Justice tarot card meaning, key symbols & more


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Category: Major Arcana

The Justice card is a powerful symbol of balance, fairness, and impartiality. It is the eleventh card in the Major Arcana and holds a prominent place in the tarot deck, representing the concept of justice in its purest form.

Justice: Description

The Justice card in the Rider-Waite Tarot deck portrays a regal woman seated with a tiara atop her head, embellished with a square, symbolizing the importance of a clear and well-ordered mindset. She is draped in a resplendent red robe, symbolizing both her authority and her passion for impartiality.

In her left hand, she gracefully holds a balanced scale crafted from gold, embodying the meticulous weighing of evidence and decisions. The scales she holds remain perfectly level, symbolizing objective judgment and equilibrium. In her right hand, she wields a double-edged sword, a powerful emblem of the swift and unwavering nature of justice. This sword is a representation of judgment and decision-making.

The figure of Justice stands centered between two pillars that bear a resemblance to those seen in The High Priestess and The Hierophant cards, symbolizing balance, law, and structure.

The Justice card finds its origins in early tarot decks – notably the Tarot de Marseille – which significantly influenced the Rider-Waite deck. It’s highly recommended to explore a comparison between the description we’ve just provided for the Rider-Waite Justice card and the one detailed in Jodorowsky’s bestseller, ‘The Way of Tarot’, which relates to the Marseille tarot deck. This offers a fascinating opportunity for comparison and deeper insight.

Justice: Keywords

UPRIGHT: Justice – Balance – Truth – Equity – Morality – Legal matters – Integrity – Honesty – Accountability – Legal decisions – Objectivity – Legal proceedings – Clarity – Harmony – Law and order

REVERSED: Injustice – Unfairness – Imbalance – Legal issues – Corruption – Unethical behavior – Lack of accountability – Avoiding responsibility – Broken contracts – Disregard for the law

Justice Tarot Card in the Rider-Waite deck, set in a mystical ambiance with softly glowing candles.
Justice Card in the Rider-Waite Tarot Deck.

Justice: Meaning

What does the Justice tarot card mean? Let’s explore its interpretations in both the upright and reversed positions.

Upright Meaning

In the upright position, the Justice card represents fairness, balance, and truth. It signifies the need for objective and ethical decisions, often in legal or moral matters.

This card signifies the unwavering pursuit of truth, which should always be grounded in facts and reality rather than mere hearsay or gossip. To fully comprehend the truth about others and yourself, it’s imperative to engage in a process of investigation and introspection that goes beyond surface-level assessments.

Justice suggests that you or someone in your life will receive fair treatment, and issues will be resolved with integrity. This card encourages you to seek clarity, make rational choices, and take responsibility for your actions.

It may also indicate that legal matters or contracts will be favorable, provided you approach them honestly and with a sense of equilibrium. 

Justice symbolizes the alignment of actions and consequences, advocating for ethical behavior and fair outcomes.

Reversed Meaning

When the Justice card appears in a reversed position, it suggests a lack of fairness, imbalance, or dishonesty. This may indicate that fairness is not being received, or that issues remain unresolved due to partiality or bias. Legal matters and contracts may face complications or delays, often as a result of unethical behavior or a disregard for the law.

In its reversed state, Justice serves as a cautionary reminder to address any ongoing or pending disputes, as fairness may be lacking in the current situation. It encourages a consideration of the consequences of actions and a need to take responsibility for any wrongdoing or deception. It may be necessary to rectify imbalances in life, both ethically and practically, to restore harmony and integrity.

Additionally, Justice reversed may also signal a need to approach decisions and actions with greater honesty and impartiality. It’s a call to avoid taking shortcuts or engaging in deceitful practices, as these may lead to unfavorable outcomes. In the context of legal matters or contractual agreements, it’s crucial to proceed with caution and ensure that all dealings adhere to ethical standards. 

Justice reversed highlights the need to restore balance, fairness, and ethics in order to achieve positive outcomes.

Hand holding the Justice Tarot Card from the Visconti Sforza deck.
Justice Card in the Visconti Sforza Tarot Deck.

Justice: Love meaning

In matters of love, the Justice card symbolizes a relationship founded on fairness, equilibrium, and accountability. It represents a partnership where both individuals prioritize equality, mutual respect, and open communication.

