Wondering about Libra Season 2023? Discover what is about and your horoscope


From September 23, the Sun moves into Libra and will remain there until October 22, when it will give way to the transformative Scorpio. The introspective and focused energies of Virgo yield to the harmonious and romantic atmosphere of Libra Season.

What is Libra Season 2023 all about?

During this transition, the focus shifts from internal self-reflection to external engagement, particularly in relation to others. This is a phase for seeking harmony and beauty, both within ourselves and in our interactions with the world around us. It’s a time for reconciling our inner feelings with our external experiences, as well as for finding balance between our individual selves and the people who share our lives.

The season of Libra is the time when the burning Sun, representing the self that ardently seeks affirmation, cools down and becomes a gentle warmth that allows us to let go of the excesses of the ego and embrace the tender touch of the Other.

It’s that moment in the zodiac circle where the relentless needs of the ego fall away like leaves from a tree, and stripped bare, the tree rejuvenates and becomes aware of its surroundings. The tree sheds its flashy attire and, laid bare in its essence, allows itself the joy of rediscovery and trust. The stripping away of the ego is an act of love that Venus grants us to restructure ourselves and prepare for a winter that will lead us towards the spring of the soul. After all, the Venus of Libra is not alone in this journey of love; beside her is Saturn, who knows how to use this time without wasting anything, who understands the poetry of sacrifice, and who is willing to give up a part of itself to offer it to another.

Embracing harmony and vulnerability in the season of Libra

To make the most of this romantic, gentle, and harmonious season, we can embrace values like cooperation, humility, and the willingness to let go of old certainties in favor of a shared vision.

Coming from the season of Virgo, which taught us to pay attention not just to the bigger picture but also to the finer details, we’ve learned to appreciate not just the extraordinary but also the ordinary. We understand that every small cog is crucial to the functioning of the larger machine. The season of Libra invites us to create harmony and reminds us that we are part of a greater whole, and that energy thrives on synergy.

When doubt, insecurity, and indecision make their presence felt, let’s not push them away but rather embrace these emotions. Under the shadow of a Sun that shines less fiercely, and in the light of a new vulnerability that emerges when we decide to open up and trust others, conflicting emotions can color our minds. The right response isn’t avoidance or shutting down, but rather acceptance and openness toward uncertainty. After all, as Saturn teaches us, even if we can’t control the future, there is a time we can shape and steer: the present.

Your Libra season horoscope for your Sun and rising sign

Read on to know the effects Libra season in 2023 will have on every zodiac sign.

ARIES (March 20-April 19)

Libra Season beckons you to step out of your own universe and direct your energies toward the Other. It shines a spotlight on your opposite astrological sector, urging you not just to face but to integrate your shadow self – qualities like patience, active listening, and inclusion that you may often overlook. This is a period for understanding that the zodiac sign opposite to yours holds lessons for personal growth. For example, Aries finds its true self and balance when embracing its more altruistic and patient side. It’s a reminder that beyond one’s self, there’s a broader world. Aries learns its greatest lessons when it trusts and slows down, understanding that individualism can coexist with the collective.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20)

This season urges you to devote yourself with love and beauty to your daily life, to the small details, to the work of each day, and to the things you usually take for granted. You’ll feel a compelling desire to rediscover beauty both within and around you. The season of Libra illuminates specific sectors of your life, and when it does, it brings a yearning for harmony and justice into these realms. For Taurus individuals, the spotlight is on the domain of daily routines and health. This is an opportune time to invest your energy wisely in these aspects. Cultivating balance and a sense of justice within your day-to-day activities and well-being not only aligns with the energies of Libra season but also stands to significantly improve the quality of your life.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20)

The season of Libra imbues you with the right level of confidence to step onto life’s stage and express your talents and passions. Give yourself permission to have fun and let passion and love be your guides, setting aside strategies and the need for affirmation. This is a time when the energies of Libra encourage you to seek a harmonious balance between your own desires and the joy of simply being. By doing so, you allow yourself the freedom to explore and celebrate your individuality, while also appreciating the beauty and balance that come from heartfelt connections. Moreover, allowing yourself to gently let go and simply flow with the currents can be an uplifting and enriching experience. This season illuminates the path for greater emotional equilibrium and imparts the wisdom of adopting a less rigid stance in life.

CANCER (June 21-July 22)

The season of Libra isn’t solely about love and romanticism, but also about rigor, order, and harmony. These are the values you’ll want to incorporate into your personal life, particularly the sacred space you call home. Taking care of your roots and family will come naturally to you during this season, and when done with a sense of justice and empathy, you’ll bring beauty and authenticity to these intimate settings. Libra’s influence urges you to find that elusive balance between your innermost desires and outer responsibilities. It encourages you to invest in relationships that nourish your soul while also elevating the quality of your domestic life. In doing so, you create a harmonious environment that not only provides comfort but also serves as a sanctuary where everyone can grow and flourish.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22)

