December 2023: Exploring the Influence of the Full Moon in Cancer on each zodiac sign


On December 26, 2023, the year’s final Full Moon will rise in the sensitive and gentle sign of Cancer, opposing the Sun in Capricorn. This is a beautiful Moon that resides in its ruling sign, with which it is perfectly in sync. This Full Moon in Cancer absorbs and releases sensitive and empathetic energies, deeply connected to the intangible world of emotions.

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Cancer’s energies

Cancer, the quintessential lunar sign, occupies the space in the “Imum Coeli” (IC) of the zodiacal circle. It represents the most intimate, private, and familial space in the zodiac and speaks of our inner world. This is in contrast to the external world, our less intimate space shared with the social sphere (Midheaven, or MC), represented by Capricorn, the opposite sign.

Cancer, therefore, primarily represents our inner world, composed of the unconscious, thoughts, emotions, and dreams. The ability to dream, including and especially daydreaming, is characteristic of Cancer, as is our perception of the invisible, our imagination of the intangible, and our hearing of silence. What we do through the energies of Cancer is for us, within us, with us. These are the thoughts we don’t voice, the feelings we don’t always share, and the intuitions we aren’t always able to explain.

This is also the moon’s energy, which is nocturnal, illuminating the nights just enough to allow us to dream but not too much to fully awaken us. It is the energy that connects us with our deepest ties, those of blood, ancestry, and affection. It is everything that is inside us, within our homes, within our hearts.

Cancer symbol written on red lips to symbolize the Cancer Full Moon in December 2023.
Cancer symbol

What will the Full Moon in Cancer bring?

The Full Moon is the lunar phase that calls us to gather the results of our journey, to evaluate missteps, and perhaps, to release what has not served us in order to close one door and prepare to open another. But it’s also the moment when the Moon (mother, feminine, inner side) opposes the Sun (father, masculine, external side), engaging in the same astrological axis as the Sun, thereby perfectly communicating the dualities of our being. It’s the right time to feel, to perceive, to see, and also to become aware of the reality that surrounds us and the one we have built.

During this time, there’s a heightened sense of emotional awareness and sensitivity. The Full Moon’s influence encourages introspection, urging us to delve deeper into our emotional state. This can be a powerful period for self-discovery and emotional healing. As the Moon illuminates the hidden parts of ourselves, we might uncover hidden truths or unresolved feelings that need attention.

When we feel too overwhelmed by emotion, let’s try to stop, focus on our breath, and anchor ourselves in the present moment. Rather than running from our emotions or thoughts, let’s recognize them for what they are and breathe into them. Let’s drop the anchor of our ship when the sea is stormy, and as the waves crash against our vessel, let’s concentrate on the only thing we can control: our feeling in the present moment.

But this Moon in Cancer will not only lead us to a deep level of feeling; it will also bring us to play the notes of creativity, poetry, and beauty. Cancer is the poet of the zodiac because it has the ability to portray reality through the eyes of art. During this lunar phase, there’s a heightened sense of creativity and an inclination towards artistic expression. Cancer’s energy encourages us to explore the beauty in our surroundings and express our emotions through creative mediums. This might manifest in various forms of art, like painting, writing, music, or any other form of artistic expression.

Horoscope: how the Full Moon in Cancer will impact on each zodiac sign

Unveiling the horoscope – explore the distinct impact that the Full Moon in Cancer phase is poised to exert on individual zodiac signs.

ARIES (March 21-April 19)

Aries, the Full Moon in Cancer illuminates your most intimate side, yearning to nurture familial ties. It urges you to approach your less impulsive and more reflective emotional side without judgment, thereby rediscovering and strengthening your sense of belonging.

For Aries, known for their fiery and assertive nature, this Full Moon brings an opportunity to slow down and connect with deeper emotional currents. It’s a time to focus on family, home, and personal relationships, areas that might sometimes take a backseat to Aries’ ambitious and adventurous pursuits. This lunar phase encourages Aries to explore their softer, more nurturing side. It’s an invitation to examine and understand emotions in a more profound way, moving beyond the typical impulsiveness of Aries. This introspective journey can lead to greater emotional intelligence and a deeper understanding of personal relationships.

