How to choose a Tarot card deck – Many reflective Tips


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Selecting the right tarot deck involves considering many elements, and this can be overwhelming. That’s why, in this article, we will delve into 5 aspects to keep in mind when choosing a new deck.

But before exploring these five tips, we will clarify how to approach a Tarot deck. This reflection plays a crucial role in ensuring the selection of the right deck.

Let’s get started!

How we should look at a Tarot deck

First things first, before delving into how to pick a Tarot deck, let’s explore how we should approach Tarot decks.

A Tarot deck is nothing but images on paper that express a meaning. On one side are the cards, and on the other, there is the reader. We could say the cards ‘speak’ and the reader ‘listens’. The Tarot communicates a reflection of what lies within the reader and what they may wish to perceive. This is the power of images and symbols.

The interaction between the Tarot reader and the cards is a dynamic process where the images on the cards serve as a mirror to the reader’s inner world. Each card in a Tarot deck is imbued with symbolism and meaning, often derived from centuries of mythology, astrology, and cultural storytelling. However, the true power of a Tarot reading lies in the interpretation – the way the reader projects their own experiences, thoughts, and emotions onto these symbols.

The Tarot deck acts as a catalyst, sparking insights and prompting questions that might otherwise remain unexplored. It facilitates a dialogue between the subconscious and conscious mind, mediated by the rich tapestry of images on the cards.

When a person consults the Tarot, they aren’t merely receiving a set of predetermined answers; instead, they’re engaging in a process of self-discovery, using the symbols on the cards to unlock a deeper understanding of their own desires, fears, hopes, and challenges. This is also the reason why yes-or-no Tarot readings are not accurate: Tarot initiates a dialogue with the reader and does not provide straightforward answers.

Having clarified the approach we should adopt with Tarots, it’s easier to respond to the question How should we pick Tarot decks?

Tarot card displayed on a candle holder.

Five simple tips for choosing the right Tarot deck

Perception, intuition, and resonance are sufficient to understand which Tarot deck to choose. However, let’s summarize in 5 simple tips for selecting a Tarot deck.

1. Reflecting on the level of experience

There are a few practical things to keep in mind when choosing a Tarot deck. The first is the level of knowledge we have. If we are beginners, it might be better to lean towards traditional decks that adhere as closely as possible to traditional meanings. If we are already quite confident, we can turn to contemporary decks that convey messages through symbols more closely related to our contemporary language.

For beginners, traditional decks – such as the Rider-Waite-Smith or Marseille Tarot – offer a solid foundation. These decks are imbued with symbolism that has been analyzed and understood for decades, providing a rich resource for learning and interpretation. The imagery in traditional decks is often more straightforward, making it easier for novices to connect the visual cues to established meanings.

To explore the best Tarot decks for beginners, click here.

For experienced Tarot readers, exploring contemporary – such as White Sage Tarot In A Tin – decks can be an enriching experience. Modern decks often reinterpret traditional symbols in a way that reflects current cultural, artistic, and philosophical perspectives. This contemporary symbolism can resonate more deeply with readers who are looking for a Tarot experience that aligns more closely with their personal worldview and the issues of the modern era.

Contemporary decks can vary widely in their approach, from minimalist art to complex, abstract illustrations. They may incorporate themes and elements that speak to today’s societal issues, personal identity, and modern spirituality. This can make readings feel more relevant and personalized. However, it’s important to remember that with contemporary decks interpretations can be more subjective, relying heavily on the reader’s intuition and personal perspective.

Click here to explore other unique contemporary Tarot decks – minimalist, watercolors, collage & more.

Hand of Deborah holding three cards from the Moonchild Tarot deck.
Cards from the Moonlight Tarot Deck.

2. Exploring the power of Images

The act of selecting a Tarot deck based on its images is a deeply personal and intuitive process. It recognizes the powerful role that imagery plays in our understanding of ourselves and the world around us. Such a choice acknowledges that the right images can guide, inspire, and reveal truths in a way that transcends conventional language, offering a unique path to self-discovery and insight.

The images on Tarot cards are not just illustrations; they are a language of their own. They are a visual lexicon that conveys ideas and concepts, bridging the gap between the conscious and subconscious mind. When you connect with the imagery of a Tarot card, it’s not just about aesthetic appreciation; it’s about feeling an inner recognition, a sense of understanding that goes beyond words.

