2024 Leo Season Begins: Horoscope and Art analogy


On July 23, 2024, the Sun moves from Cancer to Leo, entering the sign that it represents and finding itself in its ideal position. This is indeed the season of the Sun, where the most important luminary in the astrological symbolic system is at the peak of its expression and in its natural domicile.

The Sun’s transition from Cancer to Leo marks a period of heightened self-expression, creativity, and confidence. It is a powerful time to embrace your passions, celebrate your individuality, and connect with others from the heart.


Here we share the meaning and a detailed horoscope for this season. If you’d like shorter insights, follow the Born Under Saturn Instagram page. There, we post brief content about major transits that are easier to save and share.

From Cancer to Leo, from darkness to light

The Sun in Leo follows its previous passage through Cancer, a sign that represents the luminary naturally opposed to the Sun: the Moon. Symbolically, it’s as if the Sun has been exploring its own shadows, seeking itself and navigating through the depths of emotions, only to arrive in its own kingdom where it can express itself to the fullest.

Cancer season encouraged us to look inward, to connect with our roots, and to understand our needs for security and belonging. It was a time for healing and growth, where the Sun illuminated the hidden parts of our psyche and helped us reconcile with our past.

As the Sun moves into Leo, it emerges from this emotional journey ready to shine brightly and confidently. Leo, ruled by the Sun, is about boldness, creativity, and asserting one’s individuality. This transition symbolizes a rebirth of sorts, where the insights gained during the Cancer phase are now integrated and expressed through Leo’s radiant and dynamic energy.

In Leo, the Sun is at home, able to showcase its full potential. This is a time of heightened self-awareness and charisma. People are more likely to pursue their passions with vigor, take leadership roles, and engage in activities that highlight their talents and strengths.

Illustration of Leo constellation.

How Van Gogh’s Sunflowers capture the spirit of Leo Season

Van Gogh’s Sunflower series is the ideal art to analogously represent the season of Leo. It’s not just about the Sun, warmth, and blooming; it’s about the sunflower as a symbol of light, devotion, and kindness, but most importantly, as a symbol of growth. When Van Gogh painted the Sunflowers, he didn’t just capture them in their splendor; he also depicted their decay and wilting. This is the essence of Leo season.

Leo season celebrates existence and its cycles, highlighting the vital energy present in birth, flourishing, and death. It is, in every sense, a celebration of life. Much like Van Gogh’s sunflowers, Leo season is about more than just the peak of summer’s vibrancy. It represents a deeper narrative of growth, devotion, and the cyclical nature of life.

In Leo season, we are encouraged to fully express our individuality and creativity. This is a time to shine brightly, just like the sunflowers, and to share our unique gifts with the world. Leo’s energy is about confidence, leadership, and a generous heart, mirroring the way sunflowers turn towards the Sun, symbolizing loyalty and the pursuit of light.

Furthermore, the cycle of blooming and withering depicted in Van Gogh’s work reminds us that true strength and beauty lie in embracing all phases of life. Just as sunflowers stand tall and proud even as they fade, Leo teaches us to find dignity and meaning in every stage of our personal journey.

Leo teaches us to find dignity and meaning in every stage of our personal journey.

Vincent van Gogh, Vase with 12 sunflowers, 1888.

Leo Season Horoscope

Dive into Born Under Saturn’ detailed horoscope to discover what this fiery period has in store for you.

Aries (21 March – 20 April)

Aries, the season of Leo warms and strengthens your need for expression, making you creative and eager to express your vital energy. This is the perfect time to be inspired by your intuition and follow the path of passion.

Leo season, ruled by the Sun, brings a surge of vibrant energy that aligns perfectly with your fiery nature. This period amplifies your natural charisma and drive, encouraging you to step into the spotlight and showcase your talents. Whether it’s through artistic endeavors, leadership roles, or personal projects, now is the time to let your creativity shine.Your intuitive impulses are particularly strong during this season. Trusting these inner nudges can lead you to exciting new opportunities and ventures. Leo’s influence inspires boldness and confidence, making it easier for you to pursue your passions without hesitation.This is a wonderful time to connect with others who share your enthusiasm and zest for life. Collaborative projects and social gatherings can be especially rewarding, providing a platform for you to express your ideas and inspire those around you.