The Full Moon in Cancer’s emphasis on family and emotional connections may inspire Aries to spend more time with loved ones, to engage in heartfelt conversations, and to express care and support more openly. It’s a chance to strengthen bonds and create a more harmonious home life.

This is also a time to reflect on their emotional needs and desires. Understanding and acknowledging these needs can lead to a more balanced and fulfilling life. By embracing the reflective and nurturing energies of this Full Moon, Aries can find a greater sense of belonging and emotional fulfillment, complementing their dynamic and active nature.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20)

Taurus, the Full Moon in Cancer warms your vocal cords and kindles the desire to express your empathetic and sensitive side. You can rediscover authenticity through words, and you’ll discover the power of words spoken with feeling. It’s the right time to create deep and authentic bonds and to make the people around you feel understood.

For Taurus, known for their love of stability and comfort, this Full Moon brings a focus on emotional communication. It’s an opportunity to open up and share your feelings more freely, using your innate empathy to connect with others on a deeper level. This lunar phase encourages Taurus to explore the expressive power of language. Whether it’s through heartfelt conversations, writing, or other forms of communication, Taurus is prompted to articulate their emotions and thoughts. This can lead to more meaningful and authentic relationships, as well as a better understanding of oneself.

The Full Moon in Cancer’s emphasis on empathy and sensitivity can help Taurus to be more attuned to the feelings of others. It’s a time to listen actively, offer support, and share experiences. By doing so, Taurus can strengthen their relationships and foster a sense of mutual understanding and respect.This period is perfect for Taurus to explore creative forms of expression. The nurturing energy of Cancer combined with Taurus’ natural appreciation for beauty can lead to artistic endeavors that are both emotionally profound and aesthetically pleasing.

"Autumn Grasses in Moonlight" by Shibata Zeshin

GEMINI (May 21-June 20)

Gemini, the Full Moon in Cancer guides you on a journey of restructuring your actions and the concept of possession. If you develop a more sensitive and essential approach to the material world, you’ll discover new ways to achieve your goals. Abandon autopilot and focus on the essence of what you do; by rediscovering the true meaning, you will find your objective.

For Gemini, this Full Moon emphasizes a deeper connection with the physical and material aspects of life. It’s a time to reassess how you interact with your possessions and the material world, encouraging a more mindful and intentional approach.This lunar phase invites Gemini to consider the emotional and sentimental value of objects, rather than just their practical utility or status symbol. It’s an opportunity to declutter not only physical spaces but also mental and emotional ones, focusing on what truly matters and holds genuine significance.

The Full Moon in Cancer’s influence also encourages Gemini to break free from routine and automatic habits, especially in how they deal with possessions and material goals. By being more present and mindful in your actions, you can gain a clearer understanding of your true desires and intentions. Furthermore, this period is ideal for Gemini to reconnect with the emotional aspects of their goals. Understanding the ‘why’ behind your ambitions can provide a clearer path to achieving them. It’s about finding balance between material desires and emotional fulfillment, ensuring that your pursuits align with your deeper values and needs.

CANCER (June 21-July 22)

Cancer, this Full Moon rising in your sign reconnects you with your feelings, your innate perceptive abilities, and your talent for finding poetry everywhere. It accompanies you on a journey to rediscover sensory feeling, opening your eyes and allowing you to see all those details you had forgotten. You will rediscover yourself, illuminated and aware of many things concerning you, ready to embark on a new path.For Cancer, this lunar event is particularly significant, as the Full Moon in your sign amplifies your natural tendencies and strengths. This is a period of heightened emotional sensitivity and intuition, offering a chance for profound self-discovery and personal growth.

This Full Moon encourages you to delve deep into your emotions, to explore the nuances of your feelings and how they shape your perception of the world. You may find yourself more attuned to the subtleties of your environment, appreciating the beauty and poetry in everyday life.

