Eight of Cups tarot card meaning, key symbols & more


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Category: Minor Arcana

The Eight of Cups, situated within the realm of the Minor Arcana, serves as a profound emblem of transformation. This card embodies themes of transition, detachment, and the relentless quest for deeper fulfillment.

Eight of Cups: Description

The Eight of Cups in the Rider-Waite Tarot deck presents a solitary figure, draped in red, standing amidst a stark landscape. With their back turned towards us, they stride away from a row of eight upright cups, signifying a quest for emotional fulfillment and release from worldly ties. The cloaked figure appears weary of these cups, hinting at a readiness to seek a higher purpose. The arrangement of the cups is such that it appears one is missing, prompting a double take to confirm their count as eight. This symbolic absence suggests a shortfall in emotional fulfillment and wholeness.

The moon hangs low, casting a gentle glow, signaling a departure guided by intuition rather than logic. Despite the night’s darkness, there’s a resolute determination in the figure’s step, suggesting a pursuit of deeper meaning and contentment. Turning away from the cups reflects a feeling of disappointment and a longing for something more profound as the figure ventures into the mountains.

The journey into the unknown, represented by the daunting mountains, implies facing new challenges and seeking excitement beyond the familiar. Though daunting, this journey offers opportunities for mental and spiritual growth. The flowing river mirrors the figure’s emotions, underscoring the depth of this transformative journey.

Eight of Cups tarot card: Keywords

UPRIGHT: Departure – Abandonment – Transition – Seeking More – Moving On

REVERSED: Fear of Change – Clinging to the Past – Avoidance – Unwillingness to let go – Stagnation

Rider-Waite version of the Eight of Cups tarot card depicted on a beautifully decorated antique dish.
Rider-Waite version of the Eight of Cups tarot card.

Eight of Cups: Upright Meaning

In its upright position, the Eight of Cups symbolizes departure and transition, indicating a readiness to abandon what no longer serves one’s highest good in pursuit of something more fulfilling. This act of walking away signifies detachment from various aspects – objects, emotions, and possibly even relationships – that no longer contribute to personal growth. It’s an invitation to prioritize self-improvement over clinging to past connections that may hinder the journey towards self-understanding.

Embrace departure for the journey towards self-discovery.

The card encourages embracing change and leaving behind emotional attachments or situations that have become stagnant or unfulfilling. It represents a courageous step towards self-discovery and personal growth, as one ventures into the unknown with optimism and determination.

Eight of Cups: Reversed Meaning

In its reversed position, the Eight of Cups suggests a reluctance or fear of change, leading to a tendency to cling to the past. Instead of embracing departure and transition, there is a hesitancy to let go of emotional attachments or situations that have outlived their purpose. This reluctance may stem from a fear of the unknown or a desire to maintain familiarity, even if it means remaining in unfulfilling circumstances.

Release the past, embrace change.

For instance, someone may stay in a job they dislike because they fear the uncertainty of finding a new career path. They might hold onto a toxic relationship because they are afraid of being alone or starting anew. In these cases, the reversed Eight of Cups serves as a warning against stagnation and the consequences of refusing to confront necessary changes.

The card may indicate avoidance or denial of underlying emotional issues. Instead of addressing and processing feelings of discontent or unhappiness, there is a tendency to suppress them, leading to unresolved emotional baggage. This avoidance only prolongs the journey towards personal growth and fulfillment.

Eight of Cups: Love meaning

In matters of love, the Eight of Cups carries significant meanings for both singles and couples.

For couples, the upright Eight of Cups signals a period of transition and emotional evolution within the relationship. It may indicate a need for both partners to reassess their individual needs and desires, as well as the dynamics of their partnership. This could involve addressing unresolved issues or patterns of behavior that have contributed to stagnation or dissatisfaction.

For singles, the upright Eight of Cups suggests a period of introspection and self-discovery. It encourages individuals to take a step back from romantic pursuits and focus on personal growth and healing. This may involve letting go of past relationships or emotional baggage that no longer serves them. By embarking on a journey of self-love and empowerment, singles open themselves up to new romantic possibilities aligned with their authentic selves.

In relationships, the reversed Eight of Cups signifies a reluctance to confront underlying issues or make necessary changes. Couples may find themselves trapped in a cycle of complacency or denial, avoiding difficult conversations or necessary adjustments. This can strain the relationship and prevent it from evolving into a deeper, more fulfilling bond.

For singles, the reversed Eight of Cups may suggest a reluctance to let go of past heartaches or patterns that hinder their ability to form meaningful connections. This could lead to missed opportunities for love and personal growth.

Eight of Cups: Key symbols

The Eight of Cups in the Rider-Waite Tarot deck is rich in symbolism, each element contributing to the card’s overall meaning and message.


The distant mountains symbolize the challenges and obstacles that lie ahead on the journey of self-discovery. While daunting, they also represent the potential for growth and transformation that comes from facing adversity.

