Your April 2025 Horoscope (& Painting) by Born Under Saturn


Step into April with our Saturnine horoscope. First, we’ll explore a brief introduction to the celestial dance of this period. Then, we’ll reveal what April 2025 holds for each zodiac sign, along with the artwork that embodies your sign for the month ahead! 

April begins in the season of fiery, pioneering, and martial Aries, the first sign of the zodiac, the one who knows no endings, only beginnings. It’s a pure energy, proud and entirely focused on action. It is the energy of spring arriving, reshaping everything, ready to prepare the soil for new life to emerge. 

On April 19, the Sun moves from proud Aries into grounded, gentle, and serene Taurus, ushering in the season of Venus, when flowers bloom with warm colors and intoxicating scents that bring beauty into the world. The energy shifts from immediate action to a broader, more farsighted vision, one that seeks the steady, meaningful pursuit of both mental and practical security.

The new month also opens with a major astrological event: Neptune has just made its first, temporary entrance into Aries, offering a preview of its eventual long-term transit. In this fiery sign, Neptune doesn’t dissolve gently, it explodes. Its energy becomes intense, fast-moving, bold, and unapologetically irreverent, igniting visions that are daring, urgent, and impossible to ignore.

On April 12, the Full Moon rises in the sign of Libra, activating the 1st–7th house axis, the axis that reflects on the delicate balance between Self and Other, between the space we devote to the needs of the ego and the space we offer to the soul and the collective.

Representation of Spring.
Jean Couvay (French, Arles ca. 1605–1663 Paris). Spring, 17th century.

A few days later, on April 16 Mercury makes its move and enters Aries, energizing our minds and making us all a bit bolder and braver, not only in our actions but also in our words. Here, the advice is simple: count to ten before you speak, or you might find yourself regretting what you said just moments later.

Another fire sign will be activated during this vibrant spring month: Leo, which on April 18 welcomes Mars that will leave Cancer, into its sign. Here, the planet of action takes on a dramatic and spectacular tone, its assertive energy becomes bold, radiant, and entirely focused on ego-driven expression.

Finally, on April 27, the Moon will join the Sun and rise in the sign of Taurus, urging all of us to plant the seed of beauty and nourishment. It gently pushes us to reconnect with the path of self-love and to honor our own needs with tenderness and care.

On the last day of the month, Venus moves into Aries. Here, passionate energies grow fiery and uncontainable, Venus in Aries doesn’t hold back. It pulls us all toward a more vivid, intense experience of beauty, whether it’s the beauty we already hold or the one we long to create in our lives.

April Horoscope & Your Monthly Painting

With the key transits and aspects revealed, we have a clear view of the cosmic landscape for April. Now, there’s just one thing left: discover your horoscope and the painting that resonates with your sign this month. Check out also your rising.

Aries (21 March – 20 April)

Spring is just like you: irrepressible, radiant, lively, but also restless. And this spring truly belongs to you, with the Sun, Neptune, and even Mercury all in your sign, it’s impossible for you to keep still. Mind and body move restlessly in every possible direction while you try, in vain, to find a clear path. Your inner garden blooms with vibrant, vivid colors that simply can’t be ignored, prompting you to express every shade of your creativity. Around mid-month, Mars’s heavy square shifts into a fiery and inspiring trine, and suddenly you’ll know exactly what to do with all these colors. “The Flower Carrier” by Diego Rivera is your painting of the month, reminding you that everything you become tomorrow depends on who you choose to be today.

Neptune, entering your sign for the first time in many years, gently blurs boundaries and stirs your imagination, giving rise to dreams that feel both powerful and unsettling. On one hand, it’s a moment of extraordinary inspiration, your intuition is heightened, your imagination boundless. On the other, you may feel occasionally overwhelmed by uncertainty or confusion. But Aries, remember: your sign thrives when courage meets uncertainty. This April, let your impulses guide you fearlessly, without doubting your path. Embrace your spontaneity, dive into your passions, and watch as your vision takes shape, clearer and brighter than ever before.

Taurus (22 April – 30 May)

Taurus, April symbolizes the beginning of the end of your solar cycle, yet it also marks a fresh start. Like everything coming to an end, there’s a bittersweet taste, both melancholic and hopeful, something promising, yet still without clear form. The supportive sextiles from Mars, Venus, Mercury, and Saturn encourage you to give voice to your thoughts, shape to your ideas, and life to your projects. As the Sun moves into your sign at the end of the month, it brings the springtime bloom that opens flowers, the beauty everyone sees, and which they’ll notice in the magic you’re creating. All you have to do is learn to see it too. “The Sleeping Gypsy” is your painting of the month, inspiring you to trust your inner magic and let it guide you forward.

