Full Moon in Pisces: Its Meaning, Painting & Practical Horoscope Advice


The September Full Moon, also known as the Full Harvest Moon, will rise on September 18th in the sign of Pisces, opposing the Sun in Virgo. This is a special Moon, as it will bring with it a partial eclipse.

The Full Harvest Moon is traditionally linked to the time of year when crops are ready to be harvested, symbolizing a period of culmination and closure. In Pisces, this Full Moon invites us to connect deeply with our emotions, intuition, and dreams.

Adding to the intensity of this Full Moon is the partial eclipse, which often brings revelations and transformative energy. Eclipses tend to accelerate changes and push us to confront areas of our life that need adjustment. This one might shine a light on issues we’ve been avoiding, particularly in the realm of our emotional or spiritual well-being. It’s a powerful time for letting go of emotional baggage and preparing for new beginnings.

Try to go back in time to when, earlier this year, the New Moon rose in Pisces, in March. What were the projects, ideas, or situations that needed development? Where are they now? Focus on those, and try to understand if the processes have come to completion.

Curious about the cosmic events unfolding right now? Tune in to our first special podcast episode, where we dive into the celestial movements shaping the first two weeks of September. The universe is always speaking—it’s up to us to listen or ignore its message.

The Return of Neptune
"The Return of Neptune" by John Singleton Copley (American). ca. 1754

Pisces’ visionary realm

To understand the sign of Pisces, we must explore the symbolism of its two ruling planets, Jupiter and Neptune. Neptune, the planet of illusions, of the unseen world, of what exists behind the veil of reality. It’s the planet that guides our dreams, our visions, and our ability to imagine what doesn’t yet exist in the tangible world. This is one of the key traits we associate with Pisces: their ability to navigate the visionary realm.

Neptune invites us to step beyond the limits of the material world, encouraging us to dream, to imagine, and to believe in what we can’t yet see. For Pisces, this is a natural state, dwelling in the space between reality and fantasy, where creativity and intuition thrive.

Jupiter, the other ruler of Pisces, brings expansion, wisdom, and faith, reinforcing the Piscean tendency to trust in the universe’s flow, even when things seem uncertain. Together, Neptune and Jupiter create a blend of spirituality, vision, and hope, which defines the essence of Pisces.

What will the Pisces Full Moon bring?

This particular Full Moon in Pisces, arriving with a partial eclipse, will bring the need to close old chapters that have reached their conclusion and take the necessary time to reconnect with your inner self. To do this, we will need to tap into our ability to connect with our senses, deep emotions, and the desire to create.

This Full Moon invites us to slow down and reflect on what has come full circle in our lives. The eclipse energy heightens this sense of finality, pushing us to let go of what no longer serves us and make space for something new.

Pisces, with its deep emotional and creative nature, encourages us to dive into our inner world, to explore our feelings, and to express them through creative outlets. This is a time for healing and releasing, for allowing ourselves to feel deeply and to find comfort in connecting with our true selves.

Magritte’s Metaphor for the Pisces Full Moon

"The Empire of Light" symbolizes the energy of the Full Moon in Pisces.
"The Empire of Light" by René Magritte is part of a series of 27 works—17 oil paintings and 10 gouaches—created between the 1940s and 1960s. These surrealist paintings explore the paradox of a nocturnal landscape beneath a sunlit sky.

To describe the energy of this Full Moon, there couldn’t be a better metaphor than the painting The Empire of Light by Magritte. It depicts a nighttime scene with a visibly daytime sky. Despite the visual paradox, if we immerse ourselves in the painting (perhaps activating our Neptune), we don’t feel the logical incoherence. Is it night? Is it day? Or is it both? It’s not that important, because in front of the vision, reason doesn’t insist on being present, it doesn’t force us to define things. Reason steps aside, and with it, we let go of control, allowing ourselves to be guided by a non-logical sense, the sense of vision.

Just like in Magritte’s imaginary landscape, this Full Moon in Pisces is here to teach us how to integrate light and shadow, letting them coexist. It encourages us to keep moving forward, even when logic tells us that something should only be considered finished when it’s truly exhausted. Yet, sometimes we must detach from what no longer serves us, even if it still seems functional.