Aries, Leo season enhances your expressive and creative capabilities. Embrace this period to follow your intuition and passions, and don’t be afraid to take center stage. Let the warmth and energy of Leo guide you to new heights, making this a time of vibrant self-expression and fulfillment.

Taurus (22 April – 30 May)

Taurus, the season of Leo illuminates the part of you that seeks to gain confidence and attention in your intimate and family life. You want to share, shine, and create a space for yourself at home, honoring your roots and transforming your origins into meaningful projects.

Leo season, ruled by the radiant Sun, brings a warm and empowering energy that encourages you to take pride in your personal life and relationships. This period is ideal for focusing on your home environment and the bonds you share with family members. It’s a time to infuse your living space with your unique touch, making it a true reflection of your personality and values. You may feel a stronger desire to connect deeply with your loved ones, sharing your thoughts and feelings more openly. This is an opportunity to build trust and strengthen your relationships, allowing you to feel more secure and appreciated within your family circle.

Moreover, Leo’s influence inspires you to take initiative in transforming your home and roots into tangible projects. Whether it’s through home improvements, family gatherings, or creative endeavors that honor your heritage, this season encourages you to embrace your past and use it as a foundation for growth and expression. The Leo season shines a light on your desire for confidence and recognition within your intimate and family life. Embrace this time to share your light, enhance your home, and honor your roots, turning them into meaningful projects that reflect your true self.

Gemini (21 May – 21 June)

Gemini, the season of Leo encourages you to take more space for yourself, especially in communication, without feeling guilty and setting aside responsibilities and rigor for a moment. This is the perfect time to celebrate your achievements and share your victories.

Leo season infuses your life with vibrant energy and confidence, making it an ideal period for you to express yourself freely and boldly. This is a time to let your voice be heard and to take pride in your ideas and accomplishments. Your natural talent for communication is highlighted, allowing you to captivate and inspire those around you.

During this season, give yourself permission to relax and enjoy the fruits of your hard work. It’s a time to step back from the usual demands and allow yourself to bask in your successes. Share your achievements with friends and loved ones, and let them celebrate with you. Your enthusiasm and positivity will be contagious, creating an uplifting atmosphere for everyone involved.Leo’s influence encourages you to embrace your playful and creative side. Engage in activities that bring you joy and stimulate your intellect. Whether it’s through writing, speaking, or simply engaging in stimulating conversations, let your curiosity and zest for life guide you.

Gemini, the Leo season pushes you to take more space for yourself in communication and to celebrate your achievements without guilt. Embrace this time to share your victories, relax, and enjoy the vibrant energy of the season, allowing your unique voice to shine.

Cancer (22 June – 23 July)

Cancer, the Leo Season warms and illuminates the part of you that desires to build something uniquely yours. Lay the foundations for a personal journey, even where you might feel vulnerable. This is the perfect time to risk it all.

Leo season brings a surge of confidence and vitality that can help you step out of your comfort zone. It’s a period where your inner strength and creativity are magnified, encouraging you to take bold steps towards your dreams and aspirations.This is an excellent time to focus on projects or goals that are deeply personal to you. Whether it’s starting a new venture, pursuing a passion, or simply making changes in your life that reflect your true self, the energy of Leo supports your efforts. Trust in your ability to create and nurture something that is entirely your own.

Feeling vulnerable is a natural part of this process, but Leo season invites you to embrace that vulnerability as a source of strength. Taking risks, especially those that push you towards your personal growth, can lead to profound rewards. Believe in your vision and allow yourself to shine brightly.

Cancer, this Season illuminates your desire to build something uniquely yours. Lay the foundations for a personal journey, embrace your vulnerabilities, and take the risks necessary to achieve your dreams. This is your moment to shine and create a path that is truly your own.

Leo (23 July – 23 August)

Leo, this is your season, and a new solar year begins. Along with it comes your desire to find your place in the world, both the inner world within you and the external world you inhabit. This is the perfect time to close doors on paths that are no longer for you and to open new perspectives in line with your current feelings.

As the Sun enters Leo, your natural confidence and charisma are at their peak. This is your moment to reflect on your journey over the past year and to set intentions for the future. Consider what no longer serves your growth and happiness, and be brave enough to let go of those aspects. Whether it’s old habits, relationships, or projects, clearing out the old makes room for new opportunities that resonate with your true self.

This period is about aligning your actions with your inner desires and values. Listen to your heart and intuition as you make decisions about where to direct your energy. Your ability to lead and inspire others will be particularly strong, so use this time to step into roles that allow you to express your full potential.

