light-blue water to represent libra

TarotLibra’s link to the Justice tarot card (and the Sword suit)

This correlation is one of the clearest connections between signs and tarot cards. Libra is closely associated with the Justice card. Can you guess the primary reason? If you're familiar with the Justice tarot card, you'll recognize it as a powerful symbol of balance – a concept deeply linked to the Libra sign as well.
Venus in Virgo represented by a pink sky.

AstrologyHow Venus in Virgo impacts every zodiac sign

Venus will move from Leo to Virgo on August 5, 2024, shifting energies from colorful and intense to more structured and organized. Here, Venus builds love day by day, detail by detail. It positions herself constructively where practicality and small meaningful gestures form the lasting foundation for long-term projects.
Your Saturnine August Horoscope

AstrologyYour Saturnine August 2024 Horoscope (+ Painting)

Step into August with your Saturnine horoscope. First, we’ll encounter a preliminary introduction to the celestial symphony of this period. After that, we will uncover what August 2024 has in store for each zodiac sign. And you’ll discover which painting represents your sign for the month to come!
Air representing Aquarius

TarotThe Star card & the Sword suit: connections to the Aquarius Sign

The Star is the 17th card in the Major Arcana of most tarot decks, including the Rider-Waite deck. This card precedes the 18th card, The Moon, which represents Pisces. It's fascinating to observe the connection between zodiac signs and tarot cards: two successive cards, The Star and The Moon, represent two consecutive signs, Aquarius and Pisces.
Saturn in Aquarius represented by a night sky.

AstrologyHaving Saturn in Aquarius in the Birth Chart

If you've landed on this article, you're likely in one of the following situations: 1. You know that your Saturn is in Aquarius, or you know someone whose Saturn is in this sign. 2. You're studying astrology and want to learn more about Saturn in the signs. By the way, we have posts on Saturn in Aries, Saturn in Pisces, and Saturn in Sagittarius. And more are coming soon!
Rays of sunshine representing Leo season.

Astrology2024 Leo Season Begins: Horoscope and Art analogy

On July 23, 2024, the Sun moves from Cancer to Leo, entering the sign that it represents and finding itself in its ideal position. This is indeed the season of the Sun, where the most important luminary in the astrological symbolic system is at the peak of its expression and in its natural domicile.