Step into a New Era: October’s Libra Solar Eclipse and Its Opportunities


On October 2, 2024, the New Moon will rise in the sign of Libra, but this time it is a more significant event because it is an annular solar eclipse. This event will close the eclipse season in Libra, which will reoccur in 2033. It’s about ending a cycle, and it will be done in the best possible way, as Libra teaches that everything ends to open up something else.

As this eclipse marks a significant ending, it also heralds the start of a new phase where the lessons learned about balance and relationships can be applied more effectively. This transition is a powerful time for setting intentions that align with Libra’s values of peace, justice, and partnership. It fosters growth and improvements in how we relate to others and ourselves.

To fully grasp the context of this New Moon, also listen to the October horoscope on the Born Under Saturn podcast.

Solar eclipse’s energies: entering a new era

This solar eclipse, although it embodies the concept of closing a season, also encapsulates the idea of an opening. It’s somewhat like entering a new era through a portal that opens for those who know how to see it. We are in the sign of Libra, where everything is about balance and measure. But we are also in the realm of relationships, both interpersonal and collaborative.

This period may bring significant shifts in how we connect with others, urging us to leave behind relationships that no longer serve us and to strengthen those that bring mutual growth and satisfaction. As Libra also governs legal bindings and agreements, this eclipse could signal important developments in legal matters or new collaborations that could have long-lasting effects. 

In practical terms, any collaborations that form now have the potential to yield the results dreamed of and even more. However, this should not be seen as merely a gift from the sky: the old saying that nothing is given for free is not wrong. Success is favored if we can navigate the lessons of the sign: balance and measure.

Solar Eclipse picture
Solar Eclipse from Caroline Island, H. A. Lawrence British C. Ray Woods British May 6, 1883

Libra Solar Eclipse Horoscope

Below, we’ll explore the horoscope specifically for this New Moon in Libra. For a fuller understanding of the current celestial events, read the October transits and horoscopes here, or listen to your horoscope here.

Aries (21 March – 20 April)

Aries, the New Moon in Libra pushes you to make space both within and around you, as new people and experiences are eager to enter and be lived. It’s the right time to cut the chains that bind you to people who are no longer truly connected to you and to move towards a new version of yourself.

This period of transformation encourages you to embrace change and welcome growth. It’s an opportunity to reassess your relationships and environments, making adjustments that align better with your current needs and future aspirations. As you let go of outdated attachments and habits, you create room for new opportunities that can lead to a more fulfilling and balanced life. Embrace the energy of the Libra New Moon to foster harmony and balance in your personal and professional relationships, ensuring that they contribute positively to your journey of self-discovery and improvement.

Taurus (22 April – 30 May)

Taurus, this special New Moon in Libra urges you to leave behind everything that no longer serves your mind and body well. It pushes you to perform an extreme cleanse of things that inhibit growth and suffocate. Focus on what is essential and beneficial, and free yourself from the burden of the superfluous. 

Take this time to reevaluate your priorities and commitments. This celestial event offers a perfect moment for introspection and decision-making regarding your health, relationships, and personal goals. Simplify your life by removing clutter: not just physical, but also emotional and psychological. As you clear out what’s unnecessary, you’ll find more space and energy to invest in activities and relationships that truly align with your values and enhance your well-being. Let the balancing energy of Libra guide you towards a more harmonious and focused existence.

Gemini (21 May – 21 June)

Gemini, under the light of this intense New Moon in Libra, you feel creative, poetic, and connected to everything. Leave behind anything that feels drained and make yourself available for new creative energies. It’s the time to embark on new and ambitious projects that express your inner artistry.

Embrace this period as a golden opportunity to explore and develop your talents in ways that might have seemed intimidating before. Libra’s energy encourages balance and harmony, which can help you channel your ideas into structured, tangible outputs that not only fulfill your creative urges but also resonate with others. Use this creative surge to innovate and experiment, stepping out of your comfort zone and into a realm where your artistic expressions can truly flourish. This is a powerful time for self-expression, networking, and collaboration, which could lead to significant breakthroughs in how you share your creativity with the world.

Cancer (22 June – 23 July)

Cancer, the Libra New Moon is an opportunity for you to look in the mirror, rediscover your essence, and listen to your inner voice. You are ready to accept your path and leave behind anything that was distancing you from it. Embrace new projects that allow you to strengthen your sense of belonging and connection with your roots.

As you move forward, consider this a transformative period where you can realign with your core values and deepest desires. This moon phase invites you to shed layers that no longer serve you and to foster relationships and endeavors that reflect your true self. It’s an ideal time to cultivate emotional stability and to nurture your personal growth. By focusing on what truly matters to you, you create a stronger foundation for your future, one that resonates more authentically with who you are and where you want to be.

Leo (23 July – 23 August)

Leo, this special New Moon in Libra represents for you a portal to a deep and meaningful connection with Others, whoever they may be. It’s the right time to open yourself up to what can happen if you step out of your comfort zone and explore, with confidence, unfamiliar territories.