Leo season is about celebrating your individuality and unique talents. Embrace activities and pursuits that bring you joy and allow you to shine. Whether it’s through creative projects, social engagements, or personal achievements, let your light radiate and uplift those around you. This is your season to embrace a new solar year and to realign your life with your current desires and values. Close doors that no longer serve you and open new ones that reflect your true path. Celebrate your individuality and step confidently into the roles that allow you to shine the brightest.

Virgo (24 August – 22 September)

Virgo, the season of Leo marks the end of your solar year, and you find yourself at the perfect moment to give yourself permission to take time just for you, leaving responsibilities and duties aside. Take care of your feelings, be the protagonist of your thoughts, and be kind to yourself for the difficulties you have faced.

As the Sun moves through Leo, it’s a time for reflection and self-care. This period invites you to step back from your usual routines and obligations, allowing yourself the space to recharge and rejuvenate. Acknowledge the hard work you’ve put in over the past year and give yourself credit for the perseverance and resilience you’ve shown. Focus on nurturing your emotional well-being. Engage in activities that bring you joy and peace, whether it’s through creative pursuits, spending time in nature, or simply enjoying moments of solitude. This is your time to reconnect with your inner self and to honor your personal needs.

Being gentle with yourself is crucial during this time. Recognize the challenges you’ve overcome and the growth you’ve experienced. Treat yourself with the same compassion and understanding that you so often extend to others. Use this period to heal and to prepare yourself for the new beginnings that lie ahead.Virgo, the Leo season is your time to reflect on the past year and prioritize self-care. Allow yourself to take a break from responsibilities, nurture your emotions, and be kind to yourself. This is the perfect moment to recharge and honor your journey as you prepare for the new solar year ahead.

Libra (23 September – 23 October)

Libra, the season of Leo is here to guide you through the challenging path of sharing and creating synergies. Open yourself to the world, share your passions, believe that what you feel can become something great, and trust in the power of the collective.

As the Sun moves through Leo, it illuminates your social and collaborative spheres, encouraging you to step out and engage with others more openly. This period is perfect for fostering connections and building partnerships that can help bring your ideas and dreams to fruition.

Sharing your passions and talents with others can lead to incredible opportunities. Whether it’s a creative project, a social initiative, or a professional endeavor, your ability to work harmoniously with others will be your greatest asset. Embrace the collective energy around you and let it inspire and uplift you.

Believing in the potential of your ideas is crucial. Trust that your feelings and insights have value and that they can grow into something significant when shared with the right people. This season invites you to be confident in your contributions and to seek out those who can support and amplify your efforts.

Libra, it’s time to embrace sharing and collaboration. Open up to the world, share your passions, and trust in the collective power to turn your feelings and ideas into something great. This is a time to build connections and create synergies that can lead to meaningful and impactful outcomes.

Scorpio (23 October – 23 November)

Scorpio, the season of Leo boosts the confidence you have in what you do and in your abilities. This is the perfect time to fight for more space in the world, from your career to personal projects. Express yourself without fear and let what you have to offer be seen.

As the Sun moves through Leo, it amplifies your sense of self-assurance and encourages you to step boldly into the spotlight. This period is ideal for asserting your presence and making significant strides in your professional and personal life. Leo’s vibrant energy supports you in taking decisive actions to advance your career. Whether it’s seeking a promotion, starting a new project, or showcasing your talents, now is the time to let your capabilities shine. Don’t hold back; your confidence can inspire and attract opportunities.

On a personal level, this season encourages you to pursue your passions with renewed vigor. Dive into projects that excite you and express your creativity openly. Your unique strengths and perspectives are valuable, and sharing them can lead to rewarding experiences and connections. The Leo season enhances your confidence and encourages you to claim your space in the world. This is the time to push forward in your career and personal projects, expressing yourself fearlessly and allowing your talents to be recognized. Embrace this period of bold self-expression and let your inner light shine brightly.

Sagittarius (23 November – 21 December)

Sagittarius, the season of Leo ignites your natural desire for exploration and discovery. Let yourself be guided by your thirst for knowledge and sharing, and take all the space you need to set sail for new horizons. There is no more room for letting doubts hold you back in your personal evolution.

