saturn in the 11th house governs friendships, groups, and future aspirations. This placement might initially limit social interactions or cause difficulties in group settings, leading to a careful choice of friends and networks. Over time, individuals with this placement form long-lasting friendships based on mutual respect and shared values, and their long-term goals are practical and achievable.

Saturn in Taurus in the 12th house

When Saturn is in the 12th house, it influences the subconscious, hidden enemies, and self-undoing. Individuals may struggle with unacknowledged fears or repressed emotions. There is often a need for solitude to confront these internal issues. Over time, they learn the value of introspection and may develop a strong spiritual or psychological understanding, using their inner stability to help others heal.

Saturn in Taurus: Dates

As mentioned earlier, Saturn is a relatively slow-moving planet, taking approximately 29.5 Earth years to complete one revolution around the Sun. This slow movement means that people born in the same year share the same Saturn sign.

Below, we list the periods when Saturn was in Taurus during the second half of the 20th century. This information allows you to determine whether you or your loved ones have this placement based solely on the month and year of birth. Keep in mind that we are only considering the months and not the days, so take this with a grain of salt. For precise verification, be sure to check birth charts using our calculator.

From July 1939 to September 1939

From March 1940 to May 1942

From April 1969 to June 18, 1971

From January 1972 to February 1972

From June 1998 to October 1998

From February 1999 to August 2000

From October 2000 to April 2001


From April 2028 to May 2030

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