Step into December with the Saturnine horoscope. First, we’ll explore a brief introduction to the celestial dance of this period. Then, we’ll reveal what December 2024 holds for each zodiac sign, along with the artwork that embodies your sign for the month ahead!
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December begins in the explosive and fiery season of Sagittarius, the fire sign of autumn and the one that marks the transition from one season to the next. The energy is oriented toward expansion, as this is the sign ruled by the boundless Jupiter. There is no room for stagnation during this time, everything is directed toward creating more space, embracing abundance, seeking knowledge, delving deeper, and reaching great distances.
The new month greets us with the New Moon in Sagittarius on December 1st, bringing energies focused on rediscovering that part of us that longs to connect with the whole, with the vastness of the world, and with the unexplored.
On December 6th, retrograde Mars reenters Leo, shifting the focus back to self-expression. Here, the energy urges us to confront the idea of authentic realization and the genuine expression of who we feel we are, what we feel, and what we perceive. This transit pushes us to examine how we project ourselves into the world and whether our actions and choices truly reflect our inner essence.
On December 7th, Venus enters Aquarius, inspiring a love that is free, authentic, and unbound by limitations or mental prisons. This transit encourages a shift toward a less traditional and less conventional sense of beauty, one that breaks molds and defies norms. It seeks a truth that is unique, original, and genuine because it is deeply individual.
Mid-month, on December 15th, the Full Moon rises in Gemini, a fiery, bold lunation centered on the inner world of self, ego, and the image we present to the world.
The fiery and dynamic season of Sagittarius gives way to the grounded, resilient, and wise Capricorn on December 21st, as the Sun moves into the sign, marking the start of Capricorn season. The energy shifts from fast-paced and spontaneous to introspective yet forward-thinking.
The month, and the year, ends with another significant lunar phase, on December 30th : the New Moon in Capricorn. This lunation directs our inner focus toward building new projects and endeavors rooted in strong, stable foundations. It’s a moment of introspection and planning, where the need to let go of the old cycle and embrace the new becomes undeniable.
It’s important to remember that in November, Pluto made its official entry into Aquarius, leaving Capricorn behind forever for this lifetime. This marks the end of a long, complex, and laborious internal revolution for the cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn). Now, it’s the turn of the fixed signs, especially Aquarius, to step into the transformative spotlight.
If you’re wondering what this new era will bring, you’re not alone. Pluto in Aquarius heralds a liberating and revolutionary chapter, one that promises profound changes both collectively and individually. For those ready to explore what lies ahead, here’s a deeper dive into this epochal shift and the energy it carries. Welcome to the era of Pluto in Aquarius, a time of innovation, redefinition, and freedom.
If you’re wondering what this new era will bring, you’re not alone. Pluto in Aquarius heralds a liberating and revolutionary chapter, one that promises profound changes both collectively and individually. For those ready to explore what lies ahead, dive deeper into the transformative energy of Pluto in Aquarius. Welcome to the era of Pluto in Aquarius, a time of innovation, redefinition, and freedom!
December Horoscope & Your Monthly Painting
With some of the key transits and aspects revealed, we have a clear view of the cosmic landscape for December. Now, there’s just one thing left: discover your horoscope and the painting that resonates with your sign this month.
Prefer listening? Tune in to our podcast for your full horoscope by sign.

Aries (21 March – 20 April)
Aries, with Mars in trine, Pluto finally in a long-term sextile, and Venus wrapping you in her warm embrace, you radiate a sense of spring even as winter approaches. Wherever you go, flowers seem to bloom despite the cold, and you transform dull, muted tones into vivid, lively colors. You’re aware of this effect, and so is everyone around you, drawn to your energy, sometimes almost overwhelmingly so. But you are, after all, the first sign, and with that comes your need for space, solitude, and the emptiness you prefer to fill on your own. By the end of the month, the Sun in square challenges you to establish strong foundations and boundaries that protect everything you hold dear and uniquely yours. Your painting of the month is “Meditation on the History of Italy” by Francesco Hayez, inspiring you to find the answers you seek within yourself.
With Mars in trine, even in retrograde, your strength and desire for independence burn brightly. This energy empowers you to move forward with confidence, even as you pause to reflect. Venus in Aquarius complements this drive, emphasizing your need for personal freedom and authenticity in relationships. Solitude, then, is not something to escape or fear but a precious space to cherish. It’s in these moments of stillness and self-containment that you connect with your essence, allowing you to recharge and align with your true ambitions. Embrace this solitude as a source of inner wisdom, a sanctuary where your spirit can breathe and plan its next adventure.

