New Moon in Pisces 2025: Planting Seeds in the Unseen


On February 27, 2025, the Moon will align with the Sun, giving rise to a New Moon in Pisces. This marks the beginning of a new emotional and spiritual cycle, infused with the intuitive, imaginative, and boundless energy of Pisces.

Visionary, dreamlike, and deeply empathetic, Pisces is a sign that transcends the limits of logic and reason, dissolving into the infinite sea of creativity, emotion, and higher consciousness. Ruled by Neptune, it invites us to embrace intuition over structure, dreams over rigid plans, and inspiration over predictability.

This New Moon is a portal for deep inner exploration, artistic expression, and emotional connection. It asks us to surrender to the unknown, trust our instincts, and let go of the need for certainty. It is a time to plant the seeds of a more fluid, inspired, and spiritually aligned path, one that honors our deepest dreams and unseen potential.

Want to know more about how Pisces’ energy shapes this period? Tune in to our special podcast episode, available on February 14.

The Blank Slate of this Pisces New Moon

The New Moon is a moment of beginnings, renewal, and quiet potential. It marks the start of a new lunar cycle, a time when energy is introspective and fertile, inviting us to plant the seeds of what we wish to manifest in the weeks ahead. Unlike the Full Moon, which brings culmination and revelation, the New Moon is subtle and inward-focused, a space of possibility before things take form.

During this phase, it is useful to set intentions with clarity and purpose, allowing new ideas, dreams, and desires to emerge. The absence of moonlight mirrors the blank slate we are given, a time to envision, to quietly commit to change, and to trust that even what is unseen is taking shape. It is also a powerful moment for self-reflection, as the stillness allows us to listen more closely to our intuition, to understand where we are, and to decide where we wish to go.

Now, in the realm of Pisces, we are called to do this through the power of connection, empathy, and the ability to conceive the infinite, both within and beyond ourselves. This is a time to dissolve boundaries, to trust in what cannot yet be seen, and to allow intuition to guide the way. Pisces teaches us that true beginnings are not always tangible; sometimes, they are felt, dreamed, and envisioned before they take form.

Want to dive deeper into Pisces’ energies? Tune in to our special podcast episode, available on February 14, where we explore its spiritual influence and what it means for you.

The New Moon in Pisces's ocean of emotions.

New Moon in Pisces: The Horoscope

As February comes to a close, the Moon aligns with the Sun in Pisces, deepening the dreamy, intuitive energy of the season. This New Moon brings a wave of emotional and spiritual renewal, influencing each zodiac sign in a unique way. Let’s explore how the sky’s energy will shape your New Moon experience.

Aries (21 March – 20 April)

Aries, the Pisces New Moon is your time to bring the fire burning within you into the realm of visions, where creation happens without force, without struggle, without the need to shout. Silently, slowly, you explore feelings and sensations that have yet to be named, preparing yourself to give them shape.

This is a moment to trust the unseen, to allow yourself to step into the fluidity of imagination without the urgency of immediate action. Pisces invites you to surrender to the process, to let inspiration flow without needing to control its outcome. What you dream now will soon find its way into reality, but first, it must be felt, lived, and fully understood.

Taurus (22 April – 30 May)

Taurus, the Pisces New Moon pushes you to explore the infinite possibilities that lie within connection and the collective. Old friends and new ones, people you haven’t seen in ages, past loves, and complete strangers, all of them hold the potential to become something meaningful when truly seen, heard, and understood. Open your eyes, and you will realize you were never alone.

This is a time to soften the boundaries between yourself and others, to embrace the beauty of shared experiences, and to recognize that growth happens not just within, but through the people who cross your path. The energy of Pisces invites you to trust in the connections that find you, knowing that each interaction carries a lesson, a purpose, and the possibility of shaping your future in unexpected ways.

Gemini (21 May – 21 June)

Gemini, the Pisces New Moon is your time to unleash creativity and imagination in your work, projects, and everything you bring into the world beyond your private space. This is the moment to release judgment and embrace the freedom that comes from fully committing to your dreams.

Let go of rigid expectations and allow inspiration to guide you. Pisces teaches you that success is not only about logic and strategy but also about vision, intuition, and the courage to follow what feels right. The more you trust your inner world, the more magic you will create in the one around you.

Cancer (22 June – 23 July)

Cancer, the Pisces New Moon is your time to reconnect with the part of you that longs to feel free, free to leave when you need to, free to stay when you choose to. It’s a moment to release anything that makes you feel trapped and start exploring the world beyond yourself.

