Your Saturnine December 2023 Horoscope


Step into December with your saturnine horoscope. Firstly, we’ll encounter a preliminary introduction to the celestial symphony of this period. After that, we will uncover what December 2023 has in store for each zodiac sign.

December begins in the season of expansive Sagittarius, welcoming us with the jovial force of a fire sign capable of warming even the coldest winters. Alongside the Sun in Sagittarius, we also have Mars, which, in this fiery sign, thrives and helps everyone to step out of their boundaries and venture beyond their comfort zone.

From December 4th, something shifts in the heavens, and it’s a change we’ll all feel because Venus, the planet of passion and beauty, moves from a familiar sign, Libra, into Scorpio. It’s a shift that will be felt by all, starting with all the water signs. If in Libra Venus regained energy to foster balance and stabilize the scales, in Scorpio, it ignites with transformative energies, transmitting a passion that goes beyond mere enjoyment and calls for revolution.

From December 13th, Mercury begins a retrograde motion until January 1st, shifting from Capricorn back to Sagittarius and reintroducing the expansive dynamics of Sagittarius, urging us to reflect on the reach of our words.

Aglauros’s Vision of the Bridal Chamber of Herse, from the Story of Mercury and Herse

Aries (21 March – 20 April)

Aries, the Sun’s trine, coupled with Mars, sets ablaze your celestial sphere with a flame that you, as the pioneer of the zodiac, adeptly handle. This is a flame that not only warms but also propels you towards those far-reaching goals, the arduous ones, those seemingly insurmountable. And you, in your indomitable spirit, race forward, even more unstoppable, for in this December of fire, nothing daunts you. Not even the square of a retrograding Mercury at month’s end can hinder your pace, but rather it prompts you to pose questions that will find their answers on your journey.

In this fiery December, Aries, your inherent bravery and adventurous spirit are not just assets but necessities. The trine between the Sun and Mars in your sign ignites an even deeper yearning for exploration, pushing you to venture beyond the usual boundaries. This celestial alignment is a call to arms for your innate pioneering spirit, beckoning you to chart unexplored territories, not just in the physical sense, but in your personal and professional life as well.

Your journey this month is not just about reaching new destinations but also about redefining what a ‘destination’ means to you. It’s a time to question, to delve into realms you’ve never dared to before. The challenges you face, including the square of Mercury retrograde, are not roadblocks but signposts pointing towards growth and self-discovery.

This period is ripe for introspection. The questions raised by Mercury’s challenging aspect are not meant to confuse but to clarify your path. They compel you to look closely at your aspirations, your actions, and their alignment with your true self. You’re encouraged to break free from the conventional, to not just dream but also dare.

Remember, Aries, every bold step into the unknown is a chance to learn more about yourself, to test your limits, and to grow. This December, let the fire in your skies be your guide, lighting the way to new horizons and deeper understanding. As you navigate these uncharted waters, you might just find that the greatest discoveries lie within you.

Taurus (22 April – 30 May)

Taurus, as you close the year, Jupiter still graces your sign, fueling a powerful desire to manifest and embrace abundance. Yet, there will be moments where melancholy and restlessness surface, especially when Venus stands in opposition. The emotions, even the challenging ones, will aid in liberating you from resurfacing conflicts, bringing you to a state of awareness and guiding you through the magic of catharsis. Thus, akin to a Greek tragedy, you will find yourself healed and purified by your own being.

As the year wanes, Taurus, your journey is marked by Jupiter’s benevolent presence in your sign, nurturing your aspirations for abundance and growth. However, the opposition of Venus in Scorpio introduces a profound dimension to your emotional landscape. This planetary alignment beckons you to delve into the deeper, sometimes darker aspects of your desires and relationships. Venus, representing love and values, now in the intense waters of Scorpio, challenges you to confront and embrace the complexities of your emotions.

