Huge Moon to represent the Moon in the 11th house in the Birth Chart.

The Moon in the 11th house: meaning, effects & more

Individuals with the Moon in the 11th house have a profound emotional connection to friendships, community, and collective goals. This placement suggests a strong investment in forming and maintaining bonds within groups or communities. Their emotional well-being is often closely tied to their social circles and involvement in larger causes.

Wondering about Capricorn Season 2023? Discover what is about and your horoscope

From December 23, the Sun moves from the expansive and jovial Sagittarius to the Saturnian and goal-oriented Capricorn. With it, the energy shifts from fire to earth, from chaotic and explosive enthusiasm to a need for order and structure. If Sagittarius season has guided us in exploration and looking beyond our borders, Capricorn season invites us to gather our thoughts and projects and redefine a precise, concrete, and far-sighted plan.
Moon in the 10th house depicted by a shining full moon over the mountains.

The Moon in the 10th house: meaning, effects & more

Having the Moon in the 10th house of a birth chart symbolizes a deep emotional connection to one's career, public image, and reputation. This placement often indicates that an individual's emotional well-being is closely tied to their professional achievements and status. Such a person may find that their mood and self-image are influenced by how they are perceived in the public eye or within their professional circle.
Vibrant purple and golden wall adorned with a beautifully drawn zodiac sign.

9 astrology common mistakes many beginners make

Beginning with a playful glance at the daily horoscope, astrology's journey unfolds as a lighthearted adventure. Beyond the simplicity of Sun signs lies a profound discipline. Here, we explore common mistakes, often encountered by beginners, illuminating intricate layers that deepen our understanding of astrology.
Moon in the 9th house depicted by a massive full moon over the mountains.

The Moon in the 9th house: meaning, effects & more

Individuals with the Moon in the 9th house often find emotional fulfillment in traveling, whether physically to distant places or mentally through philosophical and spiritual exploration. They are likely to have a strong intuitive understanding of different cultures and beliefs, and there's a natural curiosity that drives them to constantly expand their horizons.
New moon in Sagittarius represented by a beautiful blue sky with a white moon.

How December 2023’s New Moon in Sagittarius will affect each zodiac sign

The New Moon will rise in Sagittarius on December 12, 2023, and, like all new moon phases, it will bring with it energies of rebirth. It's a moon colored and energized by the jovial characteristics of the third fire sign, which represents, above all, movement. It's a potent moon whose energies will be strongly felt because Sagittarius does not know suspension but instead promotes abundance.
Moon in the 8th house represented by a stunning image of a large moon in a forest valley.

The Moon in the 8th house: meaning, effects & more

The Moon in the 8th house of a birth chart symbolizes a deep and intense emotional landscape, often linked to themes of transformation and the subconscious. This placement suggests a natural inclination towards exploring the mysteries of life, including topics related to psychology, spirituality, and the occult.
Moon in the 7th house in the birth chart: meanings and effects.

The Moon in the 7th house: meaning, effects & more

Having the Moon in the 7th house of a natal chart speaks volumes about one's emotional landscape in relation to others. It symbolizes a deep need for partnership and the comfort found in close relationships. Individuals with this placement often find their emotional wellbeing tied to their connections with people, reflecting a mirroring of moods and feelings within their interactions.
Moon in the sixth house represented by a full moon in a stunning landscape.

The Moon in the 6th house: meaning, effects & more

Individuals with the Moon in the 6th house experience mood fluctuations influenced by their surroundings and daily tasks. Nurturing and protective, they find fulfillment in acts of service and caring for others. The 6th house Moon also indicates an intuitive connection to health matters, often showing a keen interest in nutrition, healing, or medicine.