Your Saturnine February 2025 Horoscope (+ Painting)


Step into February with the Saturnine horoscope. First, we’ll explore a brief introduction to the celestial dance of this period. Then, we’ll reveal what February 2025 holds for each zodiac sign, along with the artwork that embodies your sign for the month ahead! 

Prefer listening? Tune in to our podcast for your full horoscope by sign.

February begins in the revolutionary Aquarius Season, where everything seems possible and the energies come together to help us perceive the potential of the collective.

The first significant transit of February will take place on the 4th, when Venus moves from the visionary Pisces to the impulsive and proud Aries, the first sign of the zodiac. Here, the energies of love and beauty heat up, and everything becomes passion, authentic, wild, unfiltered, and boundless. Read Venus in Aries.

On the same day, the expansive Jupiter will turn direct in Gemini, and this is going to be an important moment because all of us will feel the energies of expansion accelerating once more, and the desire to reflect on our ways of embracing abundance and opening up to the outside world.

On February 12th, the Full Moon will rise in the sign of Leo and will ask us to connect with our heart, with our desire to express our power and our wishes, but especially to let go of everything that hinders our growth.

On February 18, the Sun will leave Aquarius and mark the beginning of the Pisces season, a time dedicated to sensations, dreams, visions and the ability to connect with the magical side of existence.

Pic credits to @tatarnikova_studio

On February 23, Mars in Cancer will finally move direct, reducing difficulties related to expression and action concerning our emotional energy (Read: Mars Retrograde in Cancer). Mars resumes its direct starting its path that will lead it back to Leo, along with our need to regain control over complex emotions.

On February 27, the New Moon will align with the Sun and rise in the sign of Pisces, inspiring us all to reconnect with our inner selves, our internal magic, and our ability to take care of ourselves and others. Read more about the New Moon in Pisces.

February will be a period where all energies lean toward the expression of empathy and care, both for ourselves and for the collective. We will perceive ourselves as part of a whole, interconnected with one another, in a universe that functions well when the collective is in harmony.

February Horoscope & Your Monthly Painting

With some of  the key transits and aspects revealed, we have a clear view of the cosmic landscape for February. Now, there’s just one thing left: discover your horoscope and the painting that resonates with your sign this month.

Prefer listening? Tune in to our podcast for your full horoscope by sign.

Aries (21 March – 20 April)

Venus in your sign and retrograde Mars in square aspect call on you to express another side of yourself, one different from the tireless warrior you often embody. It’s time to shed the heavy armor you wear to protect and fight, and to reveal the grace and gentleness you usually hide behind a mask of strength. The Sun’s sextile also illuminates a path: the freedom to be everything you feel, even when it seems contradictory, even when it appears senseless. Stripped of the garments of pride, you’ll make space within yourself for the feeling of a new love. “Allegory of Spring” by Botticelli is your painting of the month, as it encourages you to celebrate the beauty of lightness.

You’re not bound to choose between strength and sensitivity, action and contemplation. Instead, this is a moment to integrate these energies, even when they seem to clash. It is in this harmonious tension that true freedom lies, the freedom to be all that you are, unapologetically.As you lay down pride and step into this space of openness, you may find that your heart makes room for a new kind of love. Whether romantic, creative, or spiritual, this love will feel like a fresh start, a reconnection to what truly matters.

Taurus (22 April – 30 May)

Taurus, February begins with a yearning for freedom and escape: you feel the urge to abandon all responsibilities and walk forward, unburdened, without looking back. You long to drop anchor and focus solely on your inner rhythms, letting your boat drift, resting peacefully without concern for its location. By mid-month, the squares of the Sun and Mercury soften into gentle sextiles, encouraging you to lift anchor and resume your journey, this time at a slower, more deliberate pace, aligned with your newfound need to honor your emotions and express them without fear. “The Fighting Temeraire” by Turner is your painting of the month, a reminder that even in stillness and contemplation, transformation can take root.

The weight of responsibilities feels heavier than usual, and you might find yourself dreaming of abandoning it all, setting down your burdens and walking forward without looking back. You crave simplicity, a chance to pause and breathe, to drop anchor and focus solely on the quiet murmurs of your inner self. This month begins with the need to let your boat drift, resting peacefully, unbothered by where it might take you. This period is a lesson in balance, between movement and rest, action and contemplation. You’re being guided to honor both your need for stability and your desire for growth, recognizing that true transformation often comes not from bold strides but from quiet, intentional steps. Take this month to align with your inner rhythm, Taurus. The seas may feel calm, but the current beneath carries you toward something new.