The mountains depicted in this card, although portrayed differently in color and perspective, evoke similarities to those seen in The Fool tarot card. Just as in The Fool card, where the mountains represent the hurdles to be overcome on the journey, here they serve a similar purpose. However, unlike The Fool who embarks on their journey impulsively, the cloaked figure in the Eight of Cups is depicted as determined, acknowledging the hardships ahead with resolve.

Zoomed-in view of the Rider-Waite version of the Eight of Cups tarot card, emphasizing the mountains and the solitary figure dressed in red.
Zoom in on the Rider-Waite version of the Eight of Cups tarot card, highlighting the mountains and the solitary figure dressed in red.

Solitary figure dressed in red

The solitary figure is dressed in red, a color signifying passion, determination, and life-force. Their attire reflects the intensity of their journey and the inner fire propelling them forward. With their back turned away from the viewer, the figure’s posture suggests a deliberate choice to leave behind the familiar and venture into the unknown.

There’s a sense of certainty in the figure’s stride, indicating a deep-seated conviction in their quest. Despite the challenges ahead, there’s an inherent trust in following the soul’s urging towards a higher purpose. Change is never easy, but with the cloak and staff in hand, this determined figure exudes confidence and resilience.

Moreover, the figure’s eventual success is foreshadowed by the presence of the Moon. With the Moon as their ally, the figure is assured that they are on the right path towards personal growth and fulfillment.


The Moon hanging low in the sky casts a soft glow over the scene, illuminating the path ahead. It represents intuition and inner guidance, suggesting that the figure’s departure is guided by their inner wisdom rather than rational thought.

However, upon closer examination, it becomes evident that this is not merely a random moon but a Solar Eclipse with the Moon. Its circular and full appearance, coupled with its radiant shine, signals a significant celestial event. The presence of a solar eclipse denotes a moment of immense power and transformation.

Eclipses are potent cosmic occurrences that herald moments of profound change and revelation. During eclipses, illusions are shattered, and truths are laid bare, compelling individuals to confront their deepest truths and innermost desires. There is no hiding from one’s true knowing during an eclipse; it is a time of reckoning and alignment with one’s authentic self.

Incorporating the Solar Eclipse into the imagery of the Eight of Cups underscores the magnitude of the figure’s journey. It emphasizes the necessity of embracing change and facing inner truths head-on, as they embark on a path of self-discovery and transformation.

Eight of Cups: Does it mean Yes or No in a tarot reading?

While some interpretations may suggest straightforward answers, the reality is far more nuanced. Tarot cards, including the Eight of Cups, do not offer definitive yes or no responses. Instead, they serve as tools for introspection and insight into the complexities of our lives.

Anyways, to answer the question, according to some interpretations, in the upright position, the Eight of Cups may initially appear to indicate a yes answer. However, it comes with a caveat – the fulfillment obtained may not align with one’s true desires or bring lasting satisfaction. This suggests that while the answer may seem positive, it’s essential to consider the deeper implications and potential consequences of our pursuits.

Conversely, in the reversed position, the Eight of Cups is often interpreted as a clear no. Yet, even in apparent negation, there lies an opportunity for reflection and growth. A denial or setback may redirect our focus towards more fulfilling pursuits or highlight areas in need of attention and improvement.

It’s crucial to recognize that tarot readings do not predict the future with certainty. Instead, they encourage introspection and awareness of the choices we make and their potential impact on our lives. By embracing this understanding, we empower ourselves to navigate life’s uncertainties with clarity and resilience.

To delve deeper into the accuracy of yes or no tarot readings, explore the article “Is Yes and No Tarot Reading Accurate?

Marseille version of the Eight of Cups tarot card depicted on a beautifully decorated antique dish.
Eight of Cups tarot card in the Marseille deck.

Eight of Cups in Rider-Waite and Marseille Tarot decks

The Rider-Waite and Marseille Tarot decks offer distinct interpretations of the Eight of Cups, each presenting unique symbolism, art styles, and representations within the Minor Arcana.

In the Marseille Tarot deck, the Eight of Cups is portrayed with simplicity and symmetry. The eight cups are arranged in a balanced manner, with three cups positioned at the top and three at the bottom. Unlike the Seven of Cups card, which features a single cup in the center, the Eight of Cups displays two cups in the central position. This minimalist approach emphasizes the Marseille deck’s characteristic focus on symbols and patterns, inviting deeper introspection into the card’s meaning.

Conversely, the Rider-Waite deck presents a more elaborate depiction of the Eight of Cups. Here, we encounter a solitary figure standing amidst a desolate landscape, turning their back on a row of upright cups. Each cup is adorned with its own unique imagery, inviting contemplation of the emotional journey depicted in the card. The detailed scene encourages viewers to explore the complexities of departure, transition, and the pursuit of deeper fulfillment.

Whether drawn to the simplicity of the Marseille deck or the rich imagery of the Rider-Waite deck, tarot enthusiasts can explore the depths of the mind and soul through both decks. Additionally, there are many other decks listed among the Best Tarot Decks in 2024, catering to both beginners and advanced users. Dive in now to explore the list and discover some truly captivating decks!

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