This opposition is not just a clash but a call to exploration. It urges you to open yourself to the unknown, to the uncharted territories of your heart and soul. The restlessness and melancholy that may arise are not mere emotional disturbances but gateways to deeper understanding and emotional authenticity.

Your natural inclination towards stability and comfort might resist this call initially. Yet, this period is ripe for transformation,  a chance to break free from old patterns and stagnant situations that have long held you back. The emotional turbulence stirred by Venus in opposition is a catalyst, urging you to confront fears and to explore the depths of your relationships and personal values.

As you navigate through these waters, remember that each emotional revelation is a step towards liberation. The cathartic process you undergo is akin to an alchemical transformation,  where facing the shadows leads to healing and renewal. This is a time for courage, Taurus, to embrace the unknown and to find strength in vulnerability. In doing so, you will emerge not just unscathed but enriched, purified by your own inner journey, ready to face the new year with a deeper sense of self and clarity.

Gemini (21 May – 21 June)

Gemini, you find yourself at the midpoint of your solar cycle, and as the Sun illuminates your shadow zone, Mars also ignites those parts of you that remain unintegrated. Now is the opportune moment to reach out to the Other in a way that is both authentic and profound, even if it means exploring your own vulnerability. As the year draws to a close, you will be prepared to embrace the new year with the awareness that there is much beyond the realm of your mind.

Gemini, as you navigate through this pivotal phase of your solar cycle, the interplay of the Sun and Mars in your chart not only sheds light on your less explored aspects but also fuels a drive to incorporate them into your being. This celestial guidance is nudging you towards a crucial realization: the power of collaboration and the value of looking beyond your immediate realm of thought and logic.

The current cosmic alignment is an invitation to open yourself to others, not just intellectually but emotionally. It’s about recognizing the strength in partnerships, the growth that comes from combining your ideas and energies with those of others. This period calls for a deeper level of interaction, one that transcends the usual witty exchanges and delves into the realm of sincere emotional expression.

In your pursuit of knowledge and understanding, consider the perspectives and experiences of others as invaluable resources. Embrace the idea that true wisdom often lies in collective insights and shared emotional landscapes. This is a time to experiment with expressing your feelings as candidly as you articulate your thoughts, to balance your logical brilliance with the authenticity of your emotions.

As the year comes to an end, this process of opening up and embracing collaborations will not only enrich your relationships but also provide a more holistic view of the world around you. You’ll find that by acknowledging and expressing your vulnerabilities and emotions, you’re not just connecting on a deeper level with others, but also gaining a more profound understanding of yourself, a realization that there’s a vast and rich world beyond the confines of logic, waiting to be explored and experienced.

Cancer (22 June – 23 July)

Cancer, Venus’s trine encourages you to venture down paths of seduction and passion, awakening a dormant aspect of your being. Retaining your inherent elegance and gentleness, you now don a bolder attire, perhaps less concealing. This less cumbersome dress enables fluid movement, unveiling a wilder side of you. It’s not a garment meant to hide but to discover and highlight your true self.

Cancer, as you embrace this new, bolder expression of self under Venus’s trine, it’s not just about a change in wardrobe but a deeper shift in how you present and perceive yourself. This period is an invitation to communicate aspects of your personality that perhaps have been kept in the shadows, the parts you may have deemed too raw or intense to share.

The current celestial alignment is urging you to explore and express these hidden facets. It’s about realizing that every part of you, including those that are more passionate, assertive, or even wild, deserves a voice. This shift in self-expression is not just about outward appearance; it’s a deeper journey of self-discovery and honesty.

Opening up in new ways of communication is pivotal during this phase. It’s about being truthful not only with others but also with yourself. Acknowledging and articulating your desires, fears, and dreams, even those that diverge from your usual gentle and nurturing nature, can lead to more authentic interactions and relationships.

As you navigate this journey, remember that vulnerability is a strength. Communicating your innermost feelings and thoughts can foster deeper connections and understanding with those around you. This exploration and expression of your full self might initially feel challenging, but they are steps towards embracing the entirety of your being and enriching your interactions with the world. By integrating and expressing all parts of yourself, you’re paving the way for a more fulfilling and genuine life experience.