Gemini (21 May – 21 June)

Gemini, the gentle sextile of Venus invites you into a passionate dance where you take the lead, guiding each step with confidence and decisiveness. You anticipate the movements of others, choose the melody, and determine when the dance begins and when it ends. In this moment, there is no room for compromise, nor any inclination to adapt to someone else’s rhythm. By the end of the month, four planets in square aspect will push you to look within and ask yourself what you are no longer willing to sacrifice in the name of misguided relationships. The dance you’ve been immersed in comes to a halt, and the silence that follows offers you a profound opportunity to reconnect with yourself. “The Dance” by Henri Matisse is your painting of the month, reminding you to rediscover and honor your primal rhythm.

As the celestial dance slows to a halt, the silence left behind becomes a powerful teacher. It is in this quiet space that you have the chance to reconnect with your inner voice, to recalibrate and rediscover the rhythm that truly belongs to you. This is not an ending but a transition, a moment of reflection that will help you step forward with greater clarity and purpose. This February, Gemini, embrace the stillness and let it guide you toward a more honest and fulfilling expression of yourself.

Cancer (22 June – 23 July)

Cancer, Mars in your sign, Venus in square, Uranus in sextile, and the Sun in trine, all these alignments point to one message: focus on action rather than feeling. Though this may seem far from your usual approach, the universe urges you to lower the volume of your inner radio, the one that broadcasts, in real-time, the myriad sensations and emotions you constantly pick up, both your own and those coming from the outside world. When that radio goes silent, an unusual stillness fills the chambers of your mind, making way for a new resolve: the will to break down and rebuild what needs to change. This is a time for bold action, a chance to channel your energy into transforming the structures that no longer serve you. “The Raft of the Medusa” by Théodore Géricault is your painting of the month. Its dramatic intensity inspires you to listen to the urgency of the moment and embrace the tension that drives meaningful action.

In the silence that follows, a profound realization emerges: the need to destroy and recreate what no longer aligns with your growth. This isn’t about chaos for the sake of change; it’s about purposeful transformation. You’re being called to dismantle the structures, habits, and emotional patterns that have outlived their usefulness, making space for something new and more aligned with the person you are becoming.Mars gives you the courage to act, Uranus brings the innovation to think outside the box, and the Sun’s trine offers a steady, supportive light to guide your way. Together, they help you see that stepping into action is not abandoning your emotional depth but rather channeling it into something productive and transformative.

Leo (23 July – 23 August)

Leo, shortly after mid-month, the oppositions of Mercury and later the Sun fade away, leaving you free to enjoy the blessings of Venus in trine. This alignment encourages you to open yourself to sharing and reminds you that, while the language of love is often full of unspoken words, now is the time for you to express them. Oscar Wilde said  that the true waste of life lies in the love left ungiven. With this mantra in your heart, you let go of fear and embrace vulnerability. Jupiter, still in sextile, supports you in extending your warm embrace not only to those you love but also to those who deserve your forgiveness. “La Promenade” by Marc Chagall is your painting of the month, reminding you that love transcends the material world and with it, all the obstacles you once thought insurmountable.

Love, in all its forms, becomes your focus, and you’re reminded that its language often includes the unspoken. Yet, this is your moment to put feelings into words, to say the things you’ve kept inside for too long. Whether it’s an expression of affection, a heartfelt apology, or an acknowledgment of gratitude, this month asks you to bridge the gap between thought and communication.February invites you to lead with your heart, Leo. Speak your truth, give freely of your love, and watch as your relationships flourish. Let the light of Venus and Jupiter guide you to a place where connection and compassion reign supreme.

Virgo (24 August – 22 September)

Virgo, no fewer than four planets oppose your sky, already clouded by Jupiter’s square and cleared only slightly by retrograde Mars. Yours is a sky preparing to welcome the rain, the rain of tears you’ve been holding back but can now allow to flow freely, without guilt, without fear.Your February sky begins to warm, gently reminding you that it is rain that brings life to barren fields, nurturing the flowers that will soon bloom. The moment you surrender to the inevitable need to embrace even the most challenging emotions, the Sun timidly rises. The rain ceases, and its light reveals a new path ahead. “Rain, Steam, and Speed – The Great Western Railway” by J.M.W. Turner is your painting of the month. It serves as a reminder that rain, in the end, is the magic that binds earth and sky, bringing transformation and renewal.