Taurus (22 April – 30 May)
When your ruling planet, Venus, is against you, you feel disconnected from yourself, as if you’re trying to escape something without knowing what. It feels as though your space has become too confined, and you long to break free from boundaries that don’t even exist. But what if it were enough to accept this version of yourself too? A version that’s less rigid, open to change, craving action, and a bit rebellious. After all, Uranus continues its slow transit through your sign, teaching you that nothing is set in stone. “Eiffel Tower” by Robert Delaunay is your painting of the month, reminding you that nothing is static and everything is in motion if you change your perspective.
The squares of Venus and Mars bring a restless urge for freedom, demanding that you let go of rigidity and embrace a more fluid way of being. This tension can feel uncomfortable, making you crave experiences that break you out of routine and restrictions. It’s a call to loosen your grip on expectations, to be more spontaneous and willing to follow your heart wherever it leads, even if that feels a bit chaotic. By the end of the month, the trine with the Sun comes in as a harmonizing force, inspiring you to redefine your sense of self. It’s a moment to build a new understanding of who you are, one that is more aligned with your evolving desires and dreams. This cosmic support encourages you to craft a vision of yourself that is dynamic and open to change, one that honors your growth while remaining true to your core.

Gemini (21 May – 21 June)
Mercury, the planet that governs your universe, stands in opposition and is moving retrograde. Alongside it, the Sun opposes, drawing your attention to the shadows—not just those of the present but also those of the past, the ones with clear and defined shapes, the ones you recognize but have never truly wanted to accept. Venus in trine gently reminds you that it’s light that defines these contours, and if you let it in, it will illuminate even the darkest corners of your life. Jupiter, still in your sign, encourages you to be open, to welcome this illumination, and to remember that when you surrender to the flow of life, abundance isn’t the goal but the natural outcome. “The Night Watch” by Rembrandt is your painting of the month, inspiring you to walk through the darkness to find the light.
December invites introspection, Gemini, as Mercury, your ruler, turns retrograde in opposition, joined by the Sun. This energy draws your attention to shadows from both the present and the past, urging you to confront what you’ve long avoided. Yet Venus, in a beautiful trine, brings love and warmth into your life, reminding you that even during deep self-reflection, there is room for connection and joy. Jupiter in your sign encourages you to stay open, teaching that abundance flows naturally when you embrace life’s lessons.

Cancer (22 June – 23 July)
Matisse believed that seeing was, in itself, an act of creation, and this month, Cancer, you see everything, so much and beyond. Beyond yourself, beyond the limits of your patterns, beyond the difficult and incomprehensible feelings. Perhaps it’s the trine with Neptune or the sextile with Uranus stirring your inner world, bringing forth seeds of creativity, making you feel as though nothing is impossible. You don’t even notice the process; you naturally carve a new path that has the potential to take you far. But far from what? From boredom. From flatness. From silence. At the end of the month, the Sun’s opposition brings you back to earth, making you realize that the reality surrounding you no longer feels like yours. “Swans Reflecting Elephants” by Salvador Dalí is your painting of the month, reminding you that doubt is the wellspring of creativity.
Cancer, December is a month of vision and transformation for you. The sextile with Uranus stirs up a restless desire for change, while Neptune’s trine enhances your creativity and sensitivity, allowing you to dream big and think beyond familiar boundaries. You find yourself inspired, ready to create and explore new possibilities as if nothing were beyond your reach. The trine with Saturn offers a steady hand, helping you manage your time and bring structure to your creative ideas. It’s a unique dance between imaginative freedom and disciplined focus, and you’ll feel a new kind of balance emerging. As the month comes to a close, the Sun’s opposition grounds you, reminding you to take stock of the real-world implications of your newfound visions. It might feel like a wake-up call, revealing where your current reality no longer fits who you’re becoming.