As the Sun moves through Leo, it amplifies your adventurous spirit and enthusiasm for learning. This is the perfect time to pursue new experiences, whether through travel, education, or expanding your horizons in other meaningful ways. Leo’s vibrant energy encourages you to embrace your curiosity and seek out the unknown.

During this period, give yourself permission to follow your passions without reservation. The desire to explore and grow is at the core of who you are, and now is the time to fully embrace it. Engage in activities that challenge your mind and spirit, and don’t hesitate to share your insights and discoveries with others.Trust in your abilities and intuition as you embark on new adventures. The confidence and courage fostered by Leo season can help you overcome any lingering doubts or fears. Remember that each step you take towards new experiences contributes to your personal growth and fulfillment.

Sagittarius, this season fuels your innate desire for exploration and knowledge. Allow yourself to be led by your curiosity and take the space needed to embark on new journeys. Overcome doubts and embrace your path of personal evolution with confidence and enthusiasm.

Capricorn (22 December – 20 January)

Capricorn, the season of Leo guides you in the personal transformation of aspects of your life that need a revolution. This is the perfect time to give yourself permission to abandon compromises and sacrifices and create a space where you can prioritize yourself.

As the Sun moves through Leo, it brings a powerful energy that encourages self-reflection and bold changes. This period is ideal for examining the areas of your life where you’ve been settling for less than you deserve. Leo’s influence empowers you to step away from unnecessary compromises and focus on your own needs and desires. This is a time for you to reclaim your power and dedicate attention to your personal growth and well-being.

Consider what changes are necessary to align your life with your true values and aspirations. Whether it’s in your career, relationships, or personal habits, now is the time to make decisions that support your happiness and fulfillment. Leo season invites you to shine and take center stage in your own life. Embrace opportunities for self-expression and leadership, and don’t be afraid to put yourself first. Your well-being and personal satisfaction are essential for achieving long-term success and balance.

The Leo season supports your personal transformation by encouraging you to abandon compromises and prioritize yourself. Use this time to make bold changes that align with your true desires and create a life where you are the top priority. Embrace the power of self-focus and let it guide you towards a more fulfilling and authentic existence.

Aquarius (21 January – 19 February)

Aquarius, the season of Leo marks the exact midpoint of your solar year and illuminates your desire to love, to listen, and to be heard. This is the perfect time to take that difficult step, to declare what you feel, and to come out into the open.

As the Sun moves through Leo, it highlights your relationships and personal connections. This period is about embracing your need for genuine communication and emotional expression. Leo’s vibrant energy encourages you to be bold in sharing your feelings and to seek deeper connections with those around you.

It’s a time to open your heart and express your true self without hesitation. Whether it’s telling someone how you feel, addressing important issues in your relationships, or simply being more present and attentive to others, this season supports you in making meaningful strides in your personal life.

Don’t shy away from taking risks in your interactions. The courage to speak your truth and show your vulnerability can lead to stronger, more authentic connections. Trust that your voice deserves to be heard and that your feelings are valid and important.This season highlights your desire for love and connection. Use this time to take bold steps in expressing your emotions, listening to others, and fostering deeper relationships. Embrace the opportunity to be open and authentic, and let your heart guide you towards more meaningful connections.

Pisces (20 February – 20 March)

Pisces, the season of Leo is your moment to revolutionize your daily life, create new habits, and think outside the box. Give yourself permission to stop following rules that no longer fit you and bring creativity and freedom into your everyday life.

As the Sun moves through Leo, it infuses your routine with vibrant energy and inspiration. This period encourages you to break free from outdated patterns and to infuse your daily activities with a sense of joy and originality. It’s an ideal time to reassess your routines and make changes that align with your true self.

Consider what aspects of your daily life feel restrictive or uninspiring. Leo season invites you to let go of these constraints and to explore new ways of doing things. Whether it’s incorporating more creative pursuits into your day, changing your work habits, or finding new ways to relax and recharge. This is the time to make your life more fulfilling and dynamic.

Embrace the freedom to express yourself fully in all that you do. Allow your intuition and imagination to guide you in creating a life that reflects your unique spirit. By bringing more creativity and spontaneity into your routine, you can transform the mundane into something magical.

Pisces, the Leo season is your opportunity to revolutionize your daily life. Stop following rules that no longer serve you and bring creativity and freedom into your everyday routines. Embrace this time to think outside the box and create a life that truly resonates with your inner self.

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