It’s time to let those tears fall. Not as a sign of weakness, but as a profound act of release and renewal. You’ve carried so much within, striving for order and perfection even when life felt overwhelming. Now, the universe gently urges you to surrender, to let go of the need to control every detail, and to accept the inevitability of difficult emotions. Tears are not a sign of defeat; they are the water that softens the earth, preparing it for new growth. February is not about avoiding the rain but embracing it. The opposition of the planets is not here to punish you but to guide you toward emotional depth and healing. This is your opportunity to learn that even the most challenging emotions have value and that accepting them can lead to profound transformation. Virgo, this February, don’t resist the rain, welcome it. Let it wash over you, cleanse you, and prepare the soil of your life for the blossoms that will soon take root. After all, even the most delicate flowers owe their existence to the rain that once seemed overwhelming.

Libra (23 September – 23 October)

Libra, Venus, your ruling planet, stands in opposition, leaving you feeling a little lost. It seems as though your usual approach to life isn’t working as effortlessly as it usually does, and February’s energy invites you to shift your perspective.What if striving for perfection was no longer necessary to truly achieve it? What if embracing imperfection allowed you to clearly see what genuinely makes you happy? The trines of the Sun and Jupiter guide you to explore the beauty of chaos, encouraging you to welcome a bit of disorder into your life. “Composition VII” by Wassily Kandinsky is your painting of the month, inspiring you to uncover the transformative potential hidden within the chaos.

With the supportive trines of the Sun and Jupiter, you are gently guided to let go of the need for order and embrace the unpredictability of life. Chaos, though unsettling at first, holds an extraordinary power to transform and inspire. It stirs creativity, ignites passion, and brings about growth in unexpected ways. This is your chance to explore what lies beyond the polished surface, to discover that a little messiness might be exactly what you need to see things clearly and reconnect with what truly makes you happy. February is your opportunity to reframe your approach, Libra. Let go of the idea that you must have everything perfectly aligned to move forward. Instead, embrace the beauty of the journey, even if it’s messy at times. Within the chaos, you’ll find a deeper harmony, one that feels authentic and alive. Trust in the flow of this transformative month, and allow yourself to dance with the unexpected.

Scorpio (23 October – 23 November)

Many planets are in dialogue with you, stirring the waters of your inner sea and bringing old emotions back to the surface, feelings that had long since sunk to the depths of your soul. The trine of retrograde Mars encourages you to sail by intuition, even as the waves of your emotions rock your ship, and to keep searching for your safe harbor. By the end of the month, the Sun’s trine gently reminds you that, within your turbulent inner sea, new hopes are floating toward you, unbidden and unexpected. “The Great Wave off Kanagawa” by Katsushika Hokusai is your painting of the month, reminding you that what feels overwhelming can also be what heals you.

February begins with a swirl of planetary activity, Scorpio, as the cosmos turns its gaze to your inner depths. Many planets are in dialogue with you this month, stirring the still waters of your soul and unearthing emotions you thought were long buried. These feelings, once shipwrecked at the bottom of your inner sea, now rise to the surface, demanding to be acknowledged. This process may feel intense, but it is also profoundly transformative, as it allows you to reconnect with parts of yourself that you may have forgotten or neglected. This February, the waves you face are not here to drown you but to cleanse and heal. The turbulence within is a necessary part of your transformation, Scorpio. Embrace it with courage, knowing that the storm will eventually pass, leaving your emotional waters clearer and your spirit stronger.

Sagittarius (23 November – 21 December)

Venus in trine bathes everything in the warm hues of passion, instinctive, pure, and irrational. Love arrives unannounced, without rules or the need for analysis; it simply asks to be lived. The sextiles of the Sun and Mercury guide you beyond your comfort zone, opening a path to a new way of approaching relationships, one that leads you to the depths of your emotions. While love intoxicates you with its enchanting notes, a fresh opportunity to create something lasting appears on your horizon, quietly beckoning for your attention. “Apollo and Daphne” by Tiepolo is your painting of the month, a reminder that fleeing from the passion that burns within only brings you closer to it.