The energy of this lunar phase also brings clarity and illumination. It can shine a light on aspects of yourself that you may have overlooked or neglected, helping you to understand yourself better and to acknowledge your needs and desires. This newfound awareness can be a powerful catalyst for change, inspiring you to start new projects, nurture your relationships, or take steps towards personal goals.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22)

Leo, the Full Moon in Cancer urges you to explore the silence, the shadow, the hidden parts of your soul. It takes you on a journey of introspection where you can allow yourself to momentarily abandon the need to be always perfect and make peace with your inner demons. You will emerge from this journey with greater awareness, but also feeling empowered by your resilience and strength.

For Leo, who often thrives in the spotlight and is known for their confidence and charisma, this Full Moon offers a chance to embrace vulnerability and self-reflection. It’s a time to look inward, away from the external validation and applause, and to connect with the deeper, more private aspects of your being.

This lunar phase encourages you to acknowledge and confront the aspects of yourself that you might usually avoid or hide. It’s about recognizing imperfections, insecurities, and fears, and understanding that they are part of the human experience. By accepting and confronting these inner challenges, Leo can attain a deeper sense of self-acceptance and inner peace.

The Full Moon in Cancer also provides an opportunity for emotional growth and healing. It’s a time to be gentle with yourself, to understand that it’s okay not to be perfect, and to learn to be comfortable with your vulnerabilities. This process can lead to greater emotional maturity and resilience.Recognizing and embracing your inner complexities can empower you to face life’s challenges with greater confidence and resilience. It also enhances your ability to connect with others on a more genuine and empathetic level, as you become more attuned to your own and others’ emotional needs.The Full Moon in Cancer offers Leo a valuable opportunity for introspection and emotional growth. It’s a time to explore the less visible parts of your soul, to make peace with imperfections, and to emerge stronger and more resilient. This lunar phase can deepen your understanding of yourself and enrich your relationships with others.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Virgo, the Full Moon in Cancer illuminates that part of you that yearns to be understood, included, seen, and helpful. The energies of this Moon urge you to reach out to others, extend your hand, offer your help, and remind you that, if you wish, you can change the world – your world, the world of those you love, and even the broader collective.

For Virgo, known for their meticulousness, practicality, and service-oriented nature, this Full Moon represents an opportunity to deepen your connections with others and to use your innate skills for the greater good. It’s a time when your desire to help and be of service can find meaningful expression, both in personal relationships and in larger community settings.This lunar phase encourages you to be more open and empathetic in your interactions. It’s about recognizing the needs and emotions of others and responding with compassion and understanding. Your natural tendency to improve and fix things can be directed toward emotional support and nurturing, helping those around you feel seen and cared for.

The Full Moon in Cancer also highlights the importance of emotional inclusivity and understanding. It’s a reminder that your efforts can make a significant impact, not only in your immediate surroundings but also in the wider community. By offering your help and understanding, you can contribute to creating a more compassionate and supportive environment.This is a call to acknowledge your own need for emotional connection and support. Virgo often focuses on practicality and logic, but this Full Moon invites you to explore and express your emotional side, to seek out and value emotional connections, and to remember that caring for others also includes caring for yourself.

The Full Moon in Cancer offers Virgo a chance to harness their natural desire to help and to apply it in ways that foster deeper emotional connections and positive change. It’s a time for compassion, service, and understanding, both for others and for yourself. This lunar phase can help you to make a meaningful difference in your world and the lives of those around you.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct 22)

Libra, the Full Moon in Cancer asks you to trust your emotions, your instinct. It asks you to let go of the firm grip of logic and to allow yourself to explore a creative and sensitive approach in both your work and personal projects. Things don’t always go as planned; embrace the unexpected and let yourself be inspired by chaos.

For Libra, known for their love of balance, harmony, and rationality, this Full Moon brings a call to delve into the less structured, more intuitive aspects of life. It’s an opportunity to connect with your emotions and intuition more deeply, balancing your logical side with emotional and creative insights. This lunar phase encourages Libra to trust their gut feelings and to give space to their creative impulses. In your work and personal endeavors, consider incorporating a more spontaneous, less calculated approach. This might mean taking risks you usually wouldn’t, or allowing your projects to evolve organically, guided by your feelings and instincts.

