Black Moon Lilith in Aries represented by a full moon in a dark sky.

Black Moon Lilith in Aries in the Birth Chart: Meaning, Qualities & Celebrities

Embark on a journey to uncover the hidden facets of your essence with the enigmatic Black Moon Lilith – delving into realms of sexuality, independence, and rebellion. The zodiac sign in which Lilith resides holds profound sway over its influence. Here we unravel the mysteries of Black Moon Lilith in Aries, unveiling both its positive and negative qualities. Discover how this placement has left its mark on renowned celebrities.
Pluto in Aquarius represented on a rock.

Pluto in Aquarius from 2024 to 2044: Exploring the Meaning and Horoscope

On January 21, 2024, Pluto will move into Aquarius after a further stay in Capricorn. This is a significant astrological event, as Pluto is one of the three so-called generational planets due to its slow orbit. Unlike transits of faster-moving planets like the Moon, which lasts a few hours, or Mercury, which lasts a few days, or even Jupiter, which lasts a few months, Pluto's transit in a sign is much longer. In this case, we are talking about a transit that will last for 20 years, from now until 2044.
Globe and maps symbolizing the connection of Astrocartography with personal astrology and geography.

Astrocartography reading: the answers to the most debated questions

Astrocartography has become a captivating and highly debated topic of discussion in recent times. The intrigue surrounding this subject has been so intense that our Born Under Saturn Instagram page has been flooded with numerous questions about it. Today, we're here to address each of these inquiries, guiding you through the intricacies of astrocartography. Whether you're curious about obtaining an Astrocartography chart, discovering the nuances of the love line, or delving into other fascinating aspects, we've got you covered.
January 2024 horoscope

Your Saturnine January 2024 Horoscope

Step into January with your Saturnine horoscope. Firstly, we’ll encounter a preliminary introduction to the celestial symphony of this period. After that, we will uncover what January 2024 has in store for each zodiac sign.
Moon in a pink sky to represent the Moon in the 12th house in a birth chart.

The Moon in the 12th house: meaning, effects & more

The Moon in the 12th house indicates a deep, often private, emotional landscape. This placement suggests an individual who may feel a strong connection to the subconscious, and or the unseen realms of life. There can be a tendency towards introspection and a need for solitude to process emotions. This position often signifies a compassionate and empathetic nature, but also a vulnerability to absorbing the emotions of others, necessitating the development of strong emotional boundaries.