Astrology for beginners guide.

Astrology for beginners: a hands-on beginner’s Guide

Wondering how to embark on your journey into astrology? If you're intrigued but unsure about where to begin, fear not. Astrology is a captivating language, and even the most seasoned astrologers continue to explore its depths. However, starting with the basics is entirely feasible and here you’ll find all the astrology basics for beginners.
Black Moon Lilith in Sagittarius

Black Moon Lilith in Sagittarius: Meaning, Qualities & Celebrities

Here, we'll delve into the intricacies of Black Moon Lilith in Sagittarius. We'll uncover its multifaceted dimensions, exploring both its positive and negative aspects. Additionally, we'll examine the mark this cosmic alignment has had on the lives of some celebrities who share this placement.
Your saturnine April horoscope, April 2024

Your Saturnine April 2024 Horoscope

Step into April with your Saturnine horoscope. Firstly, we’ll encounter a preliminary introduction to the celestial symphony of this period. After that, we will uncover what April 2024 has in store for each zodiac sign.
Empty houses

The significance of Empty Houses in Astrology

This is the perfect place to dispel any doubts you may have about empty houses in astrology. And if you're unfamiliar with what they are, you're in the right spot to discover their significance and how they influence you and your birth chart.
Full Moon in Libra represented by balanced colours

Searching balance with the Full Moon in Libra + Horoscope

The Full Moon in Libra will rise on March 25th, opposing the proud and assertive Sun in Aries. There will also be a lunar eclipse, making this moon even more special and intense. The forces at play during this Full Moon concern the Aries-Libra axis, which revolves around the dynamics between Self and Other, between individuality and the collective, and between impulsiveness and reason.
Mars surface showing various colors including brown, gold, and tan.

March 2024’s Mars in Pisces and its effect on each zodiac sign

On March 23, 2024 during the Aries season, Mars will shift from the innovative Aquarius to the visionary Pisces. The energies shift from a desire for revolution and change to a more introspective mode of exploration and emotional expression. Actions move from being collective to becoming intimate and individual.
Aries constellation illustrated.

Exploring the Influence of the Aries Season 2024 on Each Zodiac Sign

On March 21st, the Aries Season starts while the Pisces season ends. The Sun makes its entrance into the fiery and pioneering sign of Aries, thus beginning anew the cycle through the zodiac from the first sign. With it, spring also bursts forth, its awakening charging us with energy and a desire to bloom.
Black Moon Lilith in Taurus represented by a woman connected with nature.

Black Moon Lilith in Taurus: Meaning, Qualities & Celebrities

Join us as we delve into the intriguing meaning of having Black Moon Lilith in Taurus, exploring its multifaceted dimensions – both the positives and negatives. But that's not all; we'll also examine how this cosmic alignment has influenced the personalities of various Celebrities.