The Full Moon in Cancer highlights the importance of embracing uncertainty and the beauty of the unpredictable. It’s a reminder that not everything in life can be planned and controlled, and that sometimes the most profound growth and creativity come from unexpected places and experiences.

This phase is perfect for Libra to explore new forms of artistic expression or to approach personal relationships in a more emotionally open and less structured way. The nurturing energy of Cancer can help you to connect more deeply with others and to express your feelings more freely.

These energies  offers Libra a chance to balance their logical side with emotional and intuitive insights. It’s a time to trust your instincts, embrace creativity, and be open to the unpredictability of life. This lunar phase encourages you to explore new ways of thinking and being, enriching both your personal and professional life with emotional depth and creative inspiration.

"The North Cape by Moonlight" realized by Peder Balke

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Scorpio, the Full Moon in Cancer illuminates and harmonizes that part of you that yearns to feel emotions with your entire being, even the intense ones. It pushes you to go beyond, to extend beyond your sensory boundaries and to travel with your imagination. From thoughts and dreams can arise concrete projects, and if you let yourself go to mental creativity, opportunities will present themselves that you hadn’t even dared to imagine.

For Scorpio, this Full Moon offers a powerful opportunity to delve even deeper into your emotional world. It’s a time to fully embrace and explore the range of your feelings, including those that are strong and challenging.This lunar phase encourages Scorpio to push the limits of their imagination and intuition. It’s about exploring the realms of the subconscious, where dreams and deep-seated emotions reside. This process can lead to profound personal insights and the birth of new, creative ideas.

The Full Moon in Cancer’s nurturing energy supports Scorpio in this emotional and imaginative journey. It provides a safe space to confront and embrace even the most intense emotions, turning them into a source of strength and inspiration.

Scorpio’s natural inclination towards transformation and regeneration can be channeled into creative or professional endeavors. By allowing yourself to be guided by your dreams and intuition, you may find unexpected opportunities and new paths opening up.

These energies offer Scorpio a chance to harmonize their emotional depth with their imaginative power. It’s a time for emotional exploration, creative thinking, and seizing new opportunities. This lunar phase can help Scorpio to harness their intense emotions and turn them into a source of strength, creativity, and growth.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Sagittarius, the Full Moon in Cancer gracefully guides you on the path of exploration and deep, vertical, revelatory, transformative knowledge. By delving into the intricacies of your unconscious and embracing difficult emotions, wounds that still bleed, and painful truths, you will learn to be gentle with yourself and to choose healing.

For Sagittarius, known for their love of adventure, freedom, and philosophical pursuits, this Full Moon presents an opportunity to embark on an internal journey. It’s a time for introspection and exploring the depths of your psyche, a different kind of adventure that Sagittarius might not usually prioritize.This lunar phase encourages Sagittarius to confront and process emotional wounds and difficult truths. While this can be challenging, it’s also a powerful opportunity for healing and growth. The nurturing energy of Cancer can provide the necessary support and compassion to navigate these emotional landscapes.

The Full Moon in Cancer also emphasizes the importance of self-compassion and gentleness. As you explore these deeper aspects of yourself, it’s crucial to practice self-care and understanding. Acknowledging and accepting your vulnerabilities can be a transformative experience, leading to greater emotional resilience and wisdom.Moreover, this period can deepen Sagittarius’ understanding of themselves and the world around them. By facing and integrating the more complex parts of your emotional world, you can gain profound insights and a more nuanced perspective on life.

These energies offers Sagittarius a unique opportunity for deep emotional exploration and healing. It’s a time to be introspective, to embrace difficult emotions and truths, and to learn the art of self-compassion. This lunar phase can lead to significant personal growth, enriching Sagittarius’ journey with deeper understanding and emotional intelligence.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Capricorn, the Full Moon in Cancer illuminates your shadow side, opposing the Sun in your sign and leading you to open your eyes and look into the eyes of the Other. Not just those you love, but also those around you, those who work with you, those who listen to you, those who seek you out. By opening your heart and allowing yourself to be vulnerable, you will discover a new kind of happiness.