Leo (23 July – 23 August)

Leo, the Sagittarian Sun’s trine is like an additional birthday, shining a celebratory light on your love for expression and creativity. It’s a generative warmth, fostering creation and construction. This radiant energy ensures you end the year with as much enthusiasm as you started it. Venus’s square doesn’t intimidate but rather prompts you to step back and extend yourself, shortening the distances between you and your loved ones.

Leo, as you bask in the celebratory glow of the Sagittarian Sun’s trine, your natural flair for expression and creativity is magnified. This period marks not just a time of personal illumination but also an opportunity for growth in how you connect with others. The square from Venus, though challenging, serves as a valuable lesson in empathy and collaboration.

This celestial influence invites you to temper your communication, to blend your natural charisma and confidence with a softer, more empathetic approach. It’s an exercise in balancing the vibrant energy you bring to interactions with an openness to the thoughts and feelings of others. As a Leo, you possess a powerful presence, but this phase calls for a conscious effort to ensure that dialogues are not one-sided, but instead a shared exchange.

The necessity of empathy in your interactions is paramount now. It’s about truly listening, not just hearing. Every conversation is an opportunity to not only express yourself but to also understand and appreciate the perspective of another. Collaboration becomes more fruitful when it’s underpinned by mutual respect and understanding.

Moreover, practicing empathy doesn’t mean diminishing your own light. Rather, it’s about using your warmth to create an inviting and inclusive space for others. By being mindful of not being too harsh in your communication, you encourage more open and honest exchanges.

This period is a reminder that true leadership and friendship are about lifting others as you climb, about inspiring not only with your words and actions but also with your ability to connect and empathize. As you navigate through this, remember that the strength of your relationships is measured not just by your ability to lead, but also by your capacity to understand, to collaborate, and to nurture the voices of those around you.

Virgo (24 August – 22 September)

Virgo, you may feel as though you’re on a swing being pushed ever higher, yet your desire is to slow down and sway gently. Do not leap off the swing in motion; Mars’s square asks for resilience from you. Venus gives you a wink and guides you to conclude the year with an unplanned passion. You, who organize everything, will find yourself captivated by the unexpected. And as you allow yourself to be carried by the current of uncertainty, you will re-discover and fall in love again with parts of yourself that you had forgotten.

Virgo, as you find yourself amidst the ebb and flow of uncertainty, there’s a profound lesson waiting to be embraced – the art of navigating by sight and relinquishing the need for constant control. This period is teaching you the beauty of letting things unfold naturally, of not needing to meticulously chart every course of your life.

The square from Mars challenges your resilience, urging you to hold steady amidst the push and pull of life’s uncertainties. Meanwhile, Venus’s influence is a gentle reminder that not all passions need to be planned. In this unexpected dance with the spontaneous, you’ll rediscover forgotten facets of yourself, finding joy and passion in the unplanned and the unforeseen.

As you journey through this phase, the importance of taking one step at a time becomes clear. The distant goals and dreams you aspire to achieve are built slowly, each step a crucial part of the journey. This time calls for you to practice the art of ‘navigating by sight,’ where you respond to life’s twists and turns with adaptability and grace, rather than trying to predict and control every outcome.

Embrace the notion that some of the most beautiful destinations are reached not through rigid planning but through exploration and openness to change. Allow yourself to be surprised, to be swept up in the current of life’s uncertainties, and to enjoy the journey as much as the destination. In doing so, you’ll find that the path to your goals, though perhaps winding and unexpected, is rich with opportunities for growth, discovery, and a deeper appreciation of the world around you.