February sets your world alight with passion, Sagittarius, as Venus in trine casts its warm and instinctive glow over your life. This isn’t the quiet, measured kind of love, it’s the raw, untamed passion that sweeps in unannounced, throwing you off balance in the most beautiful way. There are no rules here, no need to analyze or explain. The universe invites you to simply feel, to surrender to the intensity and live in the moment without overthinking. February is your invitation to embrace the chaos and beauty of passion, to let go of overthinking, and to allow yourself to be swept away. Whether it’s in love, creativity, or personal growth, this month reminds you that the most transformative moments come when you stop resisting and let yourself be consumed by the energy of the moment. Trust in the journey, Sagittarius, and let the flames of passion guide you to something extraordinary.

Capricorn (22 December – 20 January)

Mars retrograde in opposition and Venus in square leave you feeling cold, impenetrable, and unshaken. You sense a void within—a paradoxical emptiness that is, in truth, the loudest silence. Are you certain this is a conscious choice, or could it be that you’ve convinced yourself you don’t deserve the kind of love that fills every possible space? Shortly after mid-month, the Sun forms a sextile, gently encouraging you to see this void not as a loss, but as a source of renewal. This is a sextile that speaks of freedom, individuality, and the opportunity to rediscover a greater sense of purpose. It asks you to reframe emptiness, not as absence, but as fertile ground where the seeds of something new can take root. “Nocturne in Grey and Gold: Chelsea Snow” by James Abbott McNeill Whistler is your painting of the month, a quiet reminder that within the emptiness lie the energies of a fresh beginning, waiting to emerge.

This process of renewal requires courage, Capricorn. It asks you to release the tight control you so often exert over your emotions and to trust in the potential of what feels uncertain. The void is not your enemy; it is a canvas on which you can begin to paint a new vision for yourself, one that includes love, connection, and vulnerability.This February, Capricorn, embrace the stillness. Let it teach you to honor your emotions, even the uncomfortable ones, and to see the void not as an end, but as a powerful beginning. With the Sun’s sextile guiding you, you’ll find the strength to move forward, not by filling the emptiness, but by allowing it to nurture something entirely new.

Aquarius (21 January – 19 February)

Aquarius, the Sun in your sign warms your desire to express what stirs within your soul, as well as the soul you perceive in everything around you. Van Gogh once said he could see the soul of trees, evident in their movements and natural cycles, and now, in this springtime of your solar year, you too feel surrounded by a renewed vitality. Venus in sextile gently guides you into a space where beauty becomes the focus of your quest, while Jupiter in trine helps you expand the space within you to welcome abundance. “The Joy of Life” by Henri Matisse is your painting of the month, inspiring you to immerse yourself in the abundance that already exists in the world around you.

This February, Aquarius, embrace the vitality that surrounds you. Allow the Sun to warm your inner vision, Venus to guide you toward beauty, and Jupiter to remind you that your capacity to receive is boundless. Step boldly into the abundance of life, and let it fuel your dreams, your creativity, and your relationships. This is your time to thrive, to expand, and to celebrate the joy of being fully present in your journey.

Pisces (20 February – 20 March)

Pisces, February marks your rebirth. The Sun enters your sign shortly after mid-month, accompanied by Mercury, bringing with it a renewed sense of vitality and clarity. The trine of Mars supports your desire to take back the reins of your life, and you do so with the courage of someone who knows how deep the darkness can be and is now ready to let the light in. Neptune, your ruling planet, begins to prepare for its departure from your sign, and already you can feel the subtle breeze of change on the horizon. Everything seems, at last, to be moving in the right direction. “The Mother” by Joaquín Sorolla is your painting of the month, a gentle reminder of the beauty and quiet serenity that lie within new beginnings.

February is a transformative month for you, Pisces, marking a significant shift in your energy and focus. This is the beginning of your personal new year, a time to shed the heaviness of the past and embrace the light of renewal. The Sun enters your sign shortly after mid-month, joined by Mercury, illuminating your path with clarity and purpose. This celestial combination brings a heightened sense of self-awareness and an eagerness to express your thoughts and emotions in a way that feels authentic and freeing. Neptune, your ruling planet, is beginning its slow departure from your sign. This transition signals the end of a profound chapter, one that has likely been filled with dreams, introspection, and spiritual exploration. Now, you can feel the faint breeze of change whispering in your ear, a subtle yet powerful reminder that new beginnings are on the horizon. Everything seems to be aligning in your favor, as if the universe is gently nudging you toward a path of clarity and purpose.

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