Venus and Mercury, aligned in a harmonious sextile, enhance your creative expression, giving you elegance and clarity in communicating your visions. Words flow smoothly, aesthetics align effortlessly, and your artistic side finds fertile ground. Yet it’s Saturn’s steady presence, also in supportive sextile, that helps you anchor these inspirations into concrete reality. Saturn reminds you that creativity thrives most beautifully when supported by structure and discipline. This is your chance to blend dreams with practicality, weaving a lasting tapestry from your ideas. April is the bridge between imagination and manifestation, cross it confidently, Taurus, knowing that your unique magic is ready to blossom.

Gemini (21 May – 21 June)

Gemini, Neptune in sextile fills the silence of your mind with sounds, noises, melodies, and voices. They are entirely new rhythms, which you’ll try to channel and transform into light, also helped by the sextile of the Sun and Mars, the latter joining shortly after mid-month. All the empty spaces of your soul now overflow with fresh desires, novel ideas, and inevitably, chaos. It’s a chaos so intense that even Jupiter in your sign struggles to handle, a swirl of fears, doubts, and insecurities that Saturn’s challenging square asks you to organize and understand. Love, rather than simplifying, complicates matters further: April urges you to name those misunderstood feelings, resolve the lingering ones, and heal those that remain wounded. At month’s end, Mars arrives in sextile, and the chaos that once felt like a heavy burden becomes the magic carpet carrying you to precisely the right place at the right time. Your painting of the month is Boccioni’s “Gli Addii,” reminding you that order is simply chaos viewed from a different perspective.

Neptune’s sextile encourages you to trust your intuition, opening the gates of imagination and gently dissolving boundaries that previously limited your creativity. Meanwhile, the Sun’s supportive influence illuminates your inner world, strengthening your confidence in exploring and expressing new facets of your personality. However, Mercury and Venus, both squaring your sign, blur communication and emotional clarity, causing confusion and occasional misunderstandings. You may struggle to distinguish genuine desires from fleeting whims, and conversations might feel complicated by hidden meanings or uncertainties. Embrace this temporary haze, Gemini, recognizing it as part of a deeper process. Confusion often precedes insight, April invites you to patiently navigate this emotional fog, knowing clarity will soon follow, brighter and sharper than ever before.

Cancer (22 June – 23 July)

Cancer, Mars leaves you mid-month, giving you just enough time to focus a bit longer on action and your inner strength. Meanwhile, Venus in trine reminds you that love never surrenders, not even when you flee from it, afraid of revealing your vulnerability. You run, yet love pursues—and eventually finds you, unarmed and with no choice but to follow the current. Saturn, also in trine, gently reminds you that true love has no end; it only transforms, shaping you into a better version of yourself. Botticelli’s “Venus and Mars” is your painting of the month, reminding you that love, combined with time, holds the power to manifest dreams into reality.

As Mars departs from your sign, you feel somewhat drained, but deeply satisfied with all you’ve accomplished, each challenge faced has made you stronger, more determined, and proud of yourself. Now, with Venus gently guiding your heart, it’s unmistakably a season of love. Yet, part of you hesitates, anxious about opening doors that you’ve long kept closed, wary of the vulnerability that true intimacy demands. Trust this delicate dance, Cancer; embrace your fears as much as your desires. Allow Venus’s sweet presence to reassure you that the risks you take for love are precisely those that transform life into something beautiful.

Leo (23 July – 23 August)

Mars enters your sign mid-month, making you feel strong, reinvigorated, and ready to conquer your greatest ambitions. You move forward despite Pluto’s slow opposition reminding you constantly that nothing will arrive unless you actively seek it out. The Sun, Venus, and now Neptune, all in harmonious trine, inspire you, guiding you beyond what is familiar and urging you towards new discoveries. You feel like an explorer dreaming of uncharted lands, and in fact, that’s precisely what awaits you in this boundless April. Something fresh, unexpected, and full of potential will appear at your doorstep, now wide open. “The Tree of Life” by Klimt is your painting of the month, inspiring you to shift your gaze from your roots to the newly emerging leaves.

Neptune, having just moved into Aries, begins a profound and transformative trine, ushering in a period of unparalleled creativity, vision, and spiritual renewal. This influence touches your life delicately yet profoundly, igniting dreams you never thought possible and encouraging you to trust your intuition more deeply than ever. Neptune’s gift is subtle yet enduring, inviting you to reimagine yourself and your place in the world. Your perspectives broaden, your heart opens, and life itself seems filled with deeper meanings. Leo, allow this trine to guide you forward, towards a reality crafted from your boldest dreams.