Leo (23 July – 23 August)
Mars in your sign and Venus in opposition leave no space for the gentle luxury of stillness, this is a time for action. Even with the Sun in trine, it feels as though the momentum is unstoppable, as if your legs have a will of their own, carrying you forward before your mind can even catch up. Are you racing toward something or fleeing from it? The retrograde movement of Mars and Mercury urges you to contemplate this question, though even when clarity arrives, it may not curb your drive to keep moving. As the month winds down, you find yourself slowing, captivated by someone or something that holds your attention more than you expected. “Riot in the Gallery” by Boccioni is your painting of the month, a vivid reminder that your inner chaos is the wellspring from which true order is born.
December is a whirlwind of energy for you. With retrograde Mars in your sign, there’s a powerful restlessness that propels you forward, making it nearly impossible to stand still. Venus in opposition brings tension in your relationships, challenging you to balance your desire for harmony with your need to assert yourself. The urge for expression is fierce, and with the Sun in trine, your creative energy demands an outlet. You feel driven to shine, to pour your heart into something meaningful, even if it feels chaotic at times. This month, the cosmic push-and-pull between action and reflection urges you to channel your energy wisely. While your instinct may be to keep moving and chasing, the retrograde motion of Mars and Mercury asks you to pause and consider your motivations. What is it you truly seek, and what are you trying to escape? As the month unfolds, allow yourself to slow down and be drawn to what truly captivates you, even if it’s unexpected.

Virgo (24 August – 22 September)
Mercury, your ruling planet, is retrograde and in square, making it feel as though the truth lies buried deep beneath the surface, in places you lack the courage to explore. You imagine these depths as too distant, feeling unfit to grasp what lies there. Yet Venus in trine encourages you to embrace a broader perspective, one that includes compassion for yourself and your vulnerabilities. Saturn and Neptune, still in opposition, challenge you to find your own path without external influence or guidance—in complete independence. Once you start trusting your intuition, you realize that the truths you’ve been seeking aren’t as deeply hidden as you thought. “Starry Night Over the Rhône” by Van Gogh is your painting of the month, reminding you that to reach for the stars, sometimes you can touch their reflections.
Virgo, December may feel like a labyrinth of thoughts and emotions. With Mercury, your ruling planet, retrograde and square to Jupiter, communication can become tangled, leaving you feeling misunderstood or unsure of your own perspective. There’s a sense that the truths you’re searching for lie buried deep, and the more you try to unearth them, the more elusive they seem. You may find yourself second-guessing decisions or questioning whether you’re truly capable of understanding the depths you long to explore. Yet, amid this mental whirlwind, Venus in trine brings a much-needed breath of gentleness. This harmonious influence invites you to practice self-love and to be kind to your own imperfections. It’s a reminder that your worth isn’t tied to your ability to be perfect or have all the answers. Embrace your humanity, your fragilities, and know that you are enough as you are. This Venusian energy urges you to take a break from self-critique and instead appreciate the beauty in your vulnerability.

Libra (23 September – 23 October)
Schopenhauer once said that everything exquisite takes time to mature. Perhaps this is because true beauty follows a slow, wise, and intricate rhythm. With Mercury and Mars both retrograde in sextile, you’re taken back in time, to memories that are both sweet and bitter, where what once was beautiful now feels extraordinary. Maybe it’s Venus in trine, but you sense that you’re finally tasting real beauty, the kind that lies in the essence of meaning, revealed slowly, step by step, discovery by discovery. This is also a time for love, the kind that is beautiful, slow, enduring, and comforting. “The Kiss” by Klimt is your painting of the month, inspiring you to approach love with the patience of someone who knows they have nothing to lose.
Libra, December unfolds with a gentle yet powerful invitation to rediscover beauty and meaning. With Mercury and Mars both retrograde and in a supportive sextile, you may find yourself pulled back into the past, revisiting memories that carry a mixture of sweetness and longing. It’s a time to reflect on where you’ve been and to appreciate the depth that only time and experience can bring. These planetary influences remind you that what is truly exquisite matures slowly, revealing its essence one layer at a time.Venus, your ruling planet, forms a harmonious trine with Jupiter and Pluto, amplifying love, abundance, and transformation. This is a month to embrace beauty in all its forms and to open your heart to meaningful connections. You might feel more in tune with the essence of things, as if you’re finally tasting the richness of life. Relationships feel deeper and more fulfilling, and there is a sense of alignment between your desires and the opportunities that present themselves. Love takes on a timeless quality, one that is slow, grounding, and profoundly reassuring.
However, as the month comes to a close, the Sun forms a challenging square, pushing you to create structure and stability. It’s a call to integrate all that you’ve experienced and learned, to set boundaries where needed, and to ground your dreams in reality.