Pisces invites you to trust the flow of life, to let go of the weight of expectations, and to follow where your heart naturally leads. True freedom isn’t about escaping, it’s about knowing you have the choice to move, to change, and to grow without fear. Step outside your comfort zone and see what waits for you beyond the familiar.

Leo (23 July – 23 August)

Leo, the Pisces New Moon catapults you into a boundless realm, without walls, limits, or definitions. You feel ready to shed your skin, like a serpent, revealing a version of yourself that no one has ever seen before. This is a time of deep transformation, where identity becomes fluid, and reinvention feels natural.

More than ever, you are free to be whoever you want, whenever you want. But beyond this freedom lies a deeper calling, the urge to pursue new paths, to conquer what your soul truly longs to possess. Let go of past versions of yourself and step boldly toward the life that awaits you.

Virgo (24 August – 22 September)

Virgo, the Pisces New Moon illuminates the part of you that you fear the most, the one that loves without reservation, that dares to expose its vulnerability because connection matters more than control. It invites you to let go of the need to protect yourself through analysis, to stop measuring every emotion, and instead, surrender to the flow of what is.

This is the moment to let it happen, to allow the heart to choose without overanalyzing, without seeking logic in emotions. Trust that some things don’t need to make sense, they simply need to be felt, lived, and embraced fully. Love, in its purest form, is not about certainty; it is about the courage to risk, to open, and to trust in what cannot be defined.

Libra (23 September – 23 October)

Libra, the Pisces New Moon guides you toward nurturing and compassion for yourself, for your body, your spirit, and the quiet needs that often go unheard. This is a time to care for what you feel and what you wish to feel, reshaping your daily life in a way that truly supports the well-being you seek to cultivate.

It’s not just about rest; it’s about alignment, about making space for routines that nourish you rather than deplete you. Pisces reminds you that healing isn’t always about doing more, it’s often about allowing, softening, and surrendering to what truly feels right. Give yourself the grace to slow down, to listen, and to rebuild your world around what deeply sustains you.

Scorpio (23 October – 23 November)

Scorpio, the Pisces New Moon fills you with courage and the desire to reveal yourself, to show your kindness, to remove the mask, and to transform your vulnerability into creative expression. This is a time to let your emotions flow freely, to share your inner world without fear, and to embrace the beauty of being seen for who you truly are.

Let go of control, step into the unknown, and allow yourself to experience life without needing certainty. Dance, laugh, create, and surrender to the moment. Not everything needs a purpose, some things exist simply to be lived, felt, and remembered.

Sagittarius (23 November – 21 December)

Sagittarius, the Pisces New Moon is your time to reconnect with your past through love, understanding, and care, bringing back to light what once made you feel good and drawing inspiration from the moments when you felt truly present with yourself. The past has often been a place of reflection for you, but now it can become a space for action.

This is not about nostalgia, it’s about recognizing the wisdom in your experiences and using it to shape your next steps. What once ignited your passion, what once made you feel alive, is not lost; it is waiting to be reclaimed, reimagined, and woven into the path ahead.

Capricorn (22 December – 20 January)

Capricorn, the Pisces New Moon urges you to let your emotions and feelings flow freely, connecting with others in a way that is authentic and unguarded, without strategies, defenses, or masks. Your voice becomes more than just expression, it becomes a bridge, a way to build deeper connections, understand yourself more clearly, and recognize how you truly want to be loved.

This is a time to trust your emotions as a guide, to speak not from obligation but from truth. Vulnerability is not weakness; it is the path to genuine relationships and self-discovery. Let what you feel inside lead you toward the connections that truly nourish your soul.

Aquarius (21 January – 19 February)

Aquarius, the Pisces New Moon invites you to reassess the value you place on your emotions, your desires, and what you expect from others. It asks you to slow down, to take up space for yourself without guilt, to honor your own needs as much as you honor the needs of those around you.

This is a time to pause, to rest, and to recalibrate the rhythm of your life. In stillness, you will find clarity. In solitude, you will rediscover a sense of belonging, not through action, but through allowing yourself to simply be, without expectations, without pressure, just present in the moment.

Pisces (20 February – 20 March)

Pisces, this is your Moon, and you begin again, with yourself, with what you no longer wish to carry, with what you are ready to leave behind. Now is the time to honor your desire for happiness, connection, and understanding, to embrace the freedom that comes with releasing what no longer serves you.

Let go of the weights that have kept your boat from sailing forward, and move ahead without looking back. This is your moment to trust the flow of life, to allow yourself to drift toward new horizons where you can fully be, love, and dream without limits.

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