Virgo (24 August – 22 September)

Not only Saturn, but now Mercury and Venus also stand opposed to your sky, which, at times clear, at others cloudy, leaves you feeling confused. You ask the universe for clarity, and yet it sends you even more disruption. Perhaps, after all, that’s precisely what you need most right now: a commotion that transforms your inner silence into something to be addressed. And deep down, you do enjoy solving problems, uncovering answers, and setting new directions. By the end of the month, the Sun’s harmonious trine supports your quest for form, but it also gently reminds you that solutions emerge when thought breaks free from structure. Mondrian’s “Broadway Boogie-Woogie” is your painting of the month, reminding you that even emotions have their own intricate structure.

Venus and Mercury, positioned in opposition, might create tension in your relationships and communication this April, Virgo. Words don’t flow as smoothly as usual, misunderstandings may arise, and emotional exchanges could become complicated. Your precise, analytical nature feels tested as you navigate the unexpected turbulence of the heart and mind. Yet Mars, supportive in a harmonious sextile, lends you courage, resilience, and the determination to transform this friction into motivation. Challenges become opportunities, confusion evolves into clarity, and by confronting these issues directly, you discover strength you didn’t know you possessed. Remember, sometimes it takes losing balance to truly understand what grounds you. Embrace the disruption, Virg, it leads to growth.

Libra (23 September – 23 October)

Libra, Neptune begins what will become a long opposition, gently pushing you to transform, grow, and explore parts of yourself you didn’t even know existed. You may not yet feel ready to embark on this journey, Mars remains square until mid-month, leaving you yearning for a moment’s rest from your thoughts. Your gaze wanders elsewhere, drawn to fleeting distractions, beautiful precisely because they’re temporary. That’s how April unfolds for you: it gives you room to experience new things, even without knowing where they might lead. It grants you permission to make mistakes, because yes, even mistakes are valuable. They remind you that life isn’t merely a duty but an experience you truly deserve. Gauguin’s “Arearea” is your painting of the month, inspiring you to embrace and fully savor the experience of the present moment.

Neptune’s initial entry into Aries marks the start of a significant opposition that awakens inner tensions, prompting profound reflections on who you truly are and who you wish to become. Alongside Neptune, the Sun also moves into opposition, casting light on hidden emotions, unresolved doubts, and forgotten dreams. You may feel temporarily disoriented, as if standing at the threshold of a mysterious path, one you’re hesitant yet eager to explore. Luckily, Jupiter, comfortably positioned in a harmonious trine, infuses optimism into your journey, guiding you towards the happiness and fulfillment you’ve been seeking. Allow Jupiter’s generous energy to gently reassure you that true joy often lies beyond what you already know.

Scorpio (23 October – 23 November)

Scorpio, April will have no shades of grey, only black or white. Some planets align in an exhilarating trine, while others form an aggressive opposition. Only Pluto, in its slow-moving square, introduces a subtle grey tone that occasionally softens your vivid colors. This is your moment to remove unjust compromises from your life, and to say “no” more decisively when necessary. The skies now encourage you to confidently choose your own path without looking back, even if it means leaving behind something important to make room for what lies ahead. Venus in trine supports you in making difficult decisions, bringing back into your life the kind of love that, as Shakespeare once wrote, looks not with the eyes, but with the soul. Gauguin’s “Self-Portrait, 1888” is your painting of the month, reminding you that it is your own colors that illuminate your path.

With the Sun now firmly positioned in opposition, clarity comes through confrontation. The mirror is held up, revealing truths you’ve avoided, prompting you to discard illusions and embrace authenticity. This opposition is not merely a challenge; it’s an invitation, a necessary push to clean out the blurred shades, and boldly redirect your course. Allow yourself to release old patterns and outdated loyalties, understanding that your power lies precisely in your ability to transform. April grants you permission, Scorpio, to be uncompromisingly yourself, even if this means reinventing your story entirely.

Sagittarius (23 November – 21 December)

It will be Neptune, offering a first glimpse of a long trine, that gently urges you toward a deeper search for meaning, the kind of meaning that exists even without form, that we seek even without coordinates, driven by the desire to truly know ourselves. Perhaps it’s also because, lately, you’ve gained clarity in your heart, and even if you don’t yet know exactly what you want, you are certain of what you no longer need. It may be the ongoing opposition of Jupiter, nudging you to look less outward and more within. April draws you even deeper into yourself, where the answers lie, those luminous truths that bring you closer to who you really are. Open your eyes: you are not alone. Someone special is waiting beside you, right at the entrance to this new path. “Spirit Drawings” by Georgiana Houghton is your painting of the month, reminding you that reality is not only what the eyes can see.