In fact, the power of imagery in Tarot lies in its ability to mirror our inner world – our hopes, fears, desires, and conflicts. The cards serve as a reflective tool, helping us visualize and confront different aspects of our life and psyche. When we choose a Tarot deck based on its imagery, we are essentially selecting a mirror that best reflects our inner self. The cards have to resonate with our personal experiences and emotions.

3. Appreciating the Symbols

This step is interconnected with the previous one. Just as images are powerful in human experience, so are symbols. In fact, both images and symbols communicate at a level beyond words. They tap into our subconscious, evoking a spectrum of emotions and thoughts. This is particularly evident in tools like Tarot cards, where each image is laden with symbols and meanings.

When encountering a symbol – whether in art, nature, or a Tarot deck – it resonates with us on a deep, often unspoken level. Symbols have the power to evoke memories, stir emotions, and kindle thoughts that might have remained dormant. They speak to our personal experiences and cultural backgrounds, often triggering a unique, individual response.

That’s why choosing a Tarot deck based on symbols makes perfect sense. A deck that visually resonates with us is likely to be more intuitive and meaningful in our readings. The symbolism in each card should feel personal and relevant, as if it’s speaking directly to us. Some decks might incorporate specific cultural, mystical, or thematic elements that resonate more with our personal experiences or interests.

4. Feeling an intuitive connection – ensuring the deck resonates

Choosing a deck should involve feeling an intuitive connection. The deck has to resonate with us. The deck we are going to use serves to open doors within ourselves, which is why we need to choose the deck that seems to do this the most.

The right Tarot deck feels like an extension of our own psyche, helping to unlock and reveal the deeper aspects of our personality and life journey. It should feel comfortable and inspiring, creating a sense of connection and understanding.

How to know if it resonates or not? It’s possible to do that in different ways. As mentioned earlier, we can feel if it resonates by admiring the images and symbols. But, if possible, we can hold the deck and see how it feels. Does it evoke a sense of curiosity, comfort, or intrigue? Our intuitive response to a deck is often the best indicator of a good match.

The choosen deck: Pagan Otherworlds Tarot deck displayed on a table.
Pagan Otherworlds Tarot.

5. Researching and checking the reviews

Before finalizing a decision and selecting a deck, it can be helpful to seek out reviews and opinions from other Tarot enthusiasts. These insights can provide valuable information about the deck’s usability, the clarity of its imagery and symbolism, and how it has resonated with others in their readings.

Let’s clarify: are all Tarot card decks the same?

Tarot decks are not all the same even though they respond to the same code. Think of the Tarot as an established alphabet where each card is like a letter in different fonts. While the core archetypal meaning remains consistent, the artistic interpretation, style, and mood can vary significantly, influencing how these archetypes are perceived.

For instance, The Fool Tarot card always represents new beginnings, potential, and sometimes naivety, but it can be depicted in myriad ways. In a traditional deck, it may depict a joyful wanderer, emphasizing carefree adventure. In a modern deck, the same card might take on a more abstract, thought-provoking form, highlighting the Fool’s step into the unknown.

No two decks are identical unless they are mere reproductions. Each Tarot deck engages in two major conversations: the archetypal meaning of traditional symbols and the author’s interpretation. It’s akin to the biblical theme of the Trinity interpreted by different artists, conveying the same religious message with unique nuances.

Reminder: about the archetypal meaning and key symbols in the Rider-Waite Tarot deck, we’ve got you covered. Every Friday here on Born Under Saturn, we unravel the meanings and unlock the key symbols of a new tarot card. Click here to explore the tarot card meanings we’ve previously unveiled and stay updated for the next ones to come.

This emphasizes the importance of selecting a deck aligned with vision, intuition, and resonance. If the Gothic style isn’t appealing, choosing a different style is advised for a more meaningful connection. Conversely, appreciating the Gothic style can enhance the ability to capture symbols, hidden messages, and meanings.

Spoiler: Tarot decks don’t have to be gifted!

Even though the famous legend says that the first Tarot deck should be gifted, as if it were a kind of call that comes even when we are not seeking it, choosing Tarot decks yourself is more than appropriate.

Picking and choosing your Tarot decks is not a mistake; on the contrary, it’s the right thing to do because it’s important to be sure that you really have a connection with it. Even the act of choosing the deck is a beautiful moment that can give us many inspirations.

For an in-depth discussion on the legend questioning whether the first Tarot deck must be gifted, explore our detailed exploration: Must Tarot Cards Be Gifted? From Legend to Modern Perspectives. Discover insights into the legend, its diverse interpretations, the dual nature of superstition, and the best tips if you’re considering gifting a Tarot deck. What are you waiting for? Go read the article and uncover more!

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