Born Under Saturn's Journey

Born Under Saturn is a realm where you can immerse yourself in the evocative power of tarot, astrology and symbols.

It’s not just a blog – it’s a space where you can also discover and acquire unique products and services crafted by us. We don’t believe in things being set in stone, so this space will constantly evolve, with surprises waiting around every corner! Get ready to embark on a journey of endless discovery with us.

Before this website, Born Under Saturn first found its home on Instagram. The vibrant and supportive community there played an instrumental role in bringing this space to life. It’s the encouragement and warmth from our followers that propelled us forward, inspiring the creation of this platform. Here, we’re thrilled to share some of the glowing reviews that inspired our journey.

About Me

Welcome to my world, where art, tarot, and astrology merge

“It’s Deborah here, the creator of Born Under Saturn. Allow me to share a glimpse of my story as I welcome you to my world, where art and the power of symbols merge to create a captivating journey through the mind and soul.”

The Beginning of a Passion: Art and Symbols

“Since I was a child, I have nurtured an innate passion for imagery, immersing myself in the study of colors, shapes, and images. One of the moments I vividly remember occurred during an exhibition in Venice when I stood in front of a Picasso’s painting titled “La Baignade.”

Although I couldn’t fully grasp its historical and artistic value at the time, something extraordinary happened as soon as my eyes fell upon the two bathing figures and the lurking presence in the background.

Unbeknownst to me, I began to experience powerful emotions. The bathers seemed oblivious to the secret observer, and as a spectator, I found myself entangled in a dance of contrasting feelings. A mixture of curiosity and anxiety gripped me, as if I were witnessing a potentially perilous situation. Yet, I was aware that all I faced were colors on a canvas and a frame.

That moment marked a turning point in my understanding and exploration of the power of symbols. I realized that an image could evoke clear and potent emotions within me, almost like a defense mechanism. It was then that I became aware of the immense potential of symbols in art and our daily lives.

After that moment, my life became completely devoted to the world of visual art. I studied art, painted, got a degree, and now I work with images every day.”


With Born Under Saturn, you can explore the evocative power of tarot, astrology, and art.

The Evolution through Tarot and Astrology

“The power of images and their psychological potential has been the primary reason why I embarked on the study of tarot many years ago. I didn’t see tarot merely as a divination tool, but rather as a visual gateway to accessing the knowledge of our deepest selves.

I wish for all of you to witness and discover the immense potential of these ancient images, which have been passed down through history with their timeless symbols.

The same motivation later drove me to study astrology. I’ve attended the amazing school led by Pesatori, the author of the super famous horoscopes on Vogue Italia. This journey left me awestruck as I marveled at how astrological symbols intricately represent archetypes and cosmic energies. The language of astrology is universal, surpassing linguistic and cultural barriers, and it evokes emotions, awakens memories, and facilitates the processing of traumas, bringing to light hidden aspects of our psyche. On the other hand, all of this is made possible through the dialogue with symbols, which become a mirror of our soul, showing us facets of ourselves that we may not be fully acquainted with.”


Why the name Born Under Saturn

“Saturn has always been a steadfast companion in my life. But who is Saturn? When we talk about being born under Saturn, it is often associated with something negative or unfortunate, like having Saturn against us.

However, there is nothing inherently negative or positive in the realm of symbols; rather, there are beliefs that are often misinterpreted. Saturn, other than being a planet,  is a mythological, astrological and artistic symbol, perhaps one of the sternest. It is linked to misfortune, difficulties, and, in some cases, even death.

However, Saturn was also the god of time (Cronus), and science has taught us that time is relative, and it is up to us to decide how to use it.

Its influence encourages us to confront our limitations, embrace patience, and develop endurance. While this may seem daunting, it also offers an opportunity for growth and inner transformation.”
