Full Moon in Aquarius: Meaning & thought-provoking Horoscope


The Full Moon in August will rise on the 19st in Aquarius, opposing the Sun in Leo and illuminating that part of us that opens to the world and opposes the ego.

The phase of the Full Moon is a time of culmination, clarity, and heightened emotions. It represents a peak in the lunar cycle, where the energy and intentions set during the New Moon come to fruition. The Full Moon is a time of illumination, both literally and metaphorically, shedding light on areas of our lives that require attention or transformation.

The Full Moon in Aquarius highlights the dynamic between individuality and collective consciousness. Aquarius is associated with innovation, humanitarianism, and the greater good, while Leo is connected to self-expression, creativity, and personal pride. This opposition asks us to balance our individual desires and needs with our responsibilities and contributions to the community.

To fully grasp the significance of this Full Moon, we must first understand its host sign: Aquarius! Let’s delve deeper.

Aquarius’s energy: embracing collective purposes

To fully understand this Full Moon, we must first understand the sign that hosts it: Aquarius. Aquarius is the 11th sign of the zodiac and it represents the eleventh house. This area of the zodiac speaks to our desire to join larger projects, abandoning ego in favor of the common good. It is the part of us that forgets personal needs to embrace shared ones. It is also the part of us that recognizes the value of friendships and synergies because making this wonderful journey of life with someone is a blessed gift.

Aquarius is ruled by Uranus. Planet which embodies sudden and disruptive shifts, breakthroughs, and the unconventional. Under its influence, we are inspired to break free from outdated patterns and to think outside the box. This is a time for bold ideas and creative solutions, particularly those that benefit the collective. 

Aquarius is also co-ruled by Saturn, the planet of structure, discipline, and long-term planning. Saturn’s influence reminds us that while innovation is essential, it must be grounded in reality and built upon a solid foundation. To dive deeper into Saturn, read: Saturn in Astrology: Exploring Significance, Ancient Myths, and Beyond

Understanding this sign makes it clear why this Full Moon is an excellent time to balance visionary ideas with practical steps to bring them to fruition.

Illustration which represents the Aquarian collective: many people dancing together.
To represent the connection between Aquarius and the collective, we chose "A ball scene from the Mexican Revolution" by José Guadalupe Posada, a Mexican artist.

What will the Full Moon in Aquarius bring?

Aquarius is known for its association with humanitarian ideals, collective consciousness, and a desire to improve the world. When the Moon lights up this sign, it calls us to reflect on how our personal emotions and unconscious motivations can contribute to these larger themes. It’s a time to consider how our individual actions and emotional responses can align with the collective good.

The emotional clarity provided by the Full Moon in Aquarius can help us translate our feelings into thoughtful action. This is a moment to harness the intuitive insights brought by the Moon and use them to fuel innovative ideas and progressive changes. The energy of this Full Moon encourages us to act on our inner truths. This benefits both ourselves and those around us, whether through creative projects, community involvement, or personal growth.

This period is ideal for embracing the dual nature of Aquarius, which combines emotional depth with intellectual rigor. By balancing these aspects, we can achieve a more holistic understanding of our place in the world and how our unique contributions can make a meaningful impact.

Let’s not forget that at this moment (and for a long period), Aquarius is being influenced by the presence of Pluto. Even though it is a slow-moving transit, this transit is already laying the groundwork for a large-scale revolution. If you are interested in understanding what this transit is about, you can find everything here: Pluto in Aquarius from 2024 to 2044

Full moon in Aquarius in a star-filled night sky.

Full Moon in Aquarius: thought-provoking Horoscope

Delve into what the Full Moon in Aquarius holds for your zodiac sign (and rising!) in this thought-provoking horoscope. With a unique question tailored for each sign, you’re challenged to reflect on what will drive this phase.

For concise horoscope updates, follow Born Under Saturn on Instagram. There, we share major transits in short posts that you can save, screenshot, or share with friends and family.

Aries (21 March – 20 April)

Aries, the Full Moon in Aquarius prompts you to ask, “How can I connect with the collective and build something meaningful?” This is the perfect moment to open yourself up to synergies and collaborations. 

This lunar event highlights the importance of community and teamwork. It’s a time to step back from solo pursuits and consider how you can contribute to larger group efforts. Trust in the people around you and embrace the idea that together, you can achieve more. Building these connections requires trust and a willingness to collaborate. By working with others, you can create powerful and impactful results that resonate beyond your individual goals. Use this time to strengthen your relationships and explore new partnerships that can help you grow both personally and collectively.

Taurus (22 April – 30 May)

Taurus, the Aquarius Full Moon prompts you to ask, “How can I revolutionize my work and lay the foundations for a significant transformation?” This is your moment to recognize that your actions can change the world and to find the courage to plant the first seeds.