This Pisces Full Moon with its partial eclipse invites us to embrace contradictions and trust in a deeper wisdom beyond logic. Just like Magritte’s painting, where the boundaries between day and night blur, this moon teaches us that we don’t always need to understand everything through reason. Life is filled with complexities and dualities, and often the greatest growth comes when we stop trying to rationalize everything and instead let intuition, emotions, and spiritual vision take the lead.

We’re asked to release what no longer supports us, even if it still looks like it “works” on the surface. Sometimes, holding on to something just because it hasn’t completely broken down yet can block us from evolving. This Full Moon encourages us to trust our inner knowing, to follow the guidance that tells us to let go even when it seems illogical. It’s about integrating opposites: light and dark, logic and intuition, and finding peace in the paradox.

Full Moon in Pisces: Practical Horoscope Advice

Read this special Full Moon in Pisces horoscope for practical advice and key insights to guide you through this lunar phase.

Aries (21 March – 20 April)

This Full Moon will highlight your subconscious and inner world, urging you to dive deep into the hidden aspects of your psyche. It’s a powerful time for introspection, healing old wounds, and releasing emotional baggage you may have been carrying for too long. As the 12th house rules over the unconscious mind, solitude might feel necessary, allowing you to recharge. You could find yourself reconnecting with spirituality, dreams, or even suppressed memories.

Keywords: introspection, healing, release, spirituality

Practical advice: Take time to journal your thoughts, meditate, or practice mindfulness. Pay attention to your dreams, they may offer insights about what you need to release. Engage in activities that help you reconnect with your inner self, such as yoga or spending time in nature.

Taurus (22 April – 30 May)

The focus for you will be on friendships, social circles, and long-term goals. This Full Moon might reveal where certain social connections no longer serve you or align with your values. It’s also an excellent time to reassess your dreams and aspirations. Have the goals you set earlier this year shifted? You may feel the need to adjust your vision to better reflect who you are now.

Keywords: community, goals, friendships, aspirations

Practical advice: Reflect on your relationships, are they supporting your growth, or are some dragging you down? Let go of connections that feel draining and align yourself with those who uplift and inspire you. Consider reworking any long-term plans that no longer resonate with your current self.

Gemini (21 May – 21 June)

This Full Moon brings attention to your career and public image. It’s time to evaluate whether your professional life is aligned with your soul’s purpose. You might reach a culmination point in a project or career path, prompting you to consider whether it’s time to move in a different direction. There may be shifts in your professional reputation or a desire to reassess your ambitions.

Keywords: career, ambition, public image, purpose

Practical advice: Take a step back and look at your career trajectory, are you where you want to be? If not, use this time to brainstorm new professional paths. It’s also a good time to reach out to mentors or professionals in your field for guidance.

Cancer (22 June – 23 July)

Your belief systems and higher learning are in focus. This Full Moon encourages you to question what you’ve been taught and how you’ve expanded your worldview over the past few months. You may feel a strong urge to dive into spiritual or philosophical studies, or perhaps end a chapter in your academic journey. Travel, even if it’s just planning for the future, may also be on your mind.

Keywords: belief systems, higher learning, travel, spirituality

Practical advice: Reflect on how your worldview has changed. Engage in spiritual or philosophical practices that broaden your perspective. If possible, plan a trip or engage with a different culture to expand your horizons. You may also want to pick up a new book on a topic that fascinates you.

Leo (23 July – 23 August)

This Full Moon shines a light on deep transformations, shared resources, and intimate connections. You may feel a strong need to release old emotional baggage tied to intimate relationships, financial dependencies, or past traumas. It’s a powerful time to transform how you view power, control, and vulnerability. Issues related to joint finances, inheritances, or debts may come to the forefront.

Keywords: transformation, intimacy, finances, vulnerability

Practical advice: Consider working on any financial partnerships or joint resources. Let go of past traumas by seeking emotional or spiritual healing practices like therapy, breathwork, or meditation. Be open to transforming how you view intimacy and vulnerability.

Virgo (24 August – 22 September)

Partnerships and relationships are at the heart of this Full Moon for you. You may find yourself re-evaluating key relationships, romantic or business-oriented. Is the balance of give and take healthy, or does something need to change? This period encourages you to make adjustments in how you connect with others, aiming for more harmony and equality in your relationships.