For those who are single and seeking love, the Justice card suggests the importance of seeking a partner who values fairness and embraces the principles of a balanced and harmonious connection. It underscores the significance of entering into a relationship where both parties contribute equally.

In a love reading, the Justice card encourages open and honest communication between partners to address any imbalances or issues in the relationship. It serves as a reminder to both individuals to take responsibility for their actions and choices in love, emphasizing accountability and ethical behavior.

Justice: Key symbols

The Justice card in the Rider-Waite Tarot embodies the principles of impartiality, ethical judgment, and the capacity to maintain a balanced and fair framework. Let’s delve into its key symbols.

The balanced scale  

Justice gracefully holds a balanced scale in her left hand, crafted from gold and embodying the meticulous weighing of evidence and decisions. This classic emblem symbolizes balance and fairness, underlining the idea that justice must be administered with even-handedness. 

The scales remain perfectly level, emphasizing the significance of objective judgment and equilibrium in all matters. This symbol represents the need to weigh all factors and evidence carefully in making judgments or decisions, ensuring that actions and consequences are assessed with integrity and without prejudice. The balance of the scales signifies that justice is steadfast and unmoved by the sway of emotions or personal biases.

About the scale and the position of the lady in the Justice card there is a fun fact related to the Tarot de Marseille. Jodorowsky in his book “The Way of Tarot” – which is linked before in the article, in the description –  made an interesting observation. He notes that Lady Justice balances the scale using her right elbow and left knee. This aspect can be interpreted in both positive and negative ways. It may appear as a form of manipulation or injustice, but it can also be seen as an invitation not to succumb to perfectionism.

Close-up of the Justice card in the Rider-Waite Tarot deck, highlighting the balanced scale, a key symbol of this card.
Justice's key symbol: The Balanced Scale. Rider-Waite Tarot Deck.

Double-edged sword

Justice wields a double-edged sword in her right hand, a powerful emblem of the swift and unwavering nature of justice. This symbolizes the power of reason and intellect, emphasizing the sharpness and finality of the choices influenced by the Justice card.

The sword represents judgment and decision-making, signifying the ability to cut through confusion and reveal the truth. It underscores the importance of objective judgment and the need to make decisions based on rational thinking rather than emotions. In the hands of Justice, there’s no room for ambiguity or indecision.

This symbol serves as a reminder that justice should be served impartially and without bias, ensuring that actions and consequences are assessed with integrity.

Crown with a square

Justice is often depicted wearing a crown that features a square at its center. The square is a symbol of stability, structure, and order. It suggests that justice should be rooted in a solid and well-defined foundation.

The crown represents the authority and power of Justice, signifying her role in upholding law and order. This symbol highlights the importance of ethical conduct and the preservation of justice within the boundaries of a structured and just system.

Red robe

In the Rider-Waite tarot deck, Justice is portrayed wearing a red robe that serves as a powerful symbol of her authority and her unwavering commitment to impartiality. The red robe is not merely a representation of her status but also carries connotations of courage and action. It conveys the idea that justice demands resolute and decisive steps when making judgments and decisions.

Justice’s red robe reminds us that the path of justice often requires bold and unwavering action, reinforcing the concept that fair and ethical choices should be executed with unwavering determination and conviction.

Justice: Does it mean Yes or No in a tarot reading?

While the Justice tarot card may appear to provide a clear-cut ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answer in tarot readings, delving deeper into its symbolism reveals a more nuanced perspective. Tarot readings aren’t crystal balls that predict the future with unwavering certainty. Instead, they serve as mirrors reflecting the intricate interplay between our choices and the path ahead. The true power of tarot lies in the realization that we have the capacity to shape our destinies through our actions and decisions.

To explore the intricacies of yes or no tarot readings, continue reading the dedicated article about yes or no tarot cards.

When you pose a yes or no question and draw the Justice card, it does indeed carry implications for your query, but it is not a simple binary response. Justice serves as a reminder that the outcome hinges on your actions and choices. It’s akin to the concept of ‘you reap what you sow.’ While it’s possible to temporarily skirt justice, eventually, the scales will balance. This card underscores the importance of aligning your actions with your values and principles.

No matter the challenges or dilemmas you face, the Justice card encourages you to do what you believe is right. In the long run, acting with fairness and integrity will ultimately work to your advantage.

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