Libra (23 September – 23 October)

Libra, as you begin your solar cycle, you bid farewell to Venus moving into Sagittarius, yet your desire to be part of a larger project lingers. Mars’s sextile supports you in your moral endeavors. It’s a fire that your air does not extinguish but fuels instead. This time, you don’t want to stop halfway; you aim to go the distance, and perhaps Mercury’s square will assist you in loosening your grip on logic rather than hindering you. You yearn to be part of something grand, transcending the boundaries of your everyday life, and, perhaps, you will end the year with a significant achievement.

Libra, as this new phase of your solar cycle unfolds, you experience a transition that extends beyond the celestial shift of Venus into Sagittarius. There’s a lingering aspiration within you to contribute to something greater than yourself, a project or cause that surpasses the mundane aspects of day-to-day life. This longing reflects your innate desire for balance, not just within your personal sphere but in the broader tapestry of the world around you.

Mars’s sextile brings a gentle yet potent force to your side, aiding in battles that align with your moral compass. This energy complements your nature beautifully, as it ignites a fire that your airy essence doesn’t quench but rather nurtures and expands. It’s a unique synergy where determination meets diplomacy, driving you to pursue your goals with both passion and fairness.

This period in your cycle isn’t about halfway measures or compromises that leave you unfulfilled. Instead, there’s a deep-seated determination to see things through to completion, to delve deep and explore every possibility. The square from Mercury might initially seem like a challenge, especially as it tests your usual logical approach. However, it’s also an opportunity to embrace a different perspective, to let go of rigid thought patterns and embrace a more fluid, intuitive way of thinking.

Your role in a larger narrative is coming into focus, urging you to step beyond the confines of your everyday life. As the year draws to a close, the combination of celestial influences may very well culminate in a significant triumph or realization, marking not just the end of a cycle but the beginning of a new chapter in your journey. This is a time for bold decisions and actions that align with the grand vision you have for your life, a chance to make a lasting impact that resonates with your core values and ideals.

Scorpio (23 October – 23 November)

Scorpio, as Venus enters your sign, your waters too begin to warm. The quicksand becomes less treacherous, dark lakes grow luminous, and your internal ocean calms, transforming into a serene waterbed. Almost. Not entirely. Not entirely because you revel in complexity. Thus, you’ll seek intricacy, but this time it will be found in passion and relationships. You’ll choose communication over rumination, and as your feelings morph into words, they will forge opportunities beyond your imagination.

Scorpio, with Venus gracing your sign, you are entering a phase where the depths of your emotions are not just stirred but also illuminated. This period signifies a transformation in how you experience and express your feelings, especially in the realm of relationships and passions. Venus’s warmth in your sign is a harbinger of a more open and expressive emotional landscape.

Simultaneously, the sextile between Mercury in Capricorn and your sign adds another layer to this transformative phase. Mercury’s influence in pragmatic Capricorn provides a grounded counterbalance to the intensity of your emotions. This aspect fosters a harmonious blend of emotional depth and practical communication, enabling you to articulate your deepest feelings with clarity and effectiveness.

This combination of celestial energies not only bodes well for personal and romantic relationships but also opens doors in your professional life. The introspective nature of Scorpio, combined with the articulate and practical energies of Mercury in Capricorn, positions you favorably for career advancements. You may find that your ability to communicate more openly and effectively enhances your professional relationships and opportunities. Networking and negotiations could see a boost, as your words now carry both the weight of your sincerity and the clarity of your intentions.

Moreover, this period is ripe for leveraging your insights and emotional intelligence in your career. The transformation you experience in expressing yourself could lead to innovative ideas and strategies in your professional endeavors. It’s a time when your innate Scorpio intuition melds with Mercury’s communicative prowess, creating a powerful alchemy that can propel your career in new and unexpected directions.

Embrace this time of emotional warmth and practical communication, Scorpio. It’s a period where the depths of your being can be channeled constructively, both in forging deeper personal connections and in navigating the waters of your professional life with newfound clarity and purpose.

Title: Frescoes from the Villa Stati-Mattei; Artist: Baldassare Tommaso Peruzzi (Italian, Ancaiano 1481–1536 Rome).