Sagittarius, Neptune’s entrance into Aries opens a long-lasting trine that feels like a spiritual invitation. It’s a soft but persistent calling to come back home, to your soul, to your essence, to that quiet space within that often gets drowned out by noise, movement, or endless searching. For someone like you, who is always in motion, this shift doesn’t mean stopping, but rather shifting the direction inward. The opposition of Jupiter, your ruling planet, can feel unsettling, like looking into a mirror that no longer reflects who you thought you were. But it’s not loss, it’s redirection. This April, you’re not meant to conquer new lands, but to rediscover your own sacred territory: your beliefs, your truth, your emotional roots. You’re not lost, Sag, you’re being called back to what matters.

Capricorn (22 December – 20 January)

Capricorn, finally, by mid-month, Mars moves out of opposition, and with it goes that lingering sense of powerlessness that had you questioning your plans. Venus remains in a gentle sextile, guiding your gaze back toward love, toward the small and meaningful things that bring you home, to that place where you feel protected, understood, and free to be exactly who you are. It is home, indeed, where April leads you, asking you to rest, to restore yourself, and to nurture a sense of belonging that makes you feel safe and ready to begin again. But where is home, truly? For you, home is the place where time stands still, just long enough to allow you to reconnect with yourself. Saturn, your ruling planet, in a supportive sextile, helps you reclaim your own rhythm, your personal sense of time and purpose. “Maisons à l’Estaque” by Georges Braque is your painting of the month, reminding you that home is not where you once were, but who you are now, and who you are becoming.

It is home, indeed, where April leads you, asking you to rest, to restore yourself, and to nurture a sense of belonging that makes you feel safe and ready to begin again. But where is home, truly? For you, home is the place where time stands still, just long enough to allow you to reconnect with yourself. Saturn, your ruling planet, in a supportive sextile, helps you reclaim your own rhythm, your personal sense of time and purpose. The Sun, however, moves into a tense square, gently reminding you that it’s not enough to be efficient or disciplined, you also need to be present. This square can stir inner tension, especially when your attention is too scattered or pulled by expectations that aren’t really yours. That’s why this moment calls for inner alignment: a return to your center. Not through perfection, but through presence. Don’t be afraid to slow down, to feel more than you analyze, to soften just enough to let the truth surface.

Aquarius (21 January – 19 February)

Aquarius, beyond Pluto’s continued presence in your sign—gently yet powerfully urging you toward personal revolution—April brings a new ally: Neptune, now forming a supportive sextile. This marks the beginning of a deeper, more soulful chapter in your evolution, one that asks not just what you’re seeking, but why. It’s a time to reflect, to be honest with yourself, and even to step back if something no longer feels aligned with who you are becoming. The Sun, also in sextile, fills you with energy and awakens the part of you that wants to engage fully, to be at the center of experience, to feel life with your hands and your presence. Yet as the month draws to a close, that same Sun shifts into a square, asking for greater foresight, a wider, wiser view of the road ahead. It may challenge you, especially if you’re not yet ready to see the full picture. “Highway and Byways” by Paul Klee is your painting of the month, reminding you that there is never just one road to the destination. Every path, even the unexpected ones, carries you closer to yourself.

April is a month of movement for you, Aquarius, not always external, but definitely internal. You’re asked to reimagine what freedom really means, to recognize that liberation doesn’t always come from breaking away, but sometimes from fully committing to a vision. With Mercury and Venus supporting you early in the month, your mind and heart are open, curious, and expressive, ready to connect, to speak, to share. But as the pace changes near the end of April, you might need to slow down just enough to ask yourself if the direction you’re taking still reflects your truth.

Pisces (20 February – 20 March)

Pisces, can you feel that strange lightness, like a gentle current carrying you effortlessly far away? Do you sense that unexpected, yet welcome, feeling of relief, as if, at last, not everything rests on your shoulders? That’s Neptune, your ruling planet, which after so many years has finally left your sign, taking with it the heavy sense of responsibility you’ve been quietly carrying. Now, you can fully enjoy the kisses and embraces that Venus, soon in your sign, is ready to send your way. You can savor life without demanding the impossible from yourself. You can simply, and with grace, let yourself flow. Even the supportive trine of Mars fades mid-month, and though it has offered you much, it now leaves you with a well-earned sense of wholeness. “The Swing” by Jean-Honoré Fragonard is your painting of the month, gently reminding you to let life cradle you, lightly, playfully, and with a heart wide open.

But April isn’t only about surrendering, it’s also about realignment. Neptune’s departure is temporary, and in its absence, space opens up for clarity. Venus, Mercury, and Saturn still reside in your sign, gently asking for your presence, your participation, your care. Yet now, everything feels lighter. The pressure has softened. Saturn still calls for maturity, but not at the cost of your softness. Mercury helps you express what once felt impossible to articulate. Venus, as always, reminds you that love begins with how gently you treat yourself. This April invites you to show up with tenderness, for your dreams, your work, your connections. You don’t have to carry it all. Just stay present. Let the flow carry you, and trust that where it’s taking you is exactly where you’re meant to be.

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