Capricorn New Moon.

The Capricorn New Moon: a time to Reflect, Refocus, Rebuild

On December 30, 2024, the Moon will align with the Sun in Capricorn, marking the Capricorn New Moon. This is the final lunar phase of 2024 and serves as the perfect moment to reflect on what has been accomplished and what needs to be done for the upcoming cycle. The energies are structured, disciplined, and guided by the symbolism of Capricorn's ruling planet, Saturn.
Capricorn season represented by black and white mountains symbolizing its resiliency.

Capricorn Season’s energies & inspirational horoscope for every sign

On December 21st, with the Winter Solstice, the Sun enters the cold and resilient realm of Capricorn, leaving behind the fiery expansiveness of Sagittarius and ushering in the final season of 2024. This transition marks a profound energetic shift, as the boundless optimism and enthusiasm of Sagittarius give way to the grounded, determined, and disciplined energy of Capricorn.
Bright full moon shining in the sky above mountain peaks.

Navigating the Gemini Full Moon & Mercury’s Power – Dec 2024

On December 15th, the Moon opposes the Sun in Sagittarius and rises, full and radiant, in the sign of Gemini. This celestial event illuminates the axis of knowledge, communication, and curiosity, emphasizing the delicate balance between expanding our horizons and staying connected to the immediate and tangible.

Venus in Aquarius: Meaning and Horoscope (with questions by sign!)

On December 6, 2024, during the expansive season of Sagittarius, Venus transitions from the grounded and resilient Capricorn to the free-spirited and Uranian Aquarius. This shift in energy marks a transformation from focused, pragmatic, and structured approaches to those that are liberating, unconventional, and geared toward a broader vision of life and relationships. Read more about Venus in Capricorn here.
New moon in a light-blue sky.

New Moon in Sagittarius: embrace Adventure and Expansion

On December 1, 2024, the Moon and Sun will align, heralding the New Moon in Sagittarius. This lunar phase will embody the characteristics of Jupiter, the ruling planet of Sagittarius, making it a jovial, expansive, and spiritually attuned New Moon. The fire of the Sagittarius Moon is a more intellectualized flame compared to other fire signs.
Your Saturnine December 2024 Horoscope

Your Saturnine December 2024 Horoscope (+ Painting)

Step into December with the Saturnine horoscope. First, we’ll explore a brief introduction to the celestial dance of this period. Then, we’ll reveal what December 2024 holds for each zodiac sign, along with the artwork that embodies your sign for the month ahead!
Fantasy to represent the expansive Sagittarius.

Sagittarius Season: expansive meaning and inspirational horoscope

On November 22, 2024, the Sun moves from the dark and captivating Scorpio to the expansive and jovial Sagittarius. Energies shift from internal to external, and the focus of exploration transitions from the depths of the psyche to the uncharted potentials of the broader universe. As the Sun illuminates Sagittarius, a sign known for its thirst for knowledge and adventure, it encourages a shift in perspective.
Taurus Full Moon in the star sky.

Find calm and comfort with the Taurus Full Moon – November 2024

On November 15, 2024, during the final days of the Scorpio season, the Sun and Moon oppose each other, and the Full Moon rises in the serene sign of Taurus. Here, the energies are imbued with the influence of Venus, the ruler of Taurus. This celestial alignment encourages a shift towards calmness, stability, and the appreciation of beauty and comfort.

Understanding Chiron in Astrology: the path to healing and growth

The wound and the healing. The pain and the painkiller. The fracture and the mend. The battle and the triumph. This is the essence of Chiron in astrology. In this exploration, we'll journey through the significance of Chiron. We’ll delve into its astronomical identity and legend, its meaning in our birth charts, its influence across the zodiac signs—and much more. Come with us!