Descendant in Astrology: Meaning, Signs, Axis & much more


Let’s address one of the most commonly misunderstood notions about the Descendant right away: no, it doesn’t solely represent the concept of a soulmate. Or, at least, its significance extends beyond just that.

With that said, let’s delve into the meaning of the Descendant, how to locate it, the impact of a Stellium in the Descendant, and how the Descendant manifests in each zodiac sign… but that’s not all we’ll explore!

What is the descendant in astrology

In astrology, the Descendant (DC) refers to the cusp at the beginning of the 7th house in the birth chart: it is an angular point rather than an actual planet or celestial body. In simpler terms, if we view the birth chart as a clock, it is located at 3 o’clock. The Descendant represents the part of ourselves we often project onto others, particularly in partnerships and close relationships.

It is directly opposite the Ascendant (AC), which symbolizes our personal identity and approach to life. While the Ascendant outlines our individual traits, the Descendant (DC) represents the qualities we may not readily recognize in ourselves but are attracted to in others. This point not only reveals the types of individuals we are drawn to but also reflects the dynamics we seek in both personal and business partnerships

This astrological point offers insight into our approach to one-on-one relationships, the traits we admire and desire in our partners, and the qualities we need for balance and growth. It symbolizes our quest for wholeness through others and can shed light on the patterns and challenges we face in relationships.

Understanding our Descendant can help us comprehend what we need from our significant others to achieve a sense of completeness and harmony.

How to Find the Descendant in Astrology

As mentioned earlier, the Descendant is located opposite the Ascendant, specifically at the cusp of the seventh house, which symbolizes the realm of partnerships and interactions with others. It is one of the four angles of the astrological chart, along with the Ascendant, Imum Coeli, and Midheaven.

Note: The Descendant corresponds to the time of sunset, while the Ascendant (or Rising) corresponds to sunrise in the moment of our birth.

Finding the Descendant is easy. The first step involves calculating the birth chart, which can be done using our Born Under Saturn’s Calculator. This tool is not only free but also accurate, featuring a unique design tailored to your individual birth chart.

The second step is simply to look at the left part of the birth chart and find where ‘DC’ or ‘Descendant’ is written. Which sign is next to it? Is it Libra, Capricorn, Leo, or another? Yes, that’s the Descendant! If you encounter a zodiacal sign that you can’t recognize and you’re unsure which one it is, you can refer to our Astrology for beginner’s table with signs, symbols, and rulers.

Let’s look at an example to clarify. Here is the birth chart of Harry Styles. His Descendant is indicated with the yellow arrow, and, as we can see, it’s in Aries.

Harry Styles' birth chart. A yellow arrow points to his Descendant, which is in Aries.
In this birth chart example featuring Harry Styles, the yellow arrow highlights his Descendant in Aries. This chart was generated using the Born Under Saturn Calculator. Tap on the image to generate also your own unique chart.

What the Descendant means in Astrology

The Descendant (DC) in our birth chart is a profound indicator of our approach to personal relationships. It mirrors the qualities we seek in partners and the dynamics we tend to foster in close interactions. It can unveil our inherent approach to compromise, conflict, and collaboration. This, in turn, highlights how we balance our needs with those of others. The Descendant also sheds light on the traits we admire and unconsciously project onto our partners, often representing aspects of ourselves we are less aware of or that we feel are missing.

Understanding our Descendant can offer insights into the lessons we are meant to learn through relationships, guiding us toward personal growth. It points to the kind of energy we need to invite into our lives for balance, suggesting that the qualities associated with the sign on the Descendant are those we should cultivate within ourselves. Moreover, it can reveal our vulnerabilities and strengths in partnerships, offering clues to achieving harmony and fulfillment.

Is the Descendant Sign the Soulmate?

As said in the very first sentence of this article, many people believe they can find indicators of their soulmate by looking at the Descendant, but that’s not quite accurate.

The Descendant tells us how we love, how we wish to be loved, and what characteristics we express in our relationships with others. It can certainly provide insights into the type of person who might make us feel good, but there are also other indicators in the birth chart that complete the picture (such as Venus, Mars, etc.).

The Ascendant-Descendant axis: its importance

The Ascendant-Descendant axis – which corresponds to the 1st and 7th house axis – speaks to the relationship between the Self and the Other. This axis stands as a mirror of our personal outset and how we project ourselves outwardly.

In fact, on one side is the 1st house – marked by the Ascendant – which represents us, our being, and our entry into the world. It highlights our personal identity, our approach to life, and how we present ourselves to the world. It encompasses our individuality, physical body, and instinctual behaviors.

On the flip side, the 7th house – marked by the Descendant – reveals how we see and interact with others, particularly in close partnerships. It signifies our approach to one-on-one relationships, the qualities we seek in partners, and the aspects of ourselves we might not fully recognize but find in those we are drawn to. This house delves into the dynamics of marriage, business partnerships, and any form of significant one-on-one encounters.

Together, the Ascendant-Descendant axis forms a fundamental dichotomy in our chart, embodying the eternal dance between self-assertion and compromise, independence and union. It serves as a gateway to understanding our personal identity in contrast to our identity within relationships. Through this axis, we explore the balance between maintaining our individuality and merging with another, teaching us about the give-and-take inherent in all close relationships. This interplay is crucial for personal development, as it challenges us to grow beyond our solitary identity and embrace the complexities of relating deeply with another person.