Keywords: partnerships, balance, harmony, relationships

Practical advice: Have open and honest conversations with your significant other or business partners about what’s working and what isn’t. Reflect on whether the relationships in your life are serving your highest good, and don’t be afraid to set boundaries or make changes where necessary.

Libra (23 September – 23 October)

Your health, daily routines, and work habits will come into focus under this Full Moon. It’s time to reassess your everyday responsibilities, work-life balance, and well-being. Are your habits serving you, or are they holding you back? This is a powerful moment to let go of unhealthy routines or work environments that are draining your energy.

Keywords: health, routine, habits, work-life balance

Practical advice: Review your daily routine and see where you can make improvements to support your physical and mental health. Consider implementing new habits like regular exercise, meditation, or a more balanced diet. It’s also a great time to declutter your workspace or reorganize your schedule to create more balance between work and personal time.

Scorpio (23 October – 23 November)

This Full Moon is all about creativity, joy, and self-expression. It’s a time to reconnect with your playful side and evaluate how much room you’re giving to your creative passions. If you’ve been working on a creative project, you might see it come to fruition now, or you may feel the need to release any creative blocks. Romantic relationships and matters of the heart may also come into focus, urging you to reflect on how you’re giving and receiving love.

Keywords: creativity, joy, self-expression, romance

Practical advice: Engage in activities that bring you joy, whether it’s art, music, or other hobbies. If you’ve been neglecting your creative side, this is the time to reignite that spark. In relationships, think about whether you’re expressing yourself authentically and whether your partnerships are bringing joy into your life.

Sagittarius (23 November – 21 December)

The focus is on your home and family life. This Full Moon might bring up unresolved issues related to your family or living situation, encouraging you to find closure. It’s also a good time to reflect on your sense of emotional security, are you feeling grounded in your home environment? You might feel the urge to make changes to your living space, move, or deepen your connections with family members.

Keywords: home, family, emotional security, roots

Practical advice: If there have been tensions at home or with family, this is a time to address them and seek resolution. You might also consider making your home a more nurturing space by decluttering or redecorating. Reflect on whether your living environment supports your emotional well-being and take steps to improve it.

Capricorn (22 December – 20 January)

This Full Moon highlights communication, learning, and your local community. You may find yourself revisiting conversations or projects that need closure. It’s a time to express your thoughts clearly and honestly, but also to listen deeply to others. Short trips, education, and interactions with siblings or neighbors might also come to the forefront. This is a great time to finish up any projects that involve writing, speaking, or learning.

Keywords: communication, learning, community, expression

Practical advice: Take this opportunity to clear the air in any unresolved conversations. If you’ve been considering learning something new, now is a great time to commit. Reflect on how you’re communicating with those around you: are you being clear and authentic?

Aquarius (21 January – 19 February)

This Full Moon will focus on your finances and sense of self-worth. You might be re-evaluating how you manage your resources and whether your financial situation aligns with your values. It’s a great time to let go of outdated beliefs around money and security, and to focus on building a more stable foundation for the future. Issues related to your sense of self-esteem may also arise, urging you to reassess how you value yourself and your abilities.

Keywords: finances, self-worth, security, values

Practical advice: Take a good look at your spending habits and consider making adjustments if necessary. This is also an excellent time to reflect on your personal values, are your financial decisions aligned with what truly matters to you? Consider creating a budget or financial plan that supports your long-term goals.

Pisces (20 February – 20 March)

With the Full Moon in your sign, this is a deeply personal time of reflection and transformation. You may feel a heightened awareness of who you are and how you’re presenting yourself to the world. It’s a time to release any outdated aspects of your identity that no longer serve you. This Full Moon encourages you to embrace your true self and let go of the fears or insecurities that have been holding you back. Personal goals and relationships may reach a turning point, pushing you to evaluate whether you’re on the right path.

Keywords: identity, self-awareness, transformation, personal goals

Practical advice: Take some time to reflect on your personal growth over the past months. Are you living in alignment with your true self? If not, this is the time to make necessary changes. Consider how you want to present yourself moving forward and set intentions for the next chapter of your life.

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