This lunar event illuminates your career and public life, encouraging you to think outside the box and embrace innovative approaches. It’s time to challenge the status quo and envision new ways to achieve your goals. Trust in your ability to make a difference and take bold steps towards creating meaningful change. Whether it’s starting a new project, proposing a novel idea, or simply altering your daily routines, your efforts can have a profound impact. Use this Full Moon’s energy to harness your inner strength and initiate the changes you’ve been contemplating. Taurus, the Aquarius Full Moon inspires you to revolutionize your work and build the foundation for significant change. Embrace your power to make a difference and take courageous steps towards your visionary goals.

Gemini (21 May – 21 June)

Gemini, the Aquarius Full Moon illuminates the part of you that longs to take risks and try new things outside your comfort zone. The question you need to answer now is, “Where are my limits and can I truly not surpass them?” This is the perfect time to push beyond your boundaries and embrace a new level of psychological flexibility.

This lunar event encourages you to explore new horizons and challenge yourself in ways you haven’t before. It’s an invitation to break free from routines and patterns that no longer serve you, and to step into uncharted territory with confidence. Reflect on the limits you believe you have and consider how they might be self-imposed. This Full Moon offers you the chance to reframe your thinking and recognize your potential for growth and expansion. By embracing new experiences and perspectives, you can unlock new opportunities and insights. This phase inspires you to take risks and explore beyond your usual limits. It’s a time to embrace flexibility and push past the boundaries you’ve set for yourself, opening the door to new possibilities and growth.

Cancer (22 June – 23 July)

Cancer, the Aquarius Full Moon illuminates your psychological dynamics and invites you to break free from old mental constructs that hold you back. The question this Moon prompts you to ask is, “What do I want to destroy from the past and what do I want to embrace anew?” This is the perfect time to open yourself to the unknown and welcome a new approach.

This lunar event encourages you to delve deep into your subconscious and confront the patterns and beliefs that no longer serve you. It’s an opportunity to release old baggage and make space for new, healthier ways of thinking and being.Reflect on what aspects of your past you need to let go of and consider what new attitudes or practices you can adopt to enhance your personal growth. The Full Moon in Aquarius provides the clarity and courage to transform your inner world, fostering a sense of renewal and liberation. Cancer, the Aquarius Full Moon shines a light on your mental and emotional patterns, urging you to break away from the past and embrace new possibilities. It’s a time to welcome change and adopt a fresh perspective, opening yourself to growth and transformation.

Leo (23 July – 23 August)

Leo, the Full Moon in Aquarius illuminates the part of you that is usually in the shadows – the part that desires to make space for others and to listen. Ask yourself, “What am I willing to sacrifice to give more space to others?” Once you have your answer, work towards making it possible.

This lunar event encourages you to shift your focus from self-expression to collective harmony. It’s a time to recognize the value of collaboration and the strength that comes from supporting those around you. By making room for others, you can enhance your relationships and create a more balanced and fulfilling dynamic. Reflect on what aspects of your own needs or desires you can adjust to better accommodate and uplift the people in your life. This doesn’t mean diminishing your own light, but rather finding a balance where everyone’s contributions are valued and appreciated. The Full Moon in Aquarius highlights the importance of making space for others and listening. Consider what you are willing to sacrifice to foster a more inclusive and supportive environment, and take steps to bring this balance into your life.

Virgo (24 August – 22 September)

Virgo, the Full Moon in Aquarius urges you to focus on your daily life and to bring changes where everything seems too stagnant and no longer vital. The question this Moon brings to you is, “What should I do to respect my private space and nurture it to grow something new?” This is the perfect time to work on the small things in life to expand your sense of meaning and experience.

This lunar event highlights the importance of your routines and the environments you create for yourself. It’s a call to assess your daily habits and spaces, identifying areas that need revitalization. By making thoughtful adjustments, you can infuse new energy into your everyday life, making it more dynamic and fulfilling. Reflect on how you can better respect and nurture your personal space. This might involve decluttering your environment, setting boundaries to protect your time and energy, or introducing new practices that bring joy and inspiration. The changes you make now, even small ones, can lead to significant improvements in your overall well-being.

Virgo, the Full Moon in Aquarius encourages you to revitalize your daily life by respecting and nurturing your private space. Focus on making small, meaningful changes that can grow into a richer and more fulfilling experience. Embrace this opportunity to bring new life into your routines and create a more vibrant and supportive environment for yourself.

Under the Wave off Kanagawa, also known as The Great Wave, from the series Thirty-six Views of Mount Fuji

Libra (23 September – 23 October)

Libra, the Full Moon in Aquarius urges you to reconsider how you express yourself and to find a way to do it freely. The question this Moon brings to you is, “What makes me feel truly alive and present within myself?” This is the perfect time to discover the right way to express your passion and let your inner child shine in the world.

This lunar event highlights the importance of authentic self-expression and creativity. It’s a call to explore what truly excites and inspires you, and to bring more of that into your daily life. Reflect on the activities and interests that make you feel most connected to your true self and consider how you can incorporate them more fully. Finding the right outlets for your passions is crucial now. Whether it’s through art, music, writing, or any other form of creative expression, allow yourself the freedom to explore and enjoy what you love. Let go of any fears or doubts that hold you back and embrace the joy of being fully present in your activities. This phase encourages you to explore what makes you feel alive and to express your passions freely. This is the perfect time to reconnect with your inner child and bring more joy and creativity into your life. Find the activities that resonate with your true self and let them guide you to a more vibrant and fulfilling expression of who you are.