Artwork titled 'The Lovers'. Click the image to explore more about it on

To have many planets (or even a Stellium) in the Descendant: its significance

Having planets in the Descendant, or even a Stellium (three or more planets in the same house or sign), in the birth chart is significant, as it emphasizes the themes of the 7th house – partnerships, close relationships, and the qualities we seek in others. Planets located here color our approach to these areas with their unique characteristics and energies.

A planet in the Descendant adds a layer of complexity to how we interact in one-on-one relationships. For instance, Mars here might indicate a dynamic and assertive approach to partnerships, possibly attracting competitive or energetic partners. While Venus could suggest a harmonious and affectionate demeanor, attracting relationships that value beauty, balance, and cooperation.

A Stellium in the Descendant intensifies this focus, suggesting that relationships and the qualities of the sign where the Stellium occurs are central themes in the individual’s life. This concentration of energy might mean that the person’s path to self-discovery and fulfillment significantly involves others. It could indicate a deep need to understand oneself through the mirror of close relationships or an inclination to define oneself through partnerships.

These placements often signify that the individual has much to learn from and about their interactions with others. The lessons might revolve around balancing personal needs with those of significant others, developing diplomacy, and understanding the dynamics of give-and-take in close associations.

Additionally, having planets or a Stellium in the Descendant might attract individuals who embody the qualities of the planets placed there, serving as catalysts for the native’s personal growth and self-understanding. It underscores the importance of relationships in the individual’s life, not just as companionship but as a fundamental part of their developmental journey, highlighting the transformative power of significant one-on-one interactions.

The Descendant in each zodiac sign

We explored every aspect related to the Descendant – from its meaning to its significance in astrology, and much more. Now, it’s time to delve into how the Descendant manifests when positioned in each zodiac sign.

Aries Descendant. Individuals with an Aries Descendant are attracted to partners who embody Arian qualities: assertive, energetic, and independent. These relationships often challenge them to embrace their own courage and assertiveness, encouraging a dynamic of mutual growth and individuality. Partnerships are marked by spontaneity and the pursuit of new experiences.

Taurus Descendant. Those with a Taurus Descendant seek stability, loyalty, and sensuality in their partners. They are drawn to individuals who can provide a sense of security and comfort, valuing reliable and enduring relationships. This placement emphasizes the importance of shared values and the appreciation of life’s pleasures together.

Gemini Descendant. With a Gemini Descendant, there’s a desire for intellectual stimulation and communication in partnerships. Individuals are attracted to witty, sociable, and versatile partners who can keep up with their need for mental engagement. Relationships are enriched by variety, learning, and a strong foundation of friendship.

Cancer Descendant. Those who have their Descendant in Cancer crave emotional depth, nurturing, and security in their relationships. They are drawn to caring and protective partners, valuing a deep emotional connection and a sense of family and belonging. Home and family life are central to these partnerships.

Leo Descendant. With a Leo Descendant, individuals are attracted to charismatic, confident, and creative partners. They seek relationships that are both romantic and dramatic, where mutual admiration and respect are key. Partnerships often involve shared creative pursuits or interests.

Virgo Descendant. Those with a Virgo Descendant value diligence, practicality, and a detail-oriented approach in their partners. They are drawn to individuals who can share in their pursuit of a well-ordered life, valuing helpfulness and efficiency. Health and daily routines become important shared aspects.

Libra Descendant. With a Libra Descendant, there’s a strong attraction to harmony, balance, and fairness in relationships. Partners who are diplomatic, charming, and socially aware appeal to these individuals. Relationships are marked by a mutual appreciation for beauty and art, as well as a strong sense of partnership.

Scorpio Descendant. Individuals with a Scorpio Descendant seek intensity, depth, and transformation in their partnerships. They are attracted to strong-willed, passionate, and mysterious partners, valuing loyalty and emotional honesty. Relationships are deeply transformative, often challenging them to face their own depths.

Sagittarius Descendant. Those with a Sagittarius Descendant crave adventure, freedom, and philosophical exploration in their relationships. They are drawn to optimistic, adventurous, and open-minded partners, valuing shared journeys, whether physical, intellectual, or spiritual.

Capricorn Descendant. With a Capricorn Descendant, there’s an emphasis on responsibility, ambition, and stability in partnerships. Individuals are attracted to disciplined, hardworking, and reliable partners, valuing a sense of tradition and long-term planning in their relationships.

Aquarius Descendant. Those with an Aquarius Descendant seek uniqueness, intellectual freedom, and camaraderie in their partners. They are drawn to innovative, unconventional, and independent individuals, valuing friendships and shared social ideals within their relationships.

Pisces Descendant. With a Pisces Descendant, individuals crave empathy, creativity, and spiritual connection in their partnerships. They are attracted to sensitive, imaginative, and compassionate partners, valuing a bond that transcends the mundane to embrace the mystical and emotional.

  1. Deborah, I just had to drop a comment and tell you how much I adore Born Under Saturn’s website. Seriously, it’s become my go-to spot. Your passion for astrology is infectious, and I love how I’m discovering so much about myself through the articles. I especially loved this article about the Descendant (I have it in Capri), but everything else is fantastic too. I also appreciate the PDF beginner’s guide to reading birth charts because, even though it’s quite “basic”, I could make some new connections I hadn’t made before since I’ve been learning everything by myself. All of this just to say thanks for creating such a cool online astrology sanctuary, it’s truly one of a kind!

  2. Wow!
    Every time Born Under Saturn shares a post, I am bound to learn something impactful and meaningful about myself and about others.
    Thank you so much for sharing your wisdom and for making these resources available, well thought, and supportive of our own individual journeys!

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