As you embrace this opportunity, consider how reaching out and engaging with new people or entering new environments can enrich your life. Libra’s influence encourages harmony and balanced relationships, which can help you navigate these new interactions with grace and mutual respect. This is a moment to learn from others and to share your own warmth and generosity, creating connections that are both rewarding and enlightening. Trust in your charismatic nature to make this journey engaging and filled with growth opportunities.

Virgo (24 August – 22 September)

Virgo, the New Moon in Libra opens you up to new possibilities that you had never considered, and now the impossible seems possible. New projects can begin even without a structured plan or a clear idea of the final goal because what matters now is laying the foundations for a new future.

This special lunar phase invites you to embrace flexibility and adaptability: qualities that might not always come naturally to your methodical nature. Allow yourself to explore and experiment without the pressure of having everything perfectly aligned from the start. This is a time for creative beginnings, for trusting the process, and for being open to where the journey may lead you. As you navigate this period, focus on the potential for growth and transformation, letting the evolving Libra energy guide you towards balance and new harmonies in your life.

Solar Eclipse

Libra (23 September – 23 October)

Libra, this is your Moon, marking the end of an eclipse cycle that you have undoubtedly felt deeply. It closes as your new solar year begins, and for you, this means a fresh start, rediscovering beauty, and regaining enthusiasm even where it was lost. Open yourself to new possibilities, leaving behind mental limits and fears.

This period of renewal offers you a chance to reset your perspectives and embrace a more optimistic outlook on life. This special phase encourages you to seek harmony and balance not just in your relationships, but internally as well. As you shed old habits and outdated beliefs, you make room for growth and personal development. Embrace this time as an opportunity to realign with your core values and passions, setting intentions that reflect the truest version of yourself.

Scorpio (23 October – 23 November)

Scorpio, this special New Moon in Libra illuminates that part of you that can deeply connect with your inner self. It’s the right time to open yourself to new, even spiritual, approaches that can help you create more room for practical potential.

During this phase, consider exploring new methods of self-discovery and personal growth. This might include meditation, introspective practices, or engaging with spiritual or psychological concepts that challenge and expand your understanding of yourself and your place in the world. This lunar cycle encourages you to delve into the depths of your psyche, uncovering hidden aspects of your personality and harnessing them to foster both personal and professional growth. Embrace this time as an opportunity to transform inwardly, allowing these internal changes to positively influence your external circumstances.

Sagittarius (23 November – 21 December)

Sagittarius, the New Moon in Libra opens new possibilities for you, allowing you to arrive in new harbors. During this new journey, consider the possibility of joining forces with people who share your values, as your inner strength will become creation when united with the collective.

This is a time to embrace collaboration and community involvement. The energy of Libra encourages you to find balance not only within yourself but also in your relationships with others. As you explore these new opportunities, focus on how you can contribute to and grow from the collective dynamics. Networking, partnerships, and collaborative projects are especially favored now. Leverage this period to build alliances that can support your goals and aspirations, and remember that together, you can achieve more than you can alone. This alignment with like-minded individuals can lead to significant achievements and personal fulfillment.

Capricorn (22 December – 20 January)

Capricorn, the New Moon in Libra shines an intense light on your desire for growth and independence, helping you break free from situations that obstructed your view and clouded your vision of the future. With this Moon, there also comes a desire to embark on new exciting adventures, involving the people who are important to you.

This is a powerful time for making significant changes and setting ambitious goals. Libra’s influence encourages you to find balance between your personal ambitions and your relationships. As you clear away past limitations, consider how you can leverage your strong organizational skills and practical mindset in fresh, innovative ways. This lunar phase is ideal for starting new projects or taking risks that you may have previously hesitated to tackle. Involve your trusted allies and loved ones in your plans; their support could be crucial in helping you achieve your objectives and add a richer, more collaborative dimension to your endeavors.

Aquarius (21 January – 19 February)

Aquarius, this powerful and special New Moon will ignite a new drive within you for exploration and travel. This could be a fresh start that prompts you to leave the old paths behind and set sail for new seas. Even if fear of not finding what you left behind holds you back, remember that nothing remains the same as before.

Embrace this period as an opportunity for significant personal growth and change. The energy of the New Moon in Libra, which emphasizes balance and relationships, will help you harmonize your desire for independence with your connections to others. Consider this time as a gateway to discovering new aspects of yourself and the world around you. Let go of the familiar and comfortable to welcome new experiences and knowledge that can profoundly transform your perspective and life path. The journey might be uncertain, but it promises to be enriching, leading to unseen opportunities and new beginnings.

Pisces (20 February – 20 March)

Pisces, the New Moon in Libra offers you a chance for mental, spiritual, and psychic renewal. It’s the right time to delve deep and heal those wounds that, still open, continue to block your path. Now you are ready to start over, but nothing will be as before because you too are different. You are reborn from the ashes of past pains.

This phase of renewal encourages you to embrace transformation and to release the burdens that have held you back. The energy of Libra, centered on balance and harmony, aids you in finding equilibrium in your emotional life. Use this time to reflect, meditate, and connect with your innermost self. This introspection can lead to profound insights and significant emotional healing. As you close old chapters, you pave the way for new experiences that align more closely with your evolved self and true spirit.

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