The season of Libra illuminates a part of you that you find genuinely enjoyable, particularly the elements associated with expression, communication, and synergy. It encourages you to engage with others through a lens of empathy and sweetness, urging you to shift your focus from a single-minded pursuit of your wants to a more balanced and mutual exchange. In this process, you’ll find yourself enveloped in love and deep mutual respect. Libra’s influence doesn’t just emphasize superficial interactions; it calls for a genuine, open, and sincere communication. It reminds you that authentic conversations, where both parties feel heard and valued, form the cornerstone of any meaningful relationship. When you embrace this level of dialogue, you’re not just extending goodwill towards others, you’re also enhancing your own emotional and social well-being. By investing in authentic, two-way communication, you end up drawing warmth and affection towards yourself, thus enriching not just your immediate relationships but your broader connection to the world around you.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

The season of Libra beckons you to commit wholeheartedly to your new beginnings. You’ve identified what you desire, and now is the pivotal moment to set your wheels in motion towards that direction. Do so with sustained focus, harmony, and dedication. 

Libra’s energies urge you to elevate your relationship with action—grant yourself the permission to act and put an end to endless ruminations. It’s time to shift from contemplation to realization, infusing each step with the Libran virtues of balance and deliberation. Trust in the stability this star sign lends and take the plunge into your new venture. After all, it’s action, not just intention, that turns dreams into reality.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct 22)

Your new solar cycle begins, and with it, you feel the desire to sow new intentions. You may want to discover yourself, or you might simply want to find yourself again. It’s a time to pause the life that flows on autopilot, and pay attention to what you feel and what you desire. This period also ignites within you the will to take charge of your life anew. No longer content to let unresolved matters from your past linger and cloud your future, you’ll feel a newfound determination to settle them once and for all. It’s as if a weight you didn’t fully realize was there starts to lift, revealing a clear path ahead. This isn’t just about closure; it’s about opening new doors that were previously hidden or locked. It’s about rediscovering your autonomy, your willpower, and taking back the narrative of your life. It’s a transformative time, not just a new chapter but potentially a whole new section of your life’s book.

Statue to represent the Libra season 2023.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

The season of Libra represents the final stage of your solar cycle, that moment where you can retreat within yourself, even in the silence of your mind, and take stock of what has been accomplished and what still needs to be sorted out. If you feel the need to take a step back and create some space from a situation that’s pressing you, now is the right time to do so. This period is not just about finding a harmonious balance but also about identifying and letting go of what no longer serves you.

It might be difficult to detach from old situations that have become comfort zones, but these could very well be hindering your growth and authenticity. Strive for realignment and reassessment. Aim for a new state of equilibrium, one that allows you to be more authentically yourself. Your sense of harmony should be internally driven and reflect your true needs and desires, not just what is convenient or familiar. Libra season encourages you to let go, to reevaluate, and to achieve a new state of balance that is aligned with your true self.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

The season of Libra urges you to seek harmony in the world around you, encompassing people, friends, family, and even the ‘Other’ whom you have yet to meet. Let go of the ego and light up a new path filled with empathy, solidarity, and synergy. Give yourself permission to view others as allies and allow yourself to be swept away in the dance of complicity. 

As you immerse yourself in this season, you may find that your relationships deepen and become more meaningful. The scales of Libra invite you to weigh your actions and thoughts carefully, not to restrict you but to make your interactions more authentic and fulfilling. This is a time to understand the beauty of give-and-take, the art of listening as much as speaking, and the incredible power of mutual respect and understanding. It’s not merely about you, but about how you fit into the broader tapestry of human relationships and social dynamics.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

The season of Libra illuminates that yearning for harmony and completeness that often leads you down the path of perfectionism. Allow yourself the luxury of uncertainty. Embrace the thrill of embarking on a journey without having a fixed destination in sight, savoring the beauty of infinite possibilities. 

It’s a time to let your mind rest, to step back and ponder, but also a moment to re-anchor yourself in the initial reasons that propelled you in a certain direction to begin with. Return to your core intentions with authenticity, and don’t be afraid to recalibrate your approach. The essence of this Libra season is not just about seeking perfect balance, but also about understanding that sometimes the scales tip to bring valuable lessons and new directions into focus.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

The season of Libra accompanies you with gentleness and tranquility along a path designed to broaden your horizons. What you may find just around the corner could be both exhilarating and intimidating. Embrace abundance and don’t retreat; continue on, even when faced with the unknown, because it’s there that opportunities often lie. 

This is the ideal time to try something new, to afford yourself the opportunity to meet someone or something that can remind you of the value of diversity. In a world where uniformity often dulls our senses, the Libra season invites you to celebrate the myriad shades of human experience, urging you to step out of your comfort zone and into a realm where true growth becomes feasible.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20)

The season of Libra opens the doors for an introspective journey that will lead you towards changes that are as radical as they are necessary. Though these shifts might be painful, they will reshape how you perceive, judge, and treat yourself – for the better. 

Now is the moment to open up with truth and authenticity to the people you love, showing not just the side of you that everyone knows but also those aspects that you tend to hide in your emotional ocean. Open up without the fear of being misunderstood; in the process of trust, you will rediscover how your shadows can be understood and healed. Past wounds are ready to be mended once and for all, and this Libra season offers the perfect tapestry of energies to facilitate that deep emotional stitching. Embrace it, for within that vulnerability lies your strength.

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