This Full Moon offers a chance to explore the emotional and relational aspects of life more deeply. It’s an opportunity to balance your focus on career and achievements with attention to personal relationships and emotional connections.

This lunar phase encourages you to acknowledge and express emotions that you might usually keep under control. It’s about recognizing the value of emotional openness and vulnerability, both in personal relationships and in professional settings. This can lead to more authentic connections and a deeper understanding of those around you.The Full Moon in Cancer also invites you to consider the perspectives and feelings of others. It’s a time to cultivate empathy, to understand that everyone, including those you interact with daily, has their own emotional depths and complexities. By doing so, you can foster stronger, more meaningful relationships.

Moreover, this period is perfect for introspection and self-discovery. By allowing yourself to be vulnerable, you can uncover new aspects of yourself and find joy in emotional authenticity. This might be a new experience for Capricorn, but it can lead to a more balanced, fulfilling life.

The Full Moon in Cancer offers Capricorn a valuable opportunity to explore their emotional side and the realm of personal relationships. It’s a time to be open and vulnerable, to connect deeply with others, and to discover the happiness that comes from emotional authenticity and empathy. This lunar phase can enrich Capricorn’s life with new insights and more profound connections.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

Aquarius, the Full Moon in Cancer illuminates and warms the desire to take care of yourself. It’s the right time to allow yourself a break from saving others and to be your own savior. From soul to body, from your home to your workspace, if you focus on creating the right space, you will find peace within yourself.

For Aquarius, often involved in humanitarian efforts and known for their focus on community and innovation, this Full Moon brings a gentle reminder to nurture their own well-being. It’s a period for self-care and introspection, emphasizing the importance of looking inward and attending to personal needs.

This lunar phase encourages you to take a step back from your usual role of helping and supporting others, and instead, focus on your own emotional and physical health. It’s a time to recharge, reflect, and recalibrate, ensuring that you are not neglecting your own well-being in the process of caring for others.

The Full Moon in Cancer’s nurturing energy is perfect for creating a harmonious and peaceful environment in both your personal and professional spaces. It’s about making your surroundings supportive and comfortable, which can have a profound impact on your mental and emotional state.

This period is ideal for Aquarius to explore self-care practices that resonate with them. Whether it’s through meditation, creative hobbies, spending time in nature, or simply relaxing, it’s important to find activities that help you unwind and reconnect with yourself.

It’s a time to focus on personal well-being, to find peace and balance within, and to ensure that you are as kind to yourself as you are to others. This lunar phase can be a period of rejuvenation and self-discovery for Aquarius.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20)

Pisces, the Full Moon in Cancer leads you down the paths of personal expression and creativity. It’s the right time to gift the world with your creativity, your poetry, your ability to see beyond the veil of reality.

For Pisces, known for their deep intuition, artistic talent, and emotional depth, this Full Moon presents a unique opportunity to channel their imaginative and creative energies. It’s a period when your natural inclination towards artistic expression and seeing the world through a poetic lens is amplified.

This lunar phase encourages you to showcase your creative talents. Whether it’s through art, music, writing, or any other form of creative expression, it’s a time to share your inner world with others. The nurturing energy of Cancer supports you in this endeavor, providing emotional depth and sensitivity to your work. The Full Moon in Cancer also enhances your ability to perceive and express the subtleties of the human experience. Your work can serve as a bridge between the seen and the unseen, the tangible and the intangible, resonating deeply with others and touching their hearts and minds.

This is an excellent time for Pisces to dive into their imaginative and dreamy nature. Allow yourself to explore new ideas and artistic avenues, trusting your intuition to guide you. The insights and inspirations you gain during this time can lead to profound and impactful creative works.It’s a time to share your unique perspective with the world, to create art that transcends the ordinary, and to connect deeply with others through your creative expressions. This lunar phase is an ideal period for artistic exploration and showcasing your talents.

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