Aries full moon

Explore the Influence of the Aries Full Moon on Your Zodiac Sign

On October 17, 2024, during the final days of Libra's harmonious season, the Sun and Moon are in opposition, and the full moon rises in the sign of fiery, pioneering, impulsive Aries. Here, the lunar energies ignite with the generative force of Mars, and the 1st-7th house axis is activated. This axis is not only pivotal in the astrological circle but also in our dualistic structure because it represents the axis of Self and Other.
Venus in Sagittarius symbolized by an expansive landscape

Venus in Sagittarius: Embrace Openness and Exploration in Love

On October 17th,during the Libra Season, Venus moves from the mysterious Scorpio to the expansive Sagittarius, and with it, the energies are getting ready to welcome abundance. Venus in Sagittarius begins a journey of openness that encourages us to seek expansion. It inspires us to open ourselves to the world and its energies, rediscovering the will to love unconditionally.
Saturn surface.

Saturn in Virgo’s Impact on Your Astrology Journey

Let’s kick things off with a fascinating journey through the evolution of Saturn—from its reputation as the planet of misfortune to its transformation into the 'Great Teacher.' Next, we’ll dive deeper into the unique influence of Saturn in Virgo. What does having Saturn in this meticulous sign mean for your birth chart? Together, we’ll explore its impact across each house, uncovering the lessons and insights it brings. So, keep reading!
Libra Solar Eclipse

Step into a New Era: October’s Libra Solar Eclipse and Its Opportunities

On October 2, 2024, the New Moon will rise in the sign of Libra, but this time it is a more significant event because it is an annular solar eclipse. This event will close the eclipse season in Libra, which will reoccur in 2033. It's about ending a cycle, and it will be done in the best possible way, as Libra teaches that everything ends to open up something else.
Your Saturnine October 2024 Horoscope

Your Saturnine October 2024 Horoscope (+ Painting)

Step into October with the Saturnine horoscope. First, we’ll encounter a preliminary introduction to the celestial symphony of this period. After that, we will uncover what October 2024 has in store for each zodiac sign. And you’ll discover which painting represents your sign for the month to come!
Libra Season in autumn with yellow leaves.

Libra Season 2024: Its Significance and Your Inspirational Horoscope

On September 22nd, the Sun will move from Virgo Season to Libra, marking the beginning of Libra’s harmonious and elegant season. The energy shifts towards the pursuit of balance, reminding us that just as day and night become equal on one day of the year, we too can work toward that inner harmony that serves as our foundational structure.
Dark wall with balanced shapes representing Saturn in Libra.

Saturn in Libra: insights for those who have this placement

“Oh, Saturn, Saturn, so rigid and profound, often misunderstood but undeniably crucial in our cosmic dance. We’ve dedicated an entire article to unravel your superpowers and significance – read Saturn in Astrology here. Yet, here, we turn our gaze to a special facet of your celestial journey: when you grace the sign of Libra. In this harmonious placement, Saturn’s true essence shines...