Sagittarius (23 November – 21 December)

Sagittarius, you are at the beginning of your journey, having already made the initial dash, and now you’re energetically sprinting away from your solar cycle. When the Sun leaves your sign, Mercury will enter, marking a symbolically perfect moment of growth. With this transition, not only will your life projects evolve, but so too will your consciousness and your enduring strength to pursue them. The square from Saturn serves as a constant reminder to exercise caution and to listen. If you engage both your ears and your legs, you’re likely to discover valuable allies for the upcoming year’s voyage.

Sagittarius, as you race away from your solar cycle, there’s a dynamic shift in the cosmic landscape that beckons you towards growth and evolution. The departure of the Sun from your sign, closely followed by Mercury’s arrival, signals a period of significant personal development. It’s a time to harness your natural enthusiasm and channel it into not just pursuing but also shaping your life’s trajectory.

The entry of Mercury into your realm illuminates the path of communication and understanding. It highlights the importance of listening,  truly listening,  to those around you. This is not just about hearing words, but about engaging in empathetic listening, where you understand and connect with the perspectives and feelings of others. This practice of empathy will not only enrich your relationships but also provide you with insights and knowledge that you might otherwise miss in your swift journey.

Simultaneously, Saturn’s square presents a valuable lesson in resilience and caution. It reminds you that every quest, every adventure, is fraught with challenges and obstacles. But these are not just barriers; they are opportunities for you to grow stronger, to refine your strategies, and to deepen your wisdom. Saturn’s influence urges you to balance your fiery impulsiveness with a thoughtful approach, ensuring that your battles for growth are as wise as they are bold.

This period is a beautiful dance of action and reflection, of speaking and listening, of charging forward and pausing to understand. As you navigate through this phase, you’ll find that your capacity for empathy and your ability to fight for your growth are not opposing forces but complementary ones. They are the tools that will sculpt your journey, helping you evolve into a more insightful, stronger version of yourself, ready to embrace the adventures that the new year holds.

Capricorn (22 December – 20 January)

Capricorn, as the year and your solar cycle draw to a close, you, the master of time, cherish endings for they herald new beginnings. As soon as Mercury departs from your sign, the Sun will enter, warming the onset of your journey. Venus’s sextile also kindles your need for affection, reaching you even in your retreat at the mountain’s peak. This warmth, unavoidable and persistent, will accompany you on a quest to discover the passion that resides within you. When you find it, you will not be alone; a special someone will be there to share in the joy of your newfound lightheartedness.

Capricorn, as the cycle of time turns, bringing your year and solar cycle to a conclusion, you stand at a threshold of transformation. The departure of Mercury from your sign, followed by the Sun’s entrance, signifies not just an ending, but the exciting commencement of something new. In this period of transition, the gentle warmth of Venus’s sextile encourages you to ease your often firm grip on life, inviting you to indulge in moments of comfort and affection, even from your solitary perch at the mountain’s summit.

This phase in your journey underscores the significance of letting go, of allowing yourself the freedom to enjoy and savor life’s simpler pleasures. It’s an invitation to balance your inherent drive for achievement with the equally important need for relaxation and fun. The warmth that Venus brings is a reminder that amidst the pursuit of goals and responsibilities, there’s a vital place for warmth, for carefree moments, and for the joy of companionship.

As you embark on this journey to uncover the passions that lie within, you will find that the path is not just about introspection and discovery, but also about revelry and the sharing of joys. The presence of a special someone in this phase of your life symbolizes the harmony that can be achieved when you open yourself up to the joys of shared experiences and connections.

This period is a dance of discipline and spontaneity, where the joy of letting go and having fun is as essential as the satisfaction derived from accomplishment. Embrace this time, Capricorn, as an opportunity to not just work hard but also to play hard, to not just climb mountains but also to enjoy the view from the top, in the company of those who make the journey worthwhile.

Aquarius (21 January – 19 February)

Aquarius, as Mars forms a sextile, it endows you with resilience, while Venus’s square brings unresolved issues to the surface, demanding answers without posing questions. As the Sun’s sextile concludes, Mercury’s will begin, and though retrograde, it will aid you in resolving those lingering situations that have weighed heavily on your shoulders. Free from these burdens, you will travel lighter, ready to close the year with some wounds to heal but with a renewed eagerness to re-enter the fray.

Aquarius, in this phase of your journey, the celestial dance brings a unique blend of challenges and support. Mars, in its sextile to your sign, offers a steady stream of resilience, fueling your ability to endure and persevere. This Martian energy invigorates your spirit, propelling you through any resistance with a quiet, determined strength.

Concurrently, Venus in a challenging square aspect stirs deeper waters, bringing unresolved emotions and situations to the forefront. These are not just random occurrences but are integral to your growth. They emerge, demanding attention and resolution, but without the clarity of direct questions. This phase is about introspection and confronting what lies beneath the surface, even if it’s uncomfortable or perplexing.

As one celestial aid wanes with the Sun’s sextile ending, another begins with Mercury’s sextile. Despite its retrograde motion, Mercury offers you the intellectual acumen and communicative skill needed to untangle the knots of these unresolved issues. This period signifies a clearing of the old, an unburdening of past weights that have hindered your progress.

As you shed these burdens, a sense of lightness accompanies your journey. The year may end with you tending to some emotional wounds, but more importantly, it leaves you with a vigor to reengage with life’s game. Freed from past restraints, you’re poised to approach the new year with a perspective that’s both healed and rejuvenated. This phase, though challenging, is a crucial step towards liberation and renewal, setting the stage for new adventures and opportunities that await you.

Pisces (20 February – 20 March)

Pisces, the year concludes amidst a myriad of emotions, much like the tapestry of your life. Venus’s trine eclipses any dissonant aspects, as love and passions, even those unspoken yet deeply felt, fill you with a sense of completeness.

Jupiter’s supportive sextile is ever-present, granting you permission to relish life without guilt, without the need to constantly balance the other scale with burdens. You don’t need to keep a vigilant eye on the counterweight; you can allow yourself to let go and believe that the beauty unfolding in your life is well-deserved.

Pisces, as you navigate the closing chapters of the year, you find yourself in a delicate dance between the emotional depth that defines you and the cosmic demands for balance and structure. Saturn’s presence in your sign brings a call for discipline and order, asking you to maintain a careful balance in life. This planetary influence urges you to exercise rigor in your endeavors and to be mindful of life’s responsibilities. It’s a reminder that structure and stability are essential components of growth and wellbeing.

However, alongside Saturn’s stern guidance, the graceful trine from Venus offers a counterpoint, infusing your world with love, beauty, and a gentler flow of energy. This harmonious aspect of Venus encourages you to embrace the passions and pleasures of life, reminding you that amidst the discipline and structure, there is also a need for tenderness and unbridled joy. It’s a celestial nod to the importance of nurturing the softer aspects of your existence, the unspoken passions, the quiet love, the artistic inclinations that make life rich and fulfilling.

As you juggle Saturn’s lessons of diligence with Venus’s offerings of grace, you are learning the art of letting go. It’s about understanding that while structure and accountability are crucial, so too is the freedom to experience life’s pleasures without self-judgment. You’re being taught that it’s okay to occasionally loosen the reins, to allow yourself moments where you’re not keeping a watchful eye on life’s scales.

This period is about recognizing that the beauty and love that come into your life are not just happenstances but well-earned rewards. The Venus trine illuminates your path, encouraging you to lean into the joys and passions that life presents, balanced with the wisdom and maturity that Saturn imparts. It’s a harmonious blend of enjoying the moment while being conscious of the long-term journey, a beautiful synthesis of Saturn’s lessons and Venus’s blessings.

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