Scorpio (23 October – 23 November)

Scorpio, the Full Moon in Aquarius invites you to find an answer to the question: “What can I bring that is true and sincere into my family environment?” This is the perfect moment to reconnect genuinely with the people in your life and build a project together.

This lunar event shines a light on your home and family dynamics, encouraging you to foster deeper and more authentic connections. It’s a time to be open and honest, sharing your true self with those closest to you. Reflect on how you can contribute to creating a more harmonious and supportive atmosphere at home. Consider initiating a family project or activity that everyone can participate in. This could be anything from a home improvement project to planning a family outing or even starting a new tradition. The goal is to strengthen your bonds through shared experiences and mutual efforts.

Scorpio, the Full Moon in Aquarius encourages you to bring authenticity and sincerity to your family environment. Use this time to reconnect with your loved ones and collaborate on a meaningful project that enhances your collective sense of unity and support.

Sagittarius (23 November – 21 December)

Sagittarius, the Full Moon in Aquarius prompts you to ask, “How can I make myself useful and share my experience?” This is the perfect moment to build something with your knowledge and to seek improvements and changes within the collective through your expertise. Believe in what you envision and start sharing it.

This lunar event highlights your role in the community and your ability to inspire and educate others. It’s a call to leverage your wisdom and experiences to benefit those around you. Reflect on how your unique insights and skills can contribute to collective growth and progress. Consider initiating projects or activities that allow you to disseminate your knowledge. This could involve teaching, mentoring, or leading group discussions. Your enthusiasm and expansive vision can spark significant positive changes, so don’t hesitate to put your ideas into action.

Sagittarius, the Full Moon in Aquarius encourages you to utilize your knowledge for the greater good. Embrace this time to share your expertise, foster improvements, and drive change within your community. Trust in your vision and take the first steps to bring it to life.

Capricorn (22 December – 20 January)

Capricorn, the Full Moon in Aquarius illuminates the part of you that desires to build something lasting and beneficial for everyone. The question you need to answer is, “What am I doing to strengthen the foundations of my projects?” This is the perfect moment to look towards the future and believe that changing the world is possible.

This lunar event focuses on your ambitions and the legacy you wish to create. It’s a time to evaluate the stability and sustainability of your current endeavors. Reflect on the steps you can take to ensure that your projects are built on solid ground and have the potential to endure and thrive. Consider how your efforts can contribute to the greater good. Think about ways to make your work more inclusive and accessible, ensuring that it benefits a wider audience. This could involve collaborating with others, seeking out new resources, or rethinking your approach to make it more effective and impactful. This Full Moon  encourages you to focus on building a strong foundation for your future projects. It’s a time to believe in the possibility of making a significant impact and to take practical steps to ensure your efforts are sustainable and beneficial for all.

Aquarius (21 January – 19 February)

Aquarius, the Full Moon illuminates your sign, urging you to take care of yourself and find the best way to express your uniqueness. The question you need to ask yourself is, “Am I truly nurturing my values?” Find the courage to let go of the parts of yourself that no longer make you feel good and set sail for new horizons, even if it feels daunting.

This lunar event focuses on your personal growth and self-expression. It’s a time to reflect on how well you are honoring your core values and living authentically. Evaluate whether your current lifestyle and choices align with what truly matters to you. Consider the aspects of your life that no longer serve you or contribute to your well-being. This could be old habits, relationships, or even mindsets that hold you back. The Full Moon provides the clarity and strength needed to release these elements and embrace new opportunities that resonate with your true self. The Full Moon in your sign encourages you to nurture your values and embrace your uniqueness. Reflect on whether you are truly supporting your authentic self, and have the courage to make necessary changes. It’s the perfect time to let go of what no longer serves you and embark on a journey towards new and fulfilling experiences.

Pisces (20 February – 20 March)

Pisces, the Full Moon in Aquarius urges you to retreat into your thoughts and embrace all those emotions you usually push away. The question you need to ask yourself is, “How am I?“, a simple question you don’t always ask, given that you often focus on how others are feeling. It’s time to include yourself in your priorities.

This lunar event illuminates your inner world, encouraging introspection and emotional honesty. It’s a period to turn inward and acknowledge your own needs and feelings. By doing so, you can gain a clearer understanding of your emotional state and what you need to feel balanced and fulfilled. Consider creating a space for self-reflection and emotional processing. This could involve journaling, meditating, or simply taking quiet moments to check in with yourself. Allow yourself to feel and process your emotions without judgment. 

Pisces, the Full Moon in Aquarius prompts you to prioritize your own well-being. Ask yourself how you are truly feeling and make time to care for your emotional needs. This is a time to recognize your importance and ensure that you are included in your circle of care and attention.

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