Scorpio (23 October – 23 November)
Your solar year has just begun, and as you take your first steps toward a new direction, the squares from Mars and Venus prompts deep reflection on the boundaries of love. On one hand, you may feel trapped; on the other, even the smallest space can feel disorienting. Yet, the moment you realize these boundaries are not real but exist only in your mind, you begin to transcend them, through your thoughts, visions, and words. By the end of the month, the Sun in sextile brings clarity where there was once chaos and invites you to overturn rigid structures where there has been too much order. “Morning Sun” by Edward Hopper is your painting of the month, inspiring you to look beyond your inner window and embrace the vastness of possibility.
Scorpio, as December unfolds, it brings a mix of tension and transformation. The squares from Venus and Mars highlight a struggle within your relationships and your own heart, making it difficult to trust fully, both others and yourself. You may feel caught between a longing for connection and a fear of vulnerability. The push and pull can leave you questioning where your boundaries lie and whether they serve to protect you or keep you isolated. This inner dialogue is not meant to confine you but to help you see the truth of what you need in love and intimacy.Adding to the complexity, Uranus continues its slow opposition, challenging you to dismantle the internal structures you’ve outgrown. Change feels inevitable, yet it can be unsettling to let go of the familiar. This opposition asks you to confront the deeper layers of who you are and to rebuild on a foundation that aligns with your evolving self. The discomfort is part of the process, pushing you toward freedom and authenticity.As the month comes to a close, the Sun forms a harmonious sextile, offering a sense of clarity and direction. This energy inaugurates a season of stability, inviting you to create structure in your life that feels meaningful and sustainable.

Sagittarius (23 November – 21 December)
You are living the dawn of your new solar year, and like all dawns, it carries the flavor of uncertainty, the delicate tension between the darkness you’re leaving behind and the light of tomorrow that you have yet to know. Mars in trine is strong enough to propel you toward the unknown, but in its retrograde motion, it invites more reflection than usual. You feel the need for introspection, to look within, to rediscover yourself as though you are emerging anew.Jupiter’s opposition lingers, reminding you that movement isn’t always physical and that you can journey far even while standing still. Your painting of the month is “Norham Castle” by Joseph William Turner, a gentle reminder that even the light of dawn can conceal the details of the night.
Sagittarius, December marks the dawn of your new solar year, a time filled with promise and the gentle tension of beginnings. Like all dawns, it holds the mystery of transition, the quiet pause between the darkness you’re leaving behind and the light you’re stepping into. With Mars in trine, you’re infused with courage and determination, ready to move forward, even as its retrograde motion encourages thoughtful reflection. This balance of action and introspection makes you feel as though you are rediscovering yourself, peeling back layers to uncover a version of you that feels renewed and ready to embrace the unknown.
Venus, in a supportive sextile, adds a harmonious energy to your journey, helping you explore differences with grace and curiosity. Whether it’s diversity in ideas, relationships, or experiences, this influence broadens your perspective and deepens your appreciation for the variety life offers. Venus encourages you to connect meaningfully, finding beauty in what sets others, and yourself, apart.
Meanwhile, Jupiter, your ruling planet, lingers in opposition in Gemini, serving as a quiet yet persistent reminder to turn inward. While you’re naturally inclined to explore the outer world, this transit asks you to explore the inner one. What truths lie within? What patterns are calling for attention? Introspection isn’t a retreat but a powerful journey in itself, one that brings wisdom and clarity to the choices ahead.

Capricorn (22 December – 20 January)
Nothing, absolutely nothing, disturbs your silent, cold, and crisp tranquility. No planet stirs too loudly, and nothing seems to disrupt your balance. You are completely immersed in the serene and reassuring experience of endings as your solar year draws to a close. By the end of the month, the Sun enters your sign, radiant and warm, melting the frost, breaking the stillness, and awakening your inner garden. It heralds the dawn of a new beginning. Without Pluto churning your deeper waters, without the constant need to question yourself, you surrender to the sweet and thrilling flow of existence. Your painting of the month is “Sunrise at Sea” by Camille Pissarro, a reminder to revel in the new day, doing nothing more than savoring its beauty.
December is a time of transition, a quiet yet profound moment as your solar year approaches its end. The month begins with a stillness, as no planetary energies make too much noise or disrupt your balance. It’s as though the universe is granting you the gift of calm, a chance to reflect and recharge before the dawn of a new cycle. You are fully immersed in the placid and reassuring experience of closure, preparing to let go of what no longer serves you.But as the month comes to a close, everything shifts. The Sun enters your sign, brilliant and warm, melting the frost of introspection and bringing life to your inner garden. It awakens you, calling you to step forward into the light of your new year with renewed energy and clarity. This is your moment to emerge from the stillness, ready to embrace the opportunities ahead with confidence and purpose. With Pluto finally departed from your sign, you feel the weight of deep transformation lifting. The endless need to question, rebuild, and challenge yourself begins to ease, making way for a lighter, more exciting flow of existence. This new beginning is not about struggle but about savoring the rewards of your growth and the fresh energy of what’s to come.

Aquarius (21 January – 19 February)
Mars in opposition and retrograde complicates everything. Life feels difficult, confusing, and restless. Your inner weather shifts unpredictably, cycling between storms and moments of unexpected calm. In the midst of this turbulence, love becomes your emotional anchor. With Venus in your sign, you are wrapped in warm embraces and comforted by sweet, reassuring words.You may not be certain of what you truly desire, yet you keep moving, following the ebb and flow of your emotions. Jupiter in trine gently reminds you that it’s always worth trying, even if the path is unclear. Perhaps this isn’t the time for clear definitions, but rather a time to savor the richness of the present moment.Your painting of the month is “Windflowers” by John William Waterhouse, a poignant reminder that even amidst the strongest currents, the horizon remains visible. Let this be your guiding light as you navigate December’s shifting tides.
Aquarius, December brings a dynamic interplay of energy that keeps you both on your toes and deeply reflective. With Mars retrograde in opposition, life may feel unpredictable and emotionally charged. Your inner world mimics a stormy sky, alternating between intense gusts of doubt and surprising moments of peace. This opposition stirs restlessness, making it harder to find clarity or focus, yet it also propels you to explore what truly matters beneath the surface.Thankfully, Venus in your sign offers a sanctuary of warmth and connection. Her presence is a gentle reminder to nurture yourself and embrace the love and support that surrounds you. This energy encourages you to soften, allowing the kindness of others, and yourself, to be your guiding force. Love, in all its forms, becomes your grounding point, helping you navigate the emotional highs and lows with grace.Jupiter, still in a harmonious trine, inspires optimism and expansion, even amidst uncertainty. It reminds you that exploration is key, not just of the world around you but of your inner landscape. This month isn’t about having all the answers but about allowing yourself to experience the richness of life, learning through trial and discovery.

Pisces (20 February – 20 March)
You speak too much, only to regret it later. It feels as though you’ve lost all restraint, as if your words have a will of their own. Perhaps it’s the square of retrograde Mercury or the slower-moving Jupiter bringing your inner chaos to the surface. By the end of the month, when the Sun forms a soothing sextile, you remember that the language of love is often found in the words left unspoken. In that moment, you rediscover the delicate balance between silence and sound. Your inner dialogue, however, never ceases, driven by the deep desire to uncover more answers than the questions you ask. Your painting of the month is “Signs and Meteors” by Joan Miró, a vivid inspiration to give form to silence and meaning to the unspoken.
Pisces, December challenges your ability to express yourself clearly, as both Mercury and Jupiter form tense squares, stirring up inner confusion. You may feel as though your words slip out unfiltered or fail to capture the depth of what you truly mean. Conversations could become tangled, leaving you second-guessing whether you’re being understood—or even if you understand yourself. This dynamic can be frustrating, but it’s also an invitation to slow down and reflect on the intentions behind your words. The squares push you to confront the chaos within, bringing to light the emotions and thoughts you’ve perhaps been avoiding. While this might feel overwhelming, it’s a necessary process to refine your inner voice. By the end of the month, the Sun enters a supportive sextile, offering much-needed clarity and grounding. This energy helps you organize your thoughts and find a harmonious balance between speaking